Script with condition - bash

I am a beginner in the development of scripts.I want to do 4 tasks in one script:
1. Connect to machine 1 by ssh
2.Retrieve the data and put it in a CSV file
3.Send the CSV file to a directory
4.connect to machine 2 by ssh and do step 2 and 3
Fisrt test :
DATE=$(date +%Y_%m_%d)
DATE1=$(date +%d/%m/%Y)
HIER=$(date -d '1 day ago' "+%Y-%m-%d")
HEURE=$(date +"%T")
#Ip adress of the machine
machine1= IP1
machine2= IP2
#Connexion SSH OLT1
ssh root#IP1
#Command for geting data on machine
display XXXX > IP1.csv
#exit connection
I do not have any result so i think
Do i make a loop for executing the task for the 2 machines?
I'm trying tu use expect because i find RSA key problem by using SSH and shell script
#spawn ssh $host -l $user
expect "login:"
send "root\r"
expect "passe:"
send "test\r"
expect -re $prompt
send "terminal length 0\r"
expect -re $prompt
send "enable\r"
expect -re $prompt
send "config\r"
expect -re $prompt
send "display .....\r"
expect -re "\r\nend\r\n"
send "exit\r"
I don't know how i can put the result on csv file to a directory?
Besides, can i put the IP on #spawn assume that task should be done on 2 machines
Thanks for your feedback
I try thisaccording to your sample but the ouput file is empty:
spawn ssh X.X.X.X -l root
expect "User password:"
send "admin\n"
expect -re "device>"
send "enable\r"
expect -re "device#"
send "config\r"
expect -re "device(config)#"
send "display .......\r"
expect -re "{ <cr>||<K> }:"
send "\r"
set date [timestamp -format %C%y%m%d]
log_file -noappend /home/device/CSTtest.csv

You can run your command and export to out file in same ssh call like this:
# ...
# first machine command
# second machine command


How to match this [admin#MikroTik] > in bash script (expect)?

I am trying to write a script that will auto configure mikrotik router, but some weird character appears as soon as password is sent through the script and logins the router. Below is the script that i wrote,
read -p "Enter IP Address: " Public_IP
read -p "Enter username: " Username
read -sp "Enter Password: " Password
expect -c "
spawn ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $Username#$Public_IP
set timeout -1
expect "password:"
send "$Password\r"
expect "\[admin*"
sleep 4
expect "\[admin*"
While I run this script I see below the following in the image,
So what i want to accomplish is to see the second image and send some commands for example;
/ip arp print
send above commmand for instance.
image after running the script
the actual interface i want to get and send command like that
you need to add +tc after username in ssh command
spawn ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $Username+tc#$Public_IP
it´s works for me

expect script works while invoking individually but not as a salt state

I'm trying to do scp as well as ssh through expect. Below script works if I invoke it directly from terminal like /usr/bin/expect but when I ran it using salt, the first scp command works where the second ssh fails.
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set timeout 240
spawn scp apps.tar.gz /srv/salt/integration/serverclass_merged.conf foo#
expect "password:"
send "password\n";
expect eof
spawn ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no foo# "cd /home/foo;tar --strip-components=1 -xzvf apps.tar.gz -C /opt/apps/;cp serverclass_merged.conf /opt/local/serverclass.conf"
expect "assword:"
send "password\r"
Relevant salt state looks like,
- name: /usr/bin/expect /home/ocdn_adm/
I know nothing about salt-stack but I suspect it's not running your Expect script from a pty. So replace interact with expect eof (or expect -timeout 12345 eof if necessary). interact works only when stdin is on a tty/pty.

Delete mail from bash command line

I'm trying to find a way to delete a Gmail email using bash command line.
I tried to find something with mutt or alpine but I did not found a way to do it without launching the client.
The purpose is to delete the first email with one command line.
I had few issue so I prefered imap connection this is how I did it and I empty all the mailbox as I don't need an email in once my robot read them. Thanks Aserre for your help :
set timeout 1
set ip ""
set socket "993"
set user "myusername"
set pass "mypassword"
spawn openssl s_client -connect $ip:$socket -crlf
expect -re ".OK.*" {send "01 LOGIN $user $pass \r"}
expect -re "01 OK.*" {send "02 SELECT INBOX\r"}
expect -re "02 OK.*" {send "03 STORE 1:* +FLAGS (\\Deleted)\r"}
expect -re "03 OK.*" {send "04 EXPUNGE\r"}
expect -re "04 OK.*" {send "05 LOGOUT\r"}

cannot execute command after logging in with expect

I have the following script:
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set timeout 60
spawn ssh -X
expect "Password:"
# Send the password, and then wait for a shell prompt.
send "password\r"
expect "user*"
send "ls -la\r"
however I get the following:
Password: command returned bad code: -101
while executing
(file "./" line 10)
If I remove the exp_continue i.e.
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set timeout 60
spawn ssh -X
expect "Password:"
# Send the password, and then wait for a shell prompt.
send "password\r"
expect "user*"
send "ls -la\r"
I can log in successfully, however the ls -la command does not get executed. Is there something wrong with the flow-control of my program?
exp_continue is only useful inside an expect block. For example:
spawn ssh -X
expect {
"continue connecting (yes/no)? " {
send "yes\r"
send "password\r"
I think you're not seeing the ls output because you're not expecting to see anything after to send it. Depending on your workflow, here are 2 thoughts:
add the command as arguments to ssh
spawn ssh -X ls -la
expect {
"continue connecting (yes/no)? " {
send "yes\r"
send "password\r"
expect eof
expect a prompt after the command, and log out afterwards
spawn ssh -X
expect {
"continue connecting (yes/no)? " {
send "yes\r"
send "password\r"
expect $theprompt
send "ls -la\r"
expect $theprompt
send "exit\r"
expect eof
Of course, this would be much simpler using ssh keys:
ssh -X ls -la

Issuing commands on remote linux

I'm looking for any way to do this task with expect:
Mac-mini:~ root# scp file peter#Mac-mini:file2
The authenticity of host 'mac-mini (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is b6:12:3e:48:10:e6:d2:1f:8f:57:f4:01:2d:f3:23:89.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Password: ********
and issue
crontab -l > crontab.src
set machine0 "Mac-minimini"
set machine1 "Mac-mini"
set machine2 "Mac-pro"
set machine19 "Mac-air"
for {set i 1} {$i < 20} {incr i 1} {
eval spawn scp file peter#${machine${i}}:file2
expect "connecting (yes/no)?"
send "yes\r"
#use correct prompt
set prompt ":|#|\\\$"
interact -o -nobuffer -re $prompt return
send "password\r"
interact -o -nobuffer -re $prompt return
send "crontab -l > crontab.src\r"
Edit: You can use for loop and concatenate names for each machine using the variable of the loop.(e.g. Mac-mini0, Mac-mini1, ... Mac-mini19)
Edit2: I am not sure if ${machine${i}} works but worth to try..
Set up an ssh key like so:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
Place your public key on the remote machine (assuming you create a key in your home directory called id_rsa)
ssh-copy-id peter#Mac-mini
Then you will be able to scp without entering a password.
autoexpect -f scp file peter#Mac-mini:file2
For the crontab part, am assuming you mean on the remote machine.
autoexpect -f crontab ssh peter#Mac-mini "crontab -l > crontab.src"
