log10 of a Vector3f (Eigen Libs) - eigen

I need to calculate the log10 of a Vector3f.
I have tried:
Eigen::Vector3f valsingn = svd.singularValues()/svd.singularValues()(0);
valsingn = valsingn.log10();
But it doesn't work.
main.cpp:145:27: error: ‘Eigen::Vector3f {aka class Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 1>}’ has no member named ‘log10’; did you mean ‘log’?
valsingn = valsingn.log10();
Is there a way to calculate the log10 with this vector?
Thank you!

The simple way that would allow Eigen to still utilize SIMD (I assume it's enabled) would be to do a simple change of bases:
valsingn = valsingn.array().log() / log(10.0);
Alternatively, you can pass log10 as a unary expression:
valsingn.unaryExpr(&log10); // You may have to wrap
// log10 in a function of
// your own depending on
// the log10 overloads

You need to move to the array world for pure coefficient-wise functions:
Vector3f v, w;
w = v.array().log10();
w = log10(v.array());
Arrayt3f a, b;
b = a.log10();
b = log10(a);


eigen matrices multiplication optimizations, Householder precision

I develop code performing Schur decomposition.
I test it with eigen corresponding stuff.
I found out that my code gives result different form those of eigen.
Most of matrix elements of my and egein's output are the same to 2 or 4 decimal places.
However worst difference available is about 70%: for example my code gives certain matrix element equal to 0.3 and eigen 0.19.
I decided to look deeper into eigen sources and figured out that if I change following eigen code
void ::applyHouseholderOnTheLeft(....)
Map<typename internal::plain_row_type<PlainObject>::type> tmp(workspace,cols());
Block<Derived, EssentialPart::SizeAtCompileTime, Derived::ColsAtCompileTime> bottom(derived(), 1, 0, rows()-1, cols());
tmp.noalias() = essential.adjoint() * bottom;
tmp += this->row(0);
this->row(0) -= tau * tmp;
bottom.noalias() -= tau * essential * tmp;
to this one (same was done for applyHouseholderOnTheRight):
void ::applyHouseholderOnTheLeft(....)
Map<typename internal::plain_row_type<PlainObject>::type> tmp(workspace,cols());
Block<Derived, EssentialPart::SizeAtCompileTime, Derived::ColsAtCompileTime> bottom(derived(), 1, 0, rows()-1, cols());
tmp.noalias() = essential.adjoint() * bottom;
tmp += this->row(0);
tmp *= tau;
this->row(0) -= tmp;
bottom.noalias() -= essential * tmp;
i get eigen output equal to mine (within 7-6 decimal places) !!
Mathematically these two pieces of code are equivalent.
So the question is - why there is so big difference in outputs of equivalent code ?
And what result is actually true (0.3 or 0.19 :-) ) ?
Original test code:
Matrix<double, Dynamic, Dynamic, RowMajor> A(10,10);
A<<6.9 ,4.8 ,9.5 ,3.1 ,6.5 ,5.8 ,-0.9 ,-7.3 ,-8.1 ,3.0 ,0.1 ,9.9 ,-3.2 ,6.4 ,6.2 ,-7.0 ,5.5 ,-2.2 ,-4.0 ,3.7 ,-3.6 ,9.0 ,-1.4 ,-2.4 ,1.7 ,-6.1 ,-4.2 , -2.5 ,-5.6 ,-0.4 ,0.4 ,9.1 ,-2.1 ,-5.4 ,7.3 ,3.6 ,-1.7 ,-5.7 ,-8.0 ,8.8 ,-3.0 ,-0.5 ,1.1 ,10.0 ,8.0 ,0.8 ,1.0 ,7.5 ,3.5 ,-1.8 ,0.3 ,-0.6 ,-6.3 ,-4.5 , -1.1 ,1.8 ,0.6 ,9.6 ,9.2 ,9.7 ,-2.6 ,4.3 ,-3.4 ,0.0 ,-6.7 ,5.0 ,10.5 ,1.5 ,-7.8 ,-4.1 ,-5.3 ,-5.0 ,2.0 ,-4.4 ,-8.4 ,6.0 ,-9.4 ,-4.8 ,8.2 ,7.8 ,5.2 ,-9.5 , -3.9 ,0.2 ,6.8 ,5.7 ,-8.5 ,-1.9 ,-0.3 ,7.4 ,-8.7 ,7.2 ,1.3 ,6.3 ,-3.7 ,3.9 ,3.3 ,-6.0 ,-9.1 ,5.9;
RealSchur<Matrix<double, Dynamic, Dynamic, RowMajor>>schur(A);
Matrix<double, Dynamic, Dynamic, RowMajor> T = schur.matrixT();
// and ,for example, element T(row_0, col_2) has notable difference: 0.19 (first code), 0.3 (second code)
P.S. vectorization in eigen is disabled in my case (macros EIGEN_DONT_VECTORIZE is defined)

GLSL optimization: check if variable is within range

In my shader I have variable b and need to determine within which range it lies and from that assign the right value to variable a. I ended up with a lot of if statements:
float a = const1;
if (b >= 2.0 && b < 4.0) {
a = const2;
} else if (b >= 4.0 && b < 6.0) {
a = const3;
} else if (b >= 6.0 && b < 8.0) {
a = const4;
} else if (b >= 8.0) {
a = const5;
My question is could this lead to performance issues (branching) and how can I optimize it? I've looked at the step and smoothstep functions but haven't figured out a good way to accomplish this.
To solve the problem depicted and avoid branching the usual techniques is to find a series of math functions, one for each condition, that evaluate to 0 for all the conditions except the one the variable satisfies. We can use these functions as gains to build a sum that evaluates to the right value each time.
In this case the conditions are simple intervals, so using the step functions we could write:
x in [a,b] as step(a,x)*step(x,b) (notice the inversion of x and b to get x<=b)
x in [a,b[ as step(a,x)-step(x,b) as explained in this other post: GLSL point inside box test
Using this technique we obtain:
float a = (step(x,2.0)-((step(2.0,x)*step(x,2.0)))*const1 +
(step(2.0,x)-step(4.0,x))*const2 +
(step(4.0,x)-step(6.0,x))*const3 +
(step(6.0,x)-step(8.0,x))*const4 +
This works for general disjoint intervals, but in the case of a step or staircase function as in this question, we can simplify it as:
float a = const1 + step(2.0,x)*(const2-const1) +
step(4.0,x)*(const3-const2) +
step(6.0,x)*(const4-const3) +
We could also use a 'bool conversion to float' as means to express our conditions, so as an example step(8.0,x)*(const5-const4) is equivalent to float(x>=8.0)*(const5-const4)
You can avoid branching by creating kind of a lookup table:
float table[5] = {const1, const2, const3, const4, const5};
float a = table[int(clamp(b, 0.0, 8.0) / 2)];
But the performance will depend on whether the lookup table will have to be created in every shader or if it's some kind of uniform... As always, measure first...
It turned out Jaa-cs answere wasn't viable for me as I'm targeting WebGL which doesn't allow variables as indexes (unless it's a loop index). His solution might work great for other OpenGL implementations though.
I came up with this solution using mix and step functions:
//Outside of main function:
uniform vec3 constArray[5]; // Values are sent in to shader
//Inside main function:
float a = constArray[0];
a = mix(a, constArray[1], step(2.0, b));
a = mix(a, constArray[2], step(4.0, b));
a = mix(a, constArray[3], step(6.0, b));
a = mix(a, constArray[4], step(8.0, b));
But after some testing it didn't give any visible performance boost. I finally ended up with this solution:
float a = constArray[0];
if (b >= 2.0)
a = constArray[1];
if (b >= 4.0)
a = constArray[2];
if (b >= 6.0)
a = constArray[3];
if (b >= 8.0)
a = constArray[4];
Which is both compact and easily readable. In my case both these alternatives and my original code performed equally, but at least here are some options to try out.

How to pass a parameter that changes with time to SciLab ode?

I'm trying to solve and heat transfer problem using SciLab's ode function. The thing is: one of the parameters changes with time, h(t).
My question is: how can I pass an argument to ode function that is changing over time?
ode allows extra function's parameters as list :
It may happen that the simulator f needs extra arguments. In this
case, we can use the following feature. The f argument can also be a
list lst=list(f,u1,u2,...un) where f is a Scilab function with
syntax: ydot = f(t,y,u1,u2,...,un) and u1, u2, ..., un are extra
arguments which are automatically passed to the simulator simuf.
Extra parameter is a function of t
function y = f(t,y,h)
// define y here depending on t and h(t),eg y = t + h(t)
function y = h(t)
// define here h(t), eg y = t
// define y0,t0 and t
y = ode(y0, t0, t, list(f,h)) // this will pass the h function as a parameter
Extra is a vector for which we want to extract the corresponding term.
Since ode only compute the solution y at t. An idea is to look for Ti < t < Tj when ode performs a computation and get Hi < h < Hj.
This is rather ugly but totally works:
function y = h(t,T,H)
res = abs(t - T) // looking for nearest value of t in T
minres = min(res) // getting the smallest distance
lower = find(res==minres) // getting the index : T(lower)
res(res==minres)=%inf // looking for 2nd nearest value of t in T: nearest is set to inf
minres = min(res) // getting the smallest distance
upper = find(minres==res) // getting the index: T(upper)
// Now t is between T(lower) (nearest) and T(upper) (farest) (! T(lower) may be > T(upper))
y = ((T(upper)-t)*H(lower)+(t-T(lower))*H(upper))/(T(upper)-T(lower)) // computing h such as the barycenter with same distance to H(lower) and H(upper)
function ydot=f(t, y,h,T,H)
hi = h(t,T,H) // if Ti< t < Tj; Hi<h(t,T,H)<Hj
disp([t,hi]) // with H = T, hi = t
ydot=y^2-y*sin(t)+cos(t) - hi // example of were to use hi
// use base example of `ode`
H = t // simple example
y = ode(y0,t0,t,list(f,h,t,H));

Least Squares Algorithm doesn't work

:) I'm trying to code a Least Squares algorithm and I've come up with this:
function [y] = ex1_Least_Squares(xValues,yValues,x) % a + b*x + c*x^2 = y
points = size(xValues,1);
A = ones(points,3);
b = zeros(points,1);
for i=1:points
A(i,1) = 1;
A(i,2) = xValues(i);
A(i,3) = xValues(i)^2;
b(i) = yValues(i);
constants = (A'*A)\(A'*b);
y = constants(1) + constants(2)*x + constants(3)*x^2;
When I use this matlab script for linear functions, it works fine I think. However, when I'm passing 12 points of the sin(x) function I get really bad results.
These are the points I pass to the function:
xValues = [ -180; -144; -108; -72; -36; 0; 36; 72; 108; 144; 160; 180];
yValues = [sind(-180); sind(-144); sind(-108); sind(-72); sind(-36); sind(0); sind(36); sind(72); sind(108); sind(144); sind(160); sind(180) ];
And the result is sin(165°) = 0.559935259380508, when it should be sin(165°) = 0.258819
There is no reason why fitting a parabola to a full period of a sinusoid should give good results. These two curves are unrelated.
MATLAB already contains a least square polynomial fitting function, polyfit and a complementary function, polyval. Although you are probably supposed to write your own, trying out something like the following will be educational:
xValues = [ -180; -144; -108; -72; -36; 0; 36; 72; 108; 144; 160; 180];
% you may want to experiment with different ranges of xValues
yValues = sind(xValues);
% try this with different values of n, say 2, 3, and 4
p = polyfit(xValues,yValues,n);
x = -180:36:180;
y = polyval(p,x);
hold on
Also, more generically, you should avoid using loops as you have in your code. This should be equivalent:
points = size(xValues,1);
A = ones(points,3);
A(:,2) = xValues;
A(:,3) = xValues.^2; % .^ and ^ are different
The part of the loop involving b is equivalent to doing b = yValues; either name the incoming variable b or just use the variable yValues, there's no need to make a copy of it.

Approximating inverse trigonometric functions

I have to implement asin, acos and atan in environment where I have only following math tools:
elementary fixed point arithmetic (floating point numbers are not available)
I also already have reasonably good square root function.
Can I use those to implement reasonably efficient inverse trigonometric functions?
I don't need too big precision (the floating point numbers have very limited precision anyways), basic approximation will do.
I'm already half decided to go with table lookup, but I would like to know if there is some neater option (that doesn't need several hundred lines of code just to implement basic math).
To clear things up: I need to run the function hundreds of times per frame at 35 frames per second.
In a fixed-point environment (S15.16) I successfully used the CORDIC algorithm (see Wikipedia for a general description) to compute atan2(y,x), then derived asin() and acos() from that using well-known functional identities that involve the square root:
asin(x) = atan2 (x, sqrt ((1.0 + x) * (1.0 - x)))
acos(x) = atan2 (sqrt ((1.0 + x) * (1.0 - x)), x)
It turns out that finding a useful description of the CORDIC iteration for atan2() on the double is harder than I thought. The following website appears to contain a sufficiently detailed description, and also discusses two alternative approaches, polynomial approximation and lookup tables:
Do you need a large precision for arcsin(x) function? If no you may calculate arcsin in N nodes, and keep values in memory. I suggest using line aproximation. if x = A*x_(N) + (1-A)*x_(N+1) then x = A*arcsin(x_(N)) + (1-A)*arcsin(x_(N+1)) where arcsin(x_(N)) is known.
you might want to use approximation: use an infinite series until the solution is close enough for you.
for example:
arcsin(z) = Sigma((2n!)/((2^2n)*(n!)^2)*((z^(2n+1))/(2n+1))) where n in [0,infinity)
You could do that integration numerically with your square root function, approximating with an infinite series:
Submitting here my answer from this other similar question.
nVidia has some great resources I've used for my own uses, few examples: acos asin atan2 etc etc...
These algorithms produce precise enough results. Here's a straight up Python example with their code copy pasted in:
import math
def nVidia_acos(x):
negate = float(x<0)
ret = -0.0187293
ret = ret * x
ret = ret + 0.0742610
ret = ret * x
ret = ret - 0.2121144
ret = ret * x
ret = ret + 1.5707288
ret = ret * math.sqrt(1.0-x)
ret = ret - 2 * negate * ret
return negate * 3.14159265358979 + ret
And here are the results for comparison:
nVidia_acos(0.5) result: 1.0471513828611643
math.acos(0.5) result: 1.0471975511965976
That's pretty close! Multiply by 57.29577951 to get results in degrees, which is also from their "degrees" formula.
It should be easy to addapt the following code to fixed point. It employs a rational approximation to calculate the arctangent normalized to the [0 1) interval (you can multiply it by Pi/2 to get the real arctangent). Then, you can use well known identities to get the arcsin/arccos from the arctangent.
normalized_atan(x) ~ (b x + x^2) / (1 + 2 b x + x^2)
where b = 0.596227
The maximum error is 0.1620º
#include <stdint.h>
#include <math.h>
// Approximates atan(x) normalized to the [-1,1] range
// with a maximum error of 0.1620 degrees.
float norm_atan( float x )
static const uint32_t sign_mask = 0x80000000;
static const float b = 0.596227f;
// Extract the sign bit
uint32_t ux_s = sign_mask & (uint32_t &)x;
// Calculate the arctangent in the first quadrant
float bx_a = ::fabs( b * x );
float num = bx_a + x * x;
float atan_1q = num / ( 1.f + bx_a + num );
// Restore the sign bit
uint32_t atan_2q = ux_s | (uint32_t &)atan_1q;
return (float &)atan_2q;
// Approximates atan2(y, x) normalized to the [0,4) range
// with a maximum error of 0.1620 degrees
float norm_atan2( float y, float x )
static const uint32_t sign_mask = 0x80000000;
static const float b = 0.596227f;
// Extract the sign bits
uint32_t ux_s = sign_mask & (uint32_t &)x;
uint32_t uy_s = sign_mask & (uint32_t &)y;
// Determine the quadrant offset
float q = (float)( ( ~ux_s & uy_s ) >> 29 | ux_s >> 30 );
// Calculate the arctangent in the first quadrant
float bxy_a = ::fabs( b * x * y );
float num = bxy_a + y * y;
float atan_1q = num / ( x * x + bxy_a + num );
// Translate it to the proper quadrant
uint32_t uatan_2q = (ux_s ^ uy_s) | (uint32_t &)atan_1q;
return q + (float &)uatan_2q;
In case you need more precision, there is a 3rd order rational function:
normalized_atan(x) ~ ( c x + x^2 + x^3) / ( 1 + (c + 1) x + (c + 1) x^2 + x^3)
where c = (1 + sqrt(17)) / 8
which has a maximum approximation error of 0.00811º
Maybe some kind of intelligent brute force like newton rapson.
So for solving asin() you go with steepest descent on sin()
Use a polynomial approximation. Least-squares fit is easiest (Microsoft Excel has it) and Chebyshev approximation is more accurate.
This question has been covered before: How do Trigonometric functions work?
Only continous functions are approximable by polynomials. And arcsin(x) is discontinous in point x=1.same arccos(x).But a range reduction to interval 1,sqrt(1/2) in that case avoid this situation. We have arcsin(x)=pi/2- arccos(x),arccos(x)=pi/2-arcsin(x).you can use matlab for minimax approximation.Aproximate only in range [0,sqrt(1/2)](if angle for that arcsin is request is bigger that sqrt(1/2) find cos(x).arctangent function only for x<1.arctan(x)=pi/2-arctan(1/x).
