How to use Java 8 Optional with Moxy and Jersey - java-8

Is it possible to use Jersey with Moxy to/from Json and Java 8 Optionals?
How to configure it?

You can declare following class:
public class OptionalAdapter<T> extends XmlAdapter<T, Optional<T>> {
public Optional<T> unmarshal(T value) throws Exception {
return Optional.ofNullable(value);
public T marshal(Optional<T> value) throws Exception {
return value.orElse(null);
And use like this:
public class SampleRequest {
#XmlElement(type = Integer.class)
#XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = OptionalAdapter.class)
private Optional<Integer> id;
#XmlElement(type = String.class)
#XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = OptionalAdapter.class)
private Optional<String> text;
/* ... */
Or declare in and remove #XmlJavaTypeAdapter from POJOs:
#XmlJavaTypeAdapter(type = Optional.class, value = OptionalAdapter.class)
But here are some drawbacks:
Adapter above can only work with simple types like Integer, String, etc. that can be parsed by MOXY by default.
You have to specify #XmlElement(type = Integer.class) explicitly to tell the parser type are working with, otherwise null values would be passed to adapter's unmarshal method.
You miss the opportunity of using adapters for custom types, e.g. custom adapter for java.util.Date class based on some date format string. To overcome this you'll need to create adapter something like class OptionalDateAdapter<String> extends XmlAdapter<String, Optional<Date>>.
Also using Optional on field is not recommended, see this discussion for details.
Taking into account all the above, I would suggest just using Optional as return type for your POJOs:
public class SampleRequest {
private Integer id;
public Optional<Integer> getId() {
return Optional.ofNullable(id);
public void setId(Integer id) { = id;


Spring data elasticsearch embedded field mapping

I'm struggling with mappings some field. I looked for an answer but couldn't find anything solving my case. Let's cut to the chase.
I have my document class
public class DocumentClass {
#Field(type = FieldType.Nested)
private EmployeeId employeeId;
An EmployeeId is wrapper for my uuid identifier. This object has nothing but just getters and setters and jackson annotations. The thing is that object extends some base class so such objects like EmployeeId can inherit this object. This super class has field id and this causes the problem. When I post some data to elasticsearch then it looks like this:
"employeeId": {
"id": "someUUID"
But I want to map this to be like:
"employeeId": "someUUID"
I wonder if there is a way to flatten this object.
If I get it right, you want to convert your EmployeeId class to a String and back. You have 2 possibilities to do that:
Using a property converter
If you only want to convert an EmployeeId in this entity and might keep it as it is in another, you should use a property converter that is only registered for this property:
public class EmployeeIdConverter implements PropertyValueConverter {
public Object write(Object value) {
return value instanceof EmployeeId employeeId ? employeeId.getId() : value.toString();
public Object read(Object value) {
return new EmployeeId(value.toString());
This converter must be registered on the property, notice that the field type is set to Keyword as it probably should not be analysed:
public class DocumentClass {
#Field(type = FieldType.Keyword)
private EmployeeId employeeId;
Using a global converter
If you are using this EmployeeId at several places you might want register globally 2 converters for the two conversion directions:
public class EmployeeIdToString implements Converter<EmployeeId, String>{
public String convert(EmployeeId employeeId) {
return employeeId.getId();
public class StringToEmployeeId implements Converter<String, EmployeeId>{
public EmployeeId convert(String id) {
return new EmployeeId(id);
To register these, you need to provide a custom client configuration (see the documentation):
public class MyClientConfig extends ElasticsearchConfiguration {
public ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration() {
return ClientConfiguration.builder()
public ElasticsearchCustomConversions elasticsearchCustomConversions() {
Collection<Converter<?, ?>> converters = new ArrayList<>();
converters.add(new EmployeeIdToString());
converters.add(new StringToEmployeeId());
return new ElasticsearchCustomConversions(converters);
In this case, only the field type needs to be adjusted
public class DocumentClass {
#Field(type = FieldType.Keyword)
private EmployeeId employeeId;
I am guessing you have an Id field which is a string.
You need to put a #JsonValue annotation on that field to make jackson serialize it the way you want.
Field annotated by JsonValue will be used to serialize your pojo into json.
If your Id field is private, then add the annotation on the getter of that field.

JSON field Desrializing to lowercase in Spring Boot

I have a Spring Boot Controller -
public class UserController {
public UserResponse register( #Valid #RequestBody UserRequest userRequest) {
//return ....
Below is
public class UserRequest {
private String email;
//other property
I am sending below json in request body -
"email" : "",
//some other fields.
Sometime client send email in uppercase or in camel case so in userRquest I want to change value of email field to lowercase like while de serializing to UserRequest Object.
Is there any easy way to do this. Can I introduce my own annotation like #ToLowerCase how I can create my own annotation and use that at field level in UserRequest.
There is no easy way just by introducing a new annotation #ToLowerCase,
because then you would also need to implement some annotation processor
for doing the real conversion work.
But you can achieve your goal in a slightly different way.
In your UserRequest class annotate the email property
with #JsonDeserialize and specify a converter there.
#JsonDeserialize(converter = ToLowerCaseConverter.class)
private String email;
You need to implement the converter class by yourself,
but it is easy by extending it from StdConverter.
public class ToLowerCaseConverter extends StdConverter<String, String> {
public String convert(String value) {
return value.toLowerCase();
Jackson will use the setter methods in your class.
Perform the conversion to lower case in the setter.
For example
public void setEmail(String newValue)
email = StringUtils.lowerCase(newValue);
StringUtils is an apache commons class.
You can make a general StringDeserializer and register it in ObjectMapper as shown below:-
StringDeserializer class
public final class StringDeserializer extends StdDeserializer<String> {
public StringDeserializer() {
super((Class<String>) null);
public String deserialize(JsonParser parser, DeserializationContext context) throws IOException {
JsonToken token = parser.getCurrentToken();
if (token == JsonToken.VALUE_STRING) {
String text = parser.getText();
return text == null ? null : text.toLowerCase().trim();
return null;
JacksonConfiguration class
public class JacksonConfiguration {
void mapper(ObjectMapper mapper) {
private Module initModule() {
SimpleModule module = new SimpleModule();
module.addDeserializer(String.class, new StringDeserializer());
return module;
The above code makes jackson deserialize all strings to lowercase and trimmed.

Custom Source presence checking method name in MapStruct

is it posible to generate a custom "presence checking" method name, being a method of the property itself rather the owning object?
I know I can use hasProperty() methods to check for presence of a value...
but with Optional or JsonNullable (from OpenApi nonullable) that checking method is on the property itself, not on the owning object... :-(
I can map JsonNullable or Optional easyly 'using' or extending a simple custom Mapper
public class JsonNullableMapper {
public <T> T fromJsonNullable(final JsonNullable<T> jsonNullable) {
return jsonNullable.orElse(null);
public <T> JsonNullable<T> asJsonNullable(final T nullable) {
return nullable != null ? JsonNullable.of(nullable) : JsonNullable.undefined();
what I would like to achieve is something like this as "presence check":
if(source.getProperty().isPresent()) {
Any one found a solution for this?
Thanks and regards
I have managed to implement custom lombok extension which generates "presence checknig" methods.
Here is an example project. In short I added #PresenceChecker annotation and implemented Lombok Javac Annotation handler.
It's possible to use it together with other Lombok annotations:
public class User {
private String name;
public class UserUpdateDto {
private String name;
//MapStruct Mapper interface declaration
public interface UserMapper {
void updateUser(UserUpdateDto dto, #MappingTarget User user);
Generated code:
public class User {
private String name;
public String getName() {
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public class UserUpdateDto {
private boolean hasName;
private String name;
public String getName() {
public void setName(String name) { = name;
this.hasName = true;
public boolean hasName() {
return this.hasName;
//MapStruct Mapper implementation
public class UserMapperImpl implements UserMapper {
public void updateUser(UserUpdateDto dto, User user) {
if ( dto == null ) {
if ( dto.hasName() ) {
user.setName( dto.getName() );
The answer is unfortunately a straight no.
It is not possible in the current version of MapStruct (1.3.1final) and its not on the shortlist for 1.4.0. You could open up an issue on the git repo of MapStruct as feature request.

Spring Data Rest Repository with abstract class / inheritance

I can't get Spring Data Rest with class inheritance working.
I'd like to have a single JSON Endpoint which handles all my concrete classes.
public interface AbstractFooRepo extends KeyValueRepository<AbstractFoo, String> {}
Abstract class:
#JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "type")
#JsonSubTypes.Type(value = MyFoo.class, name = "MY_FOO")
public abstract class AbstractFoo {
#Id public String id;
public String type;
Concrete class:
public class MyFoo extends AbstractFoo { }
Now when calling POST /abstractFoos with {"type":"MY_FOO"}, it tells me: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: PersistentEntity must not be null!.
This seems to happen, because Spring doesn't know about MyFoo.
Is there some way to tell Spring Data REST about MyFoo without creating a Repository and a REST Endpoint for it?
(I'm using Spring Boot 1.5.1 and Spring Data REST 2.6.0)
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
I'm using Spring Boot 1.5.1 and Spring Data Release Ingalls.
KeyValueRepository doesn't work with inheritance. It uses the class name of every saved object to find the corresponding key-value-store. E.g. save(new Foo()) will place the saved object within the Foo collection. And abstractFoosRepo.findAll() will look within the AbstractFoo collection and won't find any Foo object.
Here's the working code using MongoRepository:
Default Spring Boot Application Starter.
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
I've tested include = JsonTypeInfo.As.EXISTING_PROPERTY and include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY. Both seem to work fine!
It's even possible to register the Jackson SubTypes with a custom JacksonModule.
IMPORTANT: #RestResource(path="abstractFoos") is highly recommended. Else the _links.self links will point to /foos and /bars instead of /abstractFoos.
#JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.EXISTING_PROPERTY, property = "type")
#JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Foo.class, name = "MY_FOO"),
#JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Bar.class, name = "MY_Bar")
public abstract class AbstractFoo {
#Id public String id;
public abstract String getType();
Nothing special here
public interface AbstractFooRepo extends MongoRepository<AbstractFoo, String> { } &
public class Foo extends AbstractFoo {
public String getType() {
return "MY_FOO";
public class Bar extends AbstractFoo {
public String getType() {
return "MY_BAR";
Without this part, the output of the objects would be separated in two arrays under _embedded.foos and _embedded.bars.
The supports method ensures that for all classes which extend AbstractFoo, the objects will be placed within _embedded.abstractFoos.
public class FooRelProvider extends EvoInflectorRelProvider {
public String getCollectionResourceRelFor(final Class<?> type) {
return super.getCollectionResourceRelFor(AbstractFoo.class);
public String getItemResourceRelFor(final Class<?> type) {
return super.getItemResourceRelFor(AbstractFoo.class);
public boolean supports(final Class<?> delimiter) {
return AbstractFoo.class.isAssignableFrom(delimiter);
Added #Persistent to and (Adding it to doesn't work). Without this annotation I got NullPointerExceptions when trying to use JSR 303 Validation Annotations within inherited classes.
Example code to reproduce the error:
public class A {
#Id public String id;
#Valid public B b;
// #JsonTypeInfo + #JsonSubTypes
public static abstract class B {
#NotNull public String s;
// #Persistent <- Needed!
public static class B1 extends B { }
Please see the discussion in this resolved jira task for details of what is currently supported in spring-data-rest regarding JsonTypeInfo. And this jira task on what is still missing.
To summarize - only #JsonTypeInfo with include=JsonTypeInfo.As.EXISTING_PROPERTY is working for serialization and deserialization currently.
Also, you need spring-data-rest 2.5.3 (Hopper SR3) or later to get this limited support.
Please see my sample application -
With include=JsonTypeInfo.As.EXISTING_PROPERTY the type information is extracted from a regular property. An example helps getting the point of this way of adding type information:
The abstract class:
#Entity #Inheritance(strategy= SINGLE_TABLE)
#Type(name="DECIMAL", value=DecimalValue.class),
#Type(name="STRING", value=StringValue.class)})
public abstract class Value {
#Id #GeneratedValue(strategy = IDENTITY)
private Long id;
public abstract String getType();
And the subclass:
#Entity #DiscriminatorValue("D")
#Getter #Setter
public class DecimalValue extends Value {
#Column(name = "DECIMAL_VALUE")
private BigDecimal value;
public String getType() {
return "DECIMAL";

No composite key property found for type error in Spring JPA2

I have an error in spring JPA No property CompanyId found for type CompanyUserDetail!
public class CompanyUserKey implements Serializable {
public CompanyUserKey() {
#Column(name = "company_id")
private UUID companyId;
#Column(name = "user_name")
private String userName;
public UUID getCompanyId() {
return companyId;
public void setCompanyId(UUID companyId) {
this.companyId = companyId;
public String getUserName() {
return userName;
public void setUserName(String userName) {
this.userName = userName;
#Table(name = "company_user_detail")
public class CompanyUserDetail {
CompanyUserKey companyUserkey;
public CompanyUserKey getCompanyUserkey() {
return companyUserkey;
public void setCompanyUserkey(CompanyUserKey companyUserkey) {
this.companyUserkey = companyUserkey;
I am trying to access below method Service layer
public interface CompanyUserRepository extends JpaRepository<CompanyUserDetail, CompanyUserKey> {
public List<CompanyUserDetail> findByCompanyId(UUID companyId);
How can I achieve this ?
Since in java model your CompanyUserKey is a property in the CompanyUserDetail class, I believe you should use full path (companyUserkey.companyId) to reach companyId:
public List<CompanyUserDetail> findByCompanyUserkeyCompanyId(UUID companyId);
Also note that you have a naming inconsistency: field in CompanyUserDetail is named companyUserkey instead of companyUserKey.
Assuming you are not using spring-data-jpa's auto generated implementations, your method contents might look something like the following:
FROM CompanyUserDetail c WHERE c.companyUserKey.companyId = :companyId
Now simply provide that query to the EntityManager
entityManager.createQuery( queryString, CompanyUserDetail.class )
.setParameter( "companyId", companyId )
The key points are:
Query uses a named bind parameter called :companyId (not the leading :).
Parameter values are bound in a secondary step using setParameter method variants.
createQuery uses a second argument to influence type safety so that the return value from getResultList is a List<CompanyUserDetail> just like you requested.
Looking at spring-data-jpa's implementation however, I suspect it could look like this:
public interface CustomerUserRepository
extends JpaRepository<CompanyUserDetail, CompanyUserKey> {
#Query("select c FROM CompanyUserDetail c WHERE c.companyUserKey.companyId = :companyId")
List<CompanyUserDetail> findByCompanyId(#Param("companyId") UUID companyId);
