I have a method that looks like this:
proc getJobinfo {question} {
puts -nonewline "$question: "
flush stdout
gets stdin answer
# Can you combine totitle and trim into one line?
set titledanswer [string totitle $answer]
return $titledanswer
I would like to call trim and totitle in one line, is that possible?
For example, in Python:
company_name : str = userInput.trim().title()
yes , you can :
set titledanswer [string trim [string totitle $answer]]
I want to parse the below mentioned line from log file.
03:34:19,491 INFO [:sm-secondary-17]: DBBackup:106 - The max_allowed_packet value defined in [16M] does not match the value from /etc/mysql/my.cnf [24M]. The value will be used.
After parse, the output must be :
Time : 03:34:19
LogType : INOF
Message : [:sm-secondary-17]: DBBackup:106 - The max_allowed_packet value defined in [16M] does not match the value from /etc/mysql/my.cnf [24M]. The value will be used.
Ignore : ,491 (comma and 3 digit number).
Grok filter config should be like this for parsing the mentioned log.
filter {
grok {
match => {"message" => "%{TIME:Time},%{NUMBER:ms} %{WORD:LogType} %{GREEDYDATA:Message}"}
remove_field => [ "ms" ]
I have no knowledge of VBScript and need help.
Logically - I thought of splitting it with # in a for loop and then using : to split again.
Text file:
a : 21312 # asdfasd23sad : 43624 # asdsad*:21
Excel file:
Function arr()
input = a : 21312 # asdfasd23sad : 43624 # asdsad*:21
arr1 = Split(input, "#")
For i = Lbound(arr1) To Ubound (arr1)
arr2 = Split(arr1(i),":")
For j = Lbound(arr2) To Ubound (arr2)
Msgbox arr2(j)
End function
(You are welcome to change the title to a more appropriate one!)
I got another Ruby/ERB question. I have this file:
ec2-23-22-59-32, mongoc, i-b8b44, instnum=1, Running
ec2-54-27-11-46, mongod, i-43f9f, instnum=2, Running
ec2-78-62-192-20, mongod, i-02fa4, instnum=3, Running
ec2-24-47-51-23, mongos, i-546c4, instnum=4, Running
ec2-72-95-64-22, mongos, i-5d634, instnum=5, Running
ec2-27-22-219-75, mongoc, i-02fa6, instnum=6, Running
And I can process the file to create an array like this:
irb(main):007:0> open(inFile).each { |ln| puts ln.split(',').map(&:strip)[0..1] }
But what I really want is the occurrence number concatenated to the "mongo-type" so that it becomes:
The number of each mongo-type is not fixed and it changes over time. Any help with how can I do that? Thanks in advance. Cheers!!
Quick answer (maybe could be optimized):
data = 'ec2-23-22-59-32, mongoc, i-b8b44, instnum=1, Running
ec2-54-27-11-46, mongod, i-43f9f, instnum=2, Running
ec2-78-62-192-20, mongod, i-02fa4, instnum=3, Running
ec2-24-47-51-23, mongos, i-546c4, instnum=4, Running
ec2-72-95-64-22, mongos, i-5d634, instnum=5, Running
ec2-27-22-219-75, mongoc, i-02fa6, instnum=6, Running'
# a hash where we will save mongo types strings as keys
# and number of occurence as values
mtypes = {}
data.lines.each do |ln|
# get first and second element of given string to inst and mtype respectively
inst, mtype = ln.split(',').map(&:strip)[0..1]
# check if mtypes hash has a key that equ current mtype
# if yes -> add 1 to current number of occurence
# if not -> create new key and assign 1 as a value to it
# this is a if ? true : false -- ternary operator
mtypes[mtype] = mtypes.has_key?(mtype) ? mtypes[mtype] + 1 : 1
# combine an output string (everything in #{ } is a variables
# so #{mtype}#{mtypes[mtype]} means take current value of mtype and
# place after it current number of occurence stored into mtypes hash
p "#{inst} : #{mtype}#{mtypes[mtype]}"
# "ec2-23-22-59-32 : mongoc1"
# "ec2-54-27-11-46 : mongod1"
# "ec2-78-62-192-20 : mongod2"
# "ec2-24-47-51-23 : mongos1"
# "ec2-72-95-64-22 : mongos2"
# "ec2-27-22-219-75 : mongoc2"
Quite strightforward I think. If you don't understand something -- let me know.
I'm trying to build a simple config-file reader to read files of this format:
A .-
B -...
C -.-.
D -..
E .
This is the grammar I have so far:
grammar def;
#header {
package mypackage.parser;
#lexer::header { package mypackage.parser; }
: line+;
ID : ('A'..'Z')*
CODE : ('-'|'.')*;
: '//' ~('\n'|'\r')* '\r'? '\n' {$channel=HIDDEN;}
| '/*' ( options {greedy=false;} : . )* '*/' {$channel=HIDDEN;}
WS : ( ' '
| '\t'
) {$channel=HIDDEN;}
NEWLINE:'\r'? '\n' ;
And this is my test rig (junit4)
public void BasicGrammarCheckGood() {
String CorrectlyFormedLine="A .-;\n";
ANTLRStringStream input;
defLexer lexer;
defParser parser;
input = new ANTLRStringStream(CorrectlyFormedLine);
lexer = new defLexer(input);
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
parser = new defParser(tokens);
try {
catch(RecognitionException re) { fail(re.getMessage()); }
If I run this test right with a corrected formatted string - the code exits without any exception or output.
However if feed the parser with an invalid string like this : "xA .-;\n", the code spins for a while then exits with a "Java heap space".
(If I start my test with the top-level rule 'file', then I get the same result - with the additional (repeated) output of "line 1:0 mismatched input '' expecting CODE")
What's going wrong here ? I never seem to get the "RecognitionException" for the invalid output ?
EDIT: Here's my grammar file (Fragment), after being provided advice here - this avoids the 'Java heap space' issue.
: line+ EOF;
ID : ('A'..'Z')('A'..'Z')*
CODE : ('-'|'.')('-'|'.')*;
Some of your lexer rules match zero characters (an empty string):
ID : ('A'..'Z')*
CODE : ('-'|'.')*;
There are, of course, an infinite amount of empty strings in your input, causing your lexer to keep producing tokens, resulting in a heap space error after a while.
Always let lexer rules match at least 1 character.
Two (small) remarks:
since you put the WS token on the hidden channel, you don't need to add them in your parser rules. So line becomes line : ID CODE NEWLINE;
something like ('A'..'Z')('A'..'Z')* can be written like this: ('A'..'Z')+