Is there a way to recreate an ODI package using ODI Scenario? - oracle

I mistakenly deleted an ODI package from my project which is very large in size. Is there a way to recreate the same package if I have a previously exported scenario for the same project?

Unfortunately there isn't any way to directly generate a deleted package from a scenario which you can see as a compiled version of the package.
Here are a couple of things to check to see if you can retrieve some information :
When promoting from one environment to another, it's recommended to export the base object along with the scenario. That way you keep track of what was the code behind that scenario (black box). Bonus points if it's all versioned in a version control system (VCS).
Starting with ODI 12.2.1, VCS can be directly integrated within ODI to version your code and create release archives. If that's the case you can restore a deleted object
Before 12.2.1 it was possible to use the internal versioning system of ODI that would store the objects in the Master Repository. You can restore it from the top menu.
If nothing of that is setup, you can still open the scenario export in any file editor and manually go through it to retrieve the logic. It's just an XML files that describes the different steps of your package. That would help you to rebuild it manually.
If you end up doing that last bullet point, now is probably a good time to improve your existing procedures and setup one of the three backup/versioning solutions mentioned above so it doesn't happen in the future.


Update database on different environments in Joomla3.9 project

We are working on Joomla3.9 project, have different environments and are using git as vcs. So every developer works on is own branch. It would be nice to have a database compare function like in TYPO3 or Contao (see the database differences after updating the project and apply the database changes just by one click). Or like the laravel migration system.
Any developer should easily update his own lokal database after database changes where made due an extension update via backend or by another developer. And of course the staging or live system must be updated easily too. We don't want to execute sql-scripts with the changes in phpMyAdmin.
We have tried . This is not the 100% solution. Like there is no cli support to start the migration process by an update script on the server.
Does anyone have a solution or knows an extension that can solve this problem? Or can this be handled with core Joomla functions (maybe with a little adjustment)?
So far, I've seen three possibilities to execute modifications to one ore many extension tables
1: Use the extension - revision control in the schema table. So add a new sql-file with an increased version number compared to the version number in the schema-table for this extension. Increase also the version in the manifest.xml and zip the extension again.
Reinstall the extension via extension->manage->install. So the new sql-file with the increased version number will be executed.
2: like the point above, but install the extension via joomla update mechanism (update server).
3.: create a new sql-file in sql/folder of the extension. No version name is needed for the new file, just update.sql oder another filename. Execute this script in script.php in update()-method, after the extension is installed (in this case it's an update) again.
The third possibility might be interesting. It should be possible to trigger the update()-method with a cli command / function, so that the method can be triggered via a script on the server.
But how can I get the info, which update-scripts have already been executed? Let's say I have 3 update files in sql-folder. update-1.sql, update-2.sql and update-3.sql.
update-1.sql has already been executed. So I don't want to execute this sql-file again - only the other two.
The schema-table is only used with the first two options. Do I have the info somewhere or must I manage the infos which update-scripts have been executed myself?
The answer related to versioning database for extensions depends on whether these extensions are tightly coupled to the application or need to be reusable to other applications also.
The latter case normally means that each extension accesses its own custom tables, in which case you should keep separate versioning for the database than for the extensions.
App version history can be kept in a db_version table. Then an insert statement is added at the end of each update script (adding an incremental version number). e.g.
insert into db_version(version,author,description) values(003,'Verna.Collins', 'removing obsolete column');
Provided that you need to apply data migration on extensions also, you need to maintain a db_version_extensions table which keeps version history for each of the extensions separately. e.g.
'001' 'extension1','Mandy.Aguilar','initial version'
'002' 'extension1','Mandy.Aguilar','adding extra column'
'001' 'extension2','Edna.Potter','initial version'
'002' 'extension2','Elvira.Townsend','dropping unused table'
Each extension zip should keep initial creation script and all sql-update files(which should normally not interfere with the rest of the app tables).
After pull it will be relatively easy to execute all the scripts with filename version greater than the last version number written in the database. This should be done for the app and for each extension separately.
Now if the extensions are tightly coupled to the app, it means that they might be using/updating tables of the app. For extensions of this type, you can add the updates as part of the application updates. These extensions could even be developed at the same repo, and be kept as directories instead of zip files.
Not sure if joomla supports any tools for automating the process of performing incremental db updates, but a nice tool is flyway, with ports for command-line, maven and graddle. See: how does flyway work

Is it possible to update a SSDT DB project from a database?

We have two software projects that both communicate with a single database. Right now SQL updates are all done on the database and it's relying on developers to make sure to update both sets of projects independently to use the latest database model. Making these matters worse both projects are in separate solutions in separate source control repositories.
While I acknowledge this is a terrible situation to be in, I inherited this situation, and while my long term goal is to consolidate and share the (lots) of duplicated logic between them in one common project shared among both sets of application for various reasons it is not feasible to jump right into that right now due to critical deadlines coming up and the need to combine them iteratively and schedule it with other developers to not disrupt work too much.
Keeping that in mind, I really want to use SSDT to at least start bringing the database structure under source control and make it easier to manage, as there are quite a few database changes that I'm about to do.
The problem with SSDT in this scenario is that you can only import from database once. After that the option is greyed out and unavailable, which is apparently a design decision of SSDT, since it's explicitly listed in the MSDN documentation.
Is there any easy way to update my SSDT project without nuking the current project and recreating it each time someone makes a change to the database structure?
Firstly your right, it is a horrible situation so work on improving it in the long term!
There are two things you can do, firstly you could use SSMS "Generate Scripts" to export all the objects and then use the import in SSDT to import from the scripts - this isn't greyed out.
The second thing you can do is manually bring the changes in using the schema compare in SSDT, you can set the database as the source and project as the destination and choose what you drop, update and import.
its bit delay in answer. I am using VS2017 Database project in which I have achieved this task by comparing a local database with database project once the comparison is over you can update the database by update button
Step 1 right click on the database project and click on schema compare item.
Step 2 select target -> select database connection option
Step 3 change source and target
Review Screenshots for more detail
I am going with compare solution :
Choose schema compare and make your database as a source and database project as a target then compare and update
see the this answer
Make a new temp Database project (outside of TFS) and import all the objects.
Checkout the Database project (inside TFS) and copy and paste all the folders (excluding BIN, OBJ folders) from the new temp Database Project into the Database Project (in TFS) and check in. This was way you get the latest DB object into TFS without duplicating.
If you expect new files in the copy/paste operation, then the new files should be included in the DB Project.
Delete the temp Database project folder.
You will need to do the process whenever you want to update all DB Objects into TFS.
This is a workaround which worked for me for this file duplicating issue.

VS2010 - How can two or more people edit a use-case file at the same time?

I have a solution written in VS2010. I have a modeling project in this solution about use case. What I want is to allow two or more people to be able to edit the file at the same time. Also, I don't want people to overwrite each other. Instead, I'd like VS2010 to merge their changes. Is this possible in VS2010?
It's not advisable for multiple people to work on the same file at the same time, but if you use Team Foundation Server version control, then take a look at the topic Managing Models and Graphs Under Version Control:
Merging Changes in Model Files and Diagrams
After more than one user has worked on a model concurrently, Team Foundation version control will prompt you to merge the changes in the model files. Working on separate projects as described in the previous preceding sections will avoid most of the merges. Ordinarily, the remaining conflicts can be safely merged automatically. The following kinds of changes should cause no difficulty:
Types of lifelines. When you add a lifeline to an interaction (sequence diagram), its type is stored in the root model, unless you have created the lifeline from an existing type.
New activities and interactions are initially stored in the root model.
Adding elements and relationships.
Renaming or deleting elements that are referenced only within their own package.
Working on Shared Modeling Projects
To minimize conflicts between concurrent work on different parts of a project:
Divide your modeling project into packages representing different areas of work. Move the entire model into the packages, instead of leaving it in the root model. For more information, see Defining Packages and Namespaces.
Different users should not work on the same package or diagram at the same time.
If you are using profiles, make sure everyone has installed the same profiles. See Customizing Your Model with Profiles and Stereotypes.
To help ensure that you change only the package that you are working on:
Set the LinkedPackage property of a UML class, component, or use case diagram.
In UML Model Explorer, drag an activity or interaction into your package as soon as you have created it. This element will appear in UML Model Explorer when you create the first node in the activity or sequence diagram.
To help you keep track of packages, rename the package files to reflect the actual package names.
In Team Foundation version control, always perform Check In and Get Latest Version operations on the complete modeling project, never on individual files.
Always perform a Get operation immediately before you check in the modeling project.
Always close all diagrams before you perform a Get operation.
Note If a file is open when you perform a Get, and the operation results in local changes, then you will be prompted to reload the file. In this case, click No, and then reload the complete project. In Solution Explorer, right-click the modeling project node, click Unload Project, and then click Reload Project.
Live editing, like you'd get on Google Docs, isn't possible. If you just want to merge changes once a day I'd recommend a version control system, such as Subversion.

Visual Studio Database Project Rollback Script

I'm using the Database project in visual studio 2010 to generate a script to deploy my database (and it's changes). This works great.
Is there a way to have Visual Studio database project generate a rollback script as well as the deployment script.
I'm not looking for rolling back the transaction while deploying; but say I deploy it and my stored procedure has an overlooked performance issue that comes up a week later that requires a rollback to the previous version of the database.
Is there a way to generate the rollback script at build/deploy time that will undo whatever changes the deployment script made.
EDIT: If we ignore that I'm using a database project: What is a good way to have an upgrade and downgrade path for a database generated?
This generation needs to be part of an automated build process.
To create a rollback script While doing a schema compare using VS2010, It is as simple as swapping the db names specified in the source and target.
This way VS2010 would create a rollback script which would have drop statements against your stored proc.
I've not seen anything like that.
I think you need to reconsider this approach, as you'd still need to fix the stored proc in your database project, otherwise you'd just be re-deploying the "bad" version the next time you deploy. (I'm sure you're already aware of that, but it doesn't help to point out the obvious sometimes!)
If you need to restore an old version of the sproc to the server in the mean time, I would have thought that the easiest thing to do would be to get the previous version from source control and manually deploy that.
You could create a backup of the database before the release and then just restore from the backup if things go wrong. Obviously you'd also loose any data changes (either made as part of the release or subsequently) since the backup was taken.
Another idea I had was to create a snapshot before the release. The operation to create a snapshot is very light weight. I'm not sure you'd want to keep the snapshot for a week, but if the release went wrong then I think it would be quicker to restore from a snapshot than from a full backup. I would be interested to hear any comments people have on this idea.

How do you work on Oracle packages in a collaborative, version-controlled environment?

I'm working in a multi-developer environment in Oracle with a large package. We have a DEV => TST => PRD promotion pattern. Currently, all package edits are made directly in TOAD and then compiled into the DEV package.
We run into two problems:
Concurrent changes need to be promoted on different schedules. For instance, developer A makes a change that needs to be promoted tomorrow while developer B is concurrently working on a change that won't be promoted for another two weeks. When it comes promotion time, we find ourselves manually commenting out stuff that isn't being promoted yet and then uncommenting it afterwards...yuck!!!
If two developers are making changes at the same exact time and one of them compiles, it wipes out the other developer's changes. There isn't a nice merge; instead the latest compile wins.
What strategies would you recommend to get around this? We are using TFS for our source-control but haven't yet utilized this with our Oracle packages.
P.S. I've seen this posting, but it doesn't fully answer my question.
The key is to adopt a practice of only deploying code from the source control system. I'm not familiar with TSF, but it must implement the concepts of branches, tags, etc. The question of what to deploy then falls out of the build and release tagging in the source control system.
Additional tips (for Oracle):
it works best if you split the package spec and body into different files that use a consistent file pattern for each (e.g. ".pks" for package spec, and ".pkb" for package body). If you use an automated build process that can process file patterns then you can build all of the specs and then the bodies. This also minimizes object invalidations if you are only deploying a package body.
put the time in to configure an automated build process that is driven from a release or build state of your source control system. If you have even a moderate number of db code objects it will pay to be able to build the code into a reference system and compare it to your qa or production system.
See my answer about Tools to work with stored procedures in Oracle, in a team (which I have just retagged).
Bottom line : don't modify procedures directly with TOAD. Store the source as files, that you will store in source control, modify then execute.
Plus, I would highly recommend that each developer works on its own copy of the database (use Oracle Express, which is free). You can do that if you store all the scripts to create the database in source control. More insight can be found here.
To avoid 2 developers working on the same package at the same time:
1) Use your version control system as the source of the package code. To work on a package, the developer must first check out the package from version control; nobody else can check the package out until this developer checks it back in.
2) Don't work directly on the package code in Toad or any other IDE. You have no clue whether the code you are working on there is correct or has been modified by one or more other developers. Work on the code in the script you have checked out from version control, and run that into the database to compile the package. My preference is to use a nice text editor (TextPad) and SQL Plus, but you can do this in Toad too.
3) When you have finished, check the script back into version control. Do not copy and paste code out of the database into your script (see point 2 again).
The downside (if it is one) of this controlled approach is that only one developer at a time can work on a package. This shouldn't be a major problem as long as:
You keep packages down to a reasonable size (in terms of WHAT they do, not how many lines of code or number of procedures in them). Don't have one big package that holds all the code.
Developers are encouraged to check out code only when ready to work on it, and to check it back in as soon as they have finished making and testing their changes.
We use Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio.NET...plugs right into TFS
we do it with a Dev database for every stream, and labels for the different streams.
Our Oracle licensing gives us unlimited dev/test instances, but we are an ISV, you may have a different licensing option
You can use the Oracle developer tools for VS or you can use sql developer. SQL developer integrates with Subversion and CVS and you can download it for free. See here:
We use Toad for Oracle with the TFS MSSCCI provider against TFS 2008. We use a Custom Tool that pulls database checkins from source control and packages them for release.
To my knowledge Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio.Net doesn't have any real source control integration with TFS or otherwise.
You might consider Toad Extensions for Visual Studio though it's not cheap, maybe $4k I think.
Another option is the Oracle Change Management Pack but believe it requires the Enterprise edition of Oracle which is much more pricey.
You may be interested in Gitora It helps managing Oracle database objects with Git.
This article about collaborative development with the Oracle database can also be helpful:
Full disclosure: I am the developer and author of the article.
