Get filename/path of the document currently open in another program/window - windows

I'm working on a program that acts as a Windows Accessibility / UI Automation API client, consuming accessibility data from other programs (much like a screen reader does). I'm looking for a way to get the full path of the current "document" (or other file) open in a program. So, for example, Word might give me the path to the current .docx file, Paint the path to the current image file, WMP the path to an audio or video file... you get the idea. Is there a way to do this?
On a Mac, I'd use NSAccessibilityDocumentAttribute, but Windows doesn't seem to have an equivalent accessibility property. A few other questions I looked at:
Getting the path & filename of the open document in any Windows application (last answer in 2009, may have been unaware of accessibility APIs, no answer gives reliably accurate data)
How to get filename and path of file opened in Notepad? - five years old, specific to one program, only answer given is incomplete.
So... is there any equivalent to NSAccessibilityDocumentAttribute, and if not, is there a reasonable way to re-implement it (possibly doing stuff outside of the accessibility tree / API)? It's more important that this return correct information (i.e. never give me a file that isn't open in the relevant program/window) than that it be universally available.
I'm using C# (via System.Windows.Automation for accessibility) but could use other languages if needed, so long as they'll run on Windows 10 (downlevel support nice but not mandatory).


SAS - Fails to load program with long name from Windows Explorer

I am using Base SAS 9.4 on Windows 7. For various reasons, which are detailed below, some of my programs have extremely long names. Exacerbating this further, the programs are stored deep in the abyss of a network drive. This causes problems when trying to open from Windows Explorer. I believe the problem lies with SAS, but have tagged the question with Windows in case not. I'm hoping there is some way to address this problem via a configuration file or an edit to the registry.
To open a program, I typically double click on the .sas file in Windows Explorer. This opens the Enhanced Editor after a brief waiting period in which a SAS message box states:
The SAS System is processing requests. Please wait...
When a program's full name, including path and extension, exceeds 182 characters (i.e. has form: \\network-location\a\bunch\of\....\folders\program path exceeding 182, the same "SAS System is processing requests" message appears, but then a Windows error is generated.
Not surprisingly, no solution is proffered by Windows.
When the program name is such that the full path is exactly 182 characters, nothing happens. I double click on the program and the only result is to select the file in Windows Explorer. If I monitor "Processes" within the Windows Task Manager, no new processes are started when such a program is double clicked.
When the program name is such that the full path is less than 182 characters, the program opens in the Enhanced Editor as expected.
According to MSDN, the max path is 260 characters. Clearly, 182 is well below that limit. SAS is the only application which has a problem with the path length. For example, I can copy the file name and extension, create a new text document with the same name (plus .txt) and open the file in Notepad, Notepad++, Word, Wordpad, Emacs, etc.
I have deduced two workarounds for working with names exceeding 182 characters.
If I open SAS via SAS.exe, I can load a program through the Open dialog with a path exceeding 182 characters just fine. This is not a good solution, however, as the Open dialog does not allow paths to be copy/pasted. The entire file path must be traversed. I can also drag such a program into the editor window within SAS to load it. This too is not a good solution, as a program will only load if there is a blank editor window. If the program is accidentally dragged on the the log window, it will execute automatically. Also, the program does not open in a convenient location. It opens in the middle of the Enhanced Editor and must be manually resized. That the programs can be loaded and executed at all leads me to believe that there is some way to fix this problem. It seems that somewhere in the process of loading the file, SAS violates some variable limit.
Of course, people would suggest that I use a different network location or shorter names. To the former, I am required to use a specific network location. To the latter, these programs are being developed in parallel with various reports. Many of the programs are similar and the corresponding references (table/figure numbers) in the reports change multiple times/aren't always communicated to me. Through experience, I've found the surest way to work with these uncertainties is to simply name the file by the label it's given in the report. Otherwise, I need to adopt unclear abbreviations, bad organizational practices, or introduce intermediate steps (like creating codes or a document which indexes the programs).
Edit: Per Joe's comment, it seems that the Open dialog allows copy and paste for specific file names. A file path can be copied in Windows Explorer via Shift + Right Mouse Click > Copy as Path and pasted into the "File Path" box in the Open dialog.
To avoid traversing the tree, the Current Folder may be updated before accessing the Open dialog. This is located at the bottom right of the Enhanced Editor.
The Open dialog starts at whatever the Current Folder location is set to.
I suspect your issue is that your 260 limit is in fact applicable.
When you double-click a program file, it doesn't just copy the path to SAS. Instead, what happens is SASOACT.exe is called, with a command of something similar to this:
"C:\Program Files\SAS94\SASFoundation\9.4\core\sasexe\sasoact.exe" action=Open datatype=Access filename="%1" progid=SAS.Application.940
That's well over 100 characters already by itself; presumably, behind the scenes, you end up with something like
"C:\Program Files\SAS94\SASFoundation\9.4\core\sasexe\sasoact.exe -open ""%1"""
Which adds around 70 or 80 characters to what you're passing it. Thus the 260 character limit.
You should use one of the workarounds - I personally prefer to just file->open, myself, but really whatever works best for you is fine. You could also consider using another editor for the simple double-click actions, though any editor you chose would still have some issues.
You could also consider asking IT to install SAS itself in a location that had a shorter path name, though realistically that might save 10 characters or so.
As for pasting; you can paste a path name just as easily as a file name into the file->open dialog. I have no idea why you don't seem to think you can, but I just did so now with no more difficulty than any other folder dialog...
Another workaround to consider, by the way, is mapping a drive letter to the network path. I.e., if your network path is
You map some letter (let's say R: arbitrarily) to that root path, //myserver/projects/financial/projectnumber, which is not changing anything other than how you refer to it locally. Then you can use:
And you don't have to navigate paths, etc. You'd have to repeat that mapping process on any machine that you wanted to do this on, but if this mostly about your own workflow, that shouldn't be an issue. Just don't refer to R: inside the program itself and nobody else will ever know that you've changed anything.

Programmatically determine clipboard source information

When a user copies text to the clipboard, is it possible in Windows to programmatically identify the source file (and/or URL) and text position?
I have looked at a bunch of clipboard management applications (Ditto, clipboardFusion, ArsClip, and ClipDiary) and none appears to record the source of a clip.
It is my belief that this functionality in not possible, but I would like another opinion or two before I abandon my attempts.
I currently think the only way to achieve the desired behavior is to create an add-on / extension for every application that will be copied from. The extension would override the applications normal copy to clipboard behavior with a new format that adds the additional information. The key applications for me would be adobe acrobat (or another pdf reader) and a browser.
Windows does not require any source information to be given when setting clipboard data. Additionally, the only information needed to enable calling that function is a window handle. As such, the best windows could give you in a general case is the window handle that set the clipboard data via GetClipboardOwner.
Some applications set some of the formats on the clipboard to the source location of other data on the clipboard, but again in a general sense, there need not even be any source data; an application can just place random arbitrary data on the clipboard.
For your specific use case, you may be able to write a grease-monkey script to add your meta-data, and as firefox/chrome can display PDFs you might even be able to use the same script for PDFs.

Howto automatically open FITS images and tables with different apps from the Mac OS X Finder?

FITS files can contain several images (or more generally n-dimensional arrays) and tables.
Is there a way to automatically open images e.g. with the ds9 application and tables with the TOPCAT application when I double-click the FITS file in the Mac OS X Finder?
I'm thinking of something like FITS Explorer from AstroSoft, but free and nicely integrated into the Mac (i.e. Finder, Quicklook).
If such a thing doesn't exist, what is your workflow for browsing and opening images and tables in FITS files?
I just found QLFits which is a Mac OS X Finder QuickLook plugin that display some FITS header info and an image simply by hitting SPACE after selecting a FITS file in the Finder.
The same guy wrote FITSImporter:
a Spotlight plugin that allow you make spotlight queries against dedicated FITS header keywords. It provides also additional information in the "Get Info" panel of the Finder (⌘-I).
Both are open source (GPL licence), the code is available on github: QLFITS, FITSImporter.
They are not perfect though (e.g. I didn't see a way to get at the different extensions in a multi-extension FITS file, although the description says there is; and you can't use QLFits to browse tables) and development seems to have stopped, but still well worth a try!
Apart from recommending you QLFits, you could try to write an AppleScript application, or Automator action using any scripting language, which explored the FITS file, and sent table-based FITS to TOPCAT, and image-based FITS to DS9, and make that application the default for FITS files.

Writing a simple app to convert files to pdf

I want to create an application on a Mac to convert multiple files (txt, pdf, doc, html, etc) to a single pdf file that can be printed. The real point is that if you have 50 texts you don't have to open every single file and click command-p.
I'm not quite sure whether the best way to do this is by creating a full-fledged app or an automator plugin (or something else). If I remember correctly there's a filter in mac os's terminal that can convert files to pdf (but I forgot what it's called).
So would an automator plugin do this well, or shall I make an app for this? Can you provide me advantages for each answer?
I've done cocoa touch programming before so I can write objective-c quite well.
Use appscript, either as an action in an automator script or standalone. The advantage is that it is very simple and will take you a fraction of the time to write an app.
Here is something very close to what you want. It sets up a drop-folder and each file dragged onto it is printed (you can use multiple-select to get what you want). It uses Apple Works 6 which doesn't support the file-types that you want.
To modify it to use the Preview application instead you need to change the tell command in the script and then google the dictionary for Preview to check which verb to use for printing.

How to get the last current or visited Web URL in Windows?

I'm writing a Windows app. where you can create "links", it is easy to link files or folder (just use the standard dialogs for open files or browse folders), but for linking a Web URL I don't know how to get (from a Windows function or registry key) the current or last visited page.
Maybe something like the recently used files, but referencing web pages (independent of the browser), could be useful.
There is no common browser independent place to look for the last visited pages from what i know(i'm saying this from my experience at computer forensic)
I know there is a place in the registry where explorer saves this info, and probably other browsers as well, you can find this info by using a tool like procmon by sysinternals.
Just enter a site and see what the registry writes down..
This might give you a start:
wrapper class for URL history interface in C#
I found it! (at least for IE)...
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TypedURLs
Then, I should find the equivalent key (or maybe a config file) of the other most common web browsers.
