Garbage collection with a very large dictionary - algorithm

I have a very large immutable set of keys that doesn't fit in memory, and an even larger list of references, which must be scanned just once. How can the mark phase be done in RAM? I do have a possible solution, which I will write as an answer later (don't want to spoil it), but maybe there are other solutions I didn't think about.
I will try to restate the problem to make it more "real":
You work at Facebook, and your task is to find which users didn't ever create a post with an emoji. All you have is the list of active user names (around 2 billion), and the list of posts (user name / text), which you have to scan, but just once. It contains only active users (you don't need to validate them).
Also, you have one computer, with 2 GB of RAM (bonus points for 1 GB). So it has to be done all in RAM (without external sort or reading in sorted order). Within two day.
Can you do it? How? Tips: You might want to use a hash table, with the user name as the key, and one bit as the value. But the list of user names doesn't fit in memory, so that doesn't work. With user ids it might work, but you just have the names. You can scan the list of user names a few times (maybe 40 times, but not more).

Sounds like a problem I tackled 10 years ago.
The first stage: ditch GC. The overhead of GC for small objects (a few bytes) can be in excess of 100%.
The second stage: design a decent compression scheme for user names. English has about 3 bits per character. Even if you allowed more characters, the average amount of bits won't rise fast.
Third stage: Create dictionary of usernames in memory. Use a 16 bit prefix of each username to choose the right sub-dictionary. Read in all usernames, initially sorting them just by this prefix. Then sort each dictionary in turn.
As noted in the question, allocate one extra bit per username for the "used emoji" result.
The problem is now I/O bound, as the computation is embarrassingly parallel. The longest phase will be reading in all the posts (which is going to be many TB).
Note that in this setup, you're not using fancy data types like String. The dictionaries are contiguous memory blocks.
Given a deadline of two days, I would however dump some of this this fanciness. The I/O bound for reading the text is severe enough that the creation of the user database may exceed 16 GB. Yes, that will swap to disk. Big deal for a one-off.

Hash the keys, sort the hashes, and store sorted hashes in compressed form.
The algorithm I propose may be considered as an extension to the solution for similar (simpler) problem.
To each key: apply a hash function that maps keys to integers in range [0..h]. It seems to be reasonably good to start with h = 2 * number_of_keys.
Fill all available memory with these hashes.
Sort the hashes.
If hash value is unique, write it to the list of unique hashes; otherwise remove all copies of it and write it to the list of duplicates. Both these lists should be kept in compressed form: as difference between adjacent values, compressed with optimal entropy coder (like arithmetic coder, range coder, or ANS coder). If the list of unique hashes was not empty, merge it with sorted hashes; additional duplicates may be found while merging. If the list of duplicates was not empty, merge new duplicates to it.
Repeat steps 1..4 while there are any unprocessed keys.
Read keys several more times while performing steps 1..5. But ignore all keys that are not in the list of duplicates from previous pass. For each pass use different hash function (for anything except matching with the list of duplicates from previous pass, which means we need to sort hashes twice, for 2 different hash functions).
Read keys again to convert remaining list of duplicate hashes into list of plain keys. Sort it.
Allocate array of 2 billion bits.
Use all unoccupied memory to construct an index for each compressed list of hashes. This could be a trie or a sorted list. Each entry of the index should contain a "state" of entropy decoder which allows to avoid decoding compressed stream from the very beginning.
Process the list of posts and update the array of 2 billion bits.
Read keys once more co convert hashes back to keys.
While using value h = 2*number_of_keys seems to be reasonably good, we could try to vary it to optimize space requirements. (Setting it too high decreases compression ratio, setting it too low results in too many duplicates).
This approach does not guarantee the result: it is possible to invent 10 bad hash functions so that every key is duplicated on every pass. But with high probability it will succeed and most likely will need about 1GB RAM (because most compressed integer values are in range [1..8], so each key results in about 2..3 bits in compressed stream).
To estimate space requirements precisely we might use either (complicated?) mathematical proof or complete implementation of algorithm (also pretty complicated). But to obtain rough estimation we could use partial implementation of steps 1..4. See it on Ideone. It uses variant of ANS coder named FSE (taken from here: and simple hash function implementation (taken from here: Here are the results:
Key list loads allowed: 10 20
Optimal h/n: 2.1 1.2
Bits per key: 2.98 2.62
Compressed MB: 710.851 625.096
Uncompressed MB: 40.474 3.325
Bitmap MB: 238.419 238.419
MB used: 989.744 866.839
Index entries: 1'122'520 5'149'840
Indexed fragment size: 1781.71 388.361
With the original OP limitation of 10 key scans optimal value for hash range is only slightly higher (2.1) than my guess (2.0) and this parameter is very convenient because it allows using 32-bit hashes (instead of 64-bit ones). Required memory is slightly less than 1GB, which allows to use pretty large indexes (so step 10 would be not very slow). Here lies a little problem: these results show how much memory is consumed at the end, but in this particular case (10 key scans) we temporarily need more than 1 GB memory while performing second pass. This may be fixed if we drop results (unique hashes) of the first first pass and recompute them later, together with step 7.
With not so tight limitation of 20 key scans optimal value for hash range is 1.2, which means algorithm needs much less memory and allows more space for indexes (so that step 10 would be almost 5 times faster).
Loosening limitation to 40 key scans does not result in any further improvements.

Minimal perfect hashing
Create a minimal perfect hash function (MPHF).
At around 1.8 bits per key (using the
algorithm), this uses about 429 MB.
(Here, 1 MB is 2^20 bytes, 1 GB is 2^30 bytes.)
For each user, allocate one bit as a marker, about 238 MB.
So memory usage is around 667 MB.
Then read the posts, for each user calculate the hash,
and set the related bit if needed.
Read the user table again, calculate the hash, check if the bit is set.
Generating the MPHF is a bit tricky, not because it is slow
(this may take around 30 minutes of CPU time),
but due to memory usage. With 1 GB or RAM,
it needs to be done in segments.
Let's say we use 32 segments of about the same size, as follows:
Loop segmentId from 0 to 31.
For each user, calculate the hash code, modulo 32 (or bitwise and 31).
If this doesn't match the current segmentId, ignore it.
Calculate a 64 bit hash code (using a second hash function),
and add that to the list.
Do this until all users are read.
A segment will contain about 62.5 million keys (2 billion divided by 32), that is 238 MB.
Sort this list by key (in place) to detect duplicates.
With 64 bit entries, the probability of duplicates is very low,
but if there are any, use a different hash function and try again
(you need to store which hash function was used).
Now calculate the MPHF for this segment.
The RecSplit algorithm is the fastest I know.
The CHD algorithm can be used as well,
but needs more space / is slower to generate.
Repeat until all segments are processed.
The above algorithm reads the user list 32 times.
This could be reduced to about 10 if more segments are used
(for example one million),
and as many segments are read, per step, as fits in memory.
With smaller segments, less bits per key are needed
to the reduced probability of duplicates within one segment.

The simplest solution I can think of is an old-fashioned batch update program. It takes a few steps, but in concept it's no more complicated than merging two lists that are in memory. This is the kind of thing we did decades ago in bank data processing.
Sort the file of user names by name. You can do this easily enough with the Gnu sort utility, or any other program that will sort files larger than what will fit in memory.
Write a query to return the posts, in order by user name. I would hope that there's a way to get these as a stream.
Now you have two streams, both in alphabetic order by user name. All you have to do is a simple merge:
Here's the general idea:
currentUser = get first user name from users file
currentPost = get first post from database stream
usedEmoji = false
while (not at end of users file and not at end of database stream)
if currentUser == currentPostUser
if currentPost has emoji
usedEmoji = true
currentPost = get next post from database
else if currentUser > currentPostUser
// No user for this post. Get next post.
currentPost = get next post from database
usedEmoji = false
// Current user is less than post user name.
// So we have to switch users.
if (usedEmoji == false)
// No post by this user contained an emoji
output currentUser name
currentUser = get next user name from file
// at the end of one of the files.
// Clean up.
// if we reached the end of the posts, but there are still users left,
// then output each user name.
// The usedEmoji test is in there strictly for the first time through,
// because the current user when the above loop ended might have had
// a post with an emoji.
while not at end of user file
if (usedEmoji == false)
output currentUser name
currentUser = get next user name from file
usedEmoji = false
// at this point, names of all the users who haven't
// used an emoji in a post have been written to the output.
An alternative implementation, if obtaining the list of posts as described in #2 is overly burdensome, would be to scan the list of posts in their natural order and output the user name from any post that contains an emoji. Then, sort the resulting file and remove duplicates. You can then proceed with a merge similar to the one described above, but you don't have to explicitly check if post has an emoji. Basically, if a name appears in both files, then you don't output it.


What is the fastest way to intersect two large set of ids

The Problem
On a server, I host ids in a json file. From clients, I need to mandate the server to intersect and sometimes negate these ids (the ids never travel to the client even though the client instructs the server its operations to perform).
I typically have 1000's of ids, often have 100,000's of ids, and have a maximum of 56,000,000 of them, where each value is unique and between -100,000,000 and +100,000,000.
These ids files are stable and do not change (so it is possible to generate a different representation for it that is better adapted for the calculations if needed).
Sample ids
Largest file sizes
I need an algorithm that will intersect ids in the sub-second range for most cases. What would you suggest? I code in java, but do not limit myself to java for the resolution of this problem (I could use JNI to bridge to native language).
Potential solutions to consider
Although you could not limit yourselves to the following list of broad considerations for solutions, here is a list of what I internally debated to resolve the situation.
Neural-Network pre-qualifier: Train a neural-network for each ids list that accepts another list of ids to score its intersection potential (0 means definitely no intersection, 1 means definitely there is an intersection). Since neural networks are good and efficient at pattern recognition, I am thinking of pre-qualifying a more time-consuming algorithm behind it.
Assembly-language: On a Linux server, code an assembly module that does such algorithm. I know that assembly is a mess to maintain and code, but sometimes one need the speed of an highly optimized algorithm without the overhead of a higher-level compiler. Maybe this use-case is simple enough to benefit from an assembly language routine to be executed directly on the Linux server (and then I'd always pay attention to stick with the same processor to avoid having to re-write this too often)? Or, alternately, maybe C would be close enough to assembly to produce clean and optimized assembly code without the overhead to maintain assembly code.
Images and GPU: GPU and image processing could be used and instead of comparing ids, I could BITAND images. That is, I create a B&W image of each ids list. Since each id have unique values between -100,000,000 and +100,000,000 (where a maximum of 56,000,000 of them are used), the image would be mostly black, but the pixel would become white if the corresponding id is set. Then, instead of keeping the list of ids, I'd keep the images, and do a BITAND operation on both images to intersect them. This may be fast indeed, but then to translate the resulting image back to ids may be the bottleneck. Also, each image could be significantly large (maybe too large for this to be a viable solution). An estimate of a 200,000,000 bits sequence is 23MB each, just loading this in memory is quite demanding.
String-matching algorithms: String comparisons have many adapted algorithms that are typically extremely efficient at their task. Create a binary file for each ids set. Each id would be 4 bytes long. The corresponding binary file would have each and every id sequenced as their 4 bytes equivalent into it. The algorithm could then be to process the smallest file to match each 4 bytes sequence as a string into the other file.
Am I missing anything? Any other potential solution? Could any of these approaches be worth diving into them?
I did not yet try anything as I want to secure a strategy before I invest what I believe will be a significant amount of time into this.
EDIT #1:
Could the solution be a map of hashes for each sector in the list? If the information is structured in such a way that each id resides within its corresponding hash key, then, the smaller of the ids set could be sequentially ran and matching the id into the larger ids set first would require hashing the value to match, and then sequentially matching of the corresponding ids into that key match?
This should make the algorithm an O(n) time based one, and since I'd pick the smallest ids set to be the sequentially ran one, n is small. Does that make sense? Is that the solution?
Something like this (where the H entry is the hash):
"H780" : [ 45902780, 46062780, -42912780, -19812780, 25323780, 40572780, -30131780, 60266780, -26203780, 46152780, 67216780, 71666780, -67146780, 46162780, 67226780, 67781780, -47021780, 46122780, 19973780, 22113780, 67876780, 42692780, -18473780, 30993780, 67711780, 67791780, -44036780, -45904780, -42142780, 18703780, 60276780, 46182780, 63600780, 63680780, -70486780, -68290780, -18493780, -68210780, 67731780, 46092780, 63450780, 30074780, 24772780, -26483780, 68371780, -18483780, 18723780, -29834780, 46202780, 67821780, 29594780, 46082780, 44632780, -68406780, -68310780, -44056780, 67751780, 45912780, 40842780, 44642780, 18743780, -68220780, -44066780, 46142780, -26193780, 67681780, 46222780, 67761780 ],
"H782" : [ 27343782, 67456782, 18693782, 43322782, -37832782, 46152782, 19113782, -68411782, 18763782, 67466782, -68400782, -68320782, 34031782, 45056782, -26713782, -61776782, 67791782, 44176782, -44096782, 34041782, -39324782, -21873782, 67961782, 18703782, 44186782, -31143782, 67721782, -68340782, 36103782, 19143782, 19223782, 31711782, 66350782, 43362782, 18733782, -29233782, 67811782, -44076782, -19623782, -68290782, 31721782, 19233782, 65726782, 27313782, 43352782, -68280782, 67346782, -44086782, 67741782, -19203782, -19363782, 29583782, 67911782, 67751782, 26663782, -67910782, 19213782, 45992782, -17201782, 43372782, -19992782, -44066782, 46142782, 29993782 ],
"H540" : [...
You can convert each file (list of ids) into a bit-array of length 200_000_001, where bit at index j is set if the list contains value j-100_000_000. It is possible, because the range of id values is fixed and small.
Then you can simply use bitwise and and not operations to intersect and negate lists of ids. Depending on the language and libraries used, it would require operating element-wise: iterating over arrays and applying corresponding operations to each index.
Finally, you should measure your performance and decide whether you need to do some optimizations, such as parallelizing operations (you can work on different parts of arrays on different processors), preloading some of arrays (or all of them) into memory, using GPU, etc.
First, the bitmap approach will produce the required performance, at a huge overhead in memory. You'll need to benchmark it, but I'd expect times of maybe 0.2 seconds, with that almost entirely dominated by the cost of loading data from disk, and then reading the result.
However there is another approach that is worth considering. It will use less memory most of the time. For most of the files that you state, it will perform well.
First let's use Cap'n Proto for a file format. The type can be something like this:
struct Ids {
is_negated #0 :Bool;
ids #1 :List(Int32);
The key is that ids are always kept sorted. So list operations are a question of running through them in parallel. And now:
Applying not is just flipping is_negated.
If neither is negated, it is a question of finding IDs in both lists.
If the first is not negated and the second is, you just want to find IDs in the first that are not in the second.
If the first is negated and the second is not, you just want to find IDs in the second that are not in the first.
If both are negated, you just want to find all ids in either list.
If your list has 100k entries, then the file will be about 400k. A not requires copying 400k of data (very fast). And intersecting with another list of the same size involves 200k comparisons. Integer comparisons complete in a clock cycle, and branch mispredictions take something like 10-20 clock cycles. So you should be able to do this operation in the 0-2 millisecond range.
Your worst case 56,000,000 file will take over 200 MB and intersecting 2 of them can take around 200 million operations. This is in the 0-2 second range.
For the 56 million file and a 10k file, your time is almost all spent on numbers in the 56 million file and not in the 10k one. You can speed that up by adding a "galloping" mode where you do a binary search forward in the larger file looking for the next matching number and picking most of them. Do be warned that this code tends to be tricky and involves lots of mispredictions. You'll have to benchmark it to find out how big a size difference is needed.
In general this approach will lose for your very biggest files. But it will be a huge win for most of the sizes of file that you've talked about.

Search data from a data set without reading each element

I have just started learning algorithms and data structures and I came by an interesting problem.
I need some help in solving the problem.
There is a data set given to me. Within the data set are characters and a number associated with each of them. I have to evaluate the sum of the largest numbers associated with each of the present characters. The list is not sorted by characters however groups of each character are repeated with no further instance of that character in the data set.
Moreover, the largest number associated with each character in the data set always appears at the largest position of reference of that character in the data set. We know the length of the entire data set and we can get retrieve the data by specifying the line number associated with that data set.
For Eg.
get(3)= D-1(stores in class with character D and value 1)
The answer for the above should be 13+10+92+3+8+12 as they are the highest numbers associated with L,K,M,A,D,C respectively.
The simplest solution is, of course, to go through all of the elements but what is the most efficient algorithm(reading the data set lesser than the length of the data set)?
You'll have to go through them each one by one, since you can't be certain what the key is.
Just for sake of easy manipulation, I would loop over the dataset and check if the key at index i is equal to the index at i+1, if it's not, that means you have a local max.
Then, store that value into a hash or dictionary if there's not already an existing key:value pair for that key, if there is, do a check to see if the existing value is less than the current value, and overwrite it if true.
While you could use statistics to optimistically skip some entries - say you read A 1, you skip 5 entries you read A 10 - good. You skip 5 more, B 3, so you need to go back and also read what is inbetween.
But in reality it won't work. Not on text.
Because IO happens in blocks. Data is stored in chunks of usually around 8k. So that is the minimum read size (even if your programming language may provide you with other sized reads, they will eventually be translated to reading blocks and buffering them).
How do you find the next line? Well you read until you find a \n...
So you don't save anything on this kind of data. It would be different if you had much larger records (several KB, like files) and an index. But building that index will require reading all at least once.
So as presented, the fastest approach would likely be to linearly scan the entire data once.

Most frequent words in a terabyte of data

I came across a problem where we have to find say the most 10 frequent words in a terabyte of file or string.
One solution I could think was using a hash table (word, count) along with a max heap. But fitting all the words if the words are unique might cause a problem.
I thought of another solution using Map-Reduce by splitting the chunks on different nodes.
Another solution would be to build a Trie for all the words and update the count of each word as we scan through the file or string.
Which one of the above would be a better solution? I think the first solution is pretty naive.
Split your available memory into two halves. Use one as a 4-bit counting Bloom filter and the other half as a fixed size hash table with counts. The role of the counting Bloom filter is to filter out rarely occuring words with high memory efficiency.
Check your 1 TB of words against the initially empty Bloom filter; if a word is already in and all buckets are set to the maximum value of 15 (this may be partly or wholly a false positive), pass it through. If it is not, add it.
Words that passed through get counted; for a majority of words, this is every time but the first 15 times you see them. A small percentage will start to get counted even sooner, bringing a potential inaccuracy of up to 15 occurrences per word into your results. That's a limitation of Bloom filters.
When the first pass is over, you can correct the inaccuracy with a second pass if desired. Deallocate the Bloom filter, deallocate also all counts that are not within 15 occurrences behind the tenth most frequent word. Go through the input again, this time accurately counting words (using a separate hash table), but ignoring words that have not been retained as approximate winners from the first pass.
The hash table used in the first pass may theoretically overflow with certain statistical distributions of the input (e.g., each word exactly 16 times) or with extremely limited RAM. It is up to you to calculate or try out whether this can realistically happen to you or not.
Note also that the bucket width (4 bits in the above description) is just a parameter of the construction. A non-counting Bloom filter (bucket width of 1) would filter out most unique words nicely, but do nothing to filter out other very rarely occuring words. A wider bucket size will be more prone to cross-talk between words (because there will be fewer buckets), and it will also reduce guaranteed accuracy level after the first pass (15 occurrences in the case of 4 bits). But these downsides will be quantitatively insignificant until some point, while I'm imagining the more aggresive filtering effect as completely crucial for keeping the hash table in sub-gigabyte sizes with non-repetitive natural language data.
As for the order of magnitude memory needs of the Bloom filter itself; these people are working way below 100 MB, and with a much more challenging application ("full" n-gram statistics, rather than threshold 1-gram statistics).
Sort the terabyte file alphabetically using mergesort. In the initial pass, use quick sort using all available physical RAM to pre-sort long runs of words.
When doing so, represent a continuous sequence of identical words by just one such word and a count. (That is, you are adding the counts during the merges.)
Then resort the file, again using mergesort with quick sort presorting, but this time by the counts rather than alphabetically.
This is slower but simpler to implement than my other answer.
The best I could think of:
Split data to parts you can store in memory.
For each part get N most frequent words, you will get N * partsNumber words.
Read all data again counting words you got before.
It won't always give you correct answer, but it will work in fixed memory and linear time.
And why do you think a building of the Trie structure is not the best decision? Mark all of child nodes by a counter and that's it! Maximum memory complexity will be O(26 * longest_word_length), and time complexity should be O(n), that's not bad, is it?

What makes table lookups so cheap?

A while back, I learned a little bit about big O notation and the efficiency of different algorithms.
For example, looping through each item in an array to do something with it
foreach(item in array)
is an O(n) algorithm, because the number of cycles the program performs is directly proportional to the size of the array.
What amazed me, though, was that table lookup is O(1). That is, looking up a key in a hash table or dictionary
value = hashTable[key]
takes the same number of cycles regardless of whether the table has one key, ten keys, a hundred keys, or a gigabrajillion keys.
This is really cool, and I'm very happy that it's true, but it's unintuitive to me and I don't understand why it's true.
I can understand the first O(n) algorithm, because I can compare it to a real-life example: if I have sheets of paper that I want to stamp, I can go through each paper one-by-one and stamp each one. It makes a lot of sense to me that if I have 2,000 sheets of paper, it will take twice as long to stamp using this method than it would if I had 1,000 sheets of paper.
But I can't understand why table lookup is O(1). I'm thinking that if I have a dictionary, and I want to find the definition of polymorphism, it will take me O(logn) time to find it: I'll open some page in the dictionary and see if it's alphabetically before or after polymorphism. If, say, it was after the P section, I can eliminate all the contents of the dictionary after the page I opened and repeat the process with the remainder of the dictionary until I find the word polymorphism.
This is not an O(1) process: it will usually take me longer to find words in a thousand page dictionary than in a two page dictionary. I'm having a hard time imagining a process that takes the same amount of time regardless of the size of the dictionary.
tl;dr: Can you explain to me how it's possible to do a table lookup with O(1) complexity?
(If you show me how to replicate the amazing O(1) lookup algorithm, I'm definitely going to get a big fat dictionary so I can show off to all of my friends my ninja-dictionary-looking-up skills)
EDIT: Most of the answers seem to be contingent on this assumption:
You have the ability to access any page of a dictionary given its page number in constant time
If this is true, it's easy for me to see. But I don't know why this underlying assumption is true: I would use the same process to to look up a page by number as I would by word.
Same thing with memory addresses, what algorithm is used to load a memory address? What makes it so cheap to find a piece of memory from an address? In other words, why is memory access O(1)?
You should read the Wikipedia article.
But the essence is that you first apply a hash function to your key, which converts it to an integer index (this is O(1)). This is then used to index into an array, which is also O(1). If the hash function has been well designed, there should only be one (or a few items) stored at each location in the array, so the lookup is complete.
So in massively-simplified pseudocode:
ValueType array[ARRAY_SIZE];
void insert(KeyType k, ValueType v)
int index = hash(k);
array[index] = v;
ValueType lookup(KeyType k)
int index = hash(k);
return array[index];
Obviously, this doesn't handle collisions, but you can read the article to learn how that's handled.
To address the edited question, indexing into an array is O(1) because underneath the hood, the CPU is doing this:
ADD index, array_base_address -> pointer
LOAD pointer -> some_cpu_register
where LOAD loads data stored in memory at the specified address.
Update 2
And the reason a load from memory is O(1) is really just because this is an axiom we usually specify when we talk about computational complexity (see If we ignore cache hierarchies and data-access patterns, then this is a reasonable assumption. As we scale the size of the machine,, this may not be true (a machine with 100TB of storage may not take the same amount of time as a machine with 100kB). But usually, we assume that the storage capacity of our machine is constant, and much much bigger than any problem size we're likely to look at. So for all intents and purposes, it's a constant-time operation.
I'll address the question from a different perspective from every one else. Hopefully this will give light to why the accessing x[45] and accessing x[5454563] takes the same amount of time.
A RAM is laid out in a grid (i.e. rows and columns) of capacitors. A RAM can address a particular cell of memory by activating a particular column and row on the grid, so let's say if you have a 16-byte capacity RAM, laid out in a 4x4 grid (insanely small for modern computer, but sufficient for illustrative purpose), and you're trying to access the memory address 13 (1101), you first split the address into rows and column, i.e row 3 (11) column 1 (01).
Let's suppose a 0 means taking the left intersection and a 1 means taking a right intersection. So when you want to activate row 3, you send an army of electrons in the row starting gate, the row-army electrons went right, right to reach row 3 activation gate; next you send another army of electrons on the column starting gate, the column-army electrons went left then right to reach the 1st column activation gate. A memory cell can only be read/written if the row and column are both activated, so this would allow the marked cell to be read/written.
The effect of all this gibberish is that the access time of a memory address depends on the address length, and not the particular memory address itself; if an architecture uses a 32-bit address space (i.e. 32 intersections), then addressing memory address 45 and addressing memory address 5454563 both will still have to pass through all 32 intersections (actually 16 intersections for the row electrons and 16 intersections for the columns electrons).
Note that in reality memory addressing takes very little amount of time compared to charging and discharging the capacitors, therefore even if we start having a 512-bit length address space (enough for ~1.4*10^130 yottabyte of RAM, i.e. enough to keep everything under the sun in your RAM), which mean the electrons would have to go through 512 intersections, it wouldn't really add that much time to the actual memory access time.
Note that this is a gross oversimplification of modern RAM. In modern DRAM, if you want to access subsequent memory addresses you only change the columns and not spend time changing the rows, therefore accessing subsequent memory is much faster than accessing totally random addresses. Also, this description is totally ignorant about the effect of CPU cache (although CPU cache also uses a similar grid addressing scheme, however since CPU cache uses the much faster transistor-based capacitor, the negative effect of having large cache address space becomes very critical). However, the point still holds that if you're jumping around the memory, accessing any one of them will take the same amount of time.
You're right, it's surprisingly difficult to find a real-world example of this. The idea of course is that you're looking for something by address and not value.
The dictionary example fails because you don't immediately know the location of page say 278. You still have to look that up the same as you would a word because the page locations are not in your memory.
But say I marked a number on each of your fingers and then I told you to wiggle the one with 15 written on it. You'd have to look at each of them (assuming its unsorted), and if it's not 15 you check the next one. O(n).
If I told you to wiggle your right pinky. You don't have to look anything up. You know where it is because I just told you where it is. The value I just passed to you is its address in your "memory."
It's kind of like that with databases, but on a much larger scale than just 10 fingers.
Because work is done up front -- the value is put in a bucket that is easily accessible given the hashcode of the key. It would be like if you wanted to look up your work in the dictionary but had marked the exact page the word was on.
Imagine you had a dictionary where everything starting with letter A was on page 1, letter B on page 2...etc. So if you wanted to look up "balloon" you would know exactly what page to go to. This is the concept behind O(1) lookups.
Arbitrary data input => maps to a specific memory address
The trade-off of course being you need more memory to allocate for all the potential addresses, many of which may never be used.
If you have an array with 999999999 locations, how long does it take to find a record by social security number?
Assuming you don't have that much memory, then allocate about 30% more array locations that the number of records you intend to store, and then write a hash function to look it up instead.
A very simple (and probably bad) hash function would be social % numElementsInArray.
The problem is collisions--you can't guarantee that every location holds only one element. But thats ok, instead of storing the record at the array location, you can store a linked list of records. Then you scan linearly for the element you want once you hash to get the right array location.
Worst case this is O(n)--everything goes to the same bucket. Average case is O(1) because in general if you allocate enough buckets and your hash function is good, records generally don't collide very often.
Ok, hash-tables in a nutshell:
You take a regular array (O(1) access), and instead of using regular Int values to access it, you use MATH.
What you do, is to take the key value (lets say a string) calculate it into a number (some function on the characters) and then use a well known mathematical formula that gives you a relatively good distribution on the array's range.
So, in that case you are just doing like 4-5 calculations (O(1)) to get an object from that array, using a key which isn't an int.
Now, avoiding collisions, and finding the right mathematical formula for good distribution is the hard part. That's what is explained pretty well in wikipedia:
Lookup tables know exactly how to access the given item in the table before hand.
Completely the opposite of say, finding an item by it's value in a sorted array, where you have to access items to check that it is what you want.
In theory, a hashtable is a series of buckets (addresses in memory) and a function that maps objects from a domain into those buckets.
Say your domain is 3 letter words, you'd block out 26^3=17,576 addresses for all the possible 3 letter words and create a function that maps all 3 letter words to those addresses, e.g., aaa=0, aab=1, etc. Now when you have a word you'd like to look up, say, "and", you know immediately from your O(1) function that it is address number 367.

Finding sets that have specific subsets

I am a graduate student of physics and I am working on writing some code to sort several hundred gigabytes of data and return slices of that data when I ask for it. Here is the trick, I know of no good method for sorting and searching data of this kind.
My data essentially consists of a large number of sets of numbers. These sets can contain anywhere from 1 to n numbers within them (though in 99.9% of the sets, n is less than 15) and there are approximately 1.5 ~ 2 billion of these sets (unfortunately this size precludes a brute force search).
I need to be able to specify a set with k elements and have every set with k+1 elements or more that contains the specified subset returned to me.
Simple Example:
Suppose I have the following sets for my data:
If I were to give the request (1,3) I would have the sets: (1,2,3),
(1,2,3,4,5), and (1,3,8,9).
The request (11) would return the set: (5,8,11).
The request (1,2,3) would return the sets: (1,2,3) and (1,2,3,4,5)
The request (50) would return no sets:
By now the pattern should be clear. The major difference between this example and my data is that the sets withn my data are larger, the numbers used for each element of the sets run from 0 to 16383 (14 bits), and there are many many many more sets.
If it matters I am writing this program in C++ though I also know java, c, some assembly, some fortran, and some perl.
Does anyone have any clues as to how to pull this off?
To answer a couple questions and add a few points:
1.) The data does not change. It was all taken in one long set of runs (each broken into 2 gig files).
2.) As for storage space. The raw data takes up approximately 250 gigabytes. I estimate that after processing and stripping off a lot of extraneous metadata that I am not interested in I could knock that down to anywhere from 36 to 48 gigabytes depending on how much metadata I decide to keep (without indices). Additionally if in my initial processing of the data I encounter enough sets that are the same I might be able to comress the data yet further by adding counters for repeat events rather than simply repeating the events over and over again.
3.) Each number within a processed set actually contains at LEAST two numbers 14 bits for the data itself (detected energy) and 7 bits for metadata (detector number). So I will need at LEAST three bytes per number.
4.) My "though in 99.9% of the sets, n is less than 15" comment was misleading. In a preliminary glance through some of the chunks of the data I find that I have sets that contain as many as 22 numbers but the median is 5 numbers per set and the average is 6 numbers per set.
5.) While I like the idea of building an index of pointers into files I am a bit leery because for requests involving more than one number I am left with the semi slow task (at least I think it is slow) of finding the set of all pointers common to the lists, ie finding the greatest common subset for a given number of sets.
6.) In terms of resources available to me, I can muster approximately 300 gigs of space after I have the raw data on the system (The remainder of my quota on that system). The system is a dual processor server with 2 quad core amd opterons and 16 gigabytes of ram.
7.) Yes 0 can occur, it is an artifact of the data acquisition system when it does but it can occur.
Your problem is the same as that faced by search engines. "I have a bajillion documents. I need the ones which contain this set of words." You just have (very conveniently), integers instead of words, and smallish documents. The solution is an inverted index. Introduction to Information Retrieval by Manning et al is (at that link) available free online, is very readable, and will go into a lot of detail about how to do this.
You're going to have to pay a price in disk space, but it can be parallelized, and should be more than fast enough to meet your timing requirements, once the index is constructed.
Assuming a random distribution of 0-16383, with a consistent 15 elements per set, and two billion sets, each element would appear in approximately 1.8M sets. Have you considered (and do you have the capacity for) building a 16384x~1.8M (30B entries, 4 bytes each) lookup table? Given such a table, you could query which sets contain (1) and (17) and (5555) and then find the intersections of those three ~1.8M-element lists.
My guess is as follows.
Assume that each set has a name or ID or address (a 4-byte number will do if there are only 2 billion of them).
Now walk through all the sets once, and create the following output files:
A file which contains the IDs of all the sets which contain '1'
A file which contains the IDs of all the sets which contain '2'
A file which contains the IDs of all the sets which contain '3'
... etc ...
If there are 16 entries per set, then on average each of these 2^16 files will contain the IDs of 2^20 sets; with each ID being 4 bytes, this would require 2^38 bytes (256 GB) of storage.
You'll do the above once, before you process requests.
When you receive requests, use these files as follows:
Look at a couple of numbers in the request
Open up a couple of the corresponding index files
Get the list of all sets which exist in both these files (there's only a million IDs in each file, so this should't be difficult)
See which of these few sets satisfy the remainder of the request
My guess is that if you do the above, creating the indexes will be (very) slow and handling requests will be (very) quick.
I have recently discovered methods that use Space Filling curves to map the multi-dimensional data down to a single dimension. One can then index the data based on its 1D index. Range queries can be easily carried out by finding the segments of the curve that intersect the box that represents the curve and then retrieving those segments.
I believe that this method is far superior to making the insane indexes as suggested because after looking at it, the index would be as large as the data I wished to store, hardly a good thing. A somewhat more detailed explanation of this can be found at:
Make 16383 index files, one for each possible search value. For each value in your input set, write the file position of the start of the set into the corresponding index file. It is important that each of the index files contains the same number for the same set. Now each index file will consist of ascending indexes into the master file.
To search, start reading the index files corresponding to each search value. If you read an index that's lower than the index you read from another file, discard it and read another one. When you get the same index from all of the files, that's a match - obtain the set from the master file, and read a new index from each of the index files. Once you reach the end of any of the index files, you're done.
If your values are evenly distributed, each index file will contain 1/16383 of the input sets. If your average search set consists of 6 values, you will be doing a linear pass over 6/16383 of your original input. It's still an O(n) solution, but your n is a bit smaller now.
P.S. Is zero an impossible result value, or do you really have 16384 possibilities?
Just playing devil's advocate for an approach which includes brute force + index lookup :
Create an index with the min , max and no of elements of sets.
Then apply brute force excluding sets where max < max(set being searched) and min > min (set being searched)
In brute force also exclude sets whole element count is less than that of the set being searched.
95% of your searches would really be brute forcing a very smaller subset. Just a thought.
