Spring boot skeleton from Swagger - spring

I was wondering if it's possible to generate a Spring boot skeleton from Swagger just like what restlet studio does.

Checkout the https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen. It can generate Spring Stub and a number of other Java frameworks.


Are extra reflection configurations needed for custom Spring Boot starter libraries when using Spring Native?

I am in the process of building a set of shared libraries using custom Spring Boot starter auto configuration per guidance from https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/2.6.7/reference/htmlsingle/#features.developing-auto-configuration. Great feature offered by Spring Boot by the way! My question is that how does Spring Native support these types of custom Spring Boot Starter libraries? Are extra reflection configurations or native hints required? I have been evaluating Spring Native and I am very excited about the performance boost it brings to Spring Boot apps! I am eagerly awaiting Spring Boot 3 GA to be released! Any advice on how Spring Boot 3 and/or Spring Native handles custom Spring Boot starter libraries and if any extra configurations are required will be greatly appreciated!
I reached out to Sébastien Deleuze, one of the members on Spring Native team, and his response to my question is as follows. Thanks Sébastien!
"Spring Native and the upcoming Spring Boot 3 should support this kind of autoconfiguration if they follow certain guidelines, like using #Configuration(proxyBeanMethods=false).
See https://docs.spring.io/spring-native/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/#how-to-contribute-design for more details.
Spring Boot 3 will likely define more clearly the guidelines."

Using 'feign clients' without springboot is possible?

My framework is spring framework. core version is 4.3.16.RELEASE.
Not using springboot. It's one of the legacy project.
And I wanna know what can I use the feign client without springboot.
Is this possible? and where can I found document about that.
thanks for your help :)
Yes, it's possible. You can find the documentation on their Github page.
Feign wasn't integrated with Spring initially. There is another wrapper library called Spring Cloud OpenFeign, and with it, you can use Feign in Spring Boot & Cloud applications more convenient (eg., you can use Spring's #RequestMapping annotation instead of default Feign's #RequestLine).

Can I create a library project using SpringBoot?

Can I create a library project using SpringBoot?
Import jars from a Java project that does not uses SpringBoot.
According to documentation : Spring Boot
Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that you can "just run".
IMHO, If you want to create a library, you can create with regular spring project.
Surely you can. You can create another framework on top of spring boot and use that as a dependency just like how you use spring boot in your project

Step by step implementation of Swagger for Spring MVC Rest project?

Can anyone please help me with step by step implementation of Swagger for a Spring MVC Rest project which does not use Spring Boot? I have googled lot of sites but was not able to implement successfully. Thank you

Spring configuration using Java annotations

I have started working on an inventory management system (web application) using Spring Framework 3.1.1** and would like to configure Spring Framework using Java annotations. I searched Google, but I could not find a suitable example showing how to configure Spring Framework using Java annotations in a web application. Where is there a proper example or tutorial?
Spring Framework references are comprehensive. Refer to the Spring reference material, 3.11 Java-based container configuration.
Another option to consider is to use Java based configuration. It is more readable, and is easier than annotations.
Spring Documentation
Simple Example using Java based configuration
