Copied file from HDFS don't show in local machine - hadoop

I copied a folder from HDFS to my local machine using the following command:
hdfs dfs -copyToLocal hdfs:///user/myname/output-64-32/
But I can not see any file in fromHDFS folder and also when I try to run the command again, it says "File exists".
Any help is really appreciated.

Try these
rm -r ~/Documents/fromHDFS/*
hdfs dfs -get /user/myname/output-64-32/ ~/Documents/fromHDFS/


HDFS put: no such file or directory even though the file is there

I am trying to upload a file in HDFS with:
sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -put /home/hive/warehouse/sample.csv hdfs://[ip_redacted]:9000/data
I can confirm that HDFS works, as I managed to create the /data directory just fine.
Even giving the full path to the .csv file gives the same error:
put: `/home/hive/warehouse/sample.csv': No such file or directory
Why is it giving this error?
I encountered the problem, too.
Because user hdfs has no permission to access one of the file's ancestry directories, so it gave the error No such file or directory.
As crystyxn commentted, using environment variable HADOOP_USER_NAME instead of sudo -u hdfs worked.
Is the csv file in your local system or in HDFS? You can use -put command (or the -copyFromLocal command) ONLY to move a LOCAL file into the distributed file system.

Hadoop copyFromLocal: '.': No such file or directory

I use Windows 8 with a cloudera-quickstart-vm-5.4.2-0 virtual box.
I downloaded a text file as words.txt into the Downloads folder.
I changed directory to Downloads and used hadoop fs -copyFromLocal words.txt
I get the no such file or directory error.
Can anyone explain me why this is happening / how to solve this issue?
Here is a screenshot of the terminal:
Someone told me this error occurs when Hadoop is in safe mode, but I have made sure that the safe mode is OFF.
It's happening because hdfs:///user/cloudera doesn't exist.
Running hdfs dfs -ls probably gives you a similar error.
Without specified destination folder, it looks for ., the current HDFS directory for the UNIX account running the command.
You must hdfs dfs -mkdir "/user/$(whoami)" before your current UNIX account can use HDFS, or you can specify an otherwise existing HDFS location to copy to

hdfs dfs -put with overwrite?

I am using
hdfs dfs -put myfile mypath
and for some files I get
put: 'myfile': File Exists
does that mean there is a file with the same name or does that mean the same exact file (size, content) is already there?
how can I specify an -overwrite option here?
put: 'myfile': File Exists
Means,the file named "myfile" already exists in hdfs. You cannot have multiple files of the same name in hdfs
You can overwrite it using hadoop fs -put -f /path_to_local /path_to_hdfs
You can overwrite your file in hdfs using -f command.For example
hadoop fs -put -f <localfile> <hdfsDir>
hadoop fs -copyFromLocal -f <localfile> <hdfsDir>
It worked fine for me. However -f command won't work in case of get or copyToLocal command. check this question
A file with the same name exists at the location you're trying to write to.
You can overwrite by specifying the -f flag.
Just updates to this answer, in Hadoop 3.X the command a bit different
hdfs dfs -put -f /local/to/path hdfs://localhost:9870/users/XXX/folder/folder2

How do you put files in a hdfs directory with space in the directory name?

I am trying to put a file in a HDFS directory with the directory name containing space.
The following issue occurs:
Suppose hdfs directory “sub dir1” already exists.
Now I tried to put a file, sub.txt in this directory using following command:
hadoop fs -put sub.txt /user/jdutt/TempTesting/output//sub\ dir1/
It doesn’t put file in “sub dir1” directory; instead it creates another directory with the name “sub%20dir1” and puts file there.
How to solve this issue?
Please replace spaces with %20 ,It may solve your problem .
Please try to run command as
hadoop fs -put sub.txt /user/jdutt/TempTesting/output/'sub dir1'/
i have tested it on hadoop viersion 1.0.4 and it is working.
hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /home/cloudera/Documents/Hadoop/Hive%20Data/empdata hive_data
it's working for me
hadoop fs -put sub.txt "/user/jdutt/TempTesting/output/sub dir1"

How to copy file from HDFS to the local file system

How to copy file from HDFS to the local file system . There is no physical location of a file under the file , not even directory . how can i moved them to my local for further validations.i am tried through winscp .
bin/hadoop fs -get /hdfs/source/path /localfs/destination/path
bin/hadoop fs -copyToLocal /hdfs/source/path /localfs/destination/path
Point your web browser to HDFS WEBUI(namenode_machine:50070), browse to the file you intend to copy, scroll down the page and click on download the file.
In Hadoop 2.0,
hdfs dfs -copyToLocal <hdfs_input_file_path> <output_path>
hdfs_input_file_path maybe obtained from http://<<name_node_ip>>:50070/explorer.html
output_path is the local path of the file, where the file is to be copied to.
you may also use get in place of copyToLocal.
In order to copy files from HDFS to the local file system the following command could be run:
hadoop dfs -copyToLocal <input> <output>
<input>: the HDFS directory path (e.g /mydata) that you want to copy
<output>: the destination directory path (e.g. ~/Documents)
Update: Hadoop is deprecated in Hadoop 3
use hdfs dfs -copyToLocal <input> <output>
you can accomplish in both these ways.
1.hadoop fs -get <HDFS file path> <Local system directory path>
2.hadoop fs -copyToLocal <HDFS file path> <Local system directory path>
My files are located in /sourcedata/mydata.txt
I want to copy file to Local file system in this path /user/ravi/mydata
hadoop fs -get /sourcedata/mydata.txt /user/ravi/mydata/
If your source "file" is split up among multiple files (maybe as the result of map-reduce) that live in the same directory tree, you can copy that to a local file with:
hadoop fs -getmerge /hdfs/source/dir_root/ local/destination
This worked for me on my VM instance of Ubuntu.
hdfs dfs -copyToLocal [hadoop directory] [local directory]
1.- Remember the name you gave to the file and instead of using hdfs dfs -put. Use 'get' instead. See below.
$hdfs dfs -get /output-fileFolderName-In-hdfs
if you are using docker you have to do the following steps:
copy the file from hdfs to namenode (hadoop fs -get output/part-r-00000 /out_text).
"/out_text" will be stored on the namenode.
copy the file from namenode to local disk by (docker cp namenode:/out_text output.txt)
output.txt will be there on your current working directory
bin/hadoop fs -put /localfs/destination/path /hdfs/source/path
