IdMappedPortTCP now requires "prodding" after telnet connection - delphi-7

I have used IdMappedPortTCP in a particular program to allow generic port-forwarding for many years. I'm testing an upgraded build/component environment, and I ran into a problem. First, here's the old & new version info:
OS: W2kSP4 --> same (Hey, why is everyone laughing?)
Delphi: 5 --> 7
Project Indy: --> 9.[Latest SVN]
I'm testing it by inserting it in a telnet session using the standard Windows console telnet client, and a Linux server, and I'm seeing an odd change in behavior.
Direct connection: Client connects, immediately sees server greeting
Old Indy: Same as direct
New Indy: Client connects, sees nothing. Press key, sees server greeting + keystroke.
Here's a comparison of the event chain:
6/08/2017 6:47:16 PM - DEBUG: MappedPort-Connect
6/08/2017 6:47:16 PM - TCP Port Fwd: Connect: -->
6/08/2017 6:47:16 PM - DEBUG: MappedPort-OutboundConnect
6/08/2017 6:47:16 PM - TCP Port Fwd: Outbound Connect: -->
6/08/2017 6:47:16 PM - DEBUG: MappedPort-OutboundData
6/08/2017 6:47:16 PM - DEBUG: MappedPort-Execute
6/08/2017 6:47:16 PM - DEBUG: MappedPort-OutboundData
6/08/2017 6:47:16 PM - DEBUG: MappedPort-Execute
6/08/2017 6:47:16 PM - DEBUG: MappedPort-OutboundData
6/08/2017 6:41:34 PM - DEBUG: MappedPort-Connect
6/08/2017 6:41:34 PM - TCP Port Fwd: Connect: -->
6/08/2017 6:41:34 PM - DEBUG: MappedPort-OutboundConnect
6/08/2017 6:41:34 PM - TCP Port Fwd: Outbound Connect: -->
6/08/2017 6:47:36 PM - DEBUG: MappedPort-Execute
6/08/2017 6:47:36 PM - DEBUG: MappedPort-OutboundData
6/08/2017 6:47:36 PM - DEBUG: MappedPort-Execute
6/08/2017 6:47:36 PM - DEBUG: MappedPort-OutboundData
6/08/2017 6:47:36 PM - DEBUG: MappedPort-Execute
In the first one, you see OutboundData right after connecting. In the second, nothing happens after connect until I sent a keystroke (6 minutes later), at which time you see the Execute and then the first OutboundData event.
This caused me to wonder: Is it really connecting to the server and only delaying the output, or is the connection itself being delayed?
My first conclusion was that the connection itself was being delayed, and here's why. The server has a 1-minute timeout at the login prompt. If you connect and get the greeting but just sit there, the server disconnects after a minute. With the new Indy version, I sat there after the connect event for 6 full minutes, then got the server greeting with no problem.
However... NETSTAT shows the connection to the remote server established soon after the connection event is logged! So, I'm left to conclude that the connection is indeed established, but perhaps some initial character is being "eaten" or something that's causing getty to not engage until it gets a keystroke?
Any suggestions? Are you aware of anything that changed that I might look for -- something that I ought to be doing but am not? Any insights are appreciated.
(Barring any good leads, I guess the next step in my sleuthing might be to sniff both machines w/ WireShark to see what's going on after the connection.)
Update: Wireshark (single leg)
A packet capture from outside the machines showing traffic between MappedPort & the server (but not traffic between the client & MappedPort) shows that the telnet server sends a "Do Authenticate", to which the client (via MappedPort) replies w/ a "Will Authenticate". This is followed by the server sending authenticate suboption (and the client agreeing) then all the other telnet options. Finally, after seeing the login text, the client sends "do echo" and they both sit there until after 1min, at which time the server sends a TCP FIN to close the connection. That's the "good old" version.
On the new version, the client doesn't respond to the "Will Authenticate", and they both sit there indefinitely. (Hmmm, I wonder what that ties up in terms of server resources -- could be good DOS attack. It is an old telnet daemon, though, so it's probably been fixed by now...) When I finally sent the first keystroke, that's all it sent in that packet. THEN the client sends the "will authenticate" (without additional prodding from the server) and the negotiation continues exactly as normal; the last packet from the server (containing echo parameters) also then includes the echoed character which was typed. So it's like the client doesn't see the initial "do authenticate" packet from the server, but once you start typing, goes ahead and responds as if it had just heard it (once it sends the keystroke).
6/13 Update: Wireshark (both legs)
I captured both legs of the "broken" conversation and analyzed it. Interesting behavior. Bottom line:
As soon as the the server gets the TCP connection, it sends back a Telnet-DoAuth invitation. IdMappedPortTCP holds onto that packet and doesn't pass it on to the client -- yet. Once the client finally sends the first keystroke (seconds or minutes later), Id passes it on to the server. THEN Id passes the DoAuth packet that it got from the server on to the client.
Here's a more detailed accounting of the packets:
65 11-59 TCP Syn
67 59-11 TCP SynAck
69 11-59 TCP Ack
71 59-101 TCP Syn
73 101-59 TCP SynAck
74 59-101 TCP Ack
76 101-59 DoAuth
77 59-101 TCP Ack
nothing for 23 seconds
79 11-59 Data:\r\n (I pressed Enter)
81 59-101 Data:\r\n
83 59-11 DoAuth
85 11-59 WillAuth
87 101-59 TCP Ack
88 59-101 WillAuth
90 101-59 TCP Ack
91 101-59 Authentication option
92 59-11 Authentication option
94 11-59 Authentication option reply
96 59-101 Authentication option reply
98 101-59 Will/do Encryption/terminal/env options
99 59-101 Will/do Encryption/terminal/env options
101 11-59 Don't encrypt
103 59-101 Don't encrypt
105 101-59 TCP Ack
106 59-11 TCP Ack
108 11-59 Won't/will list
110 59-101 Won't/will list
112 101-59 TCP Ack
113 101-59 Do window size
114 59-11 Do window size
Packet dump line format: Pkt# From-To Payload
(Don't mind the packet# skips; the client & proxy are both running on VMs hosted by the machine where I was running the capture from, so Wireshark saw two copies of packets. I only included the pkt# so I can reference the original dump later if I want.)
From/To Machines:
10 = Linux client (see below)
11 = Windows client
59 = proxy
101 = server
An Interesting diversion: Linux Client
Though all my testing has been using various Windows clients (because that's what's used in production), I "accidentally" used Linux (because that's what I run on my workstation, where I ran Wireshark) because it was convenient. That client behaves differently -- more aggressively -- and thus avoids the problem. Here's what a dump of that looks like:
1 10-59 TCP Syn
2 59-10 TCP SynAck
3 10 59 TCP Ack
4 10-59 Do/Will list
5 59-101 TCP Syn
7 101-59 TCP SynAck
8 59-101 TCP Ack
10 59-101 Do/Will list
12 101-59 TCP Ack
13 101-59 DoAuth
14 59-10 DoAuth
15 10-59 TCP Auth
16 10-59 WontAuth
17 59-101 WontAuth
19 101-59 Will/Do list
20 59-10 Will/Do list
21 10-50 Do window size
22 59-101 Do window size
As you can see, the client doesn't wait for the telnet server to speak first -- as soon as the TCP connection is established, it sends a full Do/Will list. This is in turn passed onto the server once Id opens that connection. The server sends back the same "DoAuth" that it did initially before; the difference being that this time, having already passed traffic from the client, Id passes it on immediately. The client then sends auth flags, and things move right along.
So, if the client speaks first, IdMappedPortTCP does okay; it's only when the server speaks first that it holds onto its message and doesn't pass it on to the client until the client says something.
9/27 Update: Found the Code Change
Downgrading to fixed the problem. Comparing the two versions' source code for IdMappedPortTCP.pas I found that the only difference is that the newer version added a block of code to procedure TIdMappedPortThread.OutboundConnect:
FNetData := Connection.CurrentReadBuffer;
if Length(FNetData) > 0 then begin
(The first and last lines existed already, and are only shown for context.)
I confirmed that adding that code to produced the problem.
I checked the SVN repo, and you added the offending code on 9/7/2008. The commit comment is:
Updated TIdMappedPortThread.OutboundConnect() to check for pending
data in the inbound client's InputBuffer after the OnOutboundConnect
event handler exits.
I don't fully understand the reason for or implications of the change -- obviously you had a good reason for doing it -- but it does appear to produce the effect I described ("holding onto" the server's initial output until the client sends something).

In Indy 9, TIdTCPConnection.CurrentReadBuffer() calls TIdTCPConnection.ReadFromStack() before then returning whatever data is stored in the TIdTCPConnection.InputBuffer property:
function TIdTCPConnection.CurrentReadBuffer: string;
Result := '';
if Connected then begin
ReadFromStack(False); // <-- here
Result := InputBuffer.Extract(InputBuffer.Size);
Regardless of what may already be in the InputBuffer, ReadFromStack() waits for the socket to receive new data to append to the InputBuffer. It does not exit until new data actually arrives, or the specified ReadTimeout interval elapses. The TIdTCPConnection.ReadTimeout property is set to 0 by default, so when CurrentReadBuffer() calls ReadFromStack(), it ends up using an infinite timeout:
function TIdTCPConnection.ReadFromStack(const ARaiseExceptionIfDisconnected: Boolean = True;
ATimeout: Integer = IdTimeoutDefault; const ARaiseExceptionOnTimeout: Boolean = True): Integer;
// Reads any data in tcp/ip buffer and puts it into Indy buffer
// This must be the ONLY raw read from Winsock routine
// This must be the ONLY call to RECV - all data goes thru this method
i: Integer;
LByteCount: Integer;
if ATimeout = IdTimeoutDefault then begin
if ReadTimeOut = 0 then begin
ATimeout := IdTimeoutInfinite; // <-- here
end else begin
ATimeout := FReadTimeout;
So, when TIdMappedPortTCP.OutboundConnect() calls CurrentReadBuffer() after connecting its OutboundClient to the server, it does indeed wait for data to arrive from the client before then reading data from the server. To avoid that, you can set a non-infinite ReadTimeout value in the TIdMappedPortTCP.OnConnect or TIdMappedPortTCP.OnOutboundConnect event, eg:
AThread.Connection.ReadTimeout := 1;
In Indy 10, this problem was fixed in TIdMappedPortTCP by avoiding this initial wait on the client data after connecting to the server. I have now updated TIdMappedPortTCP in Indy 9 to do the same.



I'm writing a kind of wrapper over wlanapi. When receiving notifications via WlanRegisterNotification I'm getting unexpected media-specific module (MSM) notification with code 59 (which is 0x3B in hex). WLAN_NOTIFICATION_MSM MSDN page does not contain any helpful information. My wlanapi.h does not contain such value as well, in fact this enumeration is zero-based and contain only 18 values - from 0 to 17.
Does anybody knows the meaning of such notification, and why it is not documented at all?
Here is what I have so far.
Looks like this notification is a part of regular connection process. That is, I'm getting it when connecting to a wireless network - regardless of previous connection state. Here is the notification sequence which happens each time when I connect to a network:
59 (0x3B)
wlan_notification_msm_associated and wlan_notification_msm_authenticating fires in the same moment of time, and then immediately (in 10-20 milliseconds) fires notification with code 59 (0x3F).
This notification has 16-bytes payload. Data structure does not look familiar to me, posting this in case if it looks familiar to someone (10 events):
80805E08 009B0000 F1F10800 C400D634 <-- Switching between two networks here and below in random order
D0D049FA 009B0000 A6A60800 01542A00
80805E08 009B0000 696902FF 00FF4C6F
80805E08 00C40000 04040E00 000093DF
80805E08 009B0000 04040900 6F009361 <-- Diconnect and connect to the same network
80805E08 009B0000 04000700 00009340 <-- Diconnect and connect to the same network
64640000 00450002 0400114D 00009363 <-- Disconnect and connect to another network
80805E08 009B0000 04040511 005B93E8 <-- Diconnect and connect to the same network
58580000 00450002 04000904 3D4293A1 <-- Connect to another network (i. e. switch)
80805E08 009B0000 04040100 10919316 <-- Connect to another network (i. e. switch)
Useful links
[Wlanapi] WLAN_NOTIFICATION_MSM NotificationCode 59 (Microsoft Q&A)
[Wlanapi] WLAN_NOTIFICATION_MSM NotificationCode 59 (c++ forums)
Will appreciate any help!
Update 1
Notifications sequence is the same when connecting via official sample:
HandleAcmNotification(type = ConnectionStart)
HandleMsmNotification(type = Associating)
HandleMsmNotification(type = Associated)
HandleMsmNotification(type = Authenticating)
HandleMsmNotification(type = Code59)
HandleMsmNotification(type = SignalQualityChange)
HandleMsmNotification(type = Connected)
HandleAcmNotification(type = ConnectionComplete)
Update 2
I've created a minimal test project on GitHub for this purpose -
Binary x64 release is located here -
I'm getting the following output after successful connection to a wireless network:
This is by design.
The 0n59 notification code is a private notification code that is processed by the OS when the wireless network may be undergoing a network speed change.
For the end developer, this should be ignored by the end developer as it is not documented and subject to change in the future since it is a private notification handled by underlying OS.
Note:This will only be sent on newer OS now (Windows 10) when disabling and re-enabling the wireless network. This notification is not sent for older OS (example, Windows 7, Windows 8.1)

Postgres connect time delay on Windows

There is a long delay between "forked new backend" and "connection received", from about 200 to 13000 ms. Postgres 12.2, Windows Server 2016.
During this delay the client is waiting for the network packet to start the authentication. Example:
14:26:33.312 CEST 3184 DEBUG: forked new backend, pid=4904 socket=5340
14:26:33.771 CEST [unknown] 4904 LOG: connection received: host=* port=56983
This was discussed earlier here:
Postegresql slow connect time on Windows
But I have not found a solution.
After rebooting the server the delay is much shorter, about 50 ms. Then it gradually increases in the course of a few hours. There are about 100 clients connected.
I use ip addresses only in "pg_hba.conf". "log_hostname" is off.
There is BitDefender running on the server but switching it off did not help. Further, Postgres files are excluded from BitDefender checks.
I used Process Monitor which revealed the following: Forking the postgres.exe process needs 3 to 4 ms. Then, after loading DLLs, postgres.exe is looking for custom and extended locale info of 648 locales. It finds none of these. This locale search takes 560 ms (there is a gap of 420 ms, though). Perhaps this step can be skipped by setting a connection parameter. After reading some TCP/IP parameters, there are no events for 388 ms. This time period overlaps the 420 ms mentioned above. Then postgres.exe creates a thread. The total connection time measured by the client was 823 ms.
Locale example, performed 648 times:
"02.9760160","RegOpenKey","HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CustomLocale","REPARSE","Desired Access: Read"
"02.9760500","RegOpenKey","HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CustomLocale","SUCCESS","Desired Access: Read"
"02.9760673","RegQueryValue","HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CustomLocale\bg-BG","NAME NOT FOUND","Length: 532"
"02.9761052","RegOpenKey","HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\ExtendedLocale","REPARSE","Desired Access: Read"
"02.9761309","RegOpenKey","HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\ExtendedLocale","SUCCESS","Desired Access: Read"
"02.9761502","RegQueryValue","HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\ExtendedLocale\bg-BG","NAME NOT FOUND","Length: 532"
No events for 388 ms:
"03.4869332","Thread Create","","SUCCESS","Thread ID: 2036"

Go Kafka `ProduceChannel()` Fills Up and Hangs

I have a server-side app written in Go producing Kafka events. It runs perfectly for days, producing ~1.6k msg/sec, and then hits a sporadic problem, where all Kafka message sending stops, and the server app needs to be manually restarted for Kafka messages to resume sending.
I've included a screenshot of the metric graphs when the incident started. To annotate what I see happening:
For seven days, the app runs perfectly. For every message queued, there is a delivery event notification sent to kafkaProducer.Events(). You can see that num queued = num delivered.
10:39: The issue starts. The delivery notification count quickly drops to zero. Kafka messages keep getting queued, but the callbacks stop.
10:52: kafkaProducer.ProduceChannel() is filled up, and attempts to queue new messsages into the go channel block the goroutine. At this point the app will never send another Kafka message again until it is manually restarted.
17:55: I manually restarted the application. kafka message queue/delivery resumes. kafka_produce_attempts drops back to zero.
The one and only place my Go code sends Kafka messages is here:
kafkaProducer.ProduceChannel() <- &msg
In the metric screenshot, note that recordChannelGauge normally stays at zero because sending the message to the Kafka ProduceChannel() doesn't block and each Inc() is immediately followed by a matching Dec() However, when the ProduceChannel() is filled up, the goroutine blocks and recordChannelGauge stays at 1 and will never unblock until the app is manually restarted.
FYI, my environment details:
Go server binary built with golang 1.10.x
Latest version of This library doesn't use versions, it's using the latest git commit, which as of this writing is 2 months old, so I'm sure I'm using that latest version.
Server OS Ubuntu 16.04.5
librdkafka1 version librdka0.11.6~1confluent5.0.1-
I suspect this is due to some internal problem in the confluentinc go client, where it doesn't handle some error scenario appropriately.
Also, I see no relevant log output around the time of the problem. I do see sporadic Kafka broker disconnected and time out errors in the logs before the problem happened that don't seem to be serious. These log messages happened every few hours or so for days without serious consequence.
Nov 26 06:52:04 01 appserver.linux[6550]: %4|1543215124.447|REQTMOUT|rdkafka#producer-1| [thrd:kafka-broker-3:9092/bootstrap]: kafka-broker-3:9092/bootstrap: Timed out 0 in-flight, 1 retry-queued, 0 out-queue, 0 partially-sent requests
Nov 26 06:52:10 01 appserver.linux[6550]: %4|1543215130.448|REQTMOUT|rdkafka#producer-1| [thrd:kafka-broker-3:9092/bootstrap]: kafka-broker-3:9092/bootstrap: Timed out 0 in-flight, 1 retry-queued, 0 out-queue, 0 partially-sent requests
Nov 26 08:46:57 01 appserver.linux[6550]: 2018/11/26 08:46:57 Ignored event: kafka-broker-2:9092/bootstrap: Disconnected (after 600000ms in state UP)
Nov 26 08:47:02 01 appserver.linux[6550]: %4|1543222022.803|REQTMOUT|rdkafka#producer-1| [thrd:kafka-broker-2:9092/bootstrap]: kafka-broker-2:9092/bootstrap: Timed out 0 in-flight, 1 retry-queued, 0 out-queue, 0 partially-sent requests
Nov 26 08:47:09 01 appserver.linux[6550]: %4|1543222029.807|REQTMOUT|rdkafka#producer-1| [thrd:kafka-broker-2:9092/bootstrap]: kafka-broker-2:9092/bootstrap: Timed out 0 in-flight, 1 retry-queued, 0 out-queue, 0 partially-sent requests
Zoomed in to problem occurrence
Zoomed out to show before and after
I have the similar problem as you.And I found an article that might explain the cause of the problem.
When there is no message in the blocked topic, after a certain period of time, you will timeout error as below.
%5|1598190018.518|REQTMOUT|rdkafka#consumer-1| [thrd:sasl_ssl://]: sasl_ssl:// Timed out FetchRequest in flight (after 359947ms, timeout #0)
%4|1598190018.840|REQTMOUT|rdkafka#consumer-1| [thrd:sasl_ssl://]: sasl_ssl:// Timed out 1 in-flight, 0 retry-queued, 0 out-queue, 0 partially-sent requests
The link of Article:
I hope that it can do some help to you.

What do the bytes and duration fields in squid log count for https (CONNECT)?

Standard squid config only logs one CONNECT line for any https transaction. What is being counted/timed by the reported bytes and duration fields in that line?
Got an answer via the squid-users mailing list [1]:
Unless you are using SSL-Bump or such to process the contents specially.
The duration is from the CONNECT message arriving to the time TCP close
is used to end the tunnel. The size should be the bytes sent to the
client (excluding the 200 reply message itself) during that time.

NTP working modes

I am new to NTP protocol. I read the RFC1305 and have some questions about NTP.
My questions are related to NTP working modes.
According to RFC1305 there are 8 modes
| 0 | reserved
| 1 | symmetric active
| 2 | symmetric passive
| 3 | client
| 4 | server
| 5 | broadcast
| 6 | NTP control message
| 7 | reserved for private use
My questions:
1- What are the differences between the symmetric passive device and symmetric active one?
2- Two symmetric active device can sync each other and Two passive active device can sync each other too ,but Can a symmetric passive device been synced by a symmetric active one and vice versa?
3- When a Symmetric passive device is connected to symmetric active one which one sends the NTP packet first?
4- What happens in broadcasting mode? Does the client send any NTP packet or only the broadcaster does that?
5- ”in order to sync some clients who have CLASS D IP ‘s , the server fills the 3 time stamp fields(receive time stamp is null) and set the mode to 5 and send the packet to and clients get that packet and they send nothing in this procedure” Is this true?
6- Who sends the NTP control message? Client or broadcaster? What’s it for? What’s the appropriate answer for it?is it always 12 bytes long?
7- “A stratum 1 NTP server (GPS connected) acts like this: answer mode 1 requests with mode 2, mode 3 with mode 4 and mode 6 with 7” Is this true?
can only reply to a few questions:
-4. only the server (broadcaster) is allowed to send any ntp-packet in this mode
clients only listen to the interface, parse the received packet and set their clock accordingly - there is no reply being send.
but clients may send a ntp-request too, the server should then not reply to this one.
-5. right. there is no answer supposed to be send by this clients.
Mode 6 is used by the ntpq program. It can for example query "a list of the peers known to the server as well as a summary of their state" (from the man page).
This has recently be exploited to do DDOS reflection attacks, because it can be triggered with spoofed IP address, and the reply is larger than the query. 1
For this reason mode 6 and 7 queries should be blocked from outside sources.
