netcool omnibus probe rules - tivoli

I have following probable values for $6 coming to netcool omnibus rules.
I would like to extract the InstanceName from $6
Below are $6 values
6 = ";SQLSERVER1:1"
6 = ";SQL2012TESTSTD1;SQLAgent$SQL2012TESTSTD1:1"
6 = ";SQL2012TESTSTD1;DB2:1"
6 = ";SQL2014STD;SQLAgent$SQL2014STD:1"
6 = ";SQL2012TESTSTD1;DB2:1"
6 = ";SQL2014STD:1"
6 = ";SQL2012TESTSTD1;DB2:1"
6 = ";SQL2014STD;SQLAgent$SQL2014STD:1"
6 = ";SQL2012TURKSTD1;DB1:1"
6 = "Microsoft.SQLServer.2014.DBFile:CTNTV01;MSSQLSERVER;SPOT;1;35:1"
6 = ""
I have tried below code to extract, it works for most of them above.
#temp = extract($6, ";([^\:]+)\:")
if (regmatch(#temp, "[\;]"))
#temp = extract(#temp, "([^\:]+)\;")
But it does not work for
I believe the second extract inside if statement needs to be corrected little more.
It extracts until MSSQLSERVER;SPOT;1, however I only want MSSQLSERVER from it.
Can you please help in correcting this.

Try with below.
#temp = extract($6, ";([^\:]+)\:")
if (regmatch(#temp, "[\;]"))
#temp = extract(#temp, "([^\;]+)\;")


Typoscript image change every 15 days

I would like to make a change of image say every 15 days. Or twice a month. When the date is between the 1 and 15 is an image, and if it is from 16 to 30 another, so on, are 24 images in the year. I would like it to be the typoscript that manages the change of the image.
I took the following typosript:
lib.headerlogo1 = COA
lib.headerlogo1 {
10 {
divSem.cObject = TEXT
divSem.cObject {
data = date:U
strftime = %U
current = 1 = date:U
setCurrent.wrap = |/2
prioriCalc = 1
20 = FILES
20 {
references {
data = levelmedia: -1, slide
renderObj = IMAGE
renderObj {
file.import.dataWrap = {file:current:storage}:{file:current:identifier}
#file.import.listNum = 0 = file:current:title
# Affiche bien la valeur de : divSem
#stdWrap.insertData = 1
#stdWrap.wrap = <div class="banner{register:divSem}">|</div>
# insertData = 1
insertData = 1
begin = {register:divSem}
maxItems = 1
30 = TEXT
30 {
stdWrap.insertData = 1
stdWrap.wrap = <div class="{register:divSem}">|</div>
The problem is that I can not start the value of the registry begin = {register:divSem} ... It always starts at 0! Do you have an idea ? The display of the registers in 30 = TEXT is correct.
Do you have a good idea to modify the typoscript?
I just found the solution, instead of begin = {register: divSem}, I did this:
begin.cObject = TEXT
begin.cObject {
value = 0
value.override.cObject = CASE
value.override.cObject { = register:divSem
1 = TEXT
1.value = 1
2 = TEXT
2.value = 2
24 = TEXT
24.value = 24
default = TEXT
default.value = 2
Maybe there is more simple, if you have an idea, I'm interested.
Best regards.
You found the important detail: you need a .cObject to fill in any data in the simple property.
Why so complicated with a CASE that outputs the same as the key?
So the simplest way would be:
begin.cObject = TEXT = register:divSem
maybe this also worked like you do in .30:
begin = {register:divSem}
begin.insertData = 1
and a more direct way of your .30:
instead of an .insertData for a .wrap use .dataWrap
begin.stdWrap.dataWrap = {register:divSem}
30 = TEXT
30.dataWrap = <div class="{register:divSem}">|</div>

advice to make my below Pig code simple

Here is my code and I do two group all operations and my code works. My purpose is to generate all student unique user count with their total scores, student located in CA unique user count. Wondering if good advice to make my code simple to use only one group operation, or any constructive ideas to make code simple, for example using only one FOREACH operation? Thanks.
student_all = group student all;
student_all_summary = FOREACH student_all GENERATE COUNT_STAR(student) as uu_count, SUM(student.mathScore) as count1,SUM(student.verbScore) as count2;
student_CA = filter student by LID==1;
student_CA_all = group student_CA all;
student_CA_all_summary = FOREACH student_CA_all GENERATE COUNT_STAR(student_CA);
Sample input (student ID, location ID, mathScore, verbScore),
1 1 10 20
2 1 20 30
3 1 30 40
4 2 30 50
5 2 30 50
6 3 30 50
Sample output (unique user, unique user in CA, sum of mathScore of all students, sum of verb Score of all students),
7 3 150 240
thanks in advance,
You might be looking for this.
data = load '/tmp/temp.csv' USING PigStorage(' ') as (sid:int,lid:int, ms:int, vs:int);
gdata = group data all;
result = foreach gdata {
student_CA = filter data by lid == 1;
student_CA_sum = SUM( student_CA.sid ) ;
student_CA_count = COUNT( student_CA.sid ) ;
mathScore = SUM(;
verbScore = SUM(data.vs);
GENERATE student_CA_sum as student_CA_sum, student_CA_count as student_CA_count, mathScore as mathScore, verbScore as verbScore;
Output is:
grunt> dump result
grunt> describe result
result: {student_CA_sum: long,student_CA_count: long,mathScore: long,verbScore: long}
first load the file(student)in hadoop file system. The perform the below action.
split student into student_CA if locationId == 1, student_Other if locationId != 1;
student_CA_all = group student_CA all;
student_CA_all_summary = FOREACH student_CA_all GENERATE COUNT_STAR(student_CA) as uu_count,COUNT_STAR(student_CA)as locationCACount, SUM(student_CA.mathScore) as mScoreCount,SUM(student_CA.verbScore) as vScoreCount;
student_Other_all = group student_Other all;
student_Other_all_summary = FOREACH student_Other_all GENERATE COUNT_STAR(student_Other) as uu_count,0 as locationOtherCount:long, SUM(student_Other.mathScore) as mScoreCount,SUM(student_Other.verbScore) as vScoreCount;
student_CAandOther_all_summary = UNION student_CA_all_summary, student_Other_all_summary;
student_summary_all = group student_CAandOther_all_summary all;
student_summary = foreach student_summary_all generate SUM(student_CAandOther_all_summary.uu_count) as studentIdCount, SUM(student_CAandOther_all_summary.locationCACount) as locationCount, SUM(student_CAandOther_all_summary.mScoreCount) as mathScoreCount , SUM(student_CAandOther_all_summary.vScoreCount) as verbScoreCount;
dump student_summary;
Hope this helps :)
While solving your problem, I also encountered an issue with PIG. I assume it is because of improper exception handling done in UNION command. Actually, it can hang you command line prompt, if you execute that command, without proper error message. If you want I can share you the snippet for that.
The answer accepted has an logical error.
Try to have the below input file
1 1 10 20
2 1 20 30
3 1 30 40
4 2 30 50
5 2 30 50
6 3 30 50
7 1 10 10
The output will be
The output should be
I have modified the script to work correct.
data = load '/tmp/temp.csv' USING PigStorage(' ') as (sid:int,lid:int, ms:int, vs:int);
gdata = group data all;
result = foreach gdata {
student_CA_sum = COUNT( data.sid ) ;
student_CA = filter data by lid == 1;
student_CA_count = COUNT( student_CA.sid ) ;
mathScore = SUM(;
verbScore = SUM(data.vs);
GENERATE student_CA_sum as student_CA_sum, student_CA_count as student_CA_count, mathScore as mathScore, verbScore as verbScore;

Conditionally modifying multiple strings with For

So I have 13 binary values, which I call b_1... b_13, and based off these values I'd like to either set something I call indic_j to a previously defined string called inf_j, or nothing at all. Is it possible to do this without using 13 "If..." statements? What I have tried is below:
inf_1 = "aaaaa"
inf_2 = "bbbbb"
... and so on defining 13 infs, where aaaaa, bbbbb etc are names of columns in a table that I want to select.
FOR j = 1 to 13
IF b_j = 1 THEN "indic_"+j = inf_j + ",";
ELSE "indic_"+j = ""
Also, before this I haven't introduced anything called indic_1, indic_2, etc. Is this needed?
My end goal is to transfer selected columns over to Excel. I've no problems doing this with predetermined columns, but I'm not sure how to allow for selected columns only.
I've tried using 13 IF statements, but I'm getting operator/operand type mismatch errors. My code currently is
IIF(b_1 = 1, indic_1 = inf_1 + ",",indic_1 = "")
IIF(b_2 = 1, indic_1 = inf_2 + ",",indic_1 = "")
IIF(b_3 = 1, indic_1 = inf_3 + ",",indic_1 = "")
and so on for 13 times, and then
SELECTIONRANG = indic_1 + indic_2 + indic_3 + indic_4 + indic_5 + indic_6 +indic_7 + indic_8 + indic_9 + indic_10 + indic_11 + indic_12 + indic_13
You could create te variable name as a string and use it with &
ind = 13
Var = "inf_" + ind
&Var ** inf_13

more problems with the LAG function is SAS

The following bit of SAS code is supposed to read from a dataset which contains a numeric variable called 'Radvalue'. Radvalue is the temperature of a radiator, and if a radiator is switched off but then its temperature increases by 2 or more it's a sign that it has come on, and if it is on but its temperature decreases by 2 or more it's a sign that it's gone off.
Radstate is a new variable in the dataset which indicates for every observation whether the radiator is on or off, and it's this I'm trying to fill in automatically for the whole dataset.
So I'm trying to use the LAG function, trying to initialise the first row, which doesn't have a dif_radvalue, and then trying to apply the algorithm I just described to row 2 onwards.
Any idea why the columns Radstate and l_radstate come out completely blank?
Thanks everso much!! Let me know if I haven't explained the problem clearly.
Data work.heating_algorithm_b;
Input ID Radvalue;
1 15.38
2 15.38
3 20.79
4 33.47
5 37.03
6 40.45
7 40.45
8 40.96
9 39.44
10 31.41
11 26.49
12 23.06
13 21.75
14 20.16
15 19.23
DATA temp.heating_algorithm_c;
SET temp.heating_algorithm_b;
DIF_Radvalue = Radvalue - lag(Radvalue);
l_Radstate = lag(Radstate);
if missing(dif_radvalue) then
dif_radvalue = 0;
radstate = "off";
else if l_Radstate = "off" & DIF_Radvalue > 2 then Radstate = "on";
else if l_Radstate = "on" & DIF_Radvalue < -2 then Radstate = "off";
else Radstate = l_Radstate;
You were trying to perform the LAG function on a variable only existing in the output data set (RADSTATE). I replaced the LAG on RADSTATE with a RETAIN. Also, you were right to keep the LAG function outside any conditional logic...Try the below code.
Data work.heating_algorithm_b;
Input ID Radvalue;
1 15.38
2 15.38
3 20.79
4 33.47
5 37.03
6 40.45
7 40.45
8 40.96
9 39.44
10 31.41
11 26.49
12 23.06
13 21.75
14 20.16
15 19.23
DATA work.heating_algorithm_c;
length radstate $3;
retain radstate;
SET work.heating_algorithm_b;
if _n_=1 then do;
else do;
DIF_Radvalue = Radvalue-Old_Radvalue;
if Radstate = "off" & DIF_Radvalue > 2 then Radstate = "on";
else if Radstate = "on" & DIF_Radvalue < -2 then Radstate = "off";
/* Else Radstate stays the same */
I have no SAS experience, but maybe you need a missing(l_Radstate) check to cover the first time through, maybe something like this:
if missing(l_Radstate) then
do; radstate = "off"; end;
I think that would only be needed if the Radvalue - lag(Radvalue) did not force DIF_Radvalue to be missing. If it does, I am not sure what would help...

How did the sphinx calculate the weight?

This is a cross-post, it is firstly posted at the sphinx forum,however I got no answer, so I post it here.
First take a look at a example:
The following is my table(just for test used):
| Id | title | body |
| 1 | National first hospital | NASA |
| 2 | National second hospital | Space Administration |
| 3 | National govenment | Support the hospital |
I want to search the contents from the title and body field, so I config the sphinx.conf
as shown followed:
--------The sphinx config file----------
source mysql
type = mysql
sql_host = localhost
sql_user = root
sql_pass =0000
sql_db = testfull
sql_port = 3306 # optional, default is 3306
sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8
sql_query = SELECT * FROM test
index mysql
source = mysql
path = var/data/mysql_old_test
docinfo = extern
mlock = 0
morphology = stem_en, stem_ru, soundex
min_stemming_len = 1
min_word_len = 1
charset_type = utf-8
html_strip = 0
mem_limit = 128M
listen = 9312
read_timeout = 5
max_children = 30
max_matches = 1000
seamless_rotate = 0
preopen_indexes = 0
unlink_old = 1
pid_file = var/log/
log = var/log/searchd_mysql.log
query_log = var/log/query_mysql.log
Then I reindex the db and start the searchd daemon.
In my client side I set the attribute as:
----------Client side config-------------------
sc = new SphinxClient();
///other thing
HashMap<String, Integer> weiMap=new HashMap<String, Integer>();
weiMap.put("title", 100);
weiMap.put("body", 0);
sc.SetSortMode(SphinxClient.SPH_SORT_EXTENDED,"#weight DESC");
When I try to search "National hospital", I got the following output:
Query 'National hospital' retrieved 3 of 3 matches in 0.0 sec.
Query stats:
'nation' found 3 times in 3 documents
'hospit' found 3 times in 3 documents
1. id=3, weight=101
2. id=1, weight=100
3. id=2, weight=100
The match number (three matched) is right,however the order of the result is not what I
Obviously the document of id 1 and 2 should be the most closed items to the required
string( "National hospital" ), so in my opinion they should be given the largest
weights,but they are orderd at the last position.
I wonder if there is anyway to meet my requirement?
1)please do not suggestion me set the sortModel to :
sc.SetSortMode(SphinxClient.SPH_SORT_EXTENDED,"#weight ASC");
This may work for just this example, it will caused some other potinal problems.
2)Actuall the contents in my table is Chinese, I just use the "National Hosp..l" to make
a example.
1° You ask "National hospital" but sphinx search "nation" and "hospit" because
morphology = stem_en, stem_ru, soundex
2° You give weight
weiMap.put("title", 100);
weiMap.put("body", 0);
to unexisting text fields
sql_query = SELECT * FROM test
3° finaly my simple answer to main question
You sort by weight,
the third row has more weight because no words between nation and hospit
