Eclipse code setup build error - maven

Eclipse: Neon/Luna SR2/Luna R
Added all other such configuration: Still facing issues.
Activities performed:
1. Import GIT project (Clone URL)
2. Import MAVEN Project
3. Eclipse point to Java JDK installed
4. Run Configuration (clean install)
5. Apply --> Okay --> Generates Errors as below
Any insight here will be appreciated
Error: -- [INFO] BUILD FAILURE [INFO] Total time: 1.420 s [INFO] Finished at: 2017-06-05T19:19:54+05:30 [INFO] Final Memory: 17M/309M [INFO] [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.5.1:compile (default-compile) on project mail-client: Compilation failure [ERROR] Failure executing javac, but could not parse the error: [ERROR] /bin/sh: /bin/javac: No such file or directory [ERROR] -> [Help 1]


Jenkins Maven integration failed

I am trying to integrate Jenkins with Maven. Through terminal I am able to execute the Maven command (clean install). But from Jenkins it fails.
Getting following error:
<===[JENKINS REMOTING CAPACITY]===>channel started
Executing Maven: -B -f /Users/krishna/eclipse-workspace/Tools/LearnBroswserStack/pom.xml clean install
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building BrowserStackDemo 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) # BrowserStackDemo ---
[INFO] Deleting /Users/krishna/eclipse-workspace/Tools/LearnBroswserStack/target
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 3.090 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2018-02-04T16:17:27+01:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 11M/190M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
**[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) on project BrowserStackDemo:** Failed to clean project: Failed to delete /Users/krishna/eclipse-workspace/Tools/LearnBroswserStack/target/.DS_Store -> [Help 1]
[JENKINS] Archiving /Users/krishna/eclipse-workspace/Tools/LearnBroswserStack/pom.xml to BrowserStack/BrowserStackDemo/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/BrowserStackDemo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
/Users/krishna/eclipse-workspace/Tools/LearnBroswserStack/pom.xml is not inside /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Home/workspace/MavenJenkinsIntegration1/Users/krishna/eclipse-workspace/Tools/LearnBroswserStack/; will archive in a separate pass
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
channel stopped
Finished: FAILURE
I am not using any server like Tomcat. My problem is not able to delete the target folder from Jenkins, when ever I taken a clean build, target folder will create newly, so I am unable to give the access for the target folder.
Your Jenkins executor is unable to delete the target folder of project . The error statements points it out clearly.
*[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) on project BrowserStackDemo:** Failed to clean project: Failed to delete /Users/krishna/eclipse-workspace/Tools/LearnBroswserStack/target/.DS_Store -> [Help 1]
Such error occurs when the access to file is denied at the OS filesystem level OR the target folder's files are already being used somewhere in some other process and they are left in OPEN state. Try deleting the target folder manually.

I am using ,maven for the first time, it is failing to build by showing some compiler error

[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] Compiling 1 source file to D:\madhav\cluster_projects\firstmaven\target\classes
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Unable to locate the Javac Compiler in:
C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_92\..\lib\tools.jar
Please ensure you are using JDK 1.4 or above and
not a JRE (the class is required).
In most cases you can change the location of your Java
installation by setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable.
[INFO] 1 error
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 1.314 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2016-08-02T05:32:33-07:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 7M/113M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile (default-compile) on project firstmaven: Compilation failure
[ERROR] Unable to locate the Javac Compiler in:
[ERROR] C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_92\..\lib\tools.jar
[ERROR] Please ensure you are using JDK 1.4 or above and
[ERROR] not a JRE (the class is required).
[ERROR] In most cases you can change the location of your Java
[ERROR] installation by setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable.
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] `enter code here`
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
I am using java 8, 64 bit and apache maven3.3.9.
I am getting this error message while running maven clean install, please help me to resolve this issue.
Have you set java home properly ??
see this link to know how to set
you can check if the java home is set by typing java in console if properly set it will list the options

Building Hadoop with Maven Error

When I try to build hadoop using:
mvn install -e -DskipTests
It always throw the following error:
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] /home/xiu/myGit/hadoop2/hadoop-mr1-project/hadoop-mr1/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/mapreduce/security/[153,4] getDelegationTokenSecretManager() is not public in org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSNamesystem; cannot be accessed from outside package
[INFO] 1 error
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] Apache Hadoop MR1 ................................. FAILURE [3.144s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop MR1 Examples ........................ SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache Hadoop MR1 Project ......................... SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 3.353s
[INFO] Finished at: Thu Jul 18 11:01:30 PDT 2013
[INFO] Final Memory: 32M/100M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.5.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) on project hadoop-mr1: Compilation failure
[ERROR] /home/xiu/myGit/hadoop2/hadoop-mr1-project/hadoop-mr1/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/mapreduce/security/[153,4] getDelegationTokenSecretManager() is not public in org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSNamesystem; cannot be accessed from outside package
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
I have tried clean and reinstall different versions of maven with no luck. Any expert knows what is going on here?
I came across same problem during hadoop 2.2.0 source code building. During "mvn install -DskipTests" this error came in "Hadoop Auth" Folder.
From somewhere(i dont remember from where) i came to know that there is one missing dependency in pom.xml of this Hadoop Auth folder
dependency is
I added this dependency and again tried "mvn install -DskipTests". My error resolved.
You just try to add this dependency in pom.xml of "APACHE Hadoop MR1". May ur error will resolve
Seems like Maven compiler plugin complaining that getDelegationTokenSecretManager() method in Hadoop FSNameSystem is not accessible due to method visibility i.e. it's not public:
[ERROR] /home/xiu/myGit/hadoop2/hadoop-mr1-project/hadoop-mr1/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/mapreduce/security/[153,4] getDelegationTokenSecretManager() is not public in org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSNamesystem; cannot be accessed from outside package
[INFO] 1 error
I would suggest you to check on your Hadoop version defined in your pom.xml, and double check that the method is really accessible in the Hadoop version JavaDoc.

Allow Maven to automatically create directories in Ubuntu

I am running Maven 3.0.4 in Ubuntu 12.04. I have Java version 1.7.0_25. I am trying to use the mvn package command, but am continually running into errors, which are always along the lines of:
Failure executing javac, but could not parse the error:
javac: directory not found: /......../target/[some folder]
I couldn't figure out what this was originally but now understand from some basic googling that this is because the destination directory has to exist. The generally suggested way to handle this problem is to create an ant script which does it for you (I think).
However, I have no idea what folders actually need to be created. This is not my project I'm compiling, just something I've downloaded. Can an Ant script still be used and, if so, could anybody point me in the right direction as I have never used an ant script before, much less created one, and could quite accurately be called a Ubuntu "noob"!
Full Maven output as requested
Directory is:
flume-sources - containing
Maven error is:
andrew#andrew-VirtualBox:~/flume-sources$ mvn package
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building flume-sources 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.3:resources (default-resources) # flume-sources ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/andrew/flume-sources/src/main/resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile (default-compile) # flume-sources ---
[INFO] Compiling 2 source files to /home/andrew/flume-sources/target/classes
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failure executing javac, but could not parse the error:
javac: directory not found: /home/andrew/flume-sources/target/classes
Usage: javac <options> <source files>
use -help for a list of possible options
[INFO] 1 error
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 3.470s
[INFO] Finished at: Mon Jul 08 12:35:58 BST 2013
[INFO] Final Memory: 9M/59M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile (default-compile) on project flume-sources: Compilation failure
[ERROR] Failure executing javac, but could not parse the error:
[ERROR] javac: directory not found: /home/andrew/flume-sources/target/classes
[ERROR] Usage: javac <options> <source files>
[ERROR] use -help for a list of possible options
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
No, you don't need to create the folder by hand or with an ant script.
If the target folder doesn't exist when you run mvn, it will create it
So my guess is that you have a permissions issue
The user running maven can't create folders in /home/andrew/flume-sources
just as a test, run mvn as root
sudo mvn package
if that works then it is what I said and you will need to 1) chown the folder so that the user running maven can create folders in it (rw) or 2) run mvn from the same user that owns the folder (which i'm guessing is andrew)

Jbehave Maven Exception

I've integrated Jbehave test in Hudson as A Maven goal but whenever I run Test via Hudson-web-interface, I get following error
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 33.609s
[INFO] Finished at: Mon Dec 03 15:08:52 2012
[INFO] Final Memory: 26M/81M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] o.h.m.e.h.MavenExecutionResultHandler - Build failed with exception(s)
[INFO] o.h.m.e.h.MavenExecutionResultHandler - [1] org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal org.jbehave:jbehave-maven-plugin:4.0-beta-2:run-stories-as-paths (run-stories-as-paths) on project ABCServices: Failed to run stories as paths
[DEBUG] Closing connection to remote
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.jbehave:jbehave-maven-plugin:4.0-beta-2:run-stories-as-paths (run-stories-as-paths) on project ABCServices:
Failed to run stories as paths: Story path '.svn/all-wcprops' not found by class loader EmbedderClassLoader[urls=[/Users/abc/.hudson/jobs/TestHudson/workspace/target/test-classes/, /Users/abc/.hudson/jobs/TestHudson/workspace/target/classes/, SSIOServicesClient-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar, poi-3.8.jar, cxf-rt-frontend-jaxws-2.5.2.jar, xml-resolver-1.2.jar, asm-3.3.jar, cxf-api-2.5.2.jar, cxf-rt-core-2.5.2.jar, cxf-rt-bindings-soap-2.5.2.jar, cxf-tools-common-2.5.2.jar, cxf-rt-databinding-jaxb-2.5.2.jar, cxf-rt-bindings-xml-2.5.2.jar, cxf-rt-frontend-simple-2.5.2.jar, cxf-rt-ws-addr-2.5.2.jar, cxf-rt-transports-http-2.5.2.jar, cxf-rt-transports-common-2.5.2.jar, cxf-rt-frontend-jaxrs-2.5.0.jar, cxf-common-utilities-2.5.0.jar, jsr311-api-1.1.1.jar, jettison-1.3.jar, jaxb-api-2.1.jar, stax-api-1.0-2.jar, activation-1.1.jar, cxf-bundle-jaxrs-2.5.0.jar, xmlschema-core-2.0.1.jar, woodstox-core-asl-4.1.1.jar, stax2-api-3.1.1.jar, geronimo-stax-api_1.0_spec-1.0.1.jar, geronimo-annotation_1.0_spec-1.1.1.jar, neethi-3.0.1.jar, wsdl4j-1.6.2.jar, geronimo-activation_1.1_spec-1.1.jar, geronimo-javamail_1.4_spec-1.7.1.jar, aopalliance-1.0.jar, spring-asm-3.0.6.RELEASE.jar, commons-logging-1.1.1.jar, jetty-continuation-7.5.3.v20111011.jar, jetty-http-7.5.3.v20111011.jar, jetty-io-7.5.3.v20111011.jar, jetty-util-7.5.3.v20111011.jar, jetty-security-7.5.3.v20111011.jar, slf4j-api-1.6.2.jar, geronimo-servlet_2.5_spec-1.1.2.jar, log4j-1.2.16.jar, gson-1.7.1.jar, jaxb-impl-2.0.3.jar, jsr173_api-1.0.jar, testng-6.5.1.jar, junit-4.10.jar, hamcrest-core-1.1.jar, bsh-2.0b4.jar, jcommander-1.12.jar, snakeyaml-1.6.jar, spring-core-3.1.1.RELEASE.jar, spring-context-3.1.1.RELEASE.jar, spring-web-3.1.1.RELEASE.jar, spring-expression-3.1.1.RELEASE.jar, spring-beans-3.1.1.RELEASE.jar, spring-aop-3.1.1.RELEASE.jar, spring-context-support-3.1.1.RELEASE.jar, spring-tx-3.1.1.RELEASE.jar, spring-orm-3.1.1.RELEASE.jar, spring-jdbc-3.1.1.RELEASE.jar, spring-oxm-3.1.1.RELEASE.jar, commons-lang-2.5.jar, spring-test-3.1.1.RELEASE.jar, commons-httpclient-3.1.jar, commons-codec-1.2.jar, SharedshelfSchema-0.7.jar, xom-1.2.5.jar, xml-apis-1.3.03.jar, xercesImpl-2.8.0.jar, xalan-2.7.0.jar, json-lib-2.4-jdk15.jar, commons-beanutils-1.8.0.jar, commons-collections-3.2.1.jar, ezmorph-1.0.6.jar, VWWebServicesClient-1.0.jar, httpclient-4.2.1.jar, httpcore-4.2.1.jar, httpmime-4.0.1.jar, apache-mime4j-0.6.jar, json-20090211.jar, hibernate-entitymanager-3.5.6-Final.jar, hibernate-core-3.5.6-Final.jar, antlr-2.7.6.jar, dom4j-1.6.1.jar, jta-1.1.jar, hibernate-annotations-3.5.6-Final.jar, hibernate-commons-annotations-3.2.0.Final.jar, cglib-2.2.jar, javassist-3.9.0.GA.jar, hibernate-jpa-2.0-api-1.0.0.Final.jar, morphia-0.99.1-SNAPSHOT.jar, mongo-java-driver-2.10.0.jar, cglib-nodep-2.2.2.jar, jbehave-maven-plugin-4.0-beta-3.jar, jbehave-core-4.0-beta-3.jar, junit-dep-4.8.2.jar, hamcrest-library-1.1.jar, hamcrest-integration-1.1.jar, commons-io-1.4.jar, plexus-utils-2.0.5.jar, freemarker-2.3.16.jar, paranamer-2.4.jar, xstream-1.3.1.jar, xpp3_min-1.1.4c.jar, maven-plugin-api-2.0.11.jar, maven-artifact-2.0.11.jar, maven-project-2.0.11.jar, maven-settings-2.0.11.jar, maven-profile-2.0.11.jar, maven-model-2.0.11.jar, maven-artifact-manager-2.0.11.jar, maven-repository-metadata-2.0.11.jar, wagon-provider-api-1.0-beta-2.jar, maven-plugin-registry-2.0.11.jar, plexus-interpolation-1.1.jar, plexus-container-default-1.0-alpha-9-stable-1.jar, classworlds-1.1-alpha-2.jar, plexus-archiver-1.2.jar, plexus-io-1.0.1.jar, proxytoys-1.0.jar, tuprolog-extensions-2.1.1.jar, tuprolog-2.1.1.jar, xunit-1.9.jar, guice-2.0.1.jar, dtkit-metrics-model-0.8.jar, dtkit-metrics-util-0.8.jar, saxon-, saxon-, saxon-, dtkit-metrics-hudson-api-0.8.jar, dtkit-junit-model-0.8.jar, dtkit-default-junit-hudson-0.9.jar, dtkit-default-junit-0.9.jar],parent=ClassRealm[plugin>org.jbehave:jbehave-maven-plugin:4.0-beta-2, parent: sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader#5ab8df17]] -> [Help 1]
Please tell me what should I do to resolve this issue.
PS: I am not using any Source Code Management.
I have figured out the issue.It happened because of the difference between Maven versions I integrated in Hudson and the version with which my application's pom working.
application was working with Maven2 and Hudson was working with Maven3, I configured hudson with Maven2 and it workd fine.
