Can DPI scaling be enabled/disabled programmatically on a per-session basis? - winapi

My application happens to be written in Python using pygame, which wraps SDL, but I'm imagining that this is probably a more-general question to do with the Windows API.
In some of my Python applications, I want pixel-for-pixel control under Windows 10 even at high resolutions. I want to be able to ensure, for example, that if my Surface Pro 3 has a native resolution of 2160x1440, then I can enter full-screen mode with those dimensions and present a full-screen image of exactly those dimensions.
The barrier to this is "DPI scaling". By default, under Windows' Settings -> Display, the value of "Change the size of text, apps, and other items" is "150% (Recommended)" and the result is that I only see 2/3 of my image. I have discovered how to fix this behaviour...
systemwide, by moving that slider down to 100% (but that's undesirable for most other applications)
just for python.exe and pythonw.exe, by going to those executables' "Properties" dialogs, Compatibility tab, and clicking "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings". I can do this for me alone, or for all users. I can also automate this process by setting the appropriate keys in the registry programmatically. Or via .exe.manifest files (which also seems to require a global setting change, to prefer external manifests, with possible side-effects on other applications).
My question is: can I do this from inside my program on a per-launch basis, before I open my graphics window? I, or anyone using my software, won't necessarily want this setting enabled for all Python applications ever—we might want it just when running particular Python programs. I'm imagining there might be a winapi call (or failing that something inside SDL, wrapped by pygame) that could achieve this, but so far my research is drawing a blank.

Here's the answer I was looking for, based on comments by IInspectable and andlabs (many thanks):
import ctypes
# Query DPI Awareness (Windows 10 and 8)
awareness = ctypes.c_int()
errorCode = ctypes.windll.shcore.GetProcessDpiAwareness(0, ctypes.byref(awareness))
# Set DPI Awareness (Windows 10 and 8)
errorCode = ctypes.windll.shcore.SetProcessDpiAwareness(2)
# the argument is the awareness level, which can be 0, 1 or 2:
# for 1-to-1 pixel control I seem to need it to be non-zero (I'm using level 2)
# Set DPI Awareness (Windows 7 and Vista)
success = ctypes.windll.user32.SetProcessDPIAware()
# behaviour on later OSes is undefined, although when I run it on my Windows 10 machine, it seems to work with effects identical to SetProcessDpiAwareness(1)
The awareness levels are defined as follows:
/* DPI unaware. This app does not scale for DPI changes and is
always assumed to have a scale factor of 100% (96 DPI). It
will be automatically scaled by the system on any other DPI
setting. */
/* System DPI aware. This app does not scale for DPI changes.
It will query for the DPI once and use that value for the
lifetime of the app. If the DPI changes, the app will not
adjust to the new DPI value. It will be automatically scaled
up or down by the system when the DPI changes from the system
value. */
/* Per monitor DPI aware. This app checks for the DPI when it is
created and adjusts the scale factor whenever the DPI changes.
These applications are not automatically scaled by the system. */
Level 2 sounds most appropriate for my goal although 1 will also work provided there's no change in system resolution / DPI scaling.
SetProcessDpiAwareness will fail with errorCode = -2147024891 = 0x80070005 = E_ACCESSDENIED if it has previously been called for the current process (and that includes being called by the system when the process is launched, due to a registry key or .manifest file)


How to set DPI scale to less than 100% on Windows 10 - With multiple displays

So I have a big 32 inch display with a resolution of 1440p, and I want to set the DPI scaling to 75% instead of 100%. But I can't find any way to do so on multiple monitors.
I currently have:
Display 1 [2560 x 1440] (Main display I want to change)
Display 2 [2560 x 1440] (This one is 27 inches so it's fine as is)
Display 3 [3840 x 2160] (Set to 100%, fine as it is)
This trick (click me) changes DPI scaling via some registry keys (LogPixels & Win8DpiScaling), but when I use that trick it downscales display 3 instead of display 1.
Is there a way to get this to work? I see no reason for Microsoft to limit the scaling in displays.
Note: I have a 2070 super, all the displays are plugged into the GPU via displayport directly, with the latest avalible firmware at the time of writing (september 2021)
The tl;dr:
Technical limitations aside, there are very solid user experience reasons why this probably isn't allowed.
No, Windows will not let you set UI scaling below 100%.
(even if a stable workaround were to be discovered, most users would probably be quite unhappy with the results)
While I would love¹ to be proven incorrect, the implications of scaling at less than 100% are so fraught that this limitation is unlikely to change in the near future.
This has been the case for ages, likely since Windows first introduced the feature.
Compatibility with current software
The only ~purely technical~ reason I can think of:
The 100% scaling size likely uses the smallest base image (e.g. Explorer and Taskbar icons, mouse and text cursors) resources included in various existing Microsoft and 3rd-party applications.
User experience
Going below the 100% point may cause small UI text and icons, especially in application toolbars and the Taskbar to be blurred to the point of ambiguity.
Those fine lines in the taskbar 'Windows' menu icon? Blurred or gone.
Taken to the extreme, the UI ~might~ become so unreadable that the user is effectively prevented from being able to read the text even in the 'Settings' window and therefore is 'stuck': i.e. not able to navigate through 'Settings' to restore the original '100%' scaling mode.
(Luckily, Windows is never used to run any SCADA software where confusing two icons could theoretically cost money or lives.)
Since those carefully-designed graphic assets don't exist, if sub-100% scaling were allowed, it would also likely cause extra CPU/GPU workload - that is why only certain fixed sizes of up-sampling are shown on the normal Display settings screen and why the Advanced scaling settings screen warns that custom scaling between 100-500% is "not recommended".
That might also apply to any fixed scaling option offered below 100%, and absolutely would for custom scaling sizes.
Some people enjoy reading:
Vector-based TrueType/OpenType fonts usually contain a ~lot~ of manual tweaking / hints to enable readable display of very small point sizes.
The marketing department & friends of the C-suite
Could they implement this at a limited range of options? 90%? 75%?
Perhaps - but it's extra testing for a horrible-looking edge case.
The existence of the option, even if only available as a registry hack, might cause some people to actually use it in kiosks and other public-facing displays; this risks the same sort of bad PR as when a BSOD is seen on the 'arrivals' screen at a train station or airport monitor.
Combined with the first example below, even a 90% option could cause trouble in some environments.
Example and tutorial:
Imagine how Windows might look displayed on one of those cheapo '1080p-supported' projectors that actually only contains an imager with a native pixel resolution of, say, 1024x576 (or even 480x234).
Windows thinks it can send 1080p, since that what the HDMI connection advertises, so it does: any text / vector content looks atrocious.
(At least in this case the user could normally² unplug the projector and reconnect to a normal monitor to restore functionality.)
See for yourself... while connected to any monitor (at that monitor's native resolution), with Windows set to 100% scaling:
Open Windows Notepad
Type or paste in any block of text
Now, use the Zoom Out command from the View menu³ five or more times in a row
While not an exact analogue, you may still see how hard it could be to read down-sampled text, even when very high-contrast (the best-case scenario).
   ¹: As someone currently typing this very answer on a 1080p connection to a 55" 4K television as a second monitor, I came across the question very much hoping this was possible. Sadly, logic intervened and killed my potential joy.
   ²: Unless the computer is actually stored somewhere locked or inaccessible, such as a NUC-style PC hidden above the false ceiling in a conference room.
   ³: Alternatively, press <CTRL>-<Minus> five or more times.

WM_DPICHANGED suggested size is not scaled

The RECT I get from WM_DPICHANGED is not scaled when I move a window between two monitors with different scaling, I get the same dimensions in pixels whichever monitor I move it to (which results in the window being too large for the monitor or too small for its contents). From using Spy++ it looks like this is the case for other applications too. The documentation
suggests that it should be scaled linearly with DPI by default.
My application is using Qt Quick, which sets PROCESS_PER_MONITOR_DPI_AWARE by default. I've also tried SetProcessDpiAwareness(PROCESS_SYSTEM_DPI_AWARE) in my own code, which works as I want in terms of window sizing, but the contents are blurry on the secondary monitor (as you'd expect), and SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext(DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_PER_MONITOR_AWARE_V2) which works like the Qt default but scales the window decorations correctly too. In all 3 cases the window contents are scaled correctly.
I'm wondering if there is an issue with Windows itself, or if an update has changed this behaviour, as no application currently resizes correctly for me, and I'm pretty sure some applications, e.g. Explorer and Edge used to at least. I'm currently using Windows 10 17134.

Matlab GUI Compatibility Between Mac and Windows (Display)

For some time now, I've been working on a series of GUIs. I use a Mac running OSX to write all of my code, and the problem I've encountered is that it there are deviations in appearance when the GUIs are used in windows, some of which are minor, and some of which are very significant.
1) The text in the windows version is substantially larger overall. This results in some of my button titles simply going off the button, or panel titles moving beyond the panel.
2) Axes appear to be different dimensions between Mac and Windows. i.e. An axis that appears square on my Mac will appear elongated or rectangular on windows, and vice versa.
3) Graphical displays are different. This is the real problem. Some of my GUIs use axes to display text and model chemical reaction animations. On the Mac, they look perfectly fine, but on the windows system, the sizing is completely off.
I've set all "Units" to "characters" as suggested by the Mathworks help page, and I do not specify any fonts to allow each system to use its default. I have however, specified font sizes, but apparently, 12 point font on windows appears very different from 12 point font on mac.
Are there any ways around these problems? I thought setting a specified font size and allowing for use of default fonts would fix this, but it hasn't, and I'm a little dry for ideas at this point.
Try working in 'pixels' or absolute size units instead of 'characters', and apply a scaling factor to your font sizes.
Setting 'Units' to 'characters' is probably the wrong way to go for portability, and could be the main cause of your display sizing issues. Which specific Matlab page recommended that you do so? Was it talking about cross-platform portability? The characters unit is very convenient to work with, but it is tied to the font metrics for the default system font. (See the doco for Units property at That's going to differ between different operating systems. Working with 'pixels' or inches/centimeters/points, which are absolute, will probably give you more uniform results across operating systems.
And you're not wrong: OS X tends to display fonts of a given size on screen smaller than Windows does. (Generally; YMMV depending on your display DPI and system settings and other things.) For example, I run my terminals and text editors at 10 or 12 points in Windows, but 14 point or larger on Mac. So apply a scaling factor to the font sizes you set in your GUI. Figure out what looks good on Mac, and then scale it in your code to something like windows_font_size = floor(mac_font_size * 0.8) and see how it goes.
If you want to be more precise in scaling, you could grab the ScreenPixelsPerInch and ScreenSize root properties with get(0,...). You may also be able to call down in to Java code to get precise font metrics info to help with font scaling choices.
Either way, you're going to have to test your code on both systems instead of just expecting it to work portably. If you don't have ready access to a Windows development system, consider setting up a Windows VM on your Mac. With file sharing between the two sides, you'll be able to try your code out on both platforms right as you work with it.
I encountered this problem as well.
Calling this function within the FUNCTIONNAME_OpeningFcn might alleviate your issues:
function decreaseFontSizesIfReq(handles)
% make all fonts smaller on a non-mac-osx computer
persistent fontSizeDecreased
fontSizeDecreased = [];
if ~ismac()
% No MAC OSX detected; decrease font sizes
if isempty(fontSizeDecreased)
for afield = fieldnames(handles)'
afield = afield{1}; %#ok<FXSET>
try %#ok<TRYNC>
set(handles.(afield),'FontSize',get(handles.(afield),'FontSize')*0.75); % decrease font size
fontSizeDecreased=1; % do not perform this step again.

Scaling UI with DPI change of non MFC application

My application is a plug-in developed in VC++ (win32). The solutions I could find didn't work for me.
I have two options :
To disable DPI changes for my DLL plugin. That means my plug-in will not be affected with DPI changes.
To scale all the controls according to the DPI change.
Please help.
1. Disable DPI affect on my application UI when some one re-configures the DPI. Help required : If possible, how to do that pro-grammatically.
This is not possible. Adrian already told you that. DPI is a user setting, not an application setting. If the user wants to change their DPI, they can do so. They can also apply backwards-compatibility hacks that turn off high DPI for a particular application, but that functionality is not available to applications. As the developer, you're expected to make sure that you support high DPI environments, not disable it.
The only thing you can do as an app developer is to fail to indicate that your application is DPI-aware. This is roughly equivalent to walking around with an "IDIOT" sign taped to your forehead. You might find that people are slightly more accommodating of your shortcomings, but they won't have much respect for you and probably won't care to hang out with you very often. Windows will do much the same thing: it will hide the truth from you about the user's actual DPI settings (you can't handle the truth) and instead it will scale up your interface automatically to match. The effect is an ugly one.
Of course, you also say that you're creating a plug-in DLL, which changes things. DLLs can't alter the DPI-awareness of the entire process because that is determined by the host application. If the host application indicates that it is high DPI aware, then your DLL must also be high DPI aware. This is an all or nothing setting, just like the "IDIOT" sign.
2. Scale the UI of my application according to the DPI change. Help required : How to determine the current DPI and how to scale the UI accordingly? Is it necessary to scale every component or any other way to scale them automatically.
In order to correctly determine the current DPI settings, you need to indicate to Windows that you're not an idiot your application is high DPI aware. As discussed above, if you do not do this, Windows will assume that you cannot handle the truth and lie to you. But as we also established above, this probably does not apply to you because you're creating a DLL that runs in the context of another process that is already establishing itself as high DPI aware.
So, what you need to do is determine the DPI scale factor. You need that to scale your user interface elements accordingly when running in high DPI environments. The baseline DPI setting is taken to be 96. The following code scales a SIZE structure (that defines a width and height) relative to that baseline:
void ScaleDpi(SIZE& size)
// Determine the current screen DPI.
const HDC hDC = GetDC(NULL);
const int dpiX = GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSX);
const int dpiY = GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSY);
ReleaseDC(NULL, hDC);
// Perform the scaling. = MulDiv(, dpiX, 96); = MulDiv(, dpiY, 96);
However, if you follow good design practices, you may not need to scale every control manually. When defining windows and dialogs in a resource file (e.g., using the Visual Studio Dialog Editor), you specify the layout in logical units (known as DLUs, or dialog units). These units are independent of any particular DPI setting and are therefore preferable to using something like pixels. A simple dialog with a few controls therefore requires no special scaling effort. You'll only need to perform manual scaling if you're creating and/or laying out controls at run-time.
You'll find more tips and techniques on how to write high DPI aware applications on MSDN, in the Writing High-DPI Win32 Applications article. And I don't link this just to say RTFM—it's actually extremely helpful, and I highly recommend reading it all.
The folks who make the RealWorld Icon and Cursor editors also maintain a helpful article on their site: DPI-aware applications in Windows Vista and Windows 7.

About DPI issue

I have a WIN32 SW which the UI was designed in 96 DPI, so when user changes the windows DPI from 96 to 120 or bigger, the UI will be wrong. I want to know if there is API to force my SW to display the UI with 96DPI.
Starting with Windows Vista, scaling for DPI is supposed to happen automatically. I don't have any direct experience to know how well it works, but here's the page that explains how to turn it off:
You can also add an appcompat key for your application. The place for this in the registry is:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers
That is the per-user settings, there is the same key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, but of course that is a system setting and will require elevated privileges to write to. Adding a key like so:
Will enable that compatibility flag for your program, which will turn off DPI scaling. This is for Vista+.
SetProcessDPIAware is also an option, but be aware there is a danger of a race condition, according to the documentation.
There is no API to force your app to show at 96DPI. The DPI is a device setting and cannot be controlled per application.
If you can change your program, you can scale your UI to look properly on high DPI though. You need to call GetDeviceCaps; more specificaly, you need to calculate the X and Y scale using the number returned for LOGPIXELSX and LOGPIXELSY. Something like this:
HDC hdc;
double m_dDPIScaleX = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSX) / 96.0;
double m_dDPIScaleY = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY) / 96.0;
