Putting eloquent results in another table to doing where queries in Laravel 5.4 - laravel

For some special reasons I used append attributes in my model and now when I want to do where queries on custom attributes, for example "category", I face an error with this meaning that eloquent could not found column with "category" name!
To solve this problem I guess if I put my query's result into a temp table, I could do what I want!
Have someone any Idea about that? If it's useful to me, How can I transfer my results to the temp table?

You won't be able to limit the database query using a Model accessor's dynamic field, since that field obviously doesn't exist in the database.
However, the Collection object has fairly robust filtering capabilities, so you could filter the Collection results using the dynamic fields after the database has been queried. This is not as performant as filtering out the results before they are retrieved from the database, but you may be a situation where the performance isn't that critical or the code cleanliness/maintenance cost outweighs the performance cost.
As an example, given the following Model:
class Book extends Model
public function getCategoryAttribute()
if ($this->targetAge < 13) {
return 'child';
if ($this->targetAge < 18) {
return 'teen';
return 'adult';
The following query will not work because the category field doesn't actually exist in the table:
$childrenBooks = Book::where('category', 'child')->get(); // error: no category field
However, the following will work, because you're calling where() on the Collection of Models returned from the database, and the Models do have access to the dynamic field:
$childrenBooks = Book::get()->where('category', 'child');
The problem in this case is that, while it does work, it will get all the books from the database and create a Model instance for each one, and then you filter through that full Collection. The benefit, however, is that you don't have to duplicate the logic in your accessor method. This is where you need to weigh the pros and cons and determine if this is acceptable in your situation.
An intermediate option would be to create a Model scope method, so that your accessor logic is only duplicated in one place (if it can be duplicated for a query):
class Book extends Model
public function getCategoryAttribute()
if ($this->targetAge < 13) {
return 'child';
if ($this->targetAge < 18) {
return 'teen';
return 'adult';
public function scopeCategory($query, $category)
if ($category == 'child') {
return $query->where('target_age', '<', 13);
if ($category == 'teen') {
return $query->where(function ($query) {
return $query
->where('target_age', '>=', 13)
->where('target_age', '<', 18);
return $query->where('target_age', '>=', 18);
Then you can use this query scope like so:
$childrenBooks = Book::category('child')->get();
The benefit here is that the logic applies to the actual query, so the records are limited before they are returned from database. The main problem is that now your "category" logic is duplicated, once in an accessor and once in a scope. Additionally, this only works if you can turn your accessor logic into something that can be handled by a database query.

You can create temporary tables using raw statements. This post goes fairly in depth over it:


What is difference between $this->Products and $this->Products() in laravel model?

I got different result from getReward1 and getReward2:
class User extends Authenticatable
public function Products()
return $this->hasMany('App\Product', 'user_id');
public function getReward1()
return $this
->where('reward', '>', 0)
->where('status', 0)
->sum('reward'); // sum = 7,690,000
public function getReward2()
return $this
->where('reward', '>', 0)
->where('status', 0)
->sum('reward'); // sum = 7,470,000
getReward1 return 7,690,000 and getReward2 return 7,470,000 (Two different values)
What is difference between $this->Products and $this->Products() ?
// Returns a Collection
// Returns a Relation instance, which is a query builder and can be of type HasMany, BelongsTo...
// Is EXACTLY like doing $this->products for the first time.
The main difference is that products() is just a query that hasn't been executed yet, whereas products are the actual results of this query.
Honestly, even if the name is the same and can be confusing, there are no other similarities between them.
A simple analogy:
DB::table('products')->where('user_id', 18); //could be the $user->products()
DB::table('products')->where('user_id', 18)->get(); //could be $user->products
It's just an analogy, it's not exactly like this internally, but you get the point.
To add more confusion on top of it, Collection methods are ofter similar to those you find in queries; both have where(), first()...
The main thing to remember is that with parentheses, you are still building a query. Until you call get or first, you remain in a query builder.
Without, you already have your results, you are in a Collection (https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/collections).
About the difference you get between getReward1 and getReward2, it's hard to tell exactly what's happening without seeing your database structure.
It can be a lot of things, but when you are calling the sum method, you are calling it on a Collection instance in getReward1 and on a query builder in getReward2 (you are actually executing a query with SELECT SUM(reward)...).
$this->Products() will return an instance of the query builder. The subsequence where clauses will constrain the DB query and then return only the product that you want. These will not be stored in the model instance.
$this->Products will get all of the products from the DB and store them in the model instance as an Eloquent Collection. The subsequent where clauses will then be performed on the Eloquent Collection.
Essentially, the method is doing everything in the DB, whereas, the property is fetching all of the rows and then limiting it with PHP.

Query Builder filter for multi level deep relationship in Laravel

I have a selection of plots which each belong to a development by a hasManyThrough relationship through housetypes. I want to filter these by development on their overview page. Plots has a housetype_id column and housetypes has a development_id column.
public function plots()
return $this->hasManyThrough(Plot::class, Housetype::class);
When I use my filter it returns the developments ID number as $development, I then need this to only show plots which are linked to that development.
I have looked into using whereHas or Join methods but have been unable to figure this out. Current filter scope is below. Thanks
public function scopeFilterDevelopment($query)
$development = request()->input('filter_development');
if ($development == "") {
$query->where('development_id', $development);
If I can understand it right you wish to assert a condition on other Model, HasMany will load all the objects to the related model once the query is completed. Eloquent then binds the related model objects to each.
Try joins from Laravel instead. I feel this is what you exactly want: https://laravel.com/docs/5.8/queries#joins
I would use whereHas to filter the relationship:
YourModel::whereHas('plots', function($query) {
I would also edit the query scope not to rely on the request global function, but instead pass the development of value as a parameter.
you have make a leftjon and then use when, you dont have to use
$query->where('development_id', $development);
this any more, you can use
->when($development=="" ? false : true, function($query) use ($development){
return $query->where('development_id', $development);
this is a full example
$queryBuilder = DB::table('facturas')->
select('facturas.estados_id as estado','facturas.numero as
numero',DB::raw('concat(clientes.nombre," ",clientes.apellido) as cliente'))->
when($estados===null ? false: true,function($query) use ($estados){
return $query->whereIn('facturas.estados_id', $estados);
It was a whereHas that solved this in the end! (another developer at work walked me through this)
Relationship -
public function housetype()
return $this->belongsTo(Housetype::class);
Function -
public function scopeFilterDevelopment($query)
if (request()->input('filter_development') == "") {
$query->whereHas('housetype', function($housetype){
$housetype->where('development_id', request()->input('filter_development'));
This then returns any plot where its housetype has a matching development_id for the filter_development from the request.
Thanks for everyone's input

Scope by custom attribute or excluding data by scope

I have a Model User that has a polymorphic relation to table Relationships with Pivot column relationship_level.
public function activities()
return $this->morphedByMany('App\Activity', 'relationship')->withPivot('relationship_level')->withTimestamps();
public function relationships()
return $this->hasMany('App\Relationship');
I want one the following:
I want scopeNoCitizens which to exclude everyone who has a relationship_level Citizen no matter what other relationships he has.
I've tried:
scopeNoCitizens($query) {
$query->whereHas('relationship', function($query) {
$query->where('relationship_level', '!=', 'Citizen');
This doesn't work, maybe because all users have many levels and I want everyone who has even one record among many that has level citizen to be excluded from the collection.
I also have a custom attribute getHighestRoleAttribute, but as far as I understand you can't filter by accessor/custom attribute in a scope.
What I currently do is "filter" the collection after get(), but I have to manually paginate after that and do that on numerous places in the app.

Laravel - eager loading filtering related model on different database instance

i'm trying to implement filtering as defined here.
This works (to filter model A from controller A), however controller A/model A has a relation to model B, which is what I want to filter, as well as a 3rd relationship to model C from model B.
Model A is hosted on DB instance 1, Model B is hosted on DB instance 2 and are totally separated.
These relationships, without any filters, work fine.
Trying to mess around, I tried something like the below, which clearly does not work, however will hopefully illustrate what i'm trying to do. This filter gets applied to model A
protected function sn($sn)
$s= Bid::where('crm', function ($query) {
$query->where('sNumber', '=', 'SN512345');
return $s;
SQLSTATE[42S22]: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Invalid column name 'crm'. (SQL: select * from [bids] where [crm] = (select * where [sNumber] = SN512345))
Bid is model A/controller A, CRM is model B which is the one I want to filter.
I thought about having numerous different functions in the model to filter, however I don't know if this was the best solution and I thought it was better to get it all out into another class.
I tried the below, which does not work as it applies the query to DB1.
$s= Bid::with('crm')->whereHas('crm', function ($query) {
$query->where('sNumber', '=', 'SN512345');
[SQL Server]Invalid object name 'Opportunity'. (SQL: select * from [bids] where exists (select * from [Opportunity] where [bids].[crm_ref] = [Opportunity].[sNumber] and [sNumber] = SN512345))
Is there a way to implement this in some coherent and reusable way? I was thinking something along the lines of load Bid::, load CRM:: with applied filters, then append CRM:: to Bid:: somehow in the normal way that Eloquent would do this.
I am using the following filter in BidFilter.php
protected function sn($sn)
$users = DB::connection('sqlsrv_crm')->table('OpportunityBase')->select('*')->where('new_SalesNumber', '=', $sn)->get();
return $users;
And this filters the result set, as I can see in the debug bar:
debug bar queries
However this is also loading the normal unfiltered eager loaded CRM relationship. How can I switch to the filtered CRM results instead of the default unfiltered?
BidController index method:
public function index(BidFilter $filters)
$bids = $this->getBids($filters);
return view('public.bids.index', compact('bids'));
public function index(BidFilter $filters)
$bids = $this->getBids($filters);
return view('public.bids.index', compact('bids'));

Laravel Has One Relation changing the identifier value

I'm not sure this is a real relation. I will try to explain the best way I can.
So first of all, I have three models :
The AppartementPrice depends on :
- appartement_id
I would like the AppartementPrice to be retrieve like that :
If there is a specific price for the appartement, then retrieve it, If not retrieve the price for all appartement which is stored in the database with an appartement_id = 0.
So basically what I would like is to do something like that :
public function price()
if(isset($this->hasOne('AppartementPrice')->price) // Check that relation exists
return $this->hasOne('AppartementPrice');
return $this->hasOne('AppartementPrice')->where('appartement_id', '0');
But this is not working.
It does not retrive me the default price.
I guess anyway this is not a best practice ?
I first tried to get the informations like that :
//Check if appartment has a specific price or retrieve default
if($priceAppartement = AppartementPrice::getPriceByCompanyAppartement($this->id))
return $priceAppartement;
return AppartementPrice::getDefaultPrice();
But I had this error :
Relationship method must return an object of type Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Relation
when doing :
echo $app->price->price;
How can I check that a relation exists ? And is there a way to do as I describe ?
Thank you
You can't replace relation like this, as what you intend is not logical - you want to retrieve relation that doesn't exist.
Instead you can do this:
public function getPriceAttribute()
return ($this->priceRelation) ?: $this->priceDefault();
public function priceDefault()
// edit: let's cache this one so you don't call the query everytime
// you want the price
return AppartmentPrice::remember(5)->find(0);
public function priceRelation()
return $this->hasOne('AppartementPrice');
Then you achieve what you wanted:
$app->price; // returns AppartmentPrice object related or default one
HOWEVER mind that you won't be able to work on the relation like normally:
$price = new AppartmentPrice([...]);
$app->price()->save($price); // will not work, instead use:
First of all something really important in Laravel 4.
When you do not use parentheses when querying relationship it means you want to retreive a Collention of your Model.
You have to use parentheses if you want to continue your query.
// for getting prices collection (if not hasOne). (look like AppartementPrice)
// for getting the query which will ask the DB to get all
//price attached to this appartment, and then you can continue querying
$priceQuery = $appartment->price();
// Or you can chain your query
$appartment->price()->where('price', '>', 0)->get() // or first() or count();
Secondly, your question.
//Appartement Model
// This function is needed to keep querying the DB
public function price()
return $this->hasOne('AppartementPrice')
// This one is for getting the appartment price, like you want to
public function getAppartmentPrice()
$price_object = $this->price;
if (!$price_object) // Appartment does not have any price {
return AppartementPrice->where('appartement_id', '=', 0)->get();
return $price_object;
