How to Remove or Edit View on setting menu in odoo version 10 - odoo-10

Actually, I want to edit view or remove in setting menu if possible. But I don't know how to do it. I try to find it in XML views for inherit but can't find.
If it is possible then how?
Thank you in advance...

You can find menuitem for Settings/Dashboard here : addons/web_settings_dashboard/views/dashboard_views.xml
and templates :addons/web_settings_dashboard/static/src/xml/dashboard.xml
and js file : addons/web_settings_dashboard/static/src/js/dashboard.js
If you want to hide menu Dashboard, just create a group named 'Hidden' and assign that menu into this group. And give users no access to this group.
Hope it will help you.


Joomla after save menu item event or some other approach how to get actual saved menu item in admin

Is there any way how to get menu item after this menu item has been saved in backend of the joomla (2.5) application. I mean something like event after save of article or category (onContentAfterSave) but after save menu item.
Looking at the com_menus/controller/item->save() or the com_menus/models/item->save() methods there are no trigger events that you could work with.
If you can provide more details of what you want to do with it there may be another way to solve your problem.

How to create multiple sub-level menu in joomla 3.0 Administrator

I am developing custom component in Joomla 3.0. I want to add 3 level sub menu in back-end component menu item. Current Joomla shows menu as in below the screen.
And I want to add 3 level menu as shows in below screen.
Can you please help me?
I have added manual Database Entry into Menu table with appropriate parent id but still it does not show in menu list.
I think its not work with 3rd level,
The requirement is important then try to modify the mod_menu module .
You can find the module at administrator\modules\mod_menu.
I'm also tried not work with DB entry only :(

Joomla not showing menu

I have downloaded this template to my joomla 2.5.6 and I'm trying to create a horizontal menu. I have created menu and module that should be displaying that menu. I have set position to user3 (as I've read that is the default position for horizontal menu), but nothing showed up.
The only positions I can see my menu on are "search" and "top-panel".
Can anybody please guide me how to find what may cause the problem?
EDIT: I have renamed the menu to "menu1" and so did with "menu type" and it has showed up. Why? Where's any logic?
Thank you !
Make sure you have set on which pages to activate the menu:
You can find these settings in the module manager > your menu
check the positions using ?tp=1 at the end of your url
log in to your joomla backend.
go to article manager and create an article..
go to menu manager and create a new menu, select your article which will me mostly a single article if you have created others then choose others, such as featured article or others,
then on the same page on required setting choose the article you have created.
save and close..
now go to
module manager,
go to the menu or content menu or horizontal menu,
down below there will be menu assignment,
choose the menu and show to it all pages..
hope this will help you..
Anil Bikram Thapa

customize category page in magento

I am a newbie in magento. Please let me know how can I edit my category page.
If I want to add some html code to a particular category then from which file should I for in magento root folder.
Please help.
Thanx in advance.
If you only want to add to the category and not modify the existing output, then one option is to create a Static Block with whatever html that you want, and then edit your category and choose that block in the "Display Settings" tab.
Since you're new perhaps you should start with the designer's guide and theming wiki.
The difficulty with theming is no one file is responsible, about the best trick you can learn is using template hints.

How can I show different category layout from three different modules?

One of client of my projects has asked me to aggregate two different modules in one menu tab.
He needs like, if a user clicks on One Menu Tab, he needs a picture gallery and video gallery to be shown all together.
I have checked that it is possible by creating a category layout of each of them.But the thing is I cannot figure out how to show both of them together, under a single Menu Tab.
Please guide me!
Thanks in advance.
I might be misunderstanding you but can't you just publish both modules in the same module placeholder and assign them to the menu?
