Joomla 2.5 - How to fix 404 Not Found error after restoration using akeeba kickstart - joomla

After kickstarting a Joomla 2.5.22 on a new server in a sub-folder, the only page that works well is the home page, the rest give me (404 Not Found).
Tried many solutions found on the web even on Akeeba website here but still can't solve this issue.
I know that it's a path issue as if I add the sub-folder name in the address of the page that gives 404 error, the page displays properly.
Eg : = Works well !!!
How do I dynamically add the sub-folder name for the entire site? or a best solution to solve this?

In your .htaccess file, replace the following:
# RewriteBase
RewriteBase /mysub-folder/
Open your configuration.php file, and change:
$live_site = ''
$live_site = 'http://www.[yourdomain].com';
Also in the configuration.php file, change the tmp and the log paths to the correct physical location.


Magento admin redirects to 404 page after login

I'm struggling to set up Magento 1.9.1 on Godaddy for the few hours. I've managed to get all URLs work, except admin, which renders a 404 page with Magento's "Whoops" message just after logging in with the right password.
The URI: /index.php/admin/dashboard/index/key/b4a2c39042dae9efe5b17e98e93d5f64/
Changing the core library files as suggested in other topics didn't make any difference.
I had the same trouble, I have resolved it editing .htaccess. My Magento installation is in a subdirectory of my hosting. I have removed the # on the RewriteBase line and added the right value for the subdirectory.
in .htaccess :
RewriteBase /magento_directory/

How to change the base link url in magento

I have changed the Base Link Url(base link url) ( not the base url) . Now my site is not accessible except for the home page. How to solve this ? . This option is not visible in core_config_data table too.
I am using magento 1.8.
I changed it system -> web -> unsecured -> base link url .
Now I am not able to access anything in my site. as am getting two index.php in the url.
Go to your root folder and look for .htaccess
In that file scroll down (to line 123) a bit until you find a line of code that is commented out, should be similar to:
RewriteBase /magento/
Change that line to
RewriteBase /

URL working in local but not in production

I am developing website in magento. I tested it in local and it works fine.
Then i pushed my code into production but it's not working up in there.
It shows me "cms-index-noroute-". I wanted to debug So I deleted copy from my local and copied all the files using ftp from production. But still it works into my local but not working into production server.
Don't know what the problem.
Let me know if you can think of any reason why it's not working..
Any Help would appreciated.
It seems like you are getting 404 error. Did you got the 404 error on all page except the home page ..?If yes, please try to load your page like .Try to add index.php like above I mentioned. Now your page load correctly then, you need to modify your .htaccess file in your root directory. open your .htaccess file and search for the following RewriteBase . Modify your RewriteBase like this.
RewriteBase /yoursitename/ or RewriteBase /

Code igniter and wamp not finding files in different folder

I happened to run into this problem with a code igniter based folder/site in my wamp's www folder, the folder is named igniter and the site works great on that folder, but when I copy paste that folder or simply rename it, the routing stops working.
To be more specific, I enter the newly renamed folder/site via browser, like http://localhost/igniter2 for example, and the code igniter routes to the default/homepage intended but when I try to access any other page via links or direct routing all I get is a 404 page not found error, even if I try to click the homepage link in the homepage it gets the same error.
I tried to look everyone but didn't find answer, can someone help me figure out the problem?
I checked the file www/igniter2/.htaccess and on the first 3 lines i saw:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /igniter/
and changed to:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /igniter2/
Now works wonders :) thanks curious_coder for the tip.
Change the 'base_url' parameter to 'http://localhost/<new_folder_name>/' in config.php.
config.php is present in 'application/config/' folder.
In your case:
$config['base_url'] = 'http://localhost/igniter2/';

Codeigniter: Routes only visible when entering /index segments

I'm working on my first project with codeigniter 2.0 and have a bit of a problem.
On my localhost (a MAMP installation) everything works fine with the routes. Only when i add a copy on my domain, change the base url and other necessary settings like my database settings it works fine for like 99%. I can't access my other controllers directly without adding the /index route. For example when i want to visit the it'll open the 404 error page but when i enter ttp:// it works fine. Does someone know a setting i have to change for the online version? The Htaccess files are identical.
CHeers in advance.
I found my solution. I just checked the routes.php file in my config where i added a route for every controller. I just removed these and only my default_controller route is left. Now it works fine. Just a codeigniter newbie issue.
Thanks anyways for the help #Hibiscus and #BigFatBaby
I sorted my problem by setting the following line as my .htaccess file.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^.*$ index.php [NC,L]
It'll rewrite anything after the /index.php/blaha to /blaha.
