web api returning HTTP 401 – Unauthorized when using a Bearer Token from Xamarin or UWP client - Azure Active Directory - xamarin

I have an issue with a web api returning HTTP 401 – Unauthorized when I use a Bearer Token to access it from a xamarin client. Either the iOS or UWP fail.
-This is an application that authenticates with Azure Active Directory to allow a user to login
-Once successfully logged in it gets a token that in turn is added to the web api request header
-The web api has its authentication turn on
The issue with azure settings
the code
I cant seem to figure out what is wrong, appreciate any input or guidance

It depends how you protect the web API.
Normally, when we protect the web API using Azure AD, we will provide the the Audience and Tenant like this code sample. So that when we send the request with the token, the web API will verify the signature of the token and the value we config.
So for the 401 issue, please check the token you acquired with the value you config for the web API project. To check the Audience, Tenant and other values in the token, you can decode it from this site.


Microsoft Azure Cloud service management API fails with 401: Unauthorized error?

We are integrating the Role Assignments - List API from Microsoft Azure Cloud Management APIs, Link to documentation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/authorization/roleassignments/list#errordetail
We have done all of the configs mentioned:
Registered a multi-tenant web app with Azure Active Directory for OAuth using App Registrations option,
Also enabled the https://management.azure.com/user_impersonation scope under Azure Service Management
Same scope is requested by the web app
So far OAuth succeeds but the access token received when used to call an API GET https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments?api-version=2015-07-01 it fails with 401 Unauthorized error. I have replaced the subscriptionId with the appropriate value while making actual call.
I looked at the details of access token using https://jwt.io/ and the scp element only seems to have "scp": "User.Read" scope, Missing the user_impersonation. Though the AUTH dialog from Microsoft login service shows clearly the requested user_impersonation grant. The user account I am using for the OAuth has access to the given azure subscription.
What might be the problem?
It's important to add scope with https://management.azure.com/user_impersonation when requesting for an access token.
Test using implicit grant flow in browser:
Note: If you use client credentials flow, change scope to https://management.azure.com/.default.

Proper way to authenticate WebApi backend

I am building a WebApi for external consumers. I want to lock it down using Azure AD B2C token authentication. .NET Framework 4.7.2 using Owin middleware.
The workflow (as I understand it) goes like this:
Successful path:
GET request on secure endpoint, contains a header with a valid auth token
API returns expected result
Invalid/missing token path:
GET request on secure endpoint, contains an invalid/missing token in the header(s)
API returns 401
This all looks correct from a security point of view, but my poor consumers won't know how to get a new token. Should I be returning something with the 401 to assist in them getting a new token? (i.e. the URL for the Azure AD B2C endpoint) - does this break conventional rules on returning objects with a 401? Am I expecting too much for my consumers to know how to interact with my chosen 3rd-party auth provider?
My question is more about design but would appreciate any technical examples.

wsfed authentication in webapp-webapi

The issue I am facing is to get webApi authenticated with bearer token received from webapp authentication.
Created web app, Angular template of .net core 2.1. Aded WsFed authentication to it. https://demoapp (dummy name)
Created Web Api app. Added wsfed authentication to it. https://demoapp-api (dummy name)
Now target is to authenticate web app, use token from there to make calls to api, and get data.
In WebApp, in OnTicketReceived WsFederationEvent, acquiring token using AcquireTokenAsync(AppId, credential);
Doing this because, we receive SAML token from WsFed.
Here tried with AppId of WebAPI, and also of WebApp. Both tokens do not work.
Passing this token as Bearer token in header to API.
When hitting API, facing redirection for authentication.
Ideally, when sending token, it should be allowed, right ?
I have added permissions of WebAPI on WebAPP in Azure portal, and also vice-versa.
Acquiring token using AppSecret.
Am I missing something here ? Or I am trying to achieve something which is not possible with WsFed ?
Can anyone please help with this webapp-webapi-wsfed scenario ?

OKTA - SPA Verify JWT Token & Setup Authorization Server

I am working through a process of validating the JWT after OKTA Login. I have a SPA Sample SPA Site that handles user login and calling an API.
User Logins into OKTA
Obtains a JWT
Passes JWT to a .NET Web API (hosted on my own server not at OKTA).
WEB API: This accepts the JWT and needs to validate it.
Per OKTA I need verify the JWT through an Authorization Server. I setup the Authorization Server but I cannot see where the two features (shown on the images) are located on the SPA API or the Auth Server. This includes a URL that is required that follows the format of xxxx.okta.com/AS/{key}
Is there something that has to be enabled that is not enabled in my OKTA Account? I think so but what is it? OKTA support states that everything is enabled and confirmed this is a good code sample (GitHub) to use.
The Image Below should appear after setting up the SPA App. I cannot find this feature under the SPA or under the Auth Server. It does not seem to exist anywhere on OKTA. This is why it seems something is not enabled on my Dev account, or this documentation is outdated?
SPA Code Sample (includes the images below from the PDF) https://github.com/oktadeveloper/okta-oauth-spa-authjs-osw
I see that under the Security menu item -> API.
Also, when I had my app OpenID Connect enabled, I used well-known endpoint:
GET /.well-known/openid-configuration to get "jwks_uri", I used this url to self-verify the JWT token at the API level.
OKTA confirmed the code sample and documentation is out of date. They have no ETA to any updated samples and could not provide any documentation to help. This was via a response on a support ticket. Well already then, time to look at Azure.

Outlook API: getting access-token from front-end, how can i use it in web API backend to get Outlook messages

Im writing a application for outlook, front-end Angular, backend Web API.
I'm successfully getting access-token using adal in front-end, sessionStorage is:
Now i'm sending access-token to backend, and i want to get messages from outlook API, but how can i do it.
Searched for outlook REST api, and tested using POSTMAN, but not working.(401 error)
Get https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/messages
Authorization: Bearer access-token
Accept: application/json
Any suggestions on how to do this?
Thanks in advance.
It looks like you are trying to complete the on-behalf-of flow.
This is where a front-end API gets an access token to a middle tier service, which subsequently gets an access token to a back-end API. Let's assume that the token from the front-end to the middle tier has user context. You are able to get a token from the middle tier, to the back-end using the same user context, by requesting a new access token using the original access token.
Here are more details on the flow: Find the section titled Delegated User Identity with OAuth 2.0 On-Behalf-Of Draft Specification
Here is a code sample integrating this flow:
Just to note, in this specific case, that the 401 error implies that you do not have the correct permissions for calling and accessing the API you want. Can you make sure you have selected the right permissions for the resource you want to access, for the client that you are accessing it with?
I hope this is what you are looking for!
