Does anyone know if its possible to use configuration values from the spring config server via a REST interface. If so, is there any documentation on the interface? TIA.
The official API doc is hosted on GitHub.
I have used the REST API manually for testing purposes. I found this sample app to be useful.
API Resources
| Path | Description |
| ----------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| /{app}/{profile} | Configuration data for app in Spring profile (comma-separated). |
| /{app}/{profile}/{label} | Add a git label |
| /{app}/{profiels}{label}/{path} | An environment-specific plain text config file (at "path") |
I have run in to this DB error message during the creation of a Heroku review app:
psql:/priv/repo/structure.sql:25: ERROR: Extensions can only be created on heroku_ext schema
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function inline_code_block line 7 at RAISE
This was caused by changes to PostgreSQL extension schema management made by Heroku which are effective since 01 August 2022.
The question is now how to best adjust an Elixir application to comply with the new Heroku rules? In particular when:
You create extensions in migrations;
You create extensions in priv/repo//structure.sql for mix ecto.load;
In your code you use functions from those extensions (e.g. UNACCENT()).
Addressing the particular points:
If you create extensions in migrations – e.g. using execute "create extension if not exists \"uuid-ossp\"", ""; – you don't need to do anything: they will be created in the heroku_ext schema.
Make sure all your CREATE EXTENSION calls use WITH SCHEMA heroku_ext. E.g. CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA heroku_ext;.
To let PostgreSQL know that it should search also in the heroku_ext schema for extensions and therein present functions add after_connect: {Postgrex, :query!, _query_args = ["SET search_path TO public,heroku_ext", []]} to your Repo config (more: [1], [2]) or adjust it to have heroku_ext if you already had a custom search_path. E.g.
config :app, App.Repo,
adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres,
# ...
after_connect: {Postgrex, :query!, _query_args = ["SET search_path TO public,heroku_ext", []]}
Without the above you would need to call functions with a prefix/namespace qualifier e.g. heroku_ext.UNACCENT() which would break an app if it would have extensions placed in different schemas.
After doing those the review app should be created successfully and also the production environment – in which extensions might be still placed in different schemas (e.g. public or pg_catalog) – will still work fine.
It's helpful to connect to the review apps' or staging/production apps' DBs and list the extensions they have e.g.:
% heroku pg:psql -a app-pr-123
app-pr-123::DATABASE=> \dx
List of installed extensions
Name | Version | Schema | Description
plpgsql | 1.0 | pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language
unaccent | 1.1 | heroku_ext | text search dictionary that removes accents
uuid-ossp | 1.1 | heroku_ext | generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)
(3 rows)
[2] What is the schema search path search_path?
Same problem described for Ruby/Rails apps ERROR: extension "btree_gist" must be installed in schema "heroku_ext"
Currently, I am building a monorepo microservices with an apigateway using Redis to communicate. I am planning to deploy each services into different dynos in Heroku. Currently, it's pretty straightforward since every service has its own package.json, tsconfig.json, and Procfile. I could deploy them using git subtree The problem occurs when I want to have a shared files. For example I want to share the same DTOs across microservices to minimize bug and error. Does anyone have any idea on how to approach this?
Current File Structure:
| .git
| | Procfile
| | package.json
|____Microservice 1
| | Procfile
| | package.json
|____Microservice 2
| | Profile
| | package.json
Desired File Structure:
| .git
| create.dto.ts
| delete.dto.ts
| | Procfile
| | package.json
|____Microservice 1
| | Procfile
| | package.json
|____Microservice 2
| | Profile
| | package.json
A possible way to do this is to create a Nest.js library and then add the library as a dependency to the individual services in their respective package.json files using a local path.
The Elasticsearch Hunspell docs say to put the dictionaries
in config/hunspell
Is it
or something else?
So far, I've tried all of those with no success.
There is some talk about a similar issue in this bug report, but I don't see an answer.
Here is an example of the directory structure for Elasticsearch 5 installed using the .deb installer:
# Elasticsearch home directory
# Elasticsearch configuration directory
# Elasticsearch data directory
# Elasticsearch logs directory
# Elasticsearch PID directory
In this case, the Hunspell dictionaries should be in a folder called /hunspell in the config directory, which in this particular case would be:
For the version 6.5.1, no need to create config directory
/usr/local/etc/elasticsearch/hunspell place all language folders here.
-- hunspell
| |-- en_US
| | |-- en_US.dic
| | |-- en_US.aff
| |-- ru_RU
| | |-- ru_RU.dic
| | |-- ru_RU.aff
After that just restart the elasticsearch service.
After the installation you will see this.
\Data: /usr/local/var/lib/elasticsearch/elasticsearch_bira/
Logs: /usr/local/var/log/elasticsearch/elasticsearch_bira.log
Plugins: /usr/local/var/elasticsearch/plugins/
Config: /usr/local/etc/elasticsearch/
The location of the Hunspell directory can be changed by setting
indices.analysis.hunspell.dictionary.location in the
config/elasticsearch.yml file.
Structure of elasticsearch/config must be
- conf
|-- hunspell
| |-- en_US
| | |-- en_US.dic
| | |-- en_US.aff
| |-- ru_RU
| | |-- ru_RU.dic
| | |-- ru_RU.aff
Turns out that the symbolic links are not followed by elasticsearch (see here), so the ACTUAL files need to be at the location specified.
Also, the file permissions for the hunspell files need to allow the elasticsearch user to access them.
Ex (in /etc/elasticsearch/hunspell/):
drwxr-xr-x 2 root elasticsearch 4.0K Sep 9 09:24 nl_NL
I tried to update my Joomla 3.3.1 installation to 3.3.3 just now but my browser immediately gave the alert that could not be opened. It should be in the root folder of my installation, but it is not there. Moreover, when I download a new full package from Joomla there isn't a either.
How can I solve this? I have never deleted so I don't know why it is gone.
Thank you
Not sure why it would require that file however it's pretty easy to re create. Do you have shell access to your server? If not create a file called CONTRIBUTING.MD and load it to the server via FTP or vim into the file via shell and insert the following copy:
Contributing to the Joomla! CMS
All contributions are welcome to be submitted for review for inclusion in the Joomla! CMS, but before they will be accepted, we ask that you follow these simple steps:
1) Open an item on the Joomlacode tracker in the appropriate area.
* CMS Bug Reports:
* CMS Feature Requests:
2) Follow the [Joomla! Coding Standards](!
3) After submitting the item to the Joomlacode tracker, add a link to the Joomlacode tracker item and the GitHub issue or pull request.
Please be patient as not all items will be tested immediately (remember, all bug testing for the Joomla! CMS is done by volunteers) and be receptive to feedback about your code.
#### Branches
Pull Requests should usually be made for the `staging` branch as this contains the most recent version of the code.
There are other branches available which serve specific purposes.
| Branch | Purpose |
| ------ | ------- |
| staging | Current codebase. |
| master | Each commit made to staging gets tested if it passes unit tests and codestyle rules and then merged into master. This is done automatically. |
| 2.5.x | Branch for the Joomla 2.5.x series. Currently in maintenance mode with EOL end of 2014. No new features are accepted here. |
| 3.2.x | Branch for the Joomla 3.2.x series. Currently in security mode with EOL Oct 2014. Only security issues are fixed. |
| 3.4-dev | Branch for the next minor Joomla version. New backward compatible features go into this branch. Commits to staging will be applied to this branch as well. |
Save that, make sure the file had the normal permissions and you should be all set. Note you need this to be in the root or base directory where Joomla! is installed.
I'm using puppet as my provisioner in one of my vagrant project. I'm trying to add a module for a custom bash_profile.
The module_path for puppet is set to:
puppet.module_path = "puppet/modules"
The class for my bash_profile module looks like this:
class bash_profile
ensure => present,
source => "puppet:///modules/bash_profile/files/bash_profile"
Here's the file structure for my puppet structure:
| manifests
| | phpbase.pp // my main manifest file that has includes for modules
| modules
| | bash_profile
| | | files
| | | | bash_profile // the actual bash_profile file I want to ensure is present on my VM
| | | manifests
| | | | init.pp // the init file included for the bash_profile class
When I run the provisioning for vagrant, I get the error
err: /Stage[main]/Bash_profile/File[/home/vagrant/bash_profile]: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve information from environment production source(s) puppet:///modules/bash_profile/files/bash_profile at /tmp/vagrant-puppet-1/modules-0/bash_profile/manifests/init.pp:8
I'm not sure why it can't retrieve the information. The path seems to be correct. Can anyone see what I'm missing?
Yes, you are not supposed to include the literal files/ in the URL. Instead, it should just be
You may also receive this error with recurse => true if your module name is invalid. For instance, if you have this module structure:
├── my-example
│ └── files
│ └── example
│ └── test.txt
and this resource:
file { "/tmp/example":
ensure => directory,
recurse => true,
source => "puppet:///modules/my-example/example",
you'll get this error:
==> default: Info: Could not find filesystem info for file 'my-example/example' in environment production
==> default: Error: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[default]/File[/tmp/example]: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve information from environment production source(s) puppet:///my-example/example
The fix is to rename the module—for instance, naming it my_example fixes it. The rules for module names are documented but easy to miss.
Things to care about
The Puppet URI format puppet:///modules/name_of_module/filename
The fileserver directory to be present in the module directory
This video is an shows step-by-step guide to resolve the error