How are Exrin services registered to their appropriate models? - xamarin

After creating a service for a model, how do I tell the model to use that service?
Within the sample Tesla app, there exists constructors which call for a service as an argument:
private readonly IClimateService _service;
public ClimateModel(IExrinContainer exrinContainer, IAuthModel authModel, IClimateService service)
: base(exrinContainer, new ClimateModelState())
{ _service = service; }
I searched but never found where the model receives the service, but I did find this:
protected override void InitServices()
RegisterTypeAssembly(typeof(IService), new AssemblyName(nameof(TeslaService)));

Exrin automatically loads Services, via reflection, if they inherit from


Am I using correct lifetime managers for dependency injection?

I have an web api application that uses Unity dependency injection libraries from MS Unity.AspNet.WebApi and Unity nuget packages. Also, the application uses Entity Framework version 6 database context for ORM and a generic repository.
Custom service types are consumed by Api controllers. Custom Service classes consumes EF database contexts and the generic repository.
My question is: Are HierarchicalLifetimeManager and ContainerControlledLifetimeManager correct lifetime managers for my web api application?
Codes in the UnityConfig class of my application:
using System;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data.Entity;
using Microsoft.Practices.Unity;
using Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Configuration;
using App.Api.Models;
using App.Dal;
public class UnityConfig
#region Unity Container
private static Lazy<IUnityContainer> container = new Lazy<IUnityContainer>(() =>
var container = new UnityContainer();
return container;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the configured Unity container.
/// </summary>
public static IUnityContainer GetConfiguredContainer()
return container.Value;
/// <summary>Registers the type mappings with the Unity container.</summary>
/// <param name="container">The unity container to configure.</param>
/// <remarks>There is no need to register concrete types such as controllers or API controllers (unless you want to
/// change the defaults), as Unity allows resolving a concrete type even if it was not previously registered.</remarks>
public static void RegisterTypes(IUnityContainer container)
var connectionStringEntityFramework= ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AppEntities"].ToString();
// Entity Framework database context and generic repository
// HierarchicalLifetimeManager is used:
container.RegisterType<DbContext, FirstAngularJsEntities>(new HierarchicalLifetimeManager(), new InjectionConstructor(connectionStringFirstAngularJsEntities));
container.RegisterType<IRepository, GenRepository>(new HierarchicalLifetimeManager(), new InjectionConstructor(typeof(DbContext)));
// services
// ContainerControlledLifetimeManager is used:
container.RegisterType<IContactService, ContactService>(new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager());
container.RegisterType<IProductService, ProductService>(new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager());
A sample api controller has custom service injected in its constructor:
public class ContactApiController : ApiController
private readonly IContactService _contactService;
public ContactApiController(IContactService contactService)
_contactService = contactService;
A sample custom service has EF DbContext and repository injected in its constructor:
public class ContactService : IContactService
private readonly IRepository _repo;
private readonly DbContext _context;
public ContactService(DbContext context, IRepository repo)
_context = context;
_repo = repo;
Using ContainerControlledLifetimeManager you'll get singletons of your services. One instance for a long time (untill IIS recycling).
HierarchicalLifetimeManager is used with child containers - create new instance of object for every child container, so you don't create child containers it works like a singleton again :)
The best way for WebApi apllication is using PerRequestLifetimeManager.
Create new instances for every request to Api.
I tend to look at this as what is the shortest lifetime that is compatible with the semantics of what you are trying to do, with the default lifetime being Transient unless otherwise required.
DbContext holds state so we need to be consistent for the request so PerRequest or Hierachic
Repository is/should be stateless since it's state is the DbContext, so Transient
Services is/should be stateless so Transient
One reason for going with Hierarchic rather than PerRequest is that the PerRequest manager does not play well with Owin, see, and you will need to write some cleanup middleware to replace the HttpModule

Web Api 2 with OWIN OAuth Bearer tokens

I'm in the process of building a web api in visual studio 2013 and want to authenticate using OWIN middleware and bearer tokens. However I already have a database and don't want to use Microsoft's new Identity framework as the majority of tables and columns that it auto generates I simply don't need.
Can anyone point me in the right direction of how to apply this type of authentication without having to use the Microsoft Identity framework?
My suggestion would be to use the framework but extend it to use your objects and infrastructure. I am currently in the middle of doing this and landed on this question. Here's how I've tackled it so far:
Step 1: Your own CustomUserObject
Write/Use your own "ApplicationUser" object. In the template project, you want to modify the "IdentityModels" file. It has ApplicationUser object defined in there. Assuming you already have all the properties from your existing app, you will need to add GenerateUserIdentityAsync() method but change the type of the parameter to UserManager manager). After the change, your method signature looks like this:
public async Task<ClaimsIdentity> GenerateUserIdentityAsync(UserManager<CustomUserObject> manager)
Step 2: Define your own IUserStore<> implementation
Add a new class CustomUserStore that implements IUserStore, like so:
public class CustomUserStore : IUserStore<CustomUserObject>
private readonly IUserManagerService _userManagerService;
public CustomUserStore(IUserManagerService userManagerService)
_userManagerService = userManagerService
//implementation code for all of the IUserStore methods here using
//userManagerService or your existing services/classes
I am using Unity to inject IUserManagementService's implementation above.
I have made use of the comprehensive UserManager class that comes with the Microsoft Identity framework but extended the framework to use my API for authentication and authorization. You could write your own UserManager but I found that it is pretty tedious and there is no reason why UserManager could work for most cases of Securing an app.
Step 3: Changes in the IdentityConfig.cs file
Change the class definition to make ApplicationUserManager class inherit from UserManager
You'll need to do the samething in the constructor of this class as well; i.e. have IUserStore. Modify the Create static method's first line to make use of the new store and a wrapper class that provides as a means to be a "DbContext" like so:
public static ApplicationUserManager Create(IdentityFactoryOptions<ApplicationUserManager> options, IOwinContext context)
var manager = new ApplicationUserManager(new ApplicationUserStore(context.Get<UserManagementServiceWrapper>()));
//modify the relevant lines after this to suit your needs
My UserManagementServiceWrapper looks like this (please note that I'm not too happy that it inherits from a concrete UserManagementService class that provides the methods to connect to the service that provides user data, I'm still building this out):
public class UserManagementServiceWrapper : UserManagementService, IDisposable
public void Dispose()
throw new NotImplementedException();
Step 4: Change the ApplicationDbContext class to return a UserManagementServiceWrapper instance
public class ApplicationDbContext : UserManagementServiceWrapper
public static UserManagementServiceWrapper Create()
return new UserManagementServiceWrapper();
And that is pretty much it. You still have to write the implementation for CustomUserStore object but everything should work.
Please note this is not boilerplate code and no where near "code review ready", as I said, I'm still digging deeper into this and building it out to use custom stores, data access objects, services etc. I thought you'll get a good start with some of the things that took me a couple of hours to figure out. I will blog about this when I have a good solution.
Hope this helps.
I prob. dont understand the question entirely but it looks like you are trying to do without the whole owin pipeline?
If not then..
You need to implement few interfaces related to users and roles described as below.
Have a look at the following post from Scott Allen
This way you can use your own tables, DAL and services to create UserManager and RoleManager objects.
Edit: Samples over here should give you some pointers.
Edit2: Custom User Store Example.
IRepository is the object which takes care of CRUD.
public class CustomUserStore : IUserStore<User>,....
private readonly IRepository _repository;
public CustomUserStore(IRepository repository)
if (repository == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("repository");
_repository = repository;
public Task CreateAsync(User user)
if (user == null) throw new ArgumentException("user");
return _repository.CommitAsync();

Get Username of Currently interacting User in WCF both Rest Endpoint and MVC3 with Windows Authentication

In an MVC3 project that I'm working on we're trying to move a lot of our logic that is currently in the controllers into a service layer and expose it as a REST Service in WCF.
So in our Global.asax we create a Service Route like so:
RouteTable.Routes.Add(new ServiceRoute
("Exampleservice", new WebServiceHostFactory(), typeof(ExampleService)));
and our controllers access the service something like this:
public class ExampleController : Controller {
private IExampleService service;
public ExampleController() {
this.service = new ExampleService();
public ActionResult Index() {
var results = service.GetAll();
return View(results);
The main point here being that we use the service class directly (without making requests over the network with an HttpClient).
Our website uses Windows Authentication (it's an intranet site) and we would like to keep it that way. My Question is, is there a way that I can get the User's Identity in the service class that will work both for how we have the Controllers using the service, and the way that WCF uses the service?
For example:
public interface IExampleService
[WebGet(UriTemplate = "/")]
List<Results> GetAll();
public class ExampleService : IExampleService
List<Results> GetAll() {
// Get User Name Here
// In ASP.Net I would use User.Identity.Name
// If I was just worrying about the the REST service I would use
// ServiceSecurityContext.Current.WindowsIdentity.Name
The instruction suggested by #Ryand.Johnson is correct. The point here is that the controller do not send any credentials to the web service because it run under the user indentity not the identity of the currently loggedd user. The only way to pass the identity to the proxy is by embedding the call to the web service within an impersonation context this way:
using (WindowsImpersonationContext impersonatedUser = (User.Identity as System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity).Impersonate()){
//your proxy call here }
If still this way you get null you have to set manually the default credentials to your proxy
Yes, in the service security context...

Ninject Binding Issue with Constructor Chaining

I have a MVC3 project that uses the Entity Framework and Ninject v2.2, and follows the Unit of Work pattern with a Service Layer wrapping my repositories.
After looking at the code below, hopefully its apparent that Ninject is using constructor chaining to inject the correct classes. It currently works prefectly in my application, however I am at the point that I need to bind an instance of IDatabase to MyDatabase with a different scope such as InSingletonScope() or InNamedScope(), not InRequestScope(). I know that I can use the [Named("MyDatabaseScope")] Attribute to customize which IDatabase object is injected, however it seems that with my code structure, if I wanted to inject my SingletonScoped instance, I would have to recreate a new Abstract and Concrete Implementation of my Unit of Work, my Service and all my Repositories, that will then chain down.
Basically my application currently goes
Controller -> Unit of Work -> Database, (Repositories -> Database)
If I have to change my Database Binding, I will now have to create another chain in addition to the current one:
Controller -> New Unit of Work -> SingletonDatabase, (New Repositories-> SingletonDatabase)
This seems to completely defeat the DRY principal. Is there a way to, from the Controller Constructor, inform Ninject that when doing constructor chaining it should use my singleton (or named binding) rather than my request scope binding, without having to recreate all my classes with a Named attribute, or a new Interface?
Sorry for the long text, I wasnt sure if I could get the point across without my code snippets and my somewhat rambling explaination.
Ninject Module Load Function:
Bind(typeof (IRepository<>)).To(typeof (RepositoryBase<>));
//This is my problem:
Unit of Work Implementation Constructor:
public class UnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork
private IDatabase _database;
public UnitOfWork(IDatabase database,
IUserRepository userRepository,
IPeopleRepository peopleRepository,
this._database = database;
this.UserRepository = userRepository;
this.PeopleRepository = peopleRepository;
protected IDatabase Database
get { return _database; }
User Service Layer Implementation Constructor:
public class UserServices : BaseServices, IUserServices
private IUnitOfWork _uow;
public UserServices(IUnitOfWork uow)
: base(uow)
_uow = uow;
User Repository Constructor:
public class UserRepository : RepositoryBase<User>, IUserRepository
public UserRepository(IDatabase database)
: base(database)
Controller Constructor:
public IUserServices _userServices { get; set; }
public ActivityController(IUserServices userServices)
_userServices = userServices;
Using Ninject 3.0.0 you can use WhenAnyAncestrorNamed("Some name") But if you need to run asyncronous things you should thing about splitting your application into a web frontend and a server backend. This could make many things easier.

ASP.Net MVC 3 - unitOfWork.Commit() not saving anything

I created a web application using ASP.Net MVC 3 and EF 4.1, and I am using the UnitOfWork pattern, but nothing is getting committed to the database. All this is quite new to me, and I don't know where to start to resolve this issue.
I based myself on this post to create my web application:
The final code, which can be obtained here also has a service layer and the UnitOfWOrk is being injected into the services.
Instead of using the custom injector based on Unity 2 as they are in that project, I am using Unity.Mvc3.
Here is my IUnitOfWork class:
public interface IUnitOfWork
void Commit();
And here is my UnitOfWork class:
public class UnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork
private readonly IDatabaseFactory databaseFactory;
private MyProjectContext dataContext;
public UnitOfWork(IDatabaseFactory databaseFactory)
this.databaseFactory = databaseFactory;
protected MyProjectContext DataContext
get { return dataContext ?? (dataContext = databaseFactory.Get()); }
public void Commit()
And here is how one of my service class look like:
public class RegionService : IRegionService
private readonly IRegionRepository regionRepository;
private readonly IUnitOfWork unitOfWork;
public RegionService(IRegionRepository regionRepository, IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
this.regionRepository = regionRepository;
this.unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
At start-up, my UnitOfWork component is being registered like this:
container.RegisterType<IUnitOfWork, UnitOfWork>();
Now, no matter whether I try to insert, update or delete, no request is being sent to the database. What am my missing here?
Here is the content of DataContext.Commit():
public class MyProjectContext : DbContext
public DbSet<Region> Regions { get; set; }
public virtual void Commit()
And here is databaseFactory.Get():
public interface IDatabaseFactory : IDisposable
MyProjectContext Get();
Using the debugger, I am noticing that my Region service and controller constructors are getting called once when performing only a select, but they are called twice when performing an update. Is this normal?
Ok, I found the culprit. It has to do with how I was registering my database factory.
Instead of
container.RegisterType<IDatabaseFactory, DatabaseFactory>();
I needed
container.RegisterType<IDatabaseFactory, DatabaseFactory>(new HierarchicalLifetimeManager());
I found the information on this web site:
That's an awfully complex implementation of Unit of Work. I actually prefer this one:
Much simpler, and much more flexible. Although you do have to work out a few things for yourself.
May just be a typo but in UnitOfWork your private MyProjectContext is called dataContext (lowercase d)
But in your commit method your calling DataContext.Commit. Any chance that's actually calling a static method that you didn't intend to call? More likely a typo but thought I'd point it out.
+1 for an overly complex implementation of UnitOfWork.
