Docker on a Server 2016 Virtual Machine - windows

I've already tried running Docker on a Windows 10 Virtual Machine without any success. I understand why, so I've given up trying to enable this. However, it's got me thinking about Windows Server 2016. As I understand it, Windows Server 2016 has docker included as a component/service, instead of an 'Add On' as it is in Windows 10. Are there any reasons why a Microsoft Server 2016 Virtual Machine would not support docker? This is more for convenience than anything else. Dual-booting with windows 10 isn't a major issue and we've done that, but it does mean in certain circumstances I have to reboot to windows 8 for certain organisation-specific content that I can't access in Windows 10.


How docke run linux container on windows server 2019?

I downloaded desktop meet some error, and I found the docker desktop didn’t support on windows server.
Then I wanted to run a linux image in windows server, but I can’t find how to trans windows mode to linux mode.And more I didn’t find the dockercli.exe.
So now my question is:
dose windows server support linux mode?
If it does, how to change to such mode?
if not, how to run linux container on windows server 2019?
To run docker on windows server 2019, try this
You should also install WSL Feature

Install Windows 7 on Google Cloud

Im totally new to Google Cloud. I got free uses for some time from google.
I want to setup a lab. So I want to install Windows 7 on Google Cloud.
The image for Windows 7 is not available, you can create a custom image, upload it and then create an instance with that image, but honestly I would not follow this path if you have just started and you want only to run a Windows server.
So, if you don't really need Windows 7 for some reason and you want to run a Windows virtual machine the easiest thing to do is to create an instance using one of the available images:
Windows Server version 1709 Core for Containers (Beta)
Windows Server version 1709 Core
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Server 2012 R2 Core
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2016 Core
Windows Server 2016
In order to do so go to the Console, enter in Compute Engine, VM instances, click on create instance, at this point from the tab that will be opened select the Windows image that you prefer and set up the machine as you like. Wait some minute and you will be able to connect to it through RDP.
Note that there is a Quickstart guide in order to help you in the process.

Not able to log back into my Windows machine after Hyper-v installation

I have a Windows 10 machine. Recently I have installed Hyper-V 2016 server on my machine. From then whenever I start my system I only see a blue screen with various commands. I do not see any other thing other than that. Now how can I go back to my normal Windows machine?
See this image for reference:
you had Windows 10 installed on your machine now you have Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2016.
I assume you downloaded an ISO and installed that one. Whereas within Windows 10 you only have to activated a feature called Hyper-V.
Grap your latest Backups and install Windows 10 back onto your machine.

Windows server 2008 base image for docker

I used docker on Windows server 2016 which runs containers natively. From the docs I could see only 2 base images available: windowsservercore and nanoserver.
From what I understand both of them are like a fraction of Windows Server 2016. Or are they?
I have a specific version of my application that runs only on Windows server 2008. I was wondering if there was a base image of windows server 2008? Or will there be one in the future?

Can I use Windows 10 Insider preview to build a docker image

I have a Eclipse App that only installs on Windows, while I have a Mac. I have downloaded the Windows 10 ISO from the insider preview program. Can I use it in docker to build a docker image? What can be the base image? The alternative is to use the VirtualBox, and install windows 10 in it. But I don't want to go for it, because I want to share the image with other colleagues who are on Windows.
If you want to run a Windows Container on a Mac you will need to intall Windows 10 Anniversay Update ISO as a VM via Virtualbox or install the operating sysem using Bootcamp.
Windows 10 Anniversay Edition now has native support for Containers so you can run docker images for Windows Server 2016 and/or Nanoserver.
Your colleagues will also need Windows 10 Anniversary Edition to run the image on their machines.
You will need a Windows virtual machine to run Windows 10 on your MAC. See also the answer in this Stackoverflow question for a discussion of docker container types and docker hosts types.
Linux-based docker containers only run on Linux docker hosts while Windows-based docker containers only run either on Windows 2016 or on Windows Nanoserver, where a Nanoserver can run on Windows 2016 or on Windows 10 Professional + Hyper-V.
If you want to run either Linux-based or Windows-based docker containers on a MAC, you will need a Linux-based or a Windows-based virtual machine, respectively.
Is it possible to exchanging Docker images instead of virtual machine images to reduce the size?
Not in your case, I think.
If you think about reducing the image size you intend to share with your colleagues, you might think about running Windows containers on a Windows virtual machine on your MACs and exchange the smaller docker images instead of sharing virtual machine images. However, this would require nested virtualization of Hyper-V and this is supported on Hyper-V-capable hardware only (see also an Hyper-V on Hyper-V example here). Since you are using a MAC, I fear, you need to share the larger virtual machine image or better find a way to share only parts of it (e.g. share project code via git instead).
