Jmeter - View Results In Table and View Results In Tree differ - jmeter

I am using the View Results in Table and View Results In Tree to view some results of a test.
My thread group has a number of users = 20; Rump up period =1; Loop=1000; This is a request to send the coordinates to server. After running these results differ. In View Results in Table displays error statuses:
But in View Results In Tree the result is successful, without errors:
What does it mean?

Problem with the view "Results in Tree" is that it doesnt show all Samples. It just shows the latest 500 sampels
From the User's Manual...
Starting with version 3.2 the number of entries in the View is restricted to the
value of the property view.results.tree.max_results which defaults to 500 entries. The old behaviour can be restored by setting the property to 0. Beware, that this might consume a lot of memory.
So the last 500 entires from your table should match with the tree. For more information you might wanna check this
You'll have to restart JMeter for it to apply the new setting

As per JMeter Changelog for version 3.2
Starting with JMeter version 3.2 the number of results in View Results Tree is limited by default to 500 entries. If you want more entries, you have to set the property view.results.tree.max_results to a higher value, or to 0, if you don't want to impose any limit. You can set the property in bin/ More info might be found here.
Add the next line to file (it lives in JMeter's "bin" folder)
Restart JMeter to pick the property up
This way you will "tell" View Results Tree listener to show all the samplers (be aware that JMeter can fail to display 20 000 samplers in the View Results Tree listener)
Out of topic, but still important:
As per View Results Tree listener documentation
View Results Tree MUST NOT BE USED during load test as it consumes a lot of resources (memory and CPU). Use it only for either functional testing or during Test Plan debugging and Validation.
As far as I can see, you are running your test in GUI mode. Please don't, JMeter GUI should be used for tests development and debugging only, when it comes to test execution you should run your test in command-line non-GUI mode.


Generate JMeter custom pie chart

I'm looking for a way to display pie chart/table after running 100 tests, but all available built-in reports seem to accumulate data on time spent per sample, controller and about performance metrics.
Although tests mostly check performance and some metrics are usefull, we also need statistics on actual response data.
Each http request queries service for items availability per product.
After tests finish we also would like pie chart appear with 3 sections:
Low on stock
Now, I found "Save Responses to a file" listener but it generates separate files which isn't very good. Also with "View Results Tree" we can specify filename where responses will be dumped.
We don't need the whole response object and preferably not even write anything to disk.
And than, how to actually visualize that data in JMeter after tests complete? Would it be Aggregate Graph?
So to recap: while threads run, each value from json response object (parsed with JPath) should be remembered somewhere and after tests complete these variables should be grouped and displayed as a pie chart.
I can think only of Sample Variables property, if you add the next line to file:
next time when you run JMeter test in command-line non-GUI mode the .jtl result file will contain as many extra columns as you have Sample Variables and each cell will contain respective value of the variable for each Sampler.
You will be able to use Excel or equivalent to build your charts. Alternatively you could use Backend Listener and come up with a Grafana dashboard showing what you need.

How can I display the full content logged by a sampler in View Results Tree -> Response Data -> Response Body? [duplicate]

In JMeter GUI when I check execution issues over time I'm using View Results Tree
When I want to stop and view an issue I can see only ~4000 request,
It seems that there's a maximum of requests that is display in GUI,
Can number of request in GUI be increased (or just show all)?
Also when test in running It's causing my problematic request to move up even if Scroll automatically? is unchecked
In view.results.tree.max_results property control the number
Set it to 0 for unlimited results.
# Maximum number of results in the results tree
# Set to 0 to store all results (might consume a lot of memory)
Edit updated in JMeter docs
Starting with version 3.2 the number of entries in the View is restricted to the value of the property view.results.tree.max_results which defaults to 500 entries. The old behaviour can be restored by setting the property to 0. Beware, that this might consume a lot of memory.

view all http request errors during/after jmeter load test

I was wondering if there was a easier way to do this. Below is a simple load test specification:
WHen I run for high loads the Summary Report might report percentage errors. And you can also probably view those requests in that View Results Tree page. (That is if we catch the error-ed request quickly enough).
Now what do we do if we want to study all the errors to see if there is some pattern in them, or, simply to know all kinds of errors in the http load test? I am looking for some feature or hack to this effect.
You can generate HTML Reporting Dashboard which provides:
A Statistics table providing in one table a summary of all metrics per transaction including 3 configurable percentiles, basically the same as your Summary Report listener
An error table providing a summary of all errors and their proportion in the total requests
A Top 5 Errors by Sampler table providing for every Sampler (excluding Transaction Controller by default) the top 5 Errors
Response codes per second zoomable chart
There is a separate Listener - Response Codes per Second
JMeter .jtl result files are basically .CSV files so you can open it with MS Excel or equivalent and perform grouping or plot errors messages at a timeline chart
And last but not the least, for "high loads" it's recommended to disable or even remove all the Listeners (especially View Results Tree guy) because they don't add any value and just consume the valuable resources.

JMeter error rate too high despite successful requests

Update - Deleting the Aggregate report and rerunning the test now gives an error rate of 0. Why is this required?
I am using JMeter 4.0 to hit a REST web service with 20 thread groups by sending a POST request with a JSON body. All 20 requests succeed and give proper response (200 with a correct JSON body). Why is the error rate above 99%? (See image below). Also, why is no of samples is 10063 in report even though View Results Tree tab shows 20 HTTP requests (each with error count 0).
If you run JMeter test which assumes 20 HTTP Request and seeing > 10 000 in the listener - most probably you are opening an incorrect .jtl results file in the listener.
Double check that "Filename" input field is empty
Prior to running a new test make sure to clean "in-memory" results by choosing Run -> Clear All from JMeter's main menu (or click Control+E)
Be aware that using Listeners is a some form of a performance anti-pattern, they don't add any value but consume valuable system resources which can be either used for something else or left intact to save the trees. So:
Remove all the listeners from the test plan
Run your test in command-line non-GUI mode like:
jmeter -n -t test.jmx -l result.jtl
When your test is finished either open JMeter GUI and inspect the result.jtl file with the listener of your choice (you can load it using aforementioned "Filename" tab)
Or generate an HTML Reporting Dashboard out of the result.jtl file - it will contain statistical information, tables and charts outlining your test results.
View Results Tree since few versions only keep last 500 SampleResult and only refreshes every few seconds.
So the number of samples in view results tree is not the total.
Besides, you should never run a load test in GUI mode as it impacts negatively performances of Jmeter injection.
see this for best practices :

JMeter - view more results in View Results Tree

In JMeter GUI when I check execution issues over time I'm using View Results Tree
When I want to stop and view an issue I can see only ~4000 request,
It seems that there's a maximum of requests that is display in GUI,
Can number of request in GUI be increased (or just show all)?
Also when test in running It's causing my problematic request to move up even if Scroll automatically? is unchecked
In view.results.tree.max_results property control the number
Set it to 0 for unlimited results.
# Maximum number of results in the results tree
# Set to 0 to store all results (might consume a lot of memory)
Edit updated in JMeter docs
Starting with version 3.2 the number of entries in the View is restricted to the value of the property view.results.tree.max_results which defaults to 500 entries. The old behaviour can be restored by setting the property to 0. Beware, that this might consume a lot of memory.
