Using protected $dateFormat throws trailing error - laravel

I am trying to format the date at the model using:
protected $dateFormat = "Y-m-d";
and I am getting this error:
"The separation symbol could not be found Trailing data" on line 582 of C:\wamp64\www\\vendor\nesbot\carbon\src\Carbon\Carbon.php
protected $dateFormat = "Y";
causes this error:
"Trailing data" on line 582 of C:\wamp64\www\\vendor\nesbot\carbon\src\Carbon\Carbon.php
This example is from the October docs.
Whats is wrong here?

I'm not familiar with the example you have given (ie: using protected $dateFormat = "Y-m-d";) but when I do something like this I tend to use an accessor on the model:
public function getFormattedDateAttribute($value)
return $this->created_at->format('Y-m-d');
Obviously created_at would need to be replaced with the name of the date field. You'd then be able to access it in Twig as {{ array.formatted_date }}.

I cannot name this as good answer, but for now i at least can continue.
I simply changed format of the columns (created_at and updated_at) to date format and it stores the way i wanted it, but i always trying to fix problems (this habbit takes a lot of my time).
another option is to use handlebar helper for this.
But i want to understand the problem in the root.
(btw - thanks for answers)


metafor package, rma.uni, mods, Model matrix contains character variables

I'm trying to run a meta-regression with MD's as dependent variable. I want to add a numeric moderator (year published) to the rma.uni function.
Formula so far:
metafor::rma.uni(yi=MCID12, sei=SE12, method="FE", data=Pain, slab=paste(Pain$Author, Pain$Year), weighted=TRUE, subset=(Pain$outcomegruppe=="9"), mods =("Pain$Year") )
I always get the error message:
Error in metafor::rma.uni(yi = MCID12, sei = SE12, method = "FE", data = Pain, :
Model matrix contains character variables.
My "Year" veriable is definetly numeric. As soon as I don't use the "mods" argument, everything works normal.
Could anyone help me with this problem?
Thanks in advance!
Don't put Year in quotes. Also, you don't need the Pain$ parts and weighted=TRUE is the default. This should do it:
metafor::rma.uni(yi=MCID12, sei=SE12, method="FE", data=Pain, slab=paste(Author, Year),
subset=(outcomegruppe=="9"), mods=~Year)

Why appears the "GBP10.00" instead of "10.00"?

I have a model where I have this function:
public function showPrice(){
return money_format('%i€', $this->price);
Then in the view is used like:
<span>X {{$prod->pshowPrice()}}</span>
But instead of appear 10.00€ appear GBP10.00€.
Do you know why?
i formats the number based on the format used to describe the currency of the current locale
What you're seeing is expected if you're using a locale of en-gb
Something like money_format('%i!', $this->price) will show it with no currency info (where ! is a flag which suppresses the currency symbol)

Laravel 5.1 translate an array pass to blade

I have this in my controller
public function editProfile(Request $request){
$question1 = Question::where('group',1)->lists('question', 'id');
$question2 = Question::where('group',2)->lists('question', 'id');
return view('user', compact(''question1', 'question2'));
$question = {\"1\":\"What is the first name of your best friend in high school?\",\"2\":\"What was the name of your first pet?\",\"3\":\"What was the first thing you learned to cook?\",\"4\":\"What was the first film you saw in the theater?\"}
$question2 = {\"5\":\"Where did you go the first time you flew on a plane?\",\"6\":\"What is the last name of your favorite elementary school teacher?\",\"7\":\"In What city or town does your nearest sibling live?\"}
I would like to translate the value in both question 1 and question 2 and pass it to user blade without changing the key, Any suggestions?
As specified at the localization doc, you need to populate a lang file with translation strings. So, let's say you want to show both Spanish and English strings. In this case you'd need to create two files: /resources/lang/en/messages.php and /resources/lang/es/messages.php. The content of one of those files would be somewhat like this:
// resources/lang/es/messages.php
return [
'welcome' => 'Bienvenido'
This way, you could access the strings in there with the following method: __('messages.welcome'), which would return the string for the language set on your config/app.php -- the default entry is en, by the way, but you can set it to whatever you want. The value in there will define which language will be chosen when selecting strings.
Another method to create translation strings is using the string itself as key, storing them in a JSON file instead of PHP. For example, the following translation string:
"I love programming.": "Me encanta programar."
would be accessible through this: __('I love programming.').
Having said that, you may solve your problem through the two methods presented above. You could store in your DB keywords for the questions instead of the whole text, and create translation for as many languages as you want. Also, you could keep the questions in your database and create translation strings for those questions. Finally, you'd need to iterate over the fetched entries and translate each one of them, or use some Collection helper to do the hard work for you, like transform or map.

Magento - how to hide the time in the transctional Emails

I'm searching how to hide the time and show only the date in the "new order" email:
I have seen that it's generated with this code :
({{var order.getCreatedAtFormated(''long'')}})
but I don't find a solution how to show only the date.
Thanks for help.
Supported formatting types are: long, medium , full, short
thanks for the comment:
first thing if you don't know how to interact wit method search for it in codebase as this reveals in what file the method is defined and you can see what parameters it takes in and how it processes the parameters
grep ' getCreatedAtFormated' app/code/ -rsn
app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Order.php:1988: public function getCreatedAtFormated($format)
ok, now we found that file , open up and see the line 1988 has the method
* Get formated order created date in store timezone
* #param string $format date format type (short|medium|long|full)
* #return string
public function getCreatedAtFormated($format)
return Mage::helper('core')->formatDate($this->getCreatedAtStoreDate(), $format, true);
cool now you see it is actually using core helper's formatDate method. Go ahead open up that file
app/code/core/Mage/Core/Helper/Data.php:135: public function formatDate($date=null, $format='short', $showTime=false)
you can see from grep that it takes in third parameter that you can't pass to that method as it wraps this with forced in value.
So your solution is to use the helper and get the variable order.getCreatedAtStoreDate() and pass it to helpers formatting method

codeigniter associative array in post

I normally name my db specific fields in my forms like this "objectname[columnname]", I tseems CI cant access these values using $this->input->post('objectname[columnname]'), what do I do? there is not a chance in hell im renaming 100+ form fields.. I am actually disliking CI, it really is getting in the way of progress by changing the de facto PHP norms...
And were you using $_POST['objectname[columnname]'] or $_POST['objectname']['columnname'] ?
Have you tried the equivalent for the latter
$obj = $this->input->post('objectname');
echo $obj['columnname'];
If it works, you can write you own helper to retreive that like post_val('objectname[columnname]').
I saw this post whilst looking for a similar issue, but worked out a CI way to do it, sorry if I'm resurrecting it, but it does appear fairly high on the Google results.
// Load the 'array' helper
// Use the 'element' function to return an element from the array
echo element('ColumnName', $this->input->post('ObjectName'));
Hope this helps anyone who comes here in future.
HTML code:
<input type="text" value="" name="myPostArrayName[]">
<input type="text" value="" name="myPostArrayName[]">
Handling form with codeigniter:
$data = $this->input->post('myPostArrayName', TRUE);
You can access data in order like this
echo 'Value of the first element in the form array is '.$data[0];
echo 'Value of the second element in the form array is '.$data[1];
I think someone who has access to codeigniter documentation, had better to add a simple html post array handling example.
I seems I can rely on the $_POST var, but I thought this was reset?
You can cast the post array as an object and use method chaining to return sub-arrays (now properties) using PHP 5.3's method chaining all on one line.
Extend the input class by making a class called MY_Input and put the extended class in the application/core folder. CI 2.0 will automatically use the extended class with the MY_ prefix, and you can add methods to this new class. Extending the input class is cleaner than making helpers.
This method casts the post array, or a nested array (a sub array below the parent), as an object.
/* Cast an array from CI post as an object and return the object */
public function post_obj($key = null){
$post_return = $this->post($key);
if (false === $post_return)
return false;
return (object)$post_return;
Now I can retrieve nested values in one line of code using PHP 5.3's method chaining for objects.
$active = $this->input->post_obj('user')->active;
I just went with the $_POST['objectname']['colname'] option as i usually do even though this is probably not the CI way..
