Accessing google calendar API with pure HTTP calls - shell

I was able to access the API by generating API key and using a Google web client. Now, I like to access the API using a simple HTTP client like curl without using any client libraries supplied by Google, I know this should be theoretically possible since those libraries have to use HTTP at their core. Has anyone done it? if so can someone point me in the right direction?

This is possible! Some applications use their own backend services to make calls on Google API (without Client Lib then).
You need to get some things, like on client calls -> clientID, authorization etc...
Get more informations about CURL on Google here :
Concerning the OAuth 2.0 with a backend service :
OAuth2 or Single Sign On will allow you to access to Calendar.


Elixir Phoenix Absinthe GraphQL API authentication in both web and mobile app's

I'm working on an Absinthe GraphQL API for my app. I'm still learning the procedure(so please go easy on me).
I've a Absinthe/GraphQL MyAppWeb.schema.ex file in which I use for my queries and mutations. My question is how do I use this API for authenticating the user on both Mobile and Web app?
How do set a cookie(httpOnly & secure) in my web app and access/refresh tokens in a single Absinthe API to serve my website and mobile app. Basically what I'm trying to learn is how do I authenticate the user based on specific platform.
If my question sounds bit confusing, I would be happy to provide more information related to my question. I would really be grateful if someone could explain the procedure, I've been very stuck on this for a while.
I would avoid using authentication mechanisms provided by absinthe(if there are any). Depending on what front-end you are using, I would go with JSON API authentication. The flow on server goes the following way:
Create a endpoint for login that will receive a user and password and will return a refresh token.
Create a endpoint for exchanging refresh token for access token.
Use a library like guardian to generate your refresh/access tokens.
Create a phoenix plug for authentication that will check your tokens, guardian has some built-in plugs for this.
Now on device you have to implement:
Ability to save refresh and access token on device.
Have a global handler for injecting access token on authorized requests.
Have a global handler for case when access token is expired. (you usually check if your request returns Unauthorized, then you should request a new access token from the server using your refresh token)
This seems like a crude implementation, however I would advise in implementing your system instead of using a black box library that you have no idea how it works under the hood.

How to use Single sign on (SSO) using Microsoft Graph API on Office/Outlook Web sessions?

I have a working oauth2 application using v1.0 of Azure REST API. I am able to acquire access token via ADAL library for Java and no problem accessing their resources.
However, I wanted to know if there is a way to use this same token in order to let Office365/Outlook users to login on a web browser without entering a password ? Something like
This will help us to let users SSO on different devices without typing their passwords.
Technically, yes you can. You can try to leverage Microsoft Graph API to achieve your requirement.
Add the permission of Microsoft Graph in your AAD application, refer to for more info.
Follow OAuth2's Authorization Code Grant Flow to generate an access token, or leveraging your ADAL, please refer to for details.
Set the access token in the request header the same as you call Azure Rest APIs.
Authorization : Bearer <access_token>
For outlook APIs, you can refer to for more info.

uploading fails to google cloud storage using rest API POST

I'm trying to figure out how to upload a file to google cloud storage using rest API , i don't want to use the client Library .
i read the documents but it was not helpful for a beginner in this flied ,
anyone can give me a step-by-step how to do this ? and how the URL/header/body format should look like , if also can give me an examples that would be very helpful .
If you're not going to use any of the helper libraries and are also a beginner, the hardest part of implementing an upload to GCS will likely be authenticating yourself. Let's ignore that for now.
The simplest way to upload an object to Google Cloud Storage is to make an HTTPS call to that looks like this:
PUT /your-bucket-name/your-object.txt HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 20
Content-Type: text/plain-or-whatever; charset=utf-8
User-Agent: YourApplication/1.0
This is a test file
That will upload a file named "your-object.txt" of type "text/plain-or-whatever" to the bucket "your-bucket-name", with the contents "This is a test file."
If your bucket allows anonymous users to upload files (you shouldn't do that), then just don't include the Authorization line and you're done.
Now, since you really don't want to use any client libraries, and that presumably includes Google's OAuth libraries, you're going to need to implement authorization yourself, so let me give you an overview.
First, though, if you want to try this out immediately, install the "gcloud" tool, login with "gcloud auth login", and the print an access token with gcloud auth print-access-token. Then use the Authorization header Authorization: Bearer whatever.gcloudprintedout. That way you can be off and running with GCS quickly. But the token will only last an hour or so, so you'll need to implement OAuth for real.
Google Cloud APIs use OAuth to handle their requests, which is a powerful but not simple auth mechanism. There's extensive documentation on how OAuth with Google works:
And there's also more general information on authorizing Google Cloud requests:
If you are running your application on a Google Cloud technology like App Engine or GCE, auth will be somewhat easier, but I will assume you're running this on your own machine. I will further assume that you want your application to have its own identity, rather than simply having you log in as part of the upload flow. For such a case, you'll need a service account, which will have an associated private key.
The basic flow for a service account is that you will create a JWT request for access credentials, then cryptographically sign that request with your private key, then send that signed request to Google. It will return you a token that may then be passed to your actual upload request later. You can keep using that token until it expires, at which time you'll need to build another JWT request to request another token.
Again, the client libraries entirely take care of this whole process for you. I am describing the approach of implementing everything exclusively on your own.
You can find the same example here:
in which I already explained how to upload a file to google cloud storage using rest API.

How do I keep by backend secure from third party clients

I want to use Ionic to connect with a Laravel rest API. As far as I know I should use OAuth to authenticate the user. How does this stop other clients/requests from accessing my rest API?
For instance if someone created another Ionic app or anything and requested a OAuth token.
AFAIK there's still no way to perfectly protect your API source. As you mentioned, OAuth is one way to help protection.
I often use JWT, aka. JSON Web Token with token-refresh which expires right after one use. You can check out my short tutorial on using JWT with Laravel and AngularJS, which is absolutely same with Ionic.

Using Ruby to authenticate to Azure (HTTP Header authentication)?

Since the Google Search API has been deprecated, I'd like to use the Bing Search API (now a Windows Azure API) in my Ruby apps.
However, Azure has a strange authentication pattern where you build a query URI, paste it into a browser, pass the key into the password box of the standard HTTP authentication box, and make POST to see the results. I assume this generates a signature and passes it in the header somehow. I'd like to do the complete process in Ruby and skip the browser portion if possible.
I found one example in the source of an obscure Windows Azure storage gem, but I can't figure out how tthey're building the signature and make the call. Is there a simple way to do basic HTTP auth in Ruby?
I went ahead and used Faraday's built in basic authentication scheme like so:
connection = ""
connection.basic_auth "username" "password"
I want to recommend the RestClient gem for this. I've used it with great success for GET'ing and POST'ing across domains. If you really have to act like a browser to implement the API, you can always use Capybara.
I'm sorry I haven't tried the Azure API myself, or I would give an example. :)
I recall doing this previously with another Azure API but am unable to find the code.
Look here for the details of the signature process:
I'm unable to find immediately if the Azure API uses the SharedSignature method
The way to sign a request to Windows Azure blob storage thru the REST API is described here:
Basically, you don't authenticate by simply adding some credentials in a HTTP header, you have to sign your request with the secret key that is associated to your storage account.
