dc.js charts, how to get the intersection of multiple filters - dc.js

I am wondering if anyone can help me with getting the intersection of multiple filters.
For example:
if I have following:
var ndx = crossfilter([
{id: 1, arrayVals: [1, 2]},
{id: 2, arrayVals: [2, 3]},
{id: 3, arrayVals: [1, 2, 3]}
how do I get items with arrayVals that have 1 and 3? And how do I get the filter value onclick?
As far as I know, within a dc chart the filtering is "OR" and between dc charts, the filtering is "AND".
Thanks Millions,


Histogram based search in SOLR (relevancy by position in multivalued field)

I'm trying to add histogram based search into SOLR. For instance, we need to search closest (or exact the same) distribution to [1, 2, 3, 4]. So, most likely, we can use multivalued field of ints.
The question is - how to make results more relevant depends on their position in multivalued field?
For example
[1, 2, 3, 5]
is more relevant to [1, 2, 3, 4] - only last element is different,
[1, 4, 3, 2], despite a fact, that numbers in this example is exact the same, positions of 2 elements are different.
On the other hand, we don't need exact elements search, because we need to find just a closest one. The weight of elements is the same.
Any thoughts?

Count in Eloquent with distinct?

the following query:
Sheep::whereIn('foobar_id', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])->groupBy('foobar_id')->count();
Also instead of using groupBy I tried distinct('foobar_id') with no effect.
How can I get a result of the counts where doubles of the foobar_id are skipped?
Using Postgres
->whereIn('foobar_id', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

Different Data Lines on Kendo UI Graphs

I have a Kendo UI line chart.
This has x axis intervals of 28 days and data plotted against this every 28 days.
I want to know if its possible to add a second line but with data plotted daily rather than every 28 days.
Yes, you can! This type of series are called scatterLines and basically for each series you have to provide an array of pairs with the x and y values.
If for the first series you provide values 0, 28, 56... and for the second 0, 1, 2... You get what you want.
series: [
{ type: "scatterLine", data: [[0, 4], [28, 2], [56, 3]] },
{ type: "scatterLine", data: [[1, 2], [2, 3]] }
Check it here: http://jsfiddle.net/U7SvD/

Object tree traversal in ruby

So... I have the following:
A class with several properties which are retrieved from an .xml file. These properties are if the object is a condition (it has two children) and its name. Basically, the object's children properties are the names of its children.
The .xml looks like this:
<name>Object - 2</name>
<yesChild>Object - 3</yesChild>
<noChild>Object - 4</noChild>
If the noChild is empty, then it means that the object is not a condition. All objects retrieved from the .xml are stored into an array.
What I need is to somehow create a tree out of it and identify all paths that can be taken in order to reach the last element in the array. The algorithm does not need to traverse all nodes, just the ones it needs to reach the last element of the array.
We have 4 objects: X1, X2, X3 and X4, where X1 is a condition with X2 and X3 as its children then we will have 2 paths that start in X1 and end in X4.
Path 1: X1->X2->X4
Path 2: X1->X3->X4
Thank you.
Since you don't show what format the data is after you parse, I'm going to guess :) Here's how I would store the parsed data in ruby objects (using new-style hash key syntax for clarity):
[ {yes: 2, no: 3},
{yes: 4},
{yes: 4},
{yes: -1} ]
Then, tree-traversal can be done recursively. As long as your arrays aren't several thousands of elements long, this will work fine.
def tree(object_number, list)
if object_number == list.size
list[object_number-1].values.map { |obj_num|
}.inject{|a,b| a+b}.map{|l| [object_number] + l}
Now you call the function:
=> [[1, 2, 4], [1, 3, 4]]
data = [ {yes: 2, no: 3}, {yes: 4, no:5}, {yes:5, no:4}, {yes:5}, {yes: -1} ]
=> [[1, 2, 4, 5], [1, 2, 5], [1, 3, 5], [1, 3, 4, 5]]
How it works: The easiest way to build this list is backwards, since we only know the number of paths once we have gotten to the end of all of them. So this code follows the references all the way to the end, and when it gets to the last object, it returns it as a single-element two dimensional array.
=> [[5]]
at each level of recursion, it takes the results of it's recursion call (returned as a list of lists) and prepends it's own object number to each of the interior lists. So, following back up the tree:
tree(4,list) # prepends 4 to tree(5)
=> [[4,5]]
tree(3,list) # prepends 3 to tree(4) and tree(5)
=> [[3,4,5],[3,5]]
tree(2,list) # prepends 2 to tree(4) and tree(5)
=> [[2,4,5],[2,5]]
tree(1,list) # prepends 1 to tree(2) and tree(3)
=> [[1, 2, 4, 5], [1, 2, 5], [1, 3, 5], [1, 3, 4, 5]]
If the lists might be long enough to overflow your stack, it is always possible to do this without recursion. Recursion is just the simplest way for this particular problem.

intelligently generating combinations of combinations

Let's say I have a class of 30 students and want generate every possible way in which they can be partitioned into groups of 5 (order is irrelevant).
I know how to find all the combinations of students to form one group individually (http://www.merriampark.com/comb.htm). By using that iterator and some recursion, I can find PERMUTATIONS of the possible group combinations. However, order in which the groups are selected isn't relevant and I'd like to minimize my execution time. So how do I find the unique COMBINATIONS of the possible groups?
The above algorithm uses lexicographical ordering to avoid generating duplicate combinations... is there a way that I can use that idea on groups instead of on objects?
I know Ruby well and Java/Python less well. Thanks in advance for any advice!
Well, there's (30C5*25C5*20C5*15C5*10C5*5C5)/6! = 30!/(6!*5!6) = 123,378,675,083,039,376 different partitons of 30 into groups of 5, so generating them all will take some time, no matter what method you use.
In general, though, a good method to selecting such a partition is to use some ordering on the elements, and find the grouping for the highest ungrouped element, and then group the rest.
find_partition = lambda do |elts|
if elts.empty?
highest = elts.pop
elts.combination(4).map do |others|
find_partition[elts - others].map { |part| part << [highest,*others] }
This way you're only generating each partition once
This is an old question, but anyway, for the record, that's how I would it in Ruby:
class Array
def groups_of_size(n)
Enumerator.new do |yielder|
if self.empty?
self.drop(1).combination(n-1).map { |vs| [self.first] + vs }.each do |values|
(self - values).groups_of_size(n).each do |group|
yielder.yield([values] + group)
I use an enumerator because the output can grow very quickly, a strict output (an array for example) wouldn't be useful. A usage example:
>> pp [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5].groups_of_size(3).to_a
[[[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]],
[[0, 1, 3], [2, 4, 5]],
[[0, 1, 4], [2, 3, 5]],
[[0, 1, 5], [2, 3, 4]],
[[0, 2, 3], [1, 4, 5]],
[[0, 2, 4], [1, 3, 5]],
[[0, 2, 5], [1, 3, 4]],
[[0, 3, 4], [1, 2, 5]],
[[0, 3, 5], [1, 2, 4]],
[[0, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3]]]
You could do some post-processing on the permutations. Some pseudo-code (implement in the language of your choice...):
// We have a list of lists called 'permutations'
// combinations is an (empty) list of lists
for each permutation in permutations
sortedPermutation = permutation.sort()
if (! combinations.find(sortedPermutation) )
Probably not the most efficient; I'd add the sort & compare to the code that generates the permutations personally.
One possibility would be to find all combinations to form an individual group, then go through and generate combinations that don't contain members of that individual group. Something like:
List<List<Student>> combinations=Combinations(students);
public void GenerateCombinations(int startingIndex, List<List<Student>> currentGroups, int groupsLeft)
if(groupsLeft==0) ProcessCombination(currentGroups);
for(int i=startingIndex; i<combinations.Count; i++)
if combinations[i] does not contain a student in current groups
GenerateCombinations(i+1, currentGroups + combinations[i], groupsLeft -1);
It won't be the most efficient method to go about it, but it should generate all combinations of groups. I suspect better performance could be had if you were to generate temporary lists of combinations, where in all groups that can't occur were removed, but that would be a bit more complex.
As a slight aside, there should be 142,506 combinations of 30 students to form a single group of 5. My <sarcasm> awesome </sarcasm> math skills suggest that there should be about 10^17 = 100 quadrillion combinations of groups of students (30!/((5!^6)*6!); 30! orderings of students, ordering of 6 groups of 5 does not matter, and ordering of those 6 groups doesn't matter). You might be sitting there a while waiting for this to finish.
