Fitnesse server not opening tests suite from src/test/fitnesse - maven

For below Maven plugin. wehn I try to run
mvn verify -DskipTests -P wiki
Fitnesse Server launches with default FrontPage Suite not with MyTest.
I want to launch server that should open MyTest suite, so that I can edit that make changes directly in src/test/fitnesse folder directly
<excludeOptionalDependencies>true</excludeOptionalDependencies> <!-- Deprecated -->
<deletePluginsProperties>false</deletePluginsProperties> <!-- Note the 's' in "plugins" -->
<!-- Any combination of scopes -->

Add below configuration in Configuration tag


cucumber-jvm-parallel-plugin error with glue parameter

I'm trying to use the cucumber-parallel-plugin for the first time.
When I try to run the generateRunners goal I always get an error that my glue-Parameter is missing or have an error...
By the way I try to use this plugin with kotlin.
Here are some relevant pom-snippets:
<!-- Mandatory -->
<!-- List of package names to scan for glue code. -->
<!-- The directory, which must be in the root of the runtime classpath, containing your feature files. -->
<!-- Directory where the cucumber report files shall be written -->
<!-- CucumberOptions.strict property -->
<!-- CucumberOptions.monochrome property -->
<!-- The tags to run, maps to CucumberOptions.tags property. Default is no tags. -->
<!--tag>~#ignore</tag -->
<!-- The naming scheme to use for the generated test classes. One of ['simple', 'feature-title', 'pattern'] -->
<!-- The class naming pattern to use. Only required/used if naming scheme is 'pattern'.-->
<!-- One of [SCENARIO, FEATURE]. SCENARIO generates one runner per scenario. FEATURE generates a runner per feature. -->
This console-out I got:
Failed to execute goal com.github.temyers:cucumber-jvm-parallel-plugin:5.0.0:generateRunners (default-cli) on project at.wrkwks.portal-template-webtests: Invalid parameter. Invalid parameter.
[ERROR] The parameters 'glue' are missing or invalid
solution is to use another dependecy for that :-)

liquibase maven plugin multiple changeLogFile

I'm using liquibase maven plugin to update the database changes via jenkins automated builds.
I have this in my pom.xml
I need to run schema.sql before data.sql. When I run this locally it works. When I run it via jenkins the schema changeLogFile executes second, so in order to make it work I reversed the commads.
Question: What's the order of execution? Am I doing something wrong?
The official goal documentation specify that only one entry is foreseen:
Specifies the change log file to use for Liquibase.
Type: java.lang.String
Required: No
Expression: ${liquibase.changeLogFile}
You can add further entries, but they will be ignored and maven will not complain: it doesn't validate plugin configuration' content, it cannot, because that part is up to the plugin and not known upfront by maven. That is, is generic.
To ensure a deterministic order and have two changeLogFile executed, you should specify several plugin executions as following:
Note: we are specifying a common configuration for all executions outside of the executions section, then per each execution we are only defining the additional configuration, which is every time the different file.
The deterministic order is guaranteed by Maven: for the same plugin, for the same phase, the order of declaration in the POM will be respected.
However, this executions will be part of your build now as part of the process-resources phase, which is probably not what you want. So in this case, better to move it to a profile as following:
<!-- MOVE HERE liquibase plugin configuration and executions -->
And then execute the following (according also to your comment):
mvn -Pliquibase-executions -Ddb.url=IP:PORT/DB -Dliquibase.username=USERNAME

How could I deploy multiple maven artifacts to multiple nexus repositories including snapshot repositories without having to specify a profile?

We have a gateway-client project that is part of a multi-module maven project. The gateway-client pom.xml is configured to create two main artifacts: gateway-client.jar and gateway-services-client.jar and deploy them to two separate Nexus repositories: the Releases repo and the 3rd Party repo respectively. This is done through a profile that is active by default:
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- default Profile -->
<!-- This is the default profile which will run by default. This profile -->
<!-- produces two client artifacts: gateway-client and gateway-services-client -->
<!-- for the releases and thirdparty repositories respectively. -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- default Profile Build plugins -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- default Profile Maven deploy plugin -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
The problem is that because this profile is active by default, if we try to run a mvn deploy and the version of the GAV coordinates is a -SNAPSHOT, the build unintentionally still tries to deploy to Nexus 3rd Party and Releases repos and fails because of course it won't accept -SNAPSHOT artifact versions. To get around this, I setup a profile specifically for -SNAPSHOT versions which will only deploy to the Snapshot repository:
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- snapshot Profile -->
<!-- Activating this profile will automatically deactivate the default profile. -->
<!-- The purpose of this profile is to produce a a gateway-services-client and gateway-client -->
<!-- snapshot artifacts and deploy them to the snapshots Nexus repository where they can -->
<!-- act as the latest development dependencies for other projects -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- snapshot profile Build plugins -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- snapshot profile Maven deploy plugin -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
The problem with this is that you must specify the profile when executing the Maven command: mvn deploy -P 'snapshot'. My question is what can I do so that all I have to do is run mvn deploy without specifying the snapshot profile and have the build automatically deploy to the snapshot repository or to the 3rd Party and Releases repositories all based on the presense of -SNAPSHOT in the version of the GAV coordinates?
The only solution that comes to my mind is using properties and adding three executions during deployment. The ugly thing is that in case of SNAPSHOT your artifact would be deployed twice to the same repository.
Here is what you could do:
if (project.version.endsWith("-SNAPSHOT")){ = "snapshots"; = "snapshots url"; = "snapshots"; = "snapshots url";
else { = "releases"; = "releases url"; = "thirdparty"; = "thirdparty url";
Then add three executions with the following configurations:
You can't do it with profiles. From the maven doc:
A profile can be triggered/activated in several ways:
Through Maven settings
Based on environment variables
OS settings
Present or missing files
So you can't do it the way you want it. However, we do this all the time. Our setup is we use the following in our super-pom
<id>deploymentRepo</id><!-- key in settings.xml -->
Note the id is the same because both repos use the same credential.
We are also using nexus where each repo is configured as snapshot or release and just with this, maven is capable of knowing that *-SNAPSHOT goes to the snapshot repo.
In other words, just give both options at the same time, don't put them in mutually exclusive profiles, and maven will know which way to send them. If it doesn't, try a repo manager

Logging configuration for the Apache Tomcat Maven plugin exec-war-only goal?

I would like to specify a logging configuration file via the extraResources tag described # and am getting the following maven error
Failed to execute goal org.apache.tomcat.maven:tomcat7-maven-plugin:2.1:exec-war-only (tomcat-run) on project iot-service-embedded-tomcat: Unable to parse configuration of mojo org.apache.tomcat.maven:tomcat7-maven-plugin:2.1:exec-war-only for parameter extraResource: Cannot configure instance of from
Here's the maven plugin entry:
What is the proper syntax?
I was able to find the answer by looking at the the getters/setters in the Maven model Resource class. The proper syntax is:

How can I compile and run my Custom Doclet class in my project?

I'm trying to dump all class javadoc comment (preferabbly subclasses of a libraries WebPage class) at compile time into a .properties file in the format classname=comment.
So far I have:
created doclet class SiteMapDoclet
the class is defined to scan all the javadocs in the project and dump them to a .properties file
Added the necessary configs to my pom.xml for it to work.
Versions: Java, Maven 2.2.1
mvn site returns:
Embedded error: Error rendering Maven report:
Exit code: 1 - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory
at us.ak.state.revenue.cssd.Personnel.utils.SiteMapDoclet.<clinit>(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
I tried setting the jars as AdditionalDependencies even though they are normal dependencies for my project.
I also tried adding the paths to the jars I expect my class to need as part of the bootclasspath.
the reporting section of my pom.xml looks like this:
<!-- there has got to be a better way to do this! -->
<!-- how can I fix the CSSD-Web - Base to use a proper manifest file? -->
<description>Page Descriptions for SiteMap generation</description>
${m2Repository} is defined as a property higher up the file,
defined as ${env.USERPROFILE}/.m2/repository
${bootClassPath} is defined as a property higher up the file,
defined as ${env.JRE_6_HOME}\lib\rt.jar;${env.JAVA_HOME}\lib\tools.jar;
How can i fix the NoClassDefFoundError?
Additionally I would like my SiteMap file to run as a part of the normal build process,
after compile but before package.
I've tried defining this in build, but the javadoc doesn't get created and I don't see any logging output from my Doclet.
Thanks to #ben75 's suggestion. I've removed the <reporting> section of my pom.xml and now have the process failing during build. I added <goals> and copied the <configuration> section from <reporting>.
It's still throwing the NoClassDefFoundError but it's happening on build where I want it to. I tried adding:
To the configuration section, but that didn't work.
You can try to put your <additionalDependencies> as plugin dependendencies:
To attach javadoc plugin to your normal build process, I think you just need to specify the goal and preferably attaching it to prepare-package phase (so that javadoc is not generated when you simply run the test phase):
Building upon #ben75s Excellent Advice I was able to get it to finally run.
This "works". It feels wrong and I'd love to see a better method.
Here's what I did:
Defined the plugin in the build section with the javadoc goal.
made sure tools.jar and rt.jar are in the <bootclasspath>
defined the <docletPath> as \;.;${};
the \;.; are necessary because maven doesn't append correctly
also had to explicitly add the path to some of the packages here to prevent inheritence of conflicting versions. (Specifically of Log4J)
defined <docletArtifacts> with the packages for the classes throwing the NoClassDefFoundError
My plugin now looks like this:
<!-- the initial '\;.;' is required
because maven doesn't separate the path statements properly
The 5 packages are necessary
because otherwise slf4j complains about multiple bindings
<!-- how do I fix the download errors? -->
<!-- the initial '\;.;' is required
because maven doesn't separate the path statements properly -->
<!-- don't print the packages/classes it's running on -->
<debug>true</debug> <!-- save options -->
<description>Page Descriptions for SiteMap generation</description>
