pass variables to shell script over ssh - bash

How do I make $1 and $2 variables to the remote shell through ssh. Below is the sample,
ssh -qT bash -c "'echo $user_name'" < "$realscript"
I am able to echo $user_name but not able to access it in $realscript.
Cant call using HERE tags or single quotes'' as the script doesn't have straight forward commands.
What other options do I have? Please help

I do not have your script, so I put a test one on my remote host:
$ realscript=/home/jack/
$ second="second one"
$ ssh TEST cat ${realscript}
echo There are ${nParams} parameters.
for (( ii=1; ii<=${nParams}; ii++ )); do
echo "$1"
$ ssh TEST 'bash '${realscript}' "first one" '\'${second}\'
There are 2 parameters.
first one
second one
The quoting gets a bit weird, but you can pass into parameters variables with spaces.


How do I use an command line "flag" variable in SSH command?

I have an SSH command that is able to use variables defined in the script.
I'm able to pass this in to my ssh call and use it.
However I want to be able to define $b when I run the script: bash -b 03-18-2022
.. When I try doing this the SSH command cannot recognize the variable
Getting the variable from the input:
while getopts ":b:" arg; do
case "${arg}" in
b) b="$OPTARG";;
echo "Locally using begin: $b
printf -v b_str %q "$b"
ssh myserver "bash -s $b_str" << 'EOF'
echo "remotely using $b"
The last echo works when the variable is defined in the script but not when it is passed in from the command line

how to run bash script interactively from url? [duplicate]

I have a simple Bash script that takes in inputs and prints a few lines out with that inputs
read -p "Enter SSC IP: $ip " ip && ip=${ip:-}
printf "\n"
#check IP validation
if [[ $ip =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ ]]; then
echo "SSC IP: $ip"
printf "\n"
echo "Enter a valid SSC IP address. Ex."
I tried to upload them into my server, then try to run it via curl
I am not sure why the input prompt never kick in when I use cURL/wget.
Am I missing anything?
With the curl ... | bash form, bash's stdin is reading the script, so stdin is not available for the read command.
Try using a Process Substitution to invoke the remote script like a local file:
bash <( curl -s ... )
Your issue can be simply be reproduced by run the script like below
$ cat | bash
Enter a valid SSC IP address. Ex.
This is because the bash you launch with a pipe is not getting a TTY, when you do a read -p it is read from stdin which is content of the in this case. So the issue is not with curl. The issue is not reading from the tty
So the fix is to make sure you ready it from tty
read < /dev/tty -p "Enter SSC IP: $ip " ip && ip=${ip:-}
printf "\n"
#check IP validation
if [[ $ip =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ ]]; then
echo "SSC IP: $ip"
printf "\n"
echo "Enter a valid SSC IP address. Ex."
Once you do that even curl will start working
vagrant#vagrant:/var/www/html$ curl -s localhost/ | bash
Enter SSC IP:
I personally prefer source <(curl -s localhost/ option. While it is similar to bash ..., the one significant difference is how processes handled.
bash will result in a new process being spun up, and that process will evoke commands from the script.
source on the other hand will use current process to evoke commands from the script.
In some cases that can play a key role. I admit that is not very often though.
To demonstrate do the following:
### Open Two Terminals
# In the first terminal run:
echo "sleep 5" > ./
bash ./
# Switch to the second terminal and run:
ps -efjh
## Repeat the same with _source_ command
# In the first terminal run:
source ./
# Switch to the second terminal and run:
ps -efjh
Results should look similar to this:
Before execution:
Running bash (main + two subprocesses):
Running source (main + one subprocess):
Difference in use variable usage by bash and source:
source command will use your current environment. Meaning that upon execution all changes and variable declarations, made by the script, will be available in your prompt.
bash on the other hand will be running in as a different process; therefore, all variables will be discarded when process exits.
I think everyone will agree that there are benefits and drawbacks to each method. You just have to decide which one is better for your use case.
## Test for variables declared by the script:
echo "test_var3='Some Other Value'" > ./
bash ./
echo $test_var3
source ./
echo $test_var3
## Test for usability of current environment variables:
test_var="Some Value" # Setting a variable
echo "echo $test_var" > # Creating a test script
chmod +x ./ # Adding execute permission
## Executing:
bash ./
source ./
## All of the above results should print the variable.
I hope this helps.

Pass along variables via ssh

I'm trying to pass along variables via ssh, and wrote two short testscripts (bash)
This one is to the execute the script on the other side (and it works, at least partially)
I start it with executing: 'mms test alpha one'
sshpass -p (password) ssh hellfire# 'bash /scripts/mms2 "$#"'
The second script that are executed is:
echo "$#" >/scripts/test1.txt
This script is only for testing if the parameters are are transfered.
So far it creates the text file, but it's empty, so I have no idea if there's wrong with both or only one of the script.
Basically I want to pass a set of variables to the script on the server, these variables can contain spaces.
Anybody have any tips?
I found out by #Gordon Davidsson comment that the $(printf "%q " "$#") could be used to send it as a string, so the remote server didn't interpret the variables as different commands.
My new and working script is:
sshpass -p (password) ssh hellfire# "bash /scripts/mms2 $(printf "%q " "$#")"

ssh bash receive variable from a remote file

I need to read the variable from a remote file over SSH and compare it. But I get a variable in the wrong format. how to do it correctly?
#not work## No such file or directory# write=$(sshpass -p $ovhpass ssh -t $user echo "$IP" > $path)
sshpass -p $pass ssh -t $user << EOF
echo "$IP" > $path
my_var=$(sshpass -p $pass ssh -t $user "cd /sys_ovh; ./serv.bash")
echo mystart-"$my_var"-myend
read=$(sshpass -p $pass ssh -t $user cat $path)
echo start-"$read"-end
echo start-"$IP"-end
if [ "$read" == "$IP" ]; then
echo "run"
Connection to closed.
Connection to closed.
Where I make a mistake? How to take data from the SSH?
The vars my_var and read are filled with a string ending with '\r', telling echo to go back to the first column. I think this is a problem with your local script. You can correct that with
tr -d "\r" < myfile > myfile2
Your fundamental problem comes from using unquoted here documents for the commands. You should properly understand in which order the shell interprets these contructs.
ssh remote cmd >file
executes cmd remotely, but first redirects the output from the ssh command to the local file.
ssh remote "cmd >’$file'"
The quotes cause the redirection to be part of the remote command line. The variable file is interpreted first, by the local shell, though.
ssh remote 'cmd >"$file"`
The single quotes prevent the local shell from modifying the command before sending it. Thus, he variable interpolation and the redirection are both handled by the remote shell, in this order.
So your commented-out "not work" command could easily be fixed with proper quoting. However, it will be much more elegant and efficient to use a single remote session, and execute all the commands in one go. Mixing the local variable IP with remote variables calls for some rather elaborate escaping, though. A major simplification would be to pass the value on standard input, so that the entire remote script can be single quoted.
result=$(echo "$IP" |
sshpass -p "$pass" ssh -t "$user" '
cat > "$path"
cd /sys_ovh
cat "$path"')
echo mystart-"${result%$'\n'*}"-myend
echo start-"${result#*$'\n'}"-end
echo start-"$IP"-end
if [ "${result#*$'\n'}" == "$IP" ]; then
echo "run"
The output from the remote shell is two lines; we pick it apart by using the shell's prefix and suffix substitution operators.

how to ssh a loop over several commands

I am new to ssh so forgive me if my questions are trivial..i need to make a a remote computer execute a set of commands several times so i was thinking about making a loop using ssh ..the problem is i don't know do i save those commands in a file and loop on that file or can i like save them in ssh and just call them ..i am really troubled..also if i make a loop like this
i= 10
while i!= 0
execute command.text file ???
How to i tell it to execute the file ?
Just try first on the shell in the remote machine to run the command you want.
You will find plenty of info over the internet about loops in shell/bash/csh/whatevershell:
For instance assuming bash run in the remote host (from: )
$ for ((i=1; i<=10; ++i)); do echo $i; done
Once you learn that, simply then take that statement to the ssh command from the machine you want to trigger the action:
$ ssh user#remotehost 'for ((i=1; i<=10; ++i)); do echo $i; done'
You can write a simple script that will execute needed commands, and path it to ssh.
For example:, it will iterate over your bunch of commands 10 times:
for i in $(seq 10)
and path it to remote server for execution:
If you have this command.text file in which you have written all the commands in column (you can modify them with vi or vim and put them in column), you don't even need to do a loop, you can simply do:
cat command.text | awk '{print "ssh user#remotehost "$0" "}' | sh -x
For example if command.text contains:
ls -lart
cd /tmp
uname -a
This will let you do all commands written in the command.text by doing ssh user#remotehost.
