Access Not Configured. +1 API - google-api

I'm trying to get shares counts from Google+ using the Google+ API and catch only error:
Access Not Configured. +1 API has not been used in project 383866521277 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.
After that I visit recommended link and catch not found. How to enable this API?

In order to access Google APIs you need to register your application on Google developer console. You have probably already created your credentials. The API key or Oauth2 credentials you created identifies the application to Google. The project that was used to create the API key or Oauth2 credentials you are using must have the Google+ API enabled.
Enable API:
What you have forgotten to do is to tell Google which APis you will be accessing. On the Left hand side look for "Library" find the Google+ api and enable it.
Means that you do not have access to the project 383866521277 or it was deleted. The person who created the project must enable the Google+ api for you. Remember this is denoted by the The API key or Oauth2 credentials you created and are using in your code.


OAuth or API key authorization?

I'm trining to create live stream on youtube using google API. Now it working only when I use oauth authorisation. When I use API key authorisation I get authorisation error (login required)
When I use oauth authorisation - it require to enter confirmation code each time I create new translation. Is it possible to use "liveStreams->insert" method of API with authorisation that does not require entering of confirmation code?
From what you are writing it appears to me that you haven't understood the concept of OAuth and when to use OAuth vs an API key.
Try to think about it this way: You, as a person, have a Google account. This Google account is not the same as your YouTube account (or, as it is more commonly refered to, your YouTube channel). But your Google account is associated with your YouTube channel (of which you can have multiple). Because you are logged in to your Google account and your channel and Google account are linked, the YouTube website knows who you are and gives you access to your channel.
Now you head over to the Google Cloud Console. Here you create a project, which is very similar to a YouTube account in the sense that it, too, is an independent account which in this case represents your app, but is linked to your Google account so the Cloud Console website knows to give you access to the project as long as you are logged-in to your Google account.
HOWEVER, your YouTube account is not linked to your Cloud Console project. When you make an API request with an API key, the API does not see you as in "your Google account", but rather your apps's Cloud Console Project. That's why with an API key, you can only access publicly available data (everything you could "see" when you browse YouTube while not being logged-in).
So, in order for an application to read private channel information or modify channel information, the API needs verification that whoever makes that request is actually allowed to do that. This is where OAuth comes into play.
When you say you have to provide the confirmation code for each request, I think you don't save the access token and refresh token. I highly recommend you read Using OAuth 2.0 to Access Google APIs and Obtaining authorization credentials over on Google Developers to help get you started.

How to get authorization for accessing Google Play developer API

I am trying to access Google play developer API to build an inapp purchase product for my company Application.
We have to get authorization to make a GET call to the Google play developer API.
I followed the steps presented here.
Created an Oauth client and and also service account. The gmail account I used was part of the 'Users and permissions' in console.
But when I tried to access the API, I got an error
As I started searching about this error, I understood that there is something else called 'API Access' in When I tried to access it, All I saw was
But I saw in other posts that there exists a screen with details like
So how can I go forward to access API. I did everything as mentioned in documentation of google but it didnt work. Also I dont have access to see the screen of 'API Access'.
Also I am confused, if you can create service accounts from both 'API Access' screen and also from 'credentials' screen in, which one should be used ?
Just to check you understand there are a few different APIs to do with in-app purchases.
Play billing library is designed to be used in your app. This is what allows users to buy things from your app
Configuring in app products. When your app supports in-app products you have to support what the products are and the prices. This is done via the Play console, either manually or in batches uploading CSV files.
Finally is the API you refer to in your question. This is not designed for use in your app, and you don't have to use it to support in-app products. Instead this API allows your server (not app) to validate a user's purchase. In order to use this API, you need to enable the "API access" in the page you found. This can only be enabled by the account owner for the Play console, for security reasons. You will need to find the Owner of your Google Play account, and get them to log in and create a service account which has API access.
I am able to access it now. I am not the owner of the Google Play console.That was the issue. You just have to go to API Access page and click on "create OAuth Client" or "create Service Account ".
You can use those credentials to access API from postman or through your code.

Structure of google project in developer console

I am implementing Google Drive API and Google Sheets API to my application. How should I go about structuring the project in Google Developers console?
First I created the Drive connection and Oauth2 for it, then filled the verification request with scopes
which was verified.
Then I created another Oauth2 for Sheets API and after trying to verify the scopes
But my request got denied with message that I already have scope.
So should I create separate project for each API or use same Oauth2 for both of them?
Each application is a project in Google developer console. Assuming you are trying to access user data then you should create Oauth2 credentials and request all of the scopes that you will need for the application.
If the application is using
Then you would need to active all three APIs in the Google Developer console. However I think that drive.file scope gives you the same access to all the files in Google drive there fore you dont need the spreadsheets scope. View and manage Google Drive files and folders that you have opened or created with this app
vs View and manage your spreadsheets in Google Drive

Google Marketplace license api suddenly does not work

Since approx 5:30 UTC we are receiving only this response for this api call{appId}/{customer}
{"error":{"errors":[{"domain":"global","reason":"forbidden","message":"Not authorized to access the application ID"}],"code":403,"message":"Not authorized to access the application ID"}}
but there has not been any previous development or changes on our side and this affects all of our marketplace applications.
Any ideas what is going on and how to fix/workaround this issue?
This issue should now be fixed by Google.
If you are still experiencing 403 Forbidden on marketplace API calls make sure you are following these guidelines
Access to these APIs is restricted: only project members of the
Developer Console project associated with your application may use the
API. Specifically, these project members must be in Can Edit or Is
Owner roles. You may also access UserLicense and CustomerLicense as
the logged in user to your app. Refer to to learn how to
add members to your project.
For example by doing the API requests using a service account in the Google Cloud Platform Project for you application without using any impersonation/delegation.

Making an OAuth connection from a Windows application to a Google App Engine application

We have a Windows 7 Task Tray application that needs to access services in our Google App Engine application, and we are having difficulty making the OAuth connection between them work. For some reason our OAuth libraries that work with the Twitter and Tumblr OAuth implementations do not seem to work in this scenario with Google. Google is returning a 400 bad request response to the last step in the OAuth authorization sequence.
To debug the problem I am trying to use Google's OAuth 1.0 Playground page ( But I can't figure out what should be entered for the "scope" in step 1. If I enter the name of our GAE server the sequence will fail with the error message "Invalid scope". Clearly, choosing one of the provided scopes (the Google API services) is not an option for us.
Can anybody tell me how the OAuth scope designation should be set when accessing Google App Engine hosted services?
just for reference look at this blog,looks helpful in your case
I think this Google Official Docs explains best how to set up an endpoint to your own appengine application. You question isn't very specific, but take note of the following that is being written in this document:
The scope of an authorization, how much the consumer is allowed to access, is for all of a single app. App Engine only supports whole-app scopes, and does not support more granular scope requests. When Google Accounts prompts the user to authorize a consumer, the prompt explains that the consumer is requesting permission to access the full app.
And did you set up OAuth on your domain?
The consumer performs OAuth actions using a set of standard web service endpoints. These endpoints use reserved paths on your app's domain. For example, if your app uses a Google Apps domain of, the endpoints for the OAuth protocol begin as follows:
