How to replace words inside template placeholders - ruby

I'm trying to write a regular expression to replace <%= Name %> with "Some Person".
I'm using a regex because I want to modify it so that I don't have to worry about the spaces between = and Name as well as the E in Name and the %>
I tried:
body = %q(
Hello <%= Name %>,
This is a test. hello test
some more stuff here
and here.
<%= Name %>
parsed_body = body.gsub(/\A<%= Name %>\Z/, "Some person")
puts parsed_body
When parsed_body is printed out, the string is unchanged. What is wrong with my regex?

In your Regex, you have added the \A and \z anchors. These ensure that your regex only matches, if the string only contains exactly <%= Name %> with nothing before or after.
To match the your pattern anywhere in the string, you can simply remove the anchors:
parsed_body = body.gsub(/<%= Name %>/, "Some person")

Just another option considering what I am assuming you are trying to accomplish
tag_pattern = /(?<open_tag><%=\s*)(?<key>(\w+))(?<close_tag>\s*%>)/
body = <<-B
My name is <%= Name %> and I know some things. Just because I am a
<%= Occupation %> doesn't mean I know everything, but I sure can
<%=Duty%> just as well as anyone else.
Also please don't replace <%= This %>
Thank you,
<%= Name %>
dict = {"Name" => "engineersmnky", "Occupation" => "Monkey", "Duty" => "drive a train"}
body.gsub(tag_pattern) {|m| dict[$2] || m }
#=> Hello,
# My name is engineersmnky and I know some things. Just because I am a
# Monkey doesn't mean I know everything, but I sure can
# drive a train just as well as anyone else.
# Also please don't replace <%= This %>
# Thank you,
# engineersmnky
In this case I used a dictionary of the anticipated portions of the "erb" to be replaced and used the block style of String#gsub to handle the replacements where $2 is the named capture key. When there is not a matching key it just leaves the match untouched e.g. "Also please don't replace <%= This %>"
You could implement this with any pattern you choose but if you are going to use "erb" style lines maybe try leveraging erb other wise the same will work below:
tag_pattern = (?<open_tag>{!!\s*)(?<key>(\w+))(?<close_tag>\s*!\?})
body = <<-B Hello,
My name is {!! Name !?} and I know some things. Just because I am a
{!! Occupation !?} doesn't mean I know everything, but I sure can
{!!Duty !?} just as well as anyone else.
Thank you,
{!! Name !?}
As long as you define tag_pattern correctly the replacement is fairly simple. Rubular Example

It looks like you're trying to write your own template parser, which is asking for a lot more trouble that it's worth considering those already exist.
However, this is the basic idea for such a thing:
erb = <<EOT
Owner: <%= name %>
Location: <%= address %>
name: 'Olive Oyl',
address: '5 Sweethaven Village'
FIELD_RE = Regexp.union( # => "name|address"
puts erb.gsub(/<%=\s+(#{FIELD_RE})\s+%>/) { |k|
k # => "<%= name %>", "<%= address %>"
k[/\s+(\S+)\s+/, 1] # => "name", "address"
FIELD_DATA[k[/\s+(\S+)\s+/, 1].to_sym] # => "Olive Oyl", "5 Sweethaven Village"
Which, when run, outputs:
Owner: Olive Oyl
Location: 5 Sweethaven Village
This works because gsub can take a regular expression and a block. For every match of the expression it passes in the match to the block, which is then used to return the actual value being substituted in.
If you have a lot of target values, rather than use Regexp.union, instead use the RegexpTrie gem. See "Is there an efficient way to perform hundreds of text substitutions in Ruby?" for more information.
Again, template parsers exist, they've been around a long time, they're very well tested, and they handle edge cases you haven't thought about, so don't write a new partially-implemented one, instead reuse an existing one.


Nested iteration in Puppet template [Ruby]

I started to learn Puppet this week and trying hard to implement user's keys to /etc/ssh/sudo_authorized_keys.
I have a dictionary of users with keys in sudo_users.yaml:
type: "ssh-ed25519"
key: "AAAAC3N..."
type: "ssh-ed25519"
key: "AAAAC..."
type: "ssh-ed25519"
key: "AAAAC3Nza..."
Then I create this in sudokeys.pp file:
class core::sudokeys {
file { "/etc/ssh/sudo_authorized_keys":
ensure => file,
mode => "0440",
content => template("core/sudo_authorized_keys.erb"),
As you can see, I want to implement template with iteration.
This is my current template:
<%- scope['core::sudo_users_keys'].each | user | -%>
<%- if user[1] -%>
<%- $user[1]['keys'].each do | key | -%>
<%= $key[1]['type'] $key[1]['key'] -%>
<%- end end -%>
<%- end -%>
I have the same dictionary with id_rsa keys to ssh and use interaction as below.
It works perfectly for ssh_authorized_key, but I can use it in this case by adding keys to /etc/ssh/sudo_authorized_keys. That's why I decided to use a template and only inject keys inside the sudo_authorized_keys file.
class core::sshkeys {
lookup("core::sudo_users_keys").each | $user | {
if $user[1] {
$user[1]["keys"].each | $key | {
ssh_authorized_key { "${user[0]}-${key[0]}":
ensure => present,
user => $user[0],
type => $key[1]["type"],
key => $key[1]["key"],
Puppet documentation doesn't include this kind of more complicated iterations and I feel like wandering in the fog.
Currently, I'm getting this error when deploying my template, but I feel like the way I prepare this will not work as I wanted.
Internal Server Error: org.jruby.exceptions.SyntaxError: (SyntaxError) /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/test/modules/core/templates/sudo_authorized_keys.erb:2: syntax error, unexpected tSTRING_BEG
_erbout.<< " {\n".freeze
I will appreciate any suggestions about template construction. What should I change to make it work and extract only type and key values?
Your approach is workable, but there are multiple issues with your code, among them
the scope object in a template provides access to Puppet variables, not to Hiera data. Probably the easiest way to address that would be to
give your core::sudokeys class a class parameter to associate with the data ($userkeys, say),
change the Hiera key for the data so that it will be automatically bound to the new class parameter, and
in the template, access the data via the class parameter (which doesn't even require using the scope object in that case).
in the template, you seem to be assuming a different structure for your data than it actually has in Hiera. Your data is a hashes of hashes of hashes, but you are accessing parts of it as if there were arrays involved somewhere (user[1], key[1]). Also, if there were one or more arrays, then do be aware that Ruby array indexes start at 0, not at 1.
Scriptlet code in an ERB template is (only) Ruby. Your scriptlet code appears to mix Ruby and Puppet syntax. In particular, Ruby variable names are not prefixed with a $, and Ruby block parameters appear inside the block, not outside it.
<%= ... %> tags a for outputting the value of one Ruby expression each. You appear to be trying to emit multiple expressions with the same tag.
Also, it's worth noting that scriptlet code can span multiple lines. That can make it clearer. Additionally, you may need to pay attention to whitespace and newlines in your template to get the output you want. ERB has options to consume unwanted whitespace around scriptlet tags, if needed, but sometimes its at least as easy to just avoid putting in whitespace that you don't want. On the other hand, be sure not to suppress whitespace that you actually wanted.
So, here's one form that all of the above might take:
type: "ssh-ed25519"
key: "AAAAC3N..."
type: "ssh-ed25519"
key: "AAAAC..."
type: "ssh-ed25519"
key: "AAAAC3Nza..."
class core::sudokeys($users_keys) {
file { "/etc/ssh/sudo_authorized_keys":
ensure => file,
mode => "0440",
content => template("core/sudo_authorized_keys.erb"),
<% #users_keys.each do | user |
if user.has_key?('keys') do
user['keys'].each do |key|
%><%= key['type'] %> <%= key['key'] %>
<% # don't consume preceding whitespace here
I used John Bollinger answer, however template wasn't perfect in my case, because I was constantly getting errors like eg. syntax error, unexpected end-of-file _erbout.
The proper sudo_authorized_keys.erb file that worked for me is this one:
<%- #users_keys.each do | user, config | -%>
<%- if config.has_key?('keys') -%>
<%- config['keys'].each do | name, value | -%>
<%= value['type'] %> <%= value['key'] %> <%= user %>
<%- end -%>
<%- end -%>
<%- end -%>

Outputting method result to erb

I'm working on an application that creates random sentences. I have it working as a console application, and want to make a Sinatra app which lets me display the sentences on the browser.
I have a variable #grammar that is populated from a form. I want to pass this into a method a few methods which work together to take in a string and generate a random sentence from it using a lot of logic. My rsg.erb file looks like this.
Where 'The waves portend like big yellow flowers tonight.' is the output of the expand method. I would like to display this on the erb file so it is displayed on the browser.
How can I do that?
Can you try this:
<%= #grammar %>
<%-# Assigning values to the variables in first step %>
rds = read_grammar_defs(#grammar) #get text from file and parse
sds = { |rd| split_definition rd} #use split definition to make array of strings
tgh = to_grammar_hash(sds) #create hash
rs = expand(tgh) #create sentence
<%-# Printing it in second step %>
<%= rs %>

Ruby Undefined Local Variable

The following is code from an ERB tutorial. When I tried to execute the code, the compiler complained saying "(erb):16: undefined local variable or method `priority' for main:Object (NameError)". I cannot figure out the reason. Could someone please help me out?
require "erb"
# Create template.
template = %q{
From: James Edward Gray II <>
To: <%= to %>
Subject: Addressing Needs
<%= to[/\w+/] %>:
Just wanted to send a quick note assuring that your needs are being
I want you to know that my team will keep working on the issues,
<%# ignore numerous minor requests -- focus on priorities %>
% priorities.each do |priority|
* <%= priority %>
% end
Thanks for your patience.
James Edward Gray II
}.gsub(/^ /, '')
message =, 0, "%<>")
# Set up template data.
to = "Community Spokesman <>"
priorities = [ "Run Ruby Quiz",
"Document Modules",
"Answer Questions on Ruby Talk" ]
# Produce result.
email = message.result
puts email
That ERB template looks mangled, a problem caused by your indentation. You just need to fix the middle:
<% priorities.each do |priority| %>
* <%= priority %>
<% end %>
The alternate syntax is to have a % at the very beginning of the line. In your case you have inadvertently added some spaces which are rendering that part of the ERB invalid.

Ruby on Rails - Truncate to a specific string

Clarification: The creator of the post should be able to decide when the truncation should happen.
I implemented a Wordpress like [---MORE---] functionality in my blog with following helper function:
# application_helper.rb
def more_split(content)
split = content.split("[---MORE---]")
def remove_more_tag(content)
content.sub(“[---MORE---]", '')
In the index view the post body will display everything up to (but without) the [---MORE---] tag.
# index.html.erb
<%= raw more_split(post.rendered_body) %>
And in the show view everything from the post body will be displayed except the [---MORE---] tag.
# show.html.erb
<%=raw remove_more_tag(#post.rendered_body) %>
This solution currently works for me without any problems.
Since I am still a beginner in programming I am constantly wondering if there is a more elegant way to accomplish this.
How would you do this?
Thanks for your time.
This is the updated version:
# index.html.erb
<%=raw truncate(post.rendered_body,
:length => 0,
:separator => '[---MORE---]',
:omission => link_to( "Continued...",post)) %>
...and in the show view:
# show.html.erb
<%=raw (#post.rendered_body).gsub("[---MORE---]", '') %>
I would use just simply truncate, it has all of the options you need.
truncate("And they found that many people were sleeping better.", :length => 25, :omission => '... (continued)')
# => "And they f... (continued)"
After sawing the comments, and digging a bit the documentation it seems that the :separator does the work.
From the doc:
Pass a :separator to truncate text at a natural break.
For referenece see the docs
truncate(post.rendered_body, :separator => '[---MORE---]')
On the show page you have to use gsub
You could use a helper function on the index page that only grabs the first X characters in your string. So, it would look more like:
<%= raw summarize(post.rendered_body, 250) %>
to get the first 250 characters in your post. So, then you don't have to deal w/ splitting on the [---MORE---] string. And, on the show page for your post, you won't need to do anything at all... just render the post.body.
Here's an example summarize helper (that you would put in application_helper.rb):
def summarize(body, length)
return simple_format(truncate(body.gsub(/<\/?.*?>/, ""), :length => length)).gsub(/<\/?.*?>/, "")
I tried and found this one is the best and easiest
def summarize(body, length)
return simple_format = body[0..length]+'...'
s = summarize("to get the first n characters in your post. So, then you don't have to deal w/ splitting on the [---MORE---] post.body.",20)
ruby-1.9.2-p290 :017 > s
=> "to get the first n ..."

Rails 3 refactoring issue

The following view code generates a series of links with totals (as expected):
<% #jobs.group_by(&:employer_name).sort.each do |employer, jobs| %>
<%= link_to employer, jobs_path() %> <%= "(#{jobs.length})" %>
<% end %>
However, when I refactor the view's code and move the logic to a helper, the code doesn't work as expect.
<%= employer_filter(#jobs_clone) %>
def employer_filter(jobs)
jobs.group_by(&:employer_name).sort.each do |employer,jobs|
link_to employer, jobs_path()
The following output is generated:
<Job:0x10342e628>#<Job:0x10342e588>#<Job:0x10342e2e0>Employer A#<Job:0x10342e1c8>Employer B#<Job:0x10342e0d8>Employer C#<Job:0x10342ded0>Employer D#
What am I not understanding? At first blush, the code seems to be equivalent.
In the first example, it is directly outputting to erb, in the second example it is returning the result of that method.
Try this:
def employer_filter(jobs)
employer_filter = ""
jobs.group_by(&:employer_name).sort.each do |employer,jobs|
employer_filter += link_to(employer, jobs_path())
Then call it like this in the view:
Also note the use of "raw". Once you move generation of a string out of the template you need to tell rails that you don't want it html escaped.
For extra credit, you could use the "inject" command instead of explicitly building the string, but I am lazy and wanted to give you what I know would work w/o testing.
This syntax worked as I hoped it would:
def employer_filter(jobs_clone)
jobs_clone.group_by(&:employer_name).sort.collect { |group,items|
link_to( group, jobs_path() ) + " (#{items.length})"
}.join(' | ').html_safe
