Jmeter response time seems high compare to New relic response time - jmeter

I am giving you the scenario as follows:
We are deploying the build in Cloud foundary container(IASS) along with New relic binding services. This is hosted in Asia -South-east.
My jmeter resides in same location but it is in Aazon ECM2-(asia south-east).
While I ran the jmeter , seems response time looks higher compare to my New relic APP response time. Why soome time so much variation comes? is it due to latency factor? how to give explanation to my clientwhile they check New relic and Jmeter both the result. i am sure both are correct and need to find out rCA.
Please helpenter image description here

JMeter response time includes network latency which we can not avoid. So, it might be because of latency. If it is a huge difference, try to run the test from a machine which is very close to the app server / same data center and see if it helps to minimize the latency.
What is the max no of users you are trying to simulate? What is the CPU, memory utilization of the load generator - usually i would keep them below 80%.
Ensure that your results are satisfying the little's law! check below for more details. if it does not satisfy you are trying to simulate too much load from your load generator which it could not handle - go for distributed load testing in that case.


JMeter : Individual Request data in Aggregate Report is not adding up correctly to Transaction Controller data

I have excecated a test and got the following report and duration the analysis I noticed that the sum of the individual request data is not matching up to the transaction enter image description here
Help me around here to identify the cause of this issue
Note: For running one or few users I am not facing this issue, only during on higher user count this issue is coming up
Most probably there is an issue with the way you "excecate" the test (whatever it means)
Given the issue is not reproducible with "few" users and only happens under the load my expectation is that JMeter doesn't have enough headroom to operate in terms of CPU/RAM/etc. or it's not properly configured for high loads.
Make sure to follow JMeter Best Practices
Make sure to set up monitoring of resources like CPU, RAM, Network, Disk IO, swap, etc. If you don't have other/better monitoring toolchain you can consider using JMeter PerfMon Plugin
If after following JMeter Best Practices the error is still there or resource consumption is way too high - consider going for Distributed Testing
If even after switching to distributing testing the issue is still there check jmeter.log for any suspicious entries

detect scaling problem form performance test result

I conducted performance testing on e-commerce website and I have the test results with some matrices. I already found some problems on some component for example on checkout or post login with high response time and error. But I also would like to find issues that are limiting the application to scale. I only did the testing on the application server. And I observed that CPU , I/O rate are very stable as well. But still the application gives high response time. Is there any other way I can determine from the test result why it is not scaling well? Thank!
From JMeter test result only - unlikely, JMeter just sends requests, waits for the responses and measures the time in-between plus collects some extra metrics like connect time and latency, see the JMeter Glossary for full list with explanations
The integrated system acts at the speed of its slowest component, possible reasons could be in:
Network issues (i.e. lack of bandwidth, faulty router, long DNS resolution time, etc.)
Your application is not properly configured for high loads. Inspect the current setup of the application in terms of thread pools, maximum number of open connections, any limitations on resource usage, etc. Look for documentation on performance tuning of individual middleware compoments as well.
Repeat your test run with a profiler tool telemetry enabled or look at the APM tool output for the test time frame if the tool is in place, it will allow you do perform a deep dive into what's going on under the hood of this or that function call as it might be inefficient algorithm or a slow database query

Whats the impact of response code 400,503 ? Can we ignore these codes if my primary focus is to measure loading time of web application?

I am testing a web application login page loading time with 300 thread users and ramp up period of 300 secs.Most of my samples return response code 200.But few of them return response code 400,503.
My goal is to just check the performance of the web application if 300 users start using it.
I am new to Jmeter and have basic knowledge of programming.
My Question :-
1.Can i ignore these errors and focus just on timings from the summary report ?
2.If i really need to fix these errors, how to fix it ?
There are 2 different problems indicated by these errors:
HTTP Status 400 stands for Bad Request - it means that you're sending malformed requests which cannot be understood by the server. You should inspect request details and amend JMeter configuration as it is the problem in your script.
HTTP Status 503 stands for Service Unavailable - it indicates the problem on server side, i.e. server is not capable of handling the load you're generating. This is something you can already report as the application issue. You can try to identify the underlying cause by:
looking into your application log files
checking whether your application has enough headroom to operate in terms of CPU, RAM, Network, Disk, etc. It can be done using APM tool or JMeter PerfMon Plugin
re-running your test with profiler tool telemetry to deep dive into what's under the hood of the longest response times
So first of all you should ensure that your test is doing what it is supposed to be doing by running it with 1-2 users/loops and inspecting requests/response details. At this stage you should not be having any errors.
Going forward you should increase the load gradually and correlate the increasing number of virtual users with the increasing response time/number of errors
Performance testing is different from load testing. What you are doing is load testing.
Performance testing is more about how quickly an action takes. I typically capture performance on a system not under load for a given action.
This gives a baseline that I can then refer to during load tests.
Hopefully, you’ve been given some performance figures to test. E.g. must be able to handle 300 requests in two minutes.
When moving onto load, I run a series of load tests with increasing number of users/threads and capture the results from each test.
Armed with this, I can see how load degrades performance to the point where errors start to show up. This gives you an idea of how much typical load the system can handle.
I’d also look to run soak tests too. This where I’d run JMeter for a long period with typical (not peak) load to make sure the system can handle sustained load.
In terms of the errors you’re seeing, no I would not ignore them. Assuming your test is calling the same endpoint, it seems safe to say the code is fine, its the infrastructure struggling with the load you’re throwing at it.

Interpreting JMeter Results

I have been running some load tests against APIs using JMeter, the results are below:
I am trying to understand what the cause of the two different patterns of slow behaviour I am seeing could be:
Pattern 1: Time to connect is low, Latency is high
Pattern 2: Time to connect is high, Latency is low
*Note: the majority of calls are returning in around 45-50ms.
My current thoughts are as follows:
Pattern 1: This is "server processing time" so for some reason back-end server is taking longer than usual to respond. We will need to do deeper dive to figure out why.
Pattern 2: This pattern shows a long time to establish a TCP connection. Is there a way to determine if this is a problem on the outgoing side i.e. JMeter itself is running out of threads to make API connections, or if the API server is running out of connections and is unable to accept more?
How should I interpret these results? Are there any additional data points I could pull or tools I could use to better understand the findings?
Both Connect Time and Latency are network-related metrics, the formula is:
Elapsed Time = Connect Time + Latency + Server Response time
It looks like your server itself is no brainer, the problem is either on network level or connected with JMeter which might lack resources in order to send requests fast enough.
With regards to additional information sources:
Generate HTML Reporting Dashboard and look into "Over Time" charts. It should allow you to correlate increasing load with the increasing connect time / latency.
Consider setting up monitoring of essential health metrics of JMeter load generator(s) and the application under test. You can use JMeter PerfMon Plugin for this.
Make sure to follow JMeter Best Practices as JMeter default configuration is good for tests development and debugging and you need to perform fine tuning of JMeter for the high loads.

Factors affecting need to consider when using jmeter tool

I would like to know which are the factors i need to consider when using jmeter, Most of the time internet speed will be varying and due to which i don't get accurate response time, and operations on server side [CPU utilization, etc].
Do I need to consider all this points when calculating performance of the application.
In regards to "internet speed vary", JMeter is smart enough to detect it and report as Latency metric. As per JMeter glossary:
JMeter measures the latency from just before sending the request to just after the first response has been received. Thus the time includes all the processing needed to assemble the request as well as assembling the first part of the response, which in general will be longer than one byte. Protocol analysers (such as Wireshark) measure the time when bytes are actually sent/received over the interface. The JMeter time should be closer to that which is experienced by a browser or other application client
So you should be able to subtract latency from the overall response time and calculate the time, required to process your request on the server side. However it will be much better if JMeter load generators will live in the same intranet. If you need to test your application behavior when virtual users are sitting on different network types it can also be simulated
In regards to other factors that matter:
Application under test health. You should be monitoring baseline server-side health metrics to identify whether application server(s) gets overloaded during the load test as i.e. if you see high response times the reason could be as simple as a lack of free RAM or slow hard-drive or whatever.
JMeter load generator(s) health. The same approach should be applicable to JMeter engine(s). If JMeter hosts are overloaded they cannot generate the requests and send them fast enough which will be reported as reduced throughput.
You can use PerfMon JMeter Plugin for both. See How to Monitor Your Server Health & Performance During a JMeter Load Test article for detailed description of the plugin installation and usage
Your tests need to be realistic and represent virtual user as close to real one as possible. So make sure you:
Add Timers to your test plan to represent "think time"
If you are testing web-based application consider adding and properly configuring HTTP Cookie Manager, Header Manager and Cache Manager. Also don't forget to configure HTTP Request Defaults to "Retrieve all embedded resources" and use "Parallel pool" for this.
