Rainmeter Calc always returns 0 - rainmeter

While designing a Rainmeter skin I noticed that none of the Calc measures were working, so I created a simple test skin that looks like the following.
License=Creative Commons Attribution - Non - Commercial - Share Alike 3.0
Formula=#TestVar# * 2
; Also tried not using variables.
Text=Number: [TestCalc]
FontFace=Segoe UI
FontColor=255, 255, 255
The text from [MeterString] is ALWAYS Number: 0 no matter what.
What am I doing wrong?

Add DynamicVariables=1 to [MeterString]

Try replacing the current Text with these two lines.
Text=Number: %1
For one reason or another, section variables ([TestCalc]) can't be combined with another string. %1 is replaced with MeasureName in Strings


How do nested variables within the .env file work in CodeIgniter 4

Under the "Nesting Variables" section in Codeigniter4 site:
"To save on typing, you can reuse variables that you’ve already specified in the file by wrapping the variable name within ${...}"
link to CI nesting Variables section
example in the documentation:
I was trying to use the following
app.baseURL = 'http://localhost:8080/'
google.redirect = ${app.baseURL}Google
However, it's assigning it as a literal when print_r($_ENV)
[google.redirect] => ${app.baseURL}Google
I've tried using non-namespaced keys including BASE_DIR (per the example) and it keeps printing as a literal.
What's strange - When I use the following:
CI_ENVIRONMENT = development
google.redirect = ${CI_ENVIRONMENT}Google
The result when print_r is:
[CI_ENVIRONMENT] => development
[google.redirect] => developmentGoogle
My question is - What am I doing incorrectly and/or how should these be set/used correctly?
According to the documentation, I should be able to use any key within the .env file that was already assigned using
After a bit of looking, there is a more recent file up at
with all the "other" changes...
This was a Bug Fix. So get that file and you will be good to go.
I am pretty sure that the intention wasn't to allow app.xxx settings to be used as variables as the documentation clearly shows, by not
showing them being used. ( yes its 6am now ...)
BUT it is your code to do with as you please...So if you want to use app.xxx as variables...
The Only Thing missing is the DOT (.) in the regex
If you look on Line 272 - system/Config/DotEnv.php inside method resolveNestedVariables() and add a . (dot) into the regex, that will make all your app.things work.
$value = preg_replace_callback(
function ($matchedPatterns) use ($loader) {
I have added a dot (.) at the end of the [a-zA-Z0-9_

How to resemble the PDF-output of AsciidocFX using a Gradle build-script?

I have the following Asciidoc-document:
= Test
:doctype: article
AsciidocFX shows links in PDFs as footnotes http://stackoverflow.com[SO].
.Asciidoc in PDF does not work in Asciidoctor, but works in AsciidocFX.
|Line with Asciidoc code
|here comes a list:
* item 1
* item 2
* item 3
http://stackoverflow.com[Get Answers]!
|with a footnotefootnote:[footnotes do work in AsciidocFX's PDF output (but not in the preview).]
When generating a PDF using asciidoctor, the output is as follows:
The problems are:
footnotes are shown inline (see: https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-pdf/issues/73)
Asciidoc-content in tables cells is not interpreted: https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-pdf/issues/6
Link targets are not shown as Footnotes (this would be nice to have)
Using https://github.com/asciidocfx/AsciidocFX shows everything correctly:
Now, I'd like to have the same output that AsciidocFX produces, but still like to use my Gradle build-script.
From https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-pdf/issues/73#issuecomment-224327058 I learned, that AsciidoctorFX uses https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-fopub[asciidoctor-fopub] under the hood. But how can I this pipeline in my build.gradle. Do I have to generate epub in a first task and use the output in another task? Or is there a direkt way?
Sorry that I am a tad late (almost 7 years!!) to answer your question, but perhaps it will help others.
Perhaps you need to upgrade. When I run your .adoc verbatim, the foootnotes come out perfectly. In fact the output is exactly as you posted correct version of output. Here is the syntax that I use:
asciidoctor-pdf -a pdf-themesdir=/path/to/themes -a pdf-theme=your-pdf-theme-file.yml -a pdf-fontsdir=/path/to/your/fonts/directory/ your_test_file.adoc
I put this syntax in a bash script with the adoc file as an argument.
I am using:
linux Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS (close derivative of ubuntu)
ruby 3.1.2p20
Ironically, I am amazed with is your AsciidoctorFX output. AsciidoctorFX pdf output looks horrible for me and there is no simple way of changing the output style, like editing the asciidoctor-pdf yaml.
Cheers, Joe

Completely disable IPython output caching

I'm dealing with some GB-sized numpy arrays in IPython. When I delete them, I definitely want them gone, in order to recover the memory. IPythons output cache is quite annoying there, as it keeps the objects alive even after deleting the last actively intended reference to them. I already set
c.TerminalInteractiveShell.cache_size = 0
in the IPython configuration, but this only disables caching of entries to _oh, the other variables like _, __ and so on are still created. I'm also aware of %xdel, but anyways, I'd prefer to disable it completely, as I rarely use the output history anyways, so that a plain del would work again right away.
Looking at IPython/core/displayhook.py Line 209-214 I would say that it is not configurable. You could try making a PR to add an option to disable it totally.
echo "__builtin__._ = True" > ~/.config/ipython/profile_default/startup/00-disable-history.py
and your history should be gone.
Seems like the path to the config directory is sometimes a bit different, either ~/.config/ipython or just ~/.ipython/. So just check which one you got and adjust the path accordingly. The solution still works with jupyter console.
Seems that we can suppress the output cache by putting a ";" at the end of the line now.
See http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/stable/interactive/tips.html#suppress-output
Create an ipython profile:
!ipython profile create
The output might be (for ipython v4.0):
[ProfileCreate] Generating default config file: '/root/.ipython/profile_default/ipython_config.py'
[ProfileCreate] Generating default config file: '/root/.ipython/profile_default/ipython_kernel_config.py'
Then add the line 'c.InteractiveShell.cache_size = 0' to the ipython_kernel_config.py file by
!echo 'c.InteractiveShell.cache_size = 0' >> /root/.ipython/profile_default/ipython_kernel_config.py
Load another ipython kernel and check if this work
In [1]: 123
Out[1]: 123
In [2]: _1
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-51-21553803e553> in <module>()
----> 1 _1
NameError: name '_1' is not defined
In [3]: len(Out)
Out[3]: 0

Vim slow with ruby syntax highlighting

I've been using vim over ssh to work for a week or two now and all has been going great. Today I decided to add in some syntax highlighting, autocomplete, and some other general plugins. Set up vundle and went to work.
My current .vimrc can be found at https://github.com/scottopell/dotfiles/blob/master/.vimrc
I have cloned my vimrc and vim files onto my local ubuntu desktop and vim runs exactly as expected, no slowness on any files that I can find. Same plugins and same vimrc and no slowness on ruby files.
I can reproduce this issue with the following .vimrc
syntax on
and an empty ~/.vim folder.
However, vim on this vps is very slow with ruby/haml files. Much moreso ruby files. When I open any ruby file, startup takes about 2 seconds (timed with --startuptime). With a comparable length haml file, its about .5 seconds. This slowness isn't just on startup either, moving around and editing the file are both painfully slow.
Haml/erb(they are basically the same)
268.818 000.005: before starting main loop
848.871 580.053: first screen update
199.613 000.004: before starting main loop
2937.859 2738.246: first screen update
Without syntax highlighting on the same ruby file as above
149.047 000.004: before starting main loop
152.912 003.865: first screen update
I have tried using mosh(http://mosh.mit.edu) and it doesn't help. not really relevant anymore
As you can see in my .vimrc file, I have tried a few different solutions to this problem.
I have tried running with all plugins disabled (I moved them all from ~/vim/bundle/PLUGINNAME to ~/vim/bundle/disabled/PLUGINNAME, is this correct?), set ruby path, set foldlevel to manual, disabled my colorscheme, nothing helps. see edit3
I can post the full startupttime log for any file if that will help.
I have tested a few other languages(php, c, python, vimL) and none experience any slowdown.
EDIT: Just to clarify, I am running an ssh session with ssh user#server then once inside the server I am doing vim file.rb.
EDIT2: I just tried accessing the server directly and the slowness persists without ssh, I have updated to reflect that this isn't a problem with ssh.
EDIT3: I can reproduce the issue with a .vimrc file that contains the single line syntax on with an empty ~/.vim folder
EDIT4 I uninstalled my compiled version of vim and any versions that I may have installed through apt, manually removed all vim stuff from my system, and I can run vim with vim -u NONE /path/to/file.rb then do :syn on and the issue will be there. The file in question is a rails controller, but like I've said, I can recreate it to some degree with most any file, but rails controllers see to be the worst.
The solution to this problem turned out to be the regex engine that vim uses.
The speculation on #vim on freenode is that the ruby syntax files use something that is slower on the new regex engine.
Any version older than and including Vim 7.3.969 has the old regex engine.
Add in set re=1 to your vimrc to force the old regex engine on any version newer (and don't forget to reload the file you're currently editing with :e).
Thanks to Houl, Dolio and dmedvinsky from #vim for help figuring it out.
I haven't had a chance to try the absolute latest version, there was a commit last night that may help with this issue. I will update this if I get the chance to try the bleeding edge version again.
You should set this tw options in your vimrc:
set ttyfast
set lazyredraw
If this is not solving your problem try to start vim without your vimrc to be sure that none of your current settings are screwing it up.
vim -u NONE
Two things that will drastically help speed up Ruby syntax highlighting are disabling cursor line and relative number for Ruby (if you use those).
I have the following in my .vimrc:
" Ruby is an oddball in the family, use special spacing/rules
if v:version >= 703
" Note: Relative number is quite slow with Ruby, so is cursorline
autocmd FileType ruby setlocal ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 norelativenumber nocursorline
autocmd FileType ruby setlocal ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
I'm using vim 7.4.52 and none of these solutions worked for me.
According to this github comment on the issue (https://github.com/vim/vim/issues/282#issuecomment-169837021), foldmethod=syntax is responsible for the slowness.
Adding this to my .vimrc finally fixed it!
augroup ft_rb
" fix the SLOOOW syntax highlighting
au FileType ruby setlocal re=1 foldmethod=manual
augroup END
Try setting your ruby path explicitly in your vimrc:
let g:ruby_path="/usr/bin/ruby"
see UPDATE at the bottom.
this may be helpful as a workaround -
i am using vim version
VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Jan 2 2014 19:40:46)
Included patches: 1-52
it is the stock version from
Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca.
the php.vim syntax file is not version'd that i can see, but it sez last edit'd 28 aug 13.
it isn't a ruby project, but when editing a large php class file (
$ php -w test.inc | wc
2 2410 19220
) i note significant delays near the top of the class, but not above or below the class, and, notably, not toward the bottom of the class. as i attempt to insert new text near the bottom of the class, delay is minimal and seems to be proportional to the line number inside the class. "minimal" means almost instantly, "significant" means 1 to 1.5 seconds per character.
the file is approx 1800 lines with approx 500 lines of legit php and 1300 lines of comments and doc. the class begins at approx line 30 and ends at approx line 1700. it is conceded it's a bit large, but well documented :-\
if i insert
class dummy { }
in front of the original "class originalName {",
there is no delay anywhere in the file. this unsightly kluge permits vim/gvim to regain its responsiveness and could be considered a workaround. note no linefeed between the two, just
class dummy { } class originalName {
it can even be comment'd out:
/*class dummy {}*/class originalName {
additional info:
during this test, the plugins directory was moved.
with "set syntax=off", the problem completely disappears. this is NOT a fix.
setting the regular expression engine with
set regexpengine=1 (or any other number)
does not appreciably change the results.
based on these results, i would suspect the regular expression engine as well. my point is that diddling a bit with the syntax in ruby files may lead to a workaround.
i have found that the issue is "caused" by setting php_folding to 1 (enabled). the vimrc i THOUGHT i was using was not, but at least some of the mystery is solved due to that mistake. a simple vimrc like this will induce the problem (for me, as least):
:syntax enable
:let php_folding = 1
this means my issue is totally unrelated to the ruby issue, but there may be a similar thing going on with the ruby.vim file. maybe not.
apologies for the deflection.
I tried most of these solutions but what ended up working for me the best was removing any plugins associated with airline.

Ruby - Is there a way to overwrite the __FILE__ variable?

I'm doing some unit testing, and some of the code is checking to see if files exist based on the relative path of the currently-executing script by using the FILE variable. I'm doing something like this:
if File.directory?(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'..','..','directory'))
blah blah blah ...
raise "Can't find directory"
I'm trying to find a way to make it fail in the unit tests without doing anything drastic. Being able to overwrite the __ FILE __ variable would be easiest, but as far as I can tell, it's impossible.
Any tips?
My tip? Refactor!
I didn't mark this as the real answer, since refactoring would be the best way to go about doing it. However, I did get it to work:
wd = Dir.getwd
# moves us up two directories, also assuming Dir.getwd
# returns a path of the form /folder/folder2/folder3/folder4...
...run tests...
I had tried to do it using Dir.chdir('../../'), but when I changed back, File.expand_path(File.dirname(__ FILE __)) resolved to something different than what it was originally.
Programming Ruby 1.9 says on page 330 that __FILE__ is read only. It also describes it as a "execution environment variable".
However, you can define __FILE__ within an instance_eval. I don't think that'd help with your problem.
