DEP0600: Deployment failed. XmlException – Data at the root level is invalid - visual-studio

When I deploy a UWP from VS 2017, I’m seeing the following error:
DEP0600: Deployment failed. XmlException - Data at the root level is invalid. Line 24, position 11.
Any clues on how to resolve?

After much debugging and Binging, an SDE pointed out that I was hitting a known bug in Windows 10 Creators Update – which will be fixed in the upcoming Fall Creators update. At install time, all of the installed package are enumerated to see if the package has already been installed. This enumeration fails if the installed app’s AppxManifest.xml file is malformed.
I had several test apps installed on my machine, some deployed with Visual Studio, some installed with PowerShell using the command:
Add-AppxPackage -Register .\PackageLayout\AppxManifest.xml
After uninstalling several of the test apps, I was able to deploy my app with Visual Studio 2017 without problems.


Could not find SDK "WindowsMobile, Version=10.0.18362.0" error in VS17 when deploying to HoloLens

I'm new to HoloLens (and Microsoft's ecosystem) and am following this tutorial to learn. One of the steps is to deploy from Visual Studios to HoloLens, but when I try to I get this run-time error.
I have confirmed that I have followed this guide from Microsoft to set up my development environment, but my error still persists.
In Unity, these are by build settings and Player settings as instructed in the tutorial:
My Windows 10 computer is running on 1903, my HoloLens is on 1804, and I have both Windows SDK 10.0.17x and 10.0.18x installed on my computer (via Visual Studios installer and this link). I have also tested deploying the app using the 10.0.17x SDK, but end with the same results.
I can simulate my app from Unity using the Holographic Remoting app in HoloLens, but I just can't deploy it from Visual Studios. What is causing this error and how can I solve it?
I have tried re-installing the Windows 10 SDK (both 10.0.17x and 10.0.18x), but this did not resolve the problem. My Windows 10 SDK is installed in my D: drive if that would make any difference.
Update 2:
I read somewhere that if you simply delete those files from the project tree in Visual Studios, the error will go away. Indeed it did and I could build and run just fine after that seemly without issue, but there must be something wrong with deleting SDK files like that... Is deleting them safe?
Thank you for your help!
I managed to get this to work by deleting the reference to the Mobile SDK in the vxcproj file. It doesn't seem to be required!
App deployed to Hololens successfully!
According to the error message from the picture you post, there seems to be a problem with your Windows 10 sdk. Please check if the files in this directory are damaged (C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Extension SDKs\WindowsMobile\10.0.18362.0), and try to reinstall the Windows10 SDK:

Windows 10 SDK 10.01.14393 installation problems

I fresh install windows 10 home edition and then start to install Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition.
I only select universal windows platform development, .net desktop development and web development but "setup completed with warnings".
I want to share the log file above.
Do you have any ideas for this issue ?
I also asked this question to Microsoft Community but no one answered.
The product failed to install the listed workloads and components due to one or more package failures.
Incomplete workloads
Universal Windows Platform development (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.Universal,version=15.0.26206.0)
Incomplete components
Universal Windows Platform tools (2.0) (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.UWP.Support,version=15.0.26206.0)
Universal Windows Platform tools for Cordova (2.0) (Microsoft.VisualStudio.ComponentGroup.UWP.Cordova,version=15.0.26206.0)
Universal Windows Platform tools for Xamarin (2.0) (Microsoft.VisualStudio.ComponentGroup.UWP.Xamarin,version=15.0.26206.0)
Windows 10 SDK (10.0.14393.0) (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows10SDK.14393,version=15.0.26127.0)
You can search for solutions using the information below, modify your selections for the above workloads and components and retry the installation, or remove the product from your machine.
Following is a collection of individual package failures that led to the incomplete workloads and components above. To search for existing reports of these specific problems, please copy and paste the URL from each package failure into a web browser. If the issue has already been reported, you can find solutions or workarounds there. If the issue has not been reported, you can create a new issue where other people will be able to find solutions or workarounds.
Package 'Win10SDK_10.0.14393.795,version=10.0.14393.79501' failed to install.
Search URL:;PackageAction=Install;ReturnCode=-2146889721
Impacted workloads
Universal Windows Platform development (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.Universal,version=15.0.26206.0)
Impacted components
Universal Windows Platform tools (2.0) (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.UWP.Support,version=15.0.26206.0)
Universal Windows Platform tools for Cordova (2.0) (Microsoft.VisualStudio.ComponentGroup.UWP.Cordova,version=15.0.26206.0)
Universal Windows Platform tools for Xamarin (2.0) (Microsoft.VisualStudio.ComponentGroup.UWP.Xamarin,version=15.0.26206.0)
Windows 10 SDK (10.0.14393.0) (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows10SDK.14393,version=15.0.26127.0)
Command executed: "c:\windows\syswow64\\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoLogo -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -InputFormat None -Command "& """C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\Win10SDK_10.0.14393.795,version=10.0.14393.79501\WinSdkInstall.ps1""" -SetupExe sdksetup.exe -SetupLogFolder standalonesdk -PackageId Win10SDK_10.0.14393.795 -LogFile """C:\Users\emrek\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_setup_20170307010944_177_Win10SDK_10.0.14393.795.log""" -SetupParameters """/features OptionId.AvrfExternal OptionId.WindowsSoftwareDevelopmentKit OptionId.WindowsSoftwareLogoToolkit OptionId.NetFxSoftwareDevelopmentKit /quiet /norestart"""; exit $LastExitCode"
Return code: -2146889721
Return code details: The hash value is not correct.
I solved this problem by vpn connection.
If you have any problem installing visual studio 2017 or windows 10 sdk try to connect vpn and continue process.
I do not know why this kind of situation we have but you can fix this issue connecting to the net via vpn.
in my case the corrupted files caused that error. I manually deleted C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\Win10SDK_10.0.19041,version=10.0.19041.1 (or your version of windowsSDK)
folder and then in Visual Studio 2022 installer picked up modify option and install after download (or so) from dropdown next to modify button .
It won't work without delete.
Also For sure temporarily turn off Defender . Then if its all settled turn it on again.There are possible troubls with folder acceses. Seems.

Visual Studio: Android SDK Setup (API Level 19 and 21,22,23)

I have this problem with the setup of Android SDK in Virtual Studio Community 2015. Whenever I try to install or repair VS, I always get problems with the setup of API Level 19 and 21,21 and 23. It always says that the packages were not downloaded and I should check my internet connection. However, my internet connection is working perfectly. I have seen many other users having similar problems, but none of the proposed fixes work for me. I have reinstalled VS twice and repaired it like 3 or 4 times. I checked my Java version and my proxy settings or tried installing them via the Android SDK Manager/alongside Android Studio. So far without any luck. I hope I have not overseen any fixes.
Unfortunately, the log is very long, so I can´t post it here (if you have any suggestions where I can post it, please tell me!). In the links you will find two screenshots of the error message I get.
Can you help me?
All I did was install Java SE Development Kit 8u151 from Oracle (Apparently VS 2015 uses Java 7 instead of 8) and then run VS 2015 as administrator and modify. The third party SDK's (19, 21, 23 & 22) were available and all installed correctly. Wish I had of known this before multiple installs and eventually a reinstall of my OS ...suppose I could have done with a clean slate though.
I was able to solved the problem above using the suggestion and comment of #Richard_Norton and #bugzapper from, .
I uninstall the older version of Java SE Development Kit which is not Version 8.
I download and install the Java SE Development Kit Version 8 which you can get in here .
Then after that i modify Visual Studio 2015 to Install Android SDK Setup (API Level 19 and 21), and 23.
I Hope, this answer can help future someone who is encountering this kind of problem.
Refer to the error message, you can have a try with the following methods:
Open Android SDK Manager and click Tools-Options… and check the option “Force https://... Sources to be fetched using https://...” and try to download those android SDK packages again. If you already tried this before, you can ignore it.
Check this blog: Visual Studio 2015 install failures (Android SDK Setup) behind a Proxy and follow the steps as below to fix it:
• BEFORE installing Visual Studio, create a file at this location:\androidtool.cfg
• In the androidtool.cfg file that you just created, place those contents that you can find from the blog. Make sure to update “http.proxyPort” and “http.proxyHost” in the file!
• Install Visual Studio normally
Have a look at this similar issue: Visual Studio 2015 setup issue with Android SDK – hack it!, if you found the same root cause: all google repositories don’t have this package anymore on your side, you can try to create your own repository contains this missing package and let Visual Studio setup “think” he download the package and unzip it successfully.
BTW, the installation log file can upload to and share the link here.
Just start the SDK Manager from Visual Studio's menu (Tools/Android/Android SDK Manager...) and select the desired API level you do want and download them!
Anyhow, check with the SDK Manager, this is THE tool to get the Android SDK and at times you will need to update stuff through it!

"aapt.exe" exited with code 255

Trying to setup my build server for Xamarin Android builds, but i constantly keeps getting into this issue:
[error]C:\Program Files
Error MSB6006: "aapt.exe" exited with code 255.
Anyone know what this error code means? We dont have this issue on the teams local computers. So i assume i am missing something on the build machine, but cannot figure out what.
Visual Studio Team Services Build Agent
MS 2012 R2 Datacenter
Visual Studio 2015 Community
Android SDK Manager w/all SDK's up til revision 24
There must be a problem in build tool. So, can you compare the installed build tool version in your local machine and build machine.
Note: Add the following line under PropertyGroup tag in your project file to specify the build tool version.
I believe you are probably missing some files in your SDK manager for android. Open the sdk manager and ensure you have downloaded all API levels you are targeting as well as the up to date build tools and extras.

Cannot load shared 'project' in Windows Universal app after upgrading to Azure SDK 2.6

I've just installed the April 2015 release of the Azure SDK. It is version 2.6 and previously I was on 2.5. Now one of my projects will not load. It is the shared project in a Windows Universal application.
When I right-click the project and choose 'reload' I get the pop-up error
The method or operation is not implemented
The output window gives more detail:
Things.Shared.shproj : error : The composition produced a single
composition error. The root cause is provided below. Review the
CompositionException.Errors property for more detailed information.
1) No exports were found that match the constraint:
ContractName Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.References.IBuildDependencyProjectReferencesService
RequiredTypeIdentity Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.References.IBuildDependencyProjectReferencesService
Resulting in: Cannot set import
on part
--> Microsoft.VisualStudio.Azure.Deployment.ProjectReferenceMaintenanceService
Resulting in: Cannot get export
from part
--> Microsoft.VisualStudio.Azure.Deployment.ProjectReferenceMaintenanceService
The other parts to the Windows Universal app (the Windows 8.1 project and the Windows Phone 8.1 project) have two Azure NuGet packages installed: Windows Azure Mobile Services 1.3.2 and Windows Azure Storage 4.3.0. (N.B. Those two projects load without issue.)
This is not a show stopper for me since uninstalling the Azure SDK 2.6 removes the load failure. To uninstall I go via the Control Panel to 'uninstall or change a program' and then uninstall Microsoft Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 - v2.6
I would like to know how to fix this without uninstalling the Azure SDK 4.6.
Over on the Azure Mobile Services forum Chuck Weininger has posted the following answer:
The [fixed] build of Azure SDK 2.6 is now available, but it may not have
propagated to all download servers yet.
You can run the Web Platform Installer and if you don’t have the new
build installed, it should allow you to install 2.6 again. But it
might not if you are accessing a download server that doesn’t have the
new bits yet. If WebPI doesn't allow you to install 2.6 again, then
wait a few hours and try again.
The build number for the version with the fixes is build
2.6.30508.1601. You can identify the build of the SDK from Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Microsoft Azure Tools for Microsoft
Visual Studio 2013 – v 2.6. The Version column will display the build
I have followed Chuck's instructions and have the new build and the shared project now loads without issue.
We have been able to reproduce the issue, but don't have a workaround at this time. If you want to use the Universal App projects with VS 2013, you will have to uninstall Azure SDK for VS 2.6. The issue does not happen on VS 2015 RC if you would like to give that a try. We hope to have news soon about how we can get a fix for this issue on VS 2013.
Chuck Weininger, Dev Lead, Microsoft
