Interval tree with added dimension of subset matching? - algorithm

This is an algorithmic question about a somewhat complex problem. The foundation is this:
A scheduling system based on available slots and reserved slots. Slots have certain criteria, let's call them tags. A reservation is matched to an available slot by those tags, if the available slot's tag set is a superset of the reserved slot.
As a concrete example, take this scenario:
11:00 12:00 13:00
| A, B |
| C, D |
Between the times of 11:00 to 12:30 reservations for the tags A and B can be made, from 12:00 to 13:30 C and D is available, and there's an overlap from about 12:00 to 12:30.
11:00 12:00 13:00
| A, B |
| C, D |
x A x
Here a reservation for A has been made, so no other reservations for A or B can be made between 11:15-ish and 12:00-ish.
That's the idea in a nutshell. There are no specific limitations for the available slots:
an available slot can contain any number of tags
any number of slots can overlap at any time
slots are of arbitrary length
reservations can contain any number of tags
The only rule that needs to be obeyed in the system is:
when adding a reservation, at least one remaining available slot must match all the tags in the reservation
To clarify: when there are two available slots at the same time with, say, tag A, then two reservations for A can be made at that time, but no more.
I have that working with a modified implementation of an interval tree; as a quick overview:
all available slots are added to the interval tree (duplicates/overlaps are preserved)
all reserved slots are iterated and:
all available slots matching the time of the reservation are queried from the tree
the first of those matching the reservation's tags is sliced and the slice removed from the tree
When that process is finished, what's left are the remaining slices of available slots, and I can query whether a new reservation can be made for a particular time and add it.
Data structures look something like this:
type: 'available',
begin: 1497857244,
end: 1497858244,
tags: [{ foo: 'bar' }, { baz: 42 }]
type: 'reserved',
begin: 1497857345,
end: 1497857210,
tags: [{ foo: 'bar' }]
Tags are themselves key-value objects, a list of them is a "tag set". Those could be serialised if it helps; so far I'm using a Python set type which makes comparison easy enough. Slot begin/end times are UNIX time stamps within the tree. I'm not particularly married to these specific data structures and can refactor them if it's useful.
The problem I'm facing is that this doesn't work bug-free; every once in a while a reservation sneaks its way into the system that conflicts with other reservations, and I couldn't yet figure out how that can happen exactly. It's also not very clever when tags overlap in a complex way where the optimal distribution needs to be calculated so all reservations can be fit into the available slots as best as possible; in fact currently it's non-deterministic how reservations are matched to available slots in overlapping scenarios.
What I want to know is: interval trees are mostly great for this purpose, but my current system to add tag set matching as an additional dimension to this is clunky and bolted-on; is there a data structure or algorithm that can handle this in an elegant way?
Actions that must be supported:
Querying the system for available slots that match certain tag sets (taking into account reservations that may reduce availability but are not themselves part of said tag set; e.g. in the example above querying for an availability for B).
Ensuring no reservations can be added to the system which don't have a matching available slot.

Your problem can be solved using constraint programming. In python this can be implemented using the python-constraint library.
First, we need a way to check if two slots are consistent with each other. this is a function that returns true if two slots share a tag and their rimeframes overlap. In python this can be implemented using the following function
def checkNoOverlap(slot1, slot2):
shareTags = False
for tag in slot1['tags']:
if tag in slot2['tags']:
shareTags = True
if not shareTags: return True
return not (slot2['begin'] <= slot1['begin'] <= slot2['end'] or
slot2['begin'] <= slot1['end'] <= slot2['end'])
I was not sure whether you wanted the tags to be completely the same (like {foo: bar} equals {foo: bar}) or only the keys (like {foo: bar} equals {foo: qux}), but you can change that in the function above.
Consistency check
We can use the python-constraint module for the two kinds of functionality you requested.
The second functionality is the easiest. To implement this, we can use the function isConsistent(set) which takes a list of slots in the provided data structure as input. The function will then feed all the slots to python-constraint and will check if the list of slots is consistent (no 2 slots that shouldn't overlap, overlap) and return the consistency.
def isConsistent(set):
#initialize python-constraint context
problem = Problem()
#add all slots the context as variables with a singleton domain
for i in range(len(set)):
problem.addVariable(i, [set[i]])
#add a constraint for each possible pair of slots
for i in range(len(set)):
for j in range(len(set)):
#we don't want slots to be checked against themselves
if i == j:
#this constraint uses the checkNoOverlap function
problem.addConstraint(lambda a,b: checkNoOverlap(a, b), (i, j))
# getSolutions returns all the possible combinations of domain elements
# because all domains are singleton, this either returns a list with length 1 (consistent) or 0 (inconsistent)
return not len(problem.getSolutions()) == 0
This function can be called whenever a user wants to add a reservation slot. The input slot can be added to the list of already existing slots and the consistency can be checked. If it is consistent, the new slot an be reserverd. Else, the new slot overlaps and should be rejected.
Finding available slots
This problem is a bit trickier. We can use the same functionality as above with a few significant changes. Instead of adding the new slot together with the existing slot, we now want to add all possible slots to the already existing slots. We can then check the consistency of all those possible slots with the reserved slots and ask the constraint system for the combinations that are consistent.
Because the number of possible slots would be infinite if we didn't put any restrictions on it, we first need to declare some parameters for the program:
MIN = 149780000 #available time slots can never start earlier then this time
MAX = 149790000 #available time slots can never start later then this time
GRANULARITY = 1*60 #possible time slots are always at least one minut different from each other
We can now continue to the main function. It looks a lot like the consistency check, but instead of the new slot from the user, we now add a variable to discover all available slots.
def availableSlots(tags, set):
#same as above
problem = Problem()
for i in range(len(set)):
problem.addVariable(i, [set[i]])
#add an extra variable for the available slot is added, with a domain of all possible slots
problem.addVariable(len(set), generatePossibleSlots(MIN, MAX, GRANULARITY, tags))
for i in range(len(set) +1):
for j in range(len(set) +1):
if i == j:
problem.addConstraint(lambda a, b: checkNoOverlap(a, b), (i, j))
#extract the available time slots from the solution for clean output
return filterAvailableSlots(problem.getSolutions())
I use some helper functions to keep the code cleaner. They are included here.
def filterAvailableSlots(possibleCombinations):
result = []
for slots in possibleCombinations:
for key, slot in slots.items():
if slot['type'] == 'available':
return result
def generatePossibleSlots(min, max, granularity, tags):
possibilities = []
for i in range(min, max - 1, granularity):
for j in range(i + 1, max, granularity):
possibleSlot = {
'type': 'available',
'begin': i,
'end': j,
'tags': tags
return tuple(possibilities)
You can now use the function getAvailableSlots(tags, set) with the tags for which you want the available slots and a set of already reserved slots. Note that this function really return all the consistent possible slots, so no effort is done to find the one of maximum lenght or for other optimalizations.
Hope this helps! (I got it to work as you described in my pycharm)

Here's a solution, I'll include all the code below.
1. Create a table of slots, and a table of reservations
2. Create a matrix of reservations x slots
which is populated by true or false values based on whether that reservation-slot combination are possible
3. Figure out the best mapping that allows for the most Reservation-Slot Combinations
Note: my current solution scales poorly with very large arrays as it involves looping through all possible permutations of a list with size = number of slots. I've posted another question to see if anyone can find a better way of doing this. However, this solution is accurate and can be optimized
Python Code Source
Part 1
from IPython.display import display
import pandas as pd
import datetime
available_data = [
['SlotA', datetime.time(11, 0, 0), datetime.time(12, 30, 0), set(list('ABD'))],
['SlotB',datetime.time(12, 0, 0), datetime.time(13, 30, 0), set(list('C'))],
['SlotC',datetime.time(12, 0, 0), datetime.time(13, 30, 0), set(list('ABCD'))],
['SlotD',datetime.time(12, 0, 0), datetime.time(13, 30, 0), set(list('AD'))],
reservation_data = [
['ReservationA', datetime.time(11, 15, 0), datetime.time(12, 15, 0), set(list('AD'))],
['ReservationB', datetime.time(11, 15, 0), datetime.time(12, 15, 0), set(list('A'))],
['ReservationC', datetime.time(12, 0, 0), datetime.time(12, 15, 0), set(list('C'))],
['ReservationD', datetime.time(12, 0, 0), datetime.time(12, 15, 0), set(list('C'))],
['ReservationE', datetime.time(12, 0, 0), datetime.time(12, 15, 0), set(list('D'))]
reservations = pd.DataFrame(data=reservation_data, columns=['reservations', 'begin', 'end', 'tags']).set_index('reservations')
slots = pd.DataFrame(data=available_data, columns=['slots', 'begin', 'end', 'tags']).set_index('slots')
Part 2
def is_possible_combination(r):
return (r['begin'] >= slots['begin']) & (r['end'] <= slots['end']) & (r['tags'] <= slots['tags'])
solution_matrix = reservations.apply(is_possible_combination, axis=1).astype(int)
Part 3
import numpy as np
from itertools import permutations
# add dummy columns to make the matrix square if it is not
sqr_matrix = solution_matrix
if sqr_matrix.shape[0] > sqr_matrix.shape[1]:
# uhoh, there are more reservations than slots... this can't be good
for i in range(sqr_matrix.shape[0] - sqr_matrix.shape[1]):
sqr_matrix.loc[:,'FakeSlot' + str(i)] = [1] * sqr_matrix.shape[0]
elif sqr_matrix.shape[0] < sqr_matrix.shape[1]:
# there are more slots than customers, why doesn't anyone like us?
for i in range(sqr_matrix.shape[0] - sqr_matrix.shape[1]):
sqr_matrix.loc['FakeCustomer' + str(i)] = [1] * sqr_matrix.shape[1]
# we only want the values now
A = solution_matrix.values.astype(int)
# make an identity matrix (the perfect map)
imatrix = np.diag([1]*A.shape[0])
# randomly swap columns on the identity matrix until they match.
n = A.shape[0]
# this will hold the map that works the best
best_map_so_far = np.zeros([1,1])
for column_order in permutations(range(n)):
# this is an identity matrix with the columns swapped according to the permutation
imatrix = np.zeros(A.shape)
for row, column in enumerate(column_order):
imatrix[row,column] = 1
# is this map better than the previous best?
if sum(sum(imatrix * A)) > sum(sum(best_map_so_far)):
best_map_so_far = imatrix
# could it be? a perfect map??
if sum(sum(imatrix * A)) == n:
if sum(sum(imatrix * A)) != n:
print('a perfect map was not found')
output = pd.DataFrame(A*imatrix, columns=solution_matrix.columns, index=solution_matrix.index, dtype=int)

The suggested approaches by Arne and tinker were both helpful, but not ultimately sufficient. I came up with a hybrid approach that solves it well enough.
The main problem is that it's a three-dimensional issue, which is difficult to solve in all dimensions at once. It's not just about matching a time overlap or a tag overlap, it's about matching time slices with tag overlaps. It's simple enough to match slots to other slots based on time and even tags, but it's then pretty complicated to match an already matched availability slot to another reservation at another time. Meaning, this scenario in which one availability can cover two reservations at different times:
| A, B |
xxxxx xxxxx
x A x x A x
xxxxx xxxxx
Trying to fit this into constraint based programming requires an incredibly complex relationship of constraints which is hardly manageable. My solution to this was to simplify the problem…
Removing one dimension
Instead of solving all dimensions at once, it simplifies the problem enormously to largely remove the dimension of time. I did this by using my existing interval tree and slicing it as needed:
def __init__(self, slots):
self.tree = IntervalTree(slots)
def timeslot_is_available(self, start: datetime, end: datetime, attributes: set):
candidate = Slot(start.timestamp(), end.timestamp(), dict(type=SlotType.RESERVED, attributes=attributes))
slots = list(self.tree[start.timestamp():end.timestamp()])
return self.model_is_consistent(slots + [candidate])
To query whether a specific slot is available, I take only the slots relevant at that specific time (self.tree[..:..]), which reduces the complexity of the calculation to a localised subset:
| | +-+ = availability
+-|------|-+ xxx = reservation
| +---|------+
xx|x xxx|x
| xxxx|
| |
Then I confirm the consistency within that narrow slice:
def model_is_consistent(slots):
def can_handle(r):
return lambda a: r.attributes <= a.attributes and a.contains_interval(r)
av = [s for s in slots if s.type == SlotType.AVAILABLE]
rs = [s for s in slots if s.type == SlotType.RESERVED]
p = Problem()
p.addVariables(range(len(rs)), av)
for i, r in enumerate(rs):
p.addConstraint(can_handle(r), (i,))
return p.getSolution() is not None
(I'm omitting some optimisations and other code here.)
This part is the hybrid approach of Arne's and tinker's suggestions. It uses constraint-based programming to find matching slots, using the matrix algorithm suggested by tinker. Basically: if there's any solution to this problem in which all reservations can be assigned to a different available slot, then this time slice is in a consistent state. Since I'm passing in the desired reservation slot, if the model is still consistent including that slot, this means it's safe to reserve that slot.
This is still problematic if there are two short reservations assignable to the same availability within this narrow window, but the chances of that are low and the result is merely a false negative for an availability query; false positives would be more problematic.
Finding available slots
Finding all available slots is a more complex problem, so again some simplification is necessary. First, it's only possible to query the model for availabilities for a particular set of tags (there's no "give me all globally available slots"), and secondly it can only be queried with a particular granularity (desired slot length). This suits me well for my particular use case, in which I just need to offer users a list of slots they can reserve, like 9:15-9:30, 9:30-9:45, etc.. This makes the algorithm very simple by reusing the above code:
def free_slots(self, start: datetime, end: datetime, attributes: set, granularity: timedelta):
slots = []
while start < end:
slot_end = start + granularity
if self.timeslot_is_available(start, slot_end, attributes):
slots.append((start, slot_end))
start += granularity
return slots
In other words, it just goes through all possible slots during the given time interval and literally checks whether that slot is available. It's a bit of a brute-force solution, but works perfectly fine.


Hashmap (O(1)) supporting joker/match-all keys

The title is not so clear, because I cannot put my problem in a sentence (If you have a better title for this question, please suggest). I'll try to clarify my requirement with an example:
Suppose I have a table like this:
| Origin | Destination | Airline | Free Baggage |
| NYC | London | American | 20KG |
| NYC | * | Southwest | 30KG |
| * | * | Southwest | 25KG |
| * | LA | * | 20KG |
| * | * | * | 15KG |
and so on ...
This table describes free baggage amount that the airlines provide in different routes. You can see that some rows have * value, meaning that they match all possible values (those values are not known necessarily).
So we have a large list of baggage rules (like the table above) and a large list of flights (which their origin, destination and airline is known), and we intend to find the baggage amount for each one of flights in the most efficient way (iterating the list is not an efficient way, obviously, as it will cost an O(N) computation). It is possible to exist more than one result for each flight, but we will assume that in this case either the first matching or the most specific one will be preferred (whichever is simpler for you to continue with).
If there was not * signs in the table, the problem would be easy, and we could use a Hashmap or Dictionary with a Tuple of values as a key. But with presence of those * (lets say match-all) keys, it is not so straight forward to provide a general solution for that.
Please note that the above example was just an example, and I need a solution that can be used for any number of keys, not just three.
Do you have any idea or implementation for this problem, with a lookup method having time complexity equal or close to O(1) like a regular hashmap (memory will not be an issue)? What would be the best possible solution?
Regarding the comments, the more I think about it, and the more it looks like a relational database with indexes rather than an hashmap...
A trivial, quite easy solution could be something like an In-memory SQlite database. But it would probably be something in O(log2(n)), and not O(1). The main advantage is that it's easy to set up, and IF performances are good enough, it could be the final solution.
Here, key is to use proper indexes, the LIKE operator, and of course well-defined JOIN clauses.
From scratch, I can't think about any solution that, having N rows and M columns, isn't at least in O(M)... But usually, you'll have way less columns than rows. Quickly - I may have skipped a detail, I write that on-the-fly - I can propose you this algorithm / container:
Data must be stored in a vector-like container VECDATA, accessed by a simple index in O(1). Think about this as a primary key in databases, and we'll call it PK. Knowing PK gives you instantly, in O(1), the required data. You'll have N rows grand total.
For each row NOT containing any *, you'll insert in a real hashmap called MAINHASH the pair (<tuple>, PK). This is your primary index, for exact results. It will be in O(1), BUT what you requested may not be within... Obviously, you must maintain consistency between MAINHASH and VECDATA, with whatever is needed (mutexes, locks, don't care as long as both are consistents).
This hash contains at most N entries. Without any joker, it will act near as a standard hashmap, but for the indirection to VECDATA. It's still O(1) in this case.
For each searchable column, you'll build a specific index, dedicated to this column.
The index has N entries. It will be a standard hashmap, but it MUST allow multiple values for a given key. That's quite a common container, so it shouldn't be an issue.
For each row, the index entry will be: ( <VECDATA value>, PK ). The container is stored in a vector of indexes, INDEX[i] (with 0<=i<M).
Same as MAINHASH, consistency must be enforced.
Obviously, all these indexes / subcontainers should be constructed when an entry is inserted into VECDATA, and saved on disk across sessions if needed - you don't want to reconstruct all this each time you start the application...
Searching a row
So, user search for a given tuple.
Search it in MAINHASH. If found, return it, search done.
Upgrade (see below): search also in CACHE before going to step #2.
For each tuple element tuple[0<=i<M], search in INDEX[i] for both tuple[i] (returns a vector of PK, EXACT[i]) AND for * (returns another vector of PK, FUZZY[i]).
With these two vectors, build another (temporary) hash TMPHASH, associating ( PK, integer COUNT ). It quite simple: COUNT is initialized to 1 if entry comes from EXACT, and 0 if it comes from FUZZY.
For next column, build EXACT and FUZZY (see #2). But instead of making a new TMPHASH, you'll MERGE the results into rather than creating a new temporary hash.
Method is: if TMPHASH doesn't have this PK entry, trash this entry: it can't match at all. Otherwise, read the COUNT value, add 1 or 0 to it according to where it comes from, reinject it in TMPHASH.
Once all columns are done, you'll have to analyze TMPHASH.
Analyzing TMPHASH
First, if TMPHASH is empty, then you don't have any suitable answer. Return that to user. If it contains only one entry, same: return to user directly.
For more than one element in TMPHASH:
Parse the whole TMPHASH container, searching for the maximum COUNT. Maintain in memory the PK associated to the current maximum for COUNT.
Developper's choice: in case of multiple COUNT at the same maximum value, you can either return them all, return the first one, or the last one.
COUNT if obviously always stricly lower than M - otherwise, you would have found the tuple in MAINHASH. This value, compared to M, can give a confidence mark to your result (=100*COUNT/M% of confidence).
You can also now store the original tuple searched, and the corresponding PK, in another hashmap called CACHE.
Since it would be way too complicated to update properly CACHE when adding/modifying something in VECDATA, simply purge CACHE when it occurs. It's only a cache, after all...
This is quite complex to implement if the language doesn't help you, in particular by allowing to redefine operators and having all base containers available, but it should work.
Exact matches / cached matches are in O(1). Fuzzy search is in O(n.M), n being the number of matching rows (and 0<=n<N, of course).
Without further researchs, I can't see anything better than that. It will consume an obscene amount of memory, but you said that it won't be an issue.
I would recommend doing this with Tries that have a little data decorated. For routes, you want to know the lowest route ID so we can match to the first available route. For flights you want to track how many flights there are left to match.
What this will allow you to do, for instance, is partway through the match ONLY ONCE realize that flights from city1 to city2 might be matching routes that start off city1, city2, or city1, * or *, city2, or *, * without having to repeat that logic for each route or flight.
Here is a proof of concept in Python:
import heapq
import weakref
class Flight:
def __init__(self, fields, flight_no):
self.fields = fields
self.flight_no = flight_no
class Route:
def __init__(self, route_id, fields, baggage):
self.route_id = route_id
self.fields = fields
self.baggage = baggage
class SearchTrie:
def __init__(self, value=0, item=None, parent=None):
# value = # unmatched flights for flights
# value = lowest route id for routes.
self.value = value
self.item = item
self.trie = {}
self.parent = None
if parent:
self.parent = weakref.ref(parent)
def add_flight (self, flight, i=0):
self.value += 1
fields = flight.fields
if i < len(fields):
if fields[i] not in self.trie:
self.trie[fields[i]] = SearchTrie(0, None, self)
self.trie[fields[i]].add_flight(flight, i+1)
self.item = flight
def remove_flight(self):
self.value -= 1
if self.parent and self.parent():
def add_route (self, route, i=0):
route_id = route.route_id
fields = route.fields
if i < len(fields):
if fields[i] not in self.trie:
self.trie[fields[i]] = SearchTrie(route_id)
self.trie[fields[i]].add_route(route, i+1)
self.item = route
def match_flight_baggage(route_search, flight_search):
# Construct a heap of one search to do.
tmp_id = 0
todo = [((0, tmp_id), route_search, flight_search)]
# This will hold by flight number, baggage.
matched = {}
while 0 < len(todo):
priority, route_search, flight_search = heapq.heappop(todo)
if 0 == flight_search.value: # There are no flights left to match
# Already matched all flights.
elif flight_search.item is not None:
# We found a match!
matched[flight_search.item.flight_no] = route_search.item.baggage
for key, r_search in route_search.trie.items():
if key == '*': # Found wildcard.
for a_search in flight_search.trie.values():
if 0 < a_search.value:
heapq.heappush(todo, ((r_search.value, tmp_id), r_search, a_search))
tmp_id += 1
elif key in flight_search.trie and 0 < flight_search.trie[key].value:
heapq.heappush(todo, ((r_search.value, tmp_id), r_search, flight_search.trie[key]))
tmp_id += 1
return matched
# Sample data - the id is the position.
route_data = [
["NYC", "London", "American", "20KG"],
["NYC", "*", "Southwest", "30KG"],
["*", "*", "Southwest", "25KG"],
["*", "LA", "*", "20KG"],
["*", "*", "*", "15KG"],
routes = []
for i in range(len(route_data)):
data = route_data[i]
routes.append(Route(i, [data[0], data[1], data[2]], data[3]))
flight_data = [
["NYC", "London", "American"],
["NYC", "Dallas", "Southwest"],
["Dallas", "Houston", "Southwest"],
["Denver", "LA", "American"],
["Denver", "Houston", "American"],
flights = []
for i in range(len(flight_data)):
data = flight_data[i]
flights.append(Flight([data[0], data[1], data[2]], i))
# Convert to searches.
flight_search = SearchTrie()
for flight in flights:
route_search = SearchTrie()
for route in routes:
As Wisblade notices in his answer, for an array of N rows and M columns the best possible complexity is O(M). You can get O(1) only if you consider M to be a constant.
You can easily solve your problem in O(2^M) which is practical for a small M and is effectively O(1) if you consider M to be a constant.
Create a single hashmap which contains (as keys) strings of concatenated column values, possibly separated by some special character, e.g. a slash:
map.put("NYC/London/American", "20KG");
map.put("NYC/*/Southwest", "30KG");
map.put("*/*/Southwest", "25KG");
map.put("*/LA/*", "20KG");
map.put("*/*/*", "15KG");
Then, when you query, you try different combinations of actual data and wildcard characters. E.g. let's assume you want to query NYC/LA/Southwest; then you try the following combinations:
map.get("NYC/LA/Southwest"); // null
map.get("NYC/LA/*"); // null
map.get("NYC/*/Southwest"); // found: 30KG
If the answer in the third step was null, you would continue as follows:
map.get("NYC/*/*"); // null
map.get("*/LA/Southwest"); // null
map.get("*/LA/*"); // found: 20KG
And there still remain two options:
map.get("*/*/Southwest"); // found: 25KG
map.get("*/*/*"); // found: 15KG
Basically, for three data columns you have 8 possibilities to check in the hashmap -- not bad! and possibly you find an answer much earlier.

Finding the most commonly occuring pairs

Say that I have a list (or array) that links Suppliers with the materials they supply. For example, an array of the form
[[Supplier_1, Material_a], [Supplier_2, Material_a], [Supplier_3, Material_a], [Supplier_1, Material_b], [Supplier_2, Material_c], [Supplier_3, Material_b], ...]
I am interested in finding the the list of suppliers that supply at least k materials that a particular supplier say Supplier_1 supplies.
One way that I can think of is to pair all suppliers with Supplier_1 for each material Supplier_1 supplies
[[Supplier_1, Supplier_2, Material_a], [Supplier_1, Supplier_3, Material_a], [Supplier_1, Supplier_3, Material_b]...]
and then count the number of times each pair is present
[[Supplier_1, Supplier_2, 1], [Supplier_1, Supplier_3, 2]...]
The problem is that this approach can be very time consuming since the list provided can be quite long. I was wondering if there is a better way to do this.
You would put the materials of Supplier_1 in a hash set, so that you can verify for any material whether it is supplied by Supplier_1 in constant time.
Once you have that you can iterate the data again, and in a dictionary (hash map) keep a count per supplier which you increment each time the material is in the above mentioned set.
In Python it would look like this:
def getsuppliers(pairs, selected_supplier, k):
materialset = set()
countmap = {} # a dictionary with <key=supplier, value=count> pairs
for supplier, material in pairs:
if supplier == selected_supplier:
countmap[supplier] = 0
# An optional quick exit: if the selected provider does not have k materials,
# there is no use in continuing...
if countmap[selected_supplier] < k:
return [] # no supplier meets the requirement
for supplier, material in pairs:
if material in materialset:
countmap[supplier] = countmap[supplier]+1
result = []
for supplier, count in countmap.items():
if count >= k:
return result
NB: this would include the selected supplier also, provided it has at least k materials.
All operations within each individual loop body, have a constant time complexity, so the overall time complexity is O(n), where n is the size of the input list (pairs).

Boost Confidence of Overlapping Observations In Apache Spark

I'm fairly new to scala/spark, so forgive me if my question is elementary but I've searched everywhere and can't find the answer.
I'm trying to boost the confidence scores a bunch of network router observations (observations of probable router types at different network junctions).
I have a type NetblockObservation combines device types seen on a network with an associated netblock and a confidence. The confidence is the confidence that we accurately identified which device the device we saw.
case class NetblockObservation(
device_type: String
ip_start: Long,
ip_end: Long,
confidence: Double
If the confidence is above some threshold thresh, then I want that observation to be in the returned dataset. If it's below thresh, it should not be.
In addition if I have two observations with the same device_type and that one contains the other, the containee should have its confidence increased by by the confidence of the container.
Let's say I have 3 Netblock Observations
NetblockObservation(device_type: "x", ip_start: 0, ip_end: 15, confidence_score: .4)
NetblockObservation(device_type: "x", ip_start: 0, ip_end: 7, confidence_score: .4)
NetblockObservation(device_type: "x", ip_start: 0, ip_end: 3, confidence_score: .4)
With a confidence threshold of 1, I would expect to have a single output of NetblockObservation(device_type: "x", ip_start: 0, ip_end: 4, confidence_score: 1.2)
Explanation: I am allowed to add the confidence scores of NetblockObservation's together if it's contained and has the same device_type
I was allowed to add the confidence score of the to the confidence of the because it's contained within it.
I was not allowed to add the confidence score of to the because is not contained within
My (pitiful) Attempt
Failure reason: Too slow / never completed
I attempted to implement this while simultaneously learning scala/spark so I'm not sure if it's the idea or the implementation which is wrong. I think it would eventually work but after an hour, it hadn't completed on a dataset of size 300,000 (small compared to production scale) so I gave up on it.
The idea is to find the largest netblock and separate the data into netblocks which are contained and netblocks which are not contained. The netblocks which are not contained are recursively passed back into the same function. If the largest netblock has a confidence_score of 1, the entire contained dataset is disregarded and the largest is added to return dataset. If the confidence_score is less then 1, then its confidence_score is added to everything in the contained dataset and that group is recursively passed back to the same function. Eventually, you should only be left with the data which has a confidence_score greater then 1. This algorithm also has the issue of not taking device_type into account.
def handleDataset(largestInNetData: Option[NetblockObservation], netData: RDD[NetblockObservation]): RDD[NetblockObservation] = {
if (netData.isEmpty) spark.sparkContext.emptyRDD else largestInNetData match {
case Some(largest) =>
val grouped = netData.groupBy(item =>
if (item.ip_start >= largest.ip_start && item.ip_end <= largest.ip_end) largestInNetData
else None)
def lookup(k: Option[NetblockObservation]) = grouped.filter(_._1 == k).flatMap(_._2)
val nos = handleDataset(None, lookup(None))
// Threshold is assumed to be 1
val next = if (largest.confidence_score >= 1) spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(largest)) else
handleDataset(None, lookup(largestInNetData)
.filter(x => x != largest)
.map(x => x.copy(confidence_score = x.confidence_score + largest.confidence_score)))
nos ++ next
case None =>
val largest = netData.reduce((a: NetblockObservation, b: NetblockObservation) => if ((a.ip_end - a.ip_start) > (b.ip_end - b.ip_start)) a else b)
handleDataset(Option(largest), netData)
It is a fairly involved bit of code, so here is a general algorithm that I hope will help:
Forget about Spark for a moment and write a Scala function, probably in the companion object for NetblockObservation, that takes a collection of them and returns a subset of that collection that is contained. You should unit test the heck out of this function, and again this is pure Scala.
Moving now to Spark. Do a groupBy on your RDD[NetblockObservation] with device_type as the key producing essentially a map of String to Iterable[NetblockObservation].
Filter out all the entries in the map that have a value of size 1 and have a confidence below thresh.
For the entries that remain, apply your function from the first step to the collections of NetblockObservations with a mapValues.
Do a reduceByKey or similar to simply add up the confidence_scores of the contained values.
Enjoy a refreshing beverage.

How can one analyze the greatest percentage gain (burst) of numbers in sequence in an array?

There are algorithms for detecting the maximum subarray within an array (both contiguous and non-continguous). Most of them are based around having both negative and positive numbers, though. How is it done with positive numbers only?
I have an array of values of a stock over a consequtive range of time (let's say, the array contains values for all consecutive months).
[15.42, 16.42, 17.36, 16.22, 14.72, 13.95, 14.73, 13.76, 12.88, 13.51, 12.67, 11.11, 10.04, 10.38, 10.14, 7.72, 7.46, 9.41, 11.39, 9.7, 12.67, 18.42, 18.44, 18.03, 17.48, 19.6, 19.57, 18.48, 17.36, 18.03, 18.1, 19.07, 21.02, 20.77, 19.92, 18.71, 20.29, 22.36, 22.38, 22.39, 22.94, 23.5, 21.66, 22.06, 21.07, 19.86, 19.49, 18.79, 18.16, 17.24, 17.74, 18.41, 17.56, 17.24, 16.04, 16.05, 15.4, 15.77, 15.68, 16.29, 15.23, 14.51, 14.05, 13.28, 13.49, 13.12, 14.33, 13.67, 13.13, 12.45, 12.48, 11.58, 11.52, 11.2, 10.46, 12.24, 11.62, 11.43, 10.96, 10.63, 10.19, 10.03, 9.7, 9.64, 9.16, 8.96, 8.49, 8.16, 8.0, 7.86, 8.08, 8.02, 7.67, 8.07, 8.37, 8.35, 8.82, 8.58, 8.47, 8.42, 7.92, 7.77, 7.79, 7.6, 7.18, 7.44, 7.74, 7.47, 7.63, 7.21, 7.06, 6.9, 6.84, 6.96, 6.93, 6.49, 6.38, 6.69, 6.49, 6.76]
I need an algorithm to determine for each element the single time period where it had the biggest percentage gain. This could be a time period of 1 month, some span of several months, or the entire array (e.g., 120 months), depending on the stock. I then want to output the burst, in terms of percentage gain, as well as the return (change in price over the original price; so the peak price vs the starting price in the period).
I've combined the max subarray type algorithms, but realized that this problem is a bit different; the array has no negative numbers, so those algorithms just report the entire array as the period and the sum of all elements as the gain.
The algorithms I mentioned are located here and here, with the latter being based on the Master Theorem. Hope this helps.
I'm coding in Ruby but pseudocode would be welcome, too.
I think you went the wrong way ...
I'm not familiar with ruby but let us build the algorithm in pseudocode using your own words :
I've got an array that contains the values of a stock over a range of
time (let's say, for this example, each element is the value of the
stock in a month; the array contains values for all consecutive
We'll name this array StockValues, its length is given by length(StockValues), assume it is 1 based (first item is retrieved with StockValues[1])
I need an algorithm to analyze the array, and determine for each
element the single time period where it had the biggest percentage
gain in price.
You want to know for a given index i at which index j with j>i we have a maximum gain in percent i.e. when gain=100*StockValues[j]/StockValues[i]-100 is maximum.
I then want to output the burst, in terms of percentage gain, as well
as the return(change in price over the original price; so the peak price
vs the starting price in the period).
You want to retrieve the two values burst=gain=100*StockValues[j]/StockValues[i]-100 and return=StockValues[j]-StickValues[i]
The first step will be to loop thru the array and for each element do a second loop to find when the gain is maximum, when we find a maximum we save the values you want in another array named Result (let us assume this array is initialized with invalid values, like burst=-1 which means no gain over any period can be found)
for i=1 to length(StockValues)-1 do
for j=i+1 to length(StockValues) do
if gain>max_gain then
end if
end for
end for
Note that this algorithm gives the smallest period, if you replace gain>max_gain with gain>=max_gain you'll get the longest period in the case there are more than one period with the same gain value. Only positive or null gains are listed, if there is no gain at all, Result will contain the invalid value. Only period>1 are listed, if period of 1 are accepted then the worst gain possible would be 0%, and you would have to modify the loops i goes to length(StockValues) and j starts at i
This doesn't really sound like several days of work :p unless I'm missing something.
# returns array of percentage gain per period
def percentage_gain(array)
initial = array[0]
after = 0
percentage_gain = []
1.upto(array.size-1).each do |i|
after = array[i]
percentage_gain << (after - initial)/initial*100
initial = after
# returns array of amount gain $ per period
def amount_gain(array)
initial = array[0]
after = 0
amount_gain = []
1.upto(array.size-1).each do |i|
after = array[i]
percentage_gain << (after - initial)
initial = after
# returns the maximum amount gain found in the array
def max_amount_gain(array)
# returns the maximum percentage gain found in the array
def max_percentage_gain(array)
# returns the maximum potential gain you could've made by shortselling constantly.
# i am basically adding up the amount gained when you would've hit profit.
# on days the stock loses value, i don't add them.
def max_potential_amount_gain(array)
initial = array[0]
after = 0
max_potential_gain = 0
1.upto(array.size-1).each do |i|
after = array[i]
if after - initial > 0
max_potential_gain += after - initial
initial = after
array = [15.42, 16.42, 17.36, 16.22, 14.72, 13.95, 14.73, 13.76, 12.88, 13.51, 12.67, 11.11, 10.04, 10.38, 10.14, 7.72, 7.46, 9.41, 11.39, 9.7, 12.67, 18.42, 18.44, 18.03, 17.48, 19.6, 19.57, 18.48, 17.36, 18.03, 18.1, 19.07, 21.02, 20.77, 19.92, 18.71, 20.29, 22.36, 22.38, 22.39, 22.94, 23.5, 21.66, 22.06, 21.07, 19.86, 19.49, 18.79, 18.16, 17.24, 17.74, 18.41, 17.56, 17.24, 16.04, 16.05, 15.4, 15.77, 15.68, 16.29, 15.23, 14.51, 14.05, 13.28, 13.49, 13.12, 14.33, 13.67, 13.13, 12.45, 12.48, 11.58, 11.52, 11.2, 10.46, 12.24, 11.62, 11.43, 10.96, 10.63, 10.19, 10.03, 9.7, 9.64, 9.16, 8.96, 8.49, 8.16, 8.0, 7.86, 8.08, 8.02, 7.67, 8.07, 8.37, 8.35, 8.82, 8.58, 8.47, 8.42, 7.92, 7.77, 7.79, 7.6, 7.18, 7.44, 7.74, 7.47, 7.63, 7.21, 7.06, 6.9, 6.84, 6.96, 6.93, 6.49, 6.38, 6.69, 6.49, 6.76]

Speed dating algorithm

I work in a consulting organization and am most of the time at customer locations. Because of that I rarely meet my colleagues. To get to know each other better we are going to arrange a dinner party. There will be many small tables so people can have a chat. In order to talk to as many different people as possible during the party, everybody has to switch tables at some interval, say every hour.
How do I write a program that creates the table switching schedule? Just to give you some numbers; in this case there will be around 40 people and there can be at most 8 people at each table. But, the algorithm needs to be generic of course
heres an idea
first work from the perspective of the first person .. lets call him X
X has to meet all the other people in the room, so we should divide the remaining people into n groups ( where n = #_of_people/capacity_per_table ) and make him sit with one of these groups per iteration
Now that X has been taken care of, we will consider the next person Y
WLOG Y be a person X had to sit with in the first iteration itself.. so we already know Y's table group for that time-frame.. we should then divide the remaining people into groups such that each group sits with Y for every consecutive iteration.. and for each iteration X's group and Y's group have no person in common
.. I guess, if you keep doing something like this, you will get an optimal solution (if one exists)
Alternatively you could crowd source the problem by giving each person a card where they could write down the names of all the people they got dine with.. and at the end of event, present some kind of prize to the person with the most names in their card
This sounds like an application for genetic algorithm:
Select a random permutation of the 40 guests - this is one seating arrangement
Repeat the random permutation N time (n is how many times you are to switch seats in the night)
Combine the permutations together - this is the chromosome for one organism
Repeat for how ever many organisms you want to breed in one generation
The fitness score is the number of people each person got to see in one night (or alternatively - the inverse of the number of people they did not see)
Breed, mutate and introduce new organisms using the normal method and repeat until you get a satisfactory answer
You can add in any other factors you like into the fitness, such as male/female ratio and so on without greatly changing the underlying method.
Why not imitate real world?
class Person {
void doPeriodically() {
do {
newTable = random (numberOfTables);
} while (tableBusy(newTable))
switchTable (newTable)
Oh, and note that there is a similar algorithm for finding a mating partner and it's rumored to be effective for those 99% of people who don't spend all of their free time answering programming questions...
Perfect Table Plan
You might want to have a look at combinatorial design theory.
Intuitively I don't think you can do better than a perfect shuffle, but it's beyond my pre-coffee cognition to prove it.
This one was very funny! :D
I tried different method but the logic suggested by adi92 (card + prize) is the one that works better than any other I tried.
It works like this:
a guy arrives and examines all the tables
for each table with free seats he counts how many people he has to meet yet, then choose the one with more unknown people
if two tables have an equal number of unknown people then the guy will choose the one with more free seats, so that there is more probability to meet more new people
at each turn the order of the people taking seats is random (this avoid possible infinite loops), this is a "demo" of the working algorithm in python:
import random
class Person(object):
def __init__(self, name): = name
self.known_people = dict()
def meets(self, a_guy, propagation = True):
"self meets a_guy, and a_guy meets self"
if a_guy not in self.known_people:
self.known_people[a_guy] = 1
self.known_people[a_guy] += 1
if propagation: a_guy.meets(self, False)
def points(self, table):
"Calculates how many new guys self will meet at table"
return len([p for p in table if p not in self.known_people])
def chooses(self, tables, n_seats):
"Calculate what is the best table to sit at, and return it"
points = 0
free_seats = 0
ret = random.choice([t for t in tables if len(t)<n_seats])
for table in tables:
tmp_p = self.points(table)
tmp_s = n_seats - len(table)
if tmp_s == 0: continue
if tmp_p > points or (tmp_p == points and tmp_s > free_seats):
ret = table
points = tmp_p
free_seats = tmp_s
return ret
def __str__(self):
def __repr__(self):
def Switcher(n_seats, people):
"""calculate how many tables and what switches you need
assuming each table has n_seats seats"""
n_people = len(people)
n_tables = n_people/n_seats
switches = []
while not all(len(g.known_people) == n_people-1 for g in people):
tables = [[] for t in xrange(n_tables)]
random.shuffle(people) # need to change "starter"
for the_guy in people:
table = the_guy.chooses(tables, n_seats)
for guy in table:
table += [the_guy]
tables += [table]
switches += [tables]
return switches
lst_people = [Person('Hallis'),
Person('ilya n.'),
Person('1800 INFORMATION'),
s = Switcher(4, lst_people)
print "You need %d tables and %d turns" % (len(s[0]), len(s))
turn = 1
for tables in s:
print 'Turn #%d' % turn
turn += 1
tbl = 1
for table in tables:
print ' Table #%d - '%tbl, table
tbl += 1
print '\n'
This will output something like:
You need 2 tables and 3 turns
Turn #1
Table #1 - [1800 INFORMATION, Hallis, m_oLogin, Andrea]
Table #2 - [adi92, starblue, ilya n., regularfry]
Turn #2
Table #1 - [regularfry, starblue, Hallis, m_oLogin]
Table #2 - [adi92, 1800 INFORMATION, Andrea, ilya n.]
Turn #3
Table #1 - [m_oLogin, Hallis, adi92, ilya n.]
Table #2 - [Andrea, regularfry, starblue, 1800 INFORMATION]
Because of the random it won't always come with the minimum number of switch, especially with larger sets of people. You should then run it a couple of times and get the result with less turns (so you do not stress all the people at the party :P ), and it is an easy thing to code :P
Yes, you can save the prize money :P
You can also take look at stable matching problem. The solution to this problem involves using max-flow algorithm.
I wouldn't bother with genetic algorithms. Instead, I would do the following, which is a slight refinement on repeated perfect shuffles.
While (there are two people who haven't met):
Consider the graph where each node is a guest and edge (A, B) exists if A and B have NOT sat at the same table. Find all the connected components of this graph. If there are any connected components of size < tablesize, schedule those connected components at tables. Note that even this is actually an instance of a hard problem known as Bin packing, but first fit decreasing will probably be fine, which can be accomplished by sorting the connected components in order of biggest to smallest, and then putting them each of them in turn at the first table where they fit.
Perform a random permutation of the remaining elements. (In other words, seat the remaining people randomly, which at first will be everyone.)
Increment counter indicating number of rounds.
Repeat the above for a while until the number of rounds seems to converge.
