splitting large file into small files - bash

I have a text file which has thousands of number values like
I know we can use awk to separate these values. But is there a way in which one can fetch first 10,20,40,80,160....,n values in different text files.
I was using python to do so but it takes a lot of time to separate these files.Here is the sample code for python
import numpy as np
from itertools import islice
data = np.loadtxt('ABC.txt',
n = 10
iterator = list(islice(data[0], n))
for item in range(n):
iterator = list(islice(data[0], n*2))
for item in iterator:
np.savetxt('output2.txt', iterator, delimiter=',',fmt='%10.5f')
iterator = list(islice(data[0], n*4))
for item in iterator:
np.savetxt('output3.txt', iterator, delimiter=',',fmt='%10.5f')
iterator = list(islice(data[0], n*8))
for item in iterator:
np.savetxt('output4.txt', iterator, delimiter=',',fmt='%10.5f')
and so on.
Is there a better way to do this in bash or in python. Thank you in advance!

an inefficient but quick to implement apprach
s=5; for i in {1..10}; do ((s*=2)); head -$s file > sub$i; done
since the files are overlapping, there will be better ways, but based on the size of the file and how many times it needs to be repeated this might be good enough.

You didn't provide any sample input and expected output and the text of your questions is ambiguous so this is just a guess but this MAY be what you're looking for:
$ seq 1000 | awk -v c=10 'NR==c{print; c=2*c}'
If not then edit your question to clarify.

SED is your friend:
$ numlines=$( wc -l big_text_file.txt | cut -d' ' -f1 )
$ step=100
$ echo $numlines
$ for (( ii=1; ii<=$numlines; ii+=$step )); do echo $ii,$(( ii+step-1 ))w big_text_file.${ii}.txt; done > break.sed
$ cat break.sed
1,100w big_text_file.1.txt
101,200w big_text_file.101.txt
201,300w big_text_file.201.txt
301,400w big_text_file.301.txt
401,500w big_text_file.401.txt
501,600w big_text_file.501.txt
601,700w big_text_file.601.txt
701,800w big_text_file.701.txt
801,900w big_text_file.801.txt
$ sed -n -f break.sed big_text_file.txt
$ wc -l big_text_file*.txt
100 big_text_file.101.txt
100 big_text_file.1.txt
100 big_text_file.201.txt
100 big_text_file.301.txt
100 big_text_file.401.txt
100 big_text_file.501.txt
100 big_text_file.601.txt
100 big_text_file.701.txt
61 big_text_file.801.txt
861 big_text_file.txt
1722 total


Get a percentage of randomly chosen lines from a text file

I have a text file (bigfile.txt) with thousands of rows. I want to make a smaller text file with 1 % of the rows which are randomly chosen. I tried the following
output=$(wc -l bigfile.txt)
sort -r bigfile.txt|shuf|head -n ds1
It give the following error:
head: invalid number of lines: ‘ds1’
I don't know what is wrong.
Even after you fix your issues with your bash script, it cannot do floating point arithmetic. You need external tools like Awk which I would use as
randomCount=$(awk 'END{print int((NR==0)?0:(NR/100))}' bigfile.txt)
(( randomCount )) && sort -r file | shuf | head -n "$randomCount"
E.g. Writing a file with with 221 lines using the below loop and trying to get random lines,
tmpfile=$(mktemp /tmp/abc-script.XXXXXX)
for i in {1..221}; do echo $i; done >> "$tmpfile"
randomCount=$(awk 'END{print int((NR==0)?0:(NR/100))}' "$tmpfile")
If I print the count, it would return me a integer number 2 and using that on the next command,
sort -r "$tmpfile" | shuf | head -n "$randomCount"
Roll a die (with rand()) for each line of the file and get a number between 0 and 1. Print the line if the die shows less than 0.01:
awk 'rand()<0.01' bigFile
Quick test - generate 100,000,000 lines and count how many get through:
seq 1 100000000 | awk 'rand()<0.01' | wc -l
Pretty close to 1%.
If you want the order random as well as the selection, you can pass this through shuf afterwards:
seq 1 100000000 | awk 'rand()<0.01' | shuf
On the subject of efficiency which came up in the comments, this solution takes 24s on my iMac with 100,000,000 lines:
time { seq 1 100000000 | awk 'rand()<0.01' > /dev/null; }
real 0m23.738s
user 0m31.787s
sys 0m0.490s
The only other solution that works here, heavily based on OP's original code, takes 13 minutes 19s.

Creating histograms in bash

I read the question that this is supposed to be a duplicate of (this one). I don't agree. In that question the aim is to get the frequencies of individual numbers in the column. However if I apply that solution to my problem, I'm still left with my initial problem of grouping the frequencies of the numbers in a particular range into the final histogram. i.e. if that solution tells me that the frequency of 0.45 is 2 and 0.44 is 1 (for my input data), I'm still left with the problem of grouping those two frequencies into a total of 3 for the range 0.4-0.5.
I have a long column of data with values between 0 and 1.
This will be of the type-
A long column of decimal values with repetitions allowed.
I'm trying to change it into a histogram sort of output such as (for the input shown above)-
0.0-0.1 0
0.1-0.2 1
0.2-0.3 0
0.3-0.4 1
0.4-0.5 3
0.5-0.6 0
0.6-0.7 0
0.7-0.8 0
0.8-0.9 0
0.9-1.0 1
Basically the first column has the lower and upper bounds of each range and the second column has the number of entries in that range.
I wrote it (badly) as-
for i in $(seq 0 0.1 0.9)
awk -v var=$i '{if ($1 > var && $1 < var+0.1 ) print $1}' input | wc -l;
Which basically does a wc -l of the entries it finds in each range.
Output formatting is not a part of the problem. If I simply get the frequencies corresponding to the different bins , that will be good enough. Also please note that the bin size should be a variable like in my proposed solution.
I already read this answer and want to avoid the loop. I'm sure there's a much much faster way in awk that bypasses the for loop. Can you help me out here?
Following the same algorithm of my previous answer, I wrote a script in awk which is extremely fast (look at the picture).
The script is the following:
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
if( bin in hist){
for (h in hist)
printf " * > %2.2f -> %i \n", h*bin_width, hist[h]
The bin_width is the width of each channel. To use the script just copy it in a file, make it executable (with chmod +x <namefile>) and run it with ./<namefile> <name_of_data_file>.
For this specific problem, I would drop the last digit, then count occurrences of sorted data:
cut -b1-3 | sort | uniq -c
which gives, on the specified input set:
2 0.1
1 0.3
3 0.4
1 0.9
Output formatting can be done by piping through this awk command:
| awk 'BEGIN{r=0.0}
{while($2>r){printf "%1.1f-%1.1f %3d\n",r,r+0.1,0;r=r+.1}
printf "%1.1f-%1.1f %3d\n",$2,$2+0.1,$1}
END{while(r<0.9){printf "%1.1f-%1.1f %3d\n",r,r+0.1,0;r=r+.1}}'
The only loop you will find in this algorithm is around the line of the file.
This is an example on how to realize what you asked in bash. Probably bash is not the best language to do this since it is slow with math. I use bc, you can use awk if you prefer.
How the algorithm works
Imagine you have many bins: each bin correspond to an interval. Each bin will be characterized by a width (CHANNEL_DIM) and a position. The bins, all together, must be able to cover the entire interval where your data are casted. Doing the value of your number / bin_width you get the position of the bin. So you have just to add +1 to that bin. Here a much more detailed explanation.
# This is the input: you can use $1 and $2 to read input as cmd line argument
CHANNEL_NUMBER=9 # They are actually 10: 0 is already a channel
# check the max and the min to define the dimension of the channels:
MAX=`sort -n $FILE | tail -n 1`
MIN=`sort -rn $FILE | tail -n 1`
# Define the channel width
# Probably printf is not the best function in this context because
#+the result could be system dependent.
# Determine the channel for a given number
# Usage: find_channel <number_to_histogram> <width_of_histogram_channel>
function find_channel(){
# The channel is found dividing the value for the channel width and
#+rounding it.
RESULT=`printf '%.0f' $RESULT_LONG`
echo $RESULT
# Read the file and do the computuation
while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
CHANNEL=`find_channel $line $CHANNEL_DIM`
done < $FILE
for i in ${HIST[*]}; do
CHANNEL_START=`echo "$CHANNEL_DIM * $counter - .04" | bc -l`
CHANNEL_END=`echo " $CHANNEL_DIM * $counter + .05" | bc`
printf '%+2.1f : %2.1f => %i\n' $CHANNEL_START $CHANNEL_END $i
let counter+=1
Hope this helps. Comment if you have other questions.

How to split text files by number of rows that corresponds to another set of files?

Cut a file into several files according to numbers in a list:
$ wc -l all.txt
8500 all.txt
$ wc -l STS.*.txt
2000 STS.input.answers-forums.txt
1500 STS.input.answers-students.txt
2000 STS.input.belief.txt
1500 STS.input.headlines.txt
1500 STS.input.images.txt
How do I split my all.txt into the no. of lines of the STS.*.txt and then save them to the respective STS.output.*.txt?
I've been doing it manually as such:
$ sed '1,2000!d' all.txt > STS.output.answers-forums.txt
$ sed '2001,3500!d' all.txt > STS.output.answers-students.txt
$ sed '3501,5500!d' all.txt > STS.output.belief.txt
$ sed '5501,7000!d' all.txt > STS.output.headlines.txt
$ sed '7001,8500!d' all.txt > STS.output.images.txt
The all.txt input would look something like this:
$ head all.txt
Or sometimes all.txt looks like this:
$ head all.txt
2.3059 92.123
2.2371 1.123
2.1277 0.12452
2.1261123 213
2.0576 100
2.0141 0
2.02062 1
2.03972 34.123
1.9467 9.23
1.8518 9123.1
As for the STS.*.txt, they are just plain text lines, e.g.:
$ head STS.output.answers-forums.txt
The problem likely will mean corrective changes before the shuttle fleet starts flying again. He said the problem needs to be corrected before the space shuttle fleet is cleared to fly again.
The technology-laced Nasdaq Composite Index .IXIC inched down 1 point, or 0.11 percent, to 1,650. The broad Standard & Poor's 500 Index .SPX inched up 3 points, or 0.32 percent, to 970.
"It's a huge black eye," said publisher Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr., whose family has controlled the paper since 1896. "It's a huge black eye," Arthur Sulzberger, the newspaper's publisher, said of the scandal.
Wish you'd posted some sample input for splitting an input file of, say, 10 lines into output files of say, 2, 3, and 5 lines instead of 8500 lines into.... as that would have given us something to test a solution against. Oh well, this might work but is untested of course:
awk '
ARGIND < (ARGC-1) { outfile[NR] = gensub(/input/,"output","",FILENAME); next }
{ print > outfile[FNR] }
' STS.input.* all.txt
The above used GNU awk for ARGIND and gensub().
It just creates an array that maps each line number across all "input" files to the name of the "output" file that that same line number of "all.txt" should be written to.
Any time you write a loop in shell just to manipulate text you have the wrong approach. The guys who created shell also created awk for shell to call to manipulate text so just do that.
I would suggest writing a loop:
for file in answers-forums answers-students belief headlines images; do
lines=$(wc -l < "STS.input.$file.txt")
sed "$(( total + 1 )),$(( total + lines ))!d" all.txt > "STS.output.$file.txt"
(( total += lines ))
total keeps a track of how many lines have been read so far. The sed command extracts the lines from total + 1 to total + lines, writing them to the corresponding output file.

How to split a file into equal parts, without breaking individual lines? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I split a large text file into smaller files with an equal number of lines?
(12 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I was wondering if it was possible to split a file into equal parts (edit: = all equal except for the last), without breaking the line? Using the split command in Unix, lines may be broken in half. Is there a way to, say, split up a file in 5 equal parts, but have it still only consist of whole lines (it's no problem if one of the files is a little larger or smaller)? I know I could just calculate the number of lines, but I have to do this for a lot of files in a bash script. Many thanks!
If you mean an equal number of lines, split has an option for this:
split --lines=75
If you need to know what that 75 should really be for N equal parts, its:
lines_per_part = int(total_lines + N - 1) / N
where total lines can be obtained with wc -l.
See the following script for an example:
# Configuration stuff
# Work out lines per file.
total_lines=$(wc -l <${fspec})
((lines_per_file = (total_lines + num_files - 1) / num_files))
# Split the actual file, maintaining lines.
split --lines=${lines_per_file} ${fspec} xyzzy.
# Debug information
echo "Total lines = ${total_lines}"
echo "Lines per file = ${lines_per_file}"
wc -l xyzzy.*
This outputs:
Total lines = 70
Lines per file = 12
12 xyzzy.aa
12 xyzzy.ab
12 xyzzy.ac
12 xyzzy.ad
12 xyzzy.ae
10 xyzzy.af
70 total
More recent versions of split allow you to specify a number of CHUNKS with the -n/--number option. You can therefore use something like:
split --number=l/6 ${fspec} xyzzy.
(that's ell-slash-six, meaning lines, not one-slash-six).
That will give you roughly equal files in terms of size, with no mid-line splits.
I mention that last point because it doesn't give you roughly the same number of lines in each file, more the same number of characters.
So, if you have one 20-character line and 19 1-character lines (twenty lines in total) and split to five files, you most likely won't get four lines in every file.
The script isn't even necessary, split(1) supports the wanted feature out of the box:
split -l 75 auth.log auth.log.
The above command splits the file in chunks of 75 lines a piece, and outputs file on the form: auth.log.aa, auth.log.ab, ...
wc -l on the original file and output gives:
321 auth.log
75 auth.log.aa
75 auth.log.ab
75 auth.log.ac
75 auth.log.ad
21 auth.log.ae
642 total
A simple solution for a simple question:
split -n l/5 your_file.txt
no need for scripting here.
From the man file, CHUNKS may be:
l/N split into N files without splitting lines
Not all unix dist include this flag. For example, it will not work in OSX. To use it, you can consider replacing the Mac OS X utilities with GNU core utilities.
split was updated in coreutils release 8.8 (announced 22 Dec 2010) with the --number option to generate a specific number of files. The option --number=l/n generates n files without splitting lines.
coreutils manual
I made a bash script, that given a number of parts as input, split a file
for i in $(seq 0 $((parts_total-2))); do
lines=$(wc -l "$input" | cut -f 1 -d" ")
#n is rounded, 1.3 to 2, 1.6 to 2, 1 to 1
n=$(awk -v lines=$lines -v parts=$parts 'BEGIN {
n = lines/parts;
rounded = sprintf("%.0f", n);
print rounded + 1;
print rounded;
head -$n "$input" > split${i}
tail -$((lines-n)) "$input" > .tmp${i}
mv .tmp$((parts_total-2)) split$((parts_total-1))
rm .tmp*
I used head and tail commands, and store in tmp files, for split the files
#10 means 10 parts
sh mysplitXparts.sh input_file 10
or with awk, where 0.1 is 10% => 10 parts, or 0.334 is 3 parts
awk -v size=$(wc -l < input) -v perc=0.1 '{
nfile = int(NR/(size*perc));
if(nfile >= 1/perc){
print > "split_"nfile
}' input
var dict = File.ReadLines("test.txt")
.Where(line => !string.IsNullOrWhitespace(line))
.Select(line => line.Split(new char[] { '=' }, 2, 0))
.ToDictionary(parts => parts[0], parts => parts[1]);
enter code here
string[] tokens = line.Split(new char[] { '=' }, 2, 0);

Shell command to sum integers, one per line?

I am looking for a command that will accept (as input) multiple lines of text, each line containing a single integer, and output the sum of these integers.
As a bit of background, I have a log file which includes timing measurements. Through grepping for the relevant lines and a bit of sed reformatting I can list all of the timings in that file. I would like to work out the total. I can pipe this intermediate output to any command in order to do the final sum. I have always used expr in the past, but unless it runs in RPN mode I do not think it is going to cope with this (and even then it would be tricky).
How can I get the summation of integers?
Bit of awk should do it?
awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}' mydatafile
Note: some versions of awk have some odd behaviours if you are going to be adding anything exceeding 2^31 (2147483647). See comments for more background. One suggestion is to use printf rather than print:
awk '{s+=$1} END {printf "%.0f", s}' mydatafile
Paste typically merges lines of multiple files, but it can also be used to convert individual lines of a file into a single line. The delimiter flag allows you to pass a x+x type equation to bc.
paste -s -d+ infile | bc
Alternatively, when piping from stdin,
<commands> | paste -s -d+ - | bc
The one-liner version in Python:
$ python -c "import sys; print(sum(int(l) for l in sys.stdin))"
I would put a big WARNING on the commonly approved solution:
awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}' mydatafile # DO NOT USE THIS!!
that is because in this form awk uses a 32 bit signed integer representation: it will overflow for sums that exceed 2147483647 (i.e., 2^31).
A more general answer (for summing integers) would be:
awk '{s+=$1} END {printf "%.0f\n", s}' mydatafile # USE THIS INSTEAD
Plain bash:
$ cat numbers.txt
$ sum=0; while read num; do ((sum += num)); done < numbers.txt; echo $sum
With jq:
seq 10 | jq -s 'add' # 'add' is equivalent to 'reduce .[] as $item (0; . + $item)'
dc -f infile -e '[+z1<r]srz1<rp'
Note that negative numbers prefixed with minus sign should be translated for dc, since it uses _ prefix rather than - prefix for that. For example, via tr '-' '_' | dc -f- -e '...'.
Edit: Since this answer got so many votes "for obscurity", here is a detailed explanation:
The expression [+z1<r]srz1<rp does the following:
[ interpret everything to the next ] as a string
+ push two values off the stack, add them and push the result
z push the current stack depth
1 push one
<r pop two values and execute register r if the original top-of-stack (1)
is smaller
] end of the string, will push the whole thing to the stack
sr pop a value (the string above) and store it in register r
z push the current stack depth again
1 push 1
<r pop two values and execute register r if the original top-of-stack (1)
is smaller
p print the current top-of-stack
As pseudo-code:
Define "add_top_of_stack" as:
Remove the two top values off the stack and add the result back
If the stack has two or more values, run "add_top_of_stack" recursively
If the stack has two or more values, run "add_top_of_stack"
Print the result, now the only item left in the stack
To really understand the simplicity and power of dc, here is a working Python script that implements some of the commands from dc and executes a Python version of the above command:
### Implement some commands from dc
registers = {'r': None}
stack = []
def add():
stack.append(stack.pop() + stack.pop())
def z():
def less(reg):
if stack.pop() < stack.pop():
def store(reg):
registers[reg] = stack.pop()
def p():
print stack[-1]
### Python version of the dc command above
# The equivalent to -f: read a file and push every line to the stack
import fileinput
for line in fileinput.input():
def cmd():
Pure and short bash.
f=$(cat numbers.txt)
echo $(( ${f//$'\n'/+} ))
perl -lne '$x += $_; END { print $x; }' < infile.txt
My fifteen cents:
$ cat file.txt | xargs | sed -e 's/\ /+/g' | bc
$ cat text
$ cat text | xargs | sed -e 's/\ /+/g' | bc
I've done a quick benchmark on the existing answers which
use only standard tools (sorry for stuff like lua or rocket),
are real one-liners,
are capable of adding huge amounts of numbers (100 million), and
are fast (I ignored the ones which took longer than a minute).
I always added the numbers of 1 to 100 million which was doable on my machine in less than a minute for several solutions.
Here are the results:
:; seq 100000000 | python -c 'import sys; print sum(map(int, sys.stdin))'
# 30s
:; seq 100000000 | python -c 'import sys; print sum(int(s) for s in sys.stdin)'
# 38s
:; seq 100000000 | python3 -c 'import sys; print(sum(int(s) for s in sys.stdin))'
# 27s
:; seq 100000000 | python3 -c 'import sys; print(sum(map(int, sys.stdin)))'
# 22s
:; seq 100000000 | pypy -c 'import sys; print(sum(map(int, sys.stdin)))'
# 11s
:; seq 100000000 | pypy -c 'import sys; print(sum(int(s) for s in sys.stdin))'
# 11s
:; seq 100000000 | awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}'
# 22s
Paste & Bc
This ran out of memory on my machine. It worked for half the size of the input (50 million numbers):
:; seq 50000000 | paste -s -d+ - | bc
# 17s
:; seq 50000001 100000000 | paste -s -d+ - | bc
# 18s
So I guess it would have taken ~35s for the 100 million numbers.
:; seq 100000000 | perl -lne '$x += $_; END { print $x; }'
# 15s
:; seq 100000000 | perl -e 'map {$x += $_} <> and print $x'
# 48s
:; seq 100000000 | ruby -e "puts ARGF.map(&:to_i).inject(&:+)"
# 30s
Just for comparison's sake I compiled the C version and tested this also, just to have an idea how much slower the tool-based solutions are.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
long sum = 0;
long i = 0;
while(scanf("%ld", &i) == 1) {
sum = sum + i;
printf("%ld\n", sum);
return 0;
:; seq 100000000 | ./a.out
# 8s
C is of course fastest with 8s, but the Pypy solution only adds a very little overhead of about 30% to 11s. But, to be fair, Pypy isn't exactly standard. Most people only have CPython installed which is significantly slower (22s), exactly as fast as the popular Awk solution.
The fastest solution based on standard tools is Perl (15s).
Using the GNU datamash util:
seq 10 | datamash sum 1
If the input data is irregular, with spaces and tabs at odd places, this may confuse datamash, then either use the -W switch:
<commands...> | datamash -W sum 1
...or use tr to clean up the whitespace:
<commands...> | tr -d '[[:blank:]]' | datamash sum 1
If the input is large enough, the output will be in scientific notation.
seq 100000000 | datamash sum 1
To convert that to decimal, use the the --format option:
seq 100000000 | datamash --format '%.0f' sum 1
Plain bash one liner
$ cat > /tmp/test
$ echo $(( $(cat /tmp/test | tr "\n" "+" ) 0 ))
BASH solution, if you want to make this a command (e.g. if you need to do this frequently):
addnums () {
local total=0
while read val; do
(( total += val ))
echo $total
Then usage:
addnums < /tmp/nums
You can using num-utils, although it may be overkill for what you need. This is a set of programs for manipulating numbers in the shell, and can do several nifty things, including of course, adding them up. It's a bit out of date, but they still work and can be useful if you need to do something more.
It's really simple to use:
$ seq 10 | numsum
But runs out of memory for large inputs.
$ seq 100000000 | numsum
Terminado (killed)
The following works in bash:
for N in `cat numbers.txt`
I=`expr $I + $N`
echo $I
I realize this is an old question, but I like this solution enough to share it.
% cat > numbers.txt
% cat numbers.txt | perl -lpe '$c+=$_}{$_=$c'
If there is interest, I'll explain how it works.
Cannot avoid submitting this, it is the most generic approach to this Question, please check:
jot 1000000 | sed '2,$s/$/+/;$s/$/p/' | dc
It is to be found over here, I was the OP and the answer came from the audience:
Most elegant unix shell one-liner to sum list of numbers of arbitrary precision?
And here are its special advantages over awk, bc, perl, GNU's datamash and friends:
it uses standards utilities common in any unix environment
it does not depend on buffering and thus it does not choke with really long inputs.
it implies no particular precision limits -or integer size for that matter-, hello AWK friends!
no need for different code, if floating point numbers need to be added, instead.
it theoretically runs unhindered in the minimal of environments
sed 's/^/.+/' infile | bc | tail -1
Pure bash and in a one-liner :-)
$ cat numbers.txt
$ I=0; for N in $(cat numbers.txt); do I=$(($I + $N)); done; echo $I
Alternative pure Perl, fairly readable, no packages or options required:
perl -e "map {$x += $_} <> and print $x" < infile.txt
For Ruby Lovers
ruby -e "puts ARGF.map(&:to_i).inject(&:+)" numbers.txt
Here's a nice and clean Raku (formerly known as Perl 6) one-liner:
say [+] slurp.lines
We can use it like so:
% seq 10 | raku -e "say [+] slurp.lines"
It works like this:
slurp without any arguments reads from standard input by default; it returns a string. Calling the lines method on a string returns a list of lines of the string.
The brackets around + turn + into a reduction meta operator which reduces the list to a single value: the sum of the values in the list. say then prints it to standard output with a newline.
One thing to note is that we never explicitly convert the lines to numbers—Raku is smart enough to do that for us. However, this means our code breaks on input that definitely isn't a number:
% echo "1\n2\nnot a number" | raku -e "say [+] slurp.lines"
Cannot convert string to number: base-10 number must begin with valid digits or '.' in '⏏not a number' (indicated by ⏏)
in block <unit> at -e line 1
You can do it in python, if you feel comfortable:
Not tested, just typed:
out = open("filename").read();
lines = out.split('\n')
ints = map(int, lines)
s = sum(ints)
print s
Sebastian pointed out a one liner script:
cat filename | python -c"from fileinput import input; print sum(map(int, input()))"
The following should work (assuming your number is the second field on each line).
awk 'BEGIN {sum=0} \
{sum=sum + $2} \
END {print "tot:", sum}' Yourinputfile.txt
$ cat n
$ perl -MList::Util -le 'print List::Util::sum(<>)' < n
Or, you can type in the numbers on the command line:
$ perl -MList::Util -le 'print List::Util::sum(<>)'
However, this one slurps the file so it is not a good idea to use on large files. See j_random_hacker's answer which avoids slurping.
One-liner in Racket:
racket -e '(define (g) (define i (read)) (if (eof-object? i) empty (cons i (g)))) (foldr + 0 (g))' < numlist.txt
C (not simplified)
seq 1 10 | tcc -run <(cat << EOF
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int sum = 0;
int i = 0;
while(scanf("%d", &i) == 1) {
sum = sum + i;
printf("%d\n", sum);
return 0;
My version:
seq -5 10 | xargs printf "- - %s" | xargs | bc
C++ (simplified):
echo {1..10} | scc 'WRL n+=$0; n'
SCC project - http://volnitsky.com/project/scc/
SCC is C++ snippets evaluator at shell prompt
