Finding Boot Signature in .dd image - boot

i am working on digital forensics assignment. I need help on what is the boot signature in this image. Thanks in advance.


Add entity to layer sketchup ruby api

I've been searching for a while now on the internet how to add a certain entity to a layer in the ruby api but can't seem to find how to do this. Is there anybody that can help me?
Thanks in advance
Try the Drawingelement.layer= method. The sample code there should help.

ActionScript displaying images from a certain URL

I'm having difficulty displaying an image with a given URL. does anyone have an idea on how to display an image on actionscript? thank you very much! someone told me to use Loader class
there is a tutorial here.

How to upload image to twitpic in bada

How to share images in twitpic. Social API in bada is not supporting twitpic. Is there another way for this? and what is meant by multipart form data?
By referring sample codes available in SDK we can upload image to server. The example code HTTPUpload with multipartFormdata helped to post the image to twitpic server.
You would need to write the protocol implementation yourself. I don't know it myself so I can't give you an exact answer but the bottom line is you should look at the sockets and web http namespaces, read the twitpic protocol for uploading and implement it... the hard way.
On the multipart side, look here

is there any tutorial exist for calling web service in android through ksoap 2.5.4?

i want to call webservice using ksoap 2.5.4(or latest) library any one guide me whats is the procedure of using it or any link of tutorial?
and one more thing is there request timeout related implementation exists in it?
any help would be appreciated.
try looking here: Basic KSOAP Android Tutorial
I have provided a few tutorials on using kSOAP with Android. I hope one of them helps.
It is very important that you understand the big picture before just using the APIs. The comments in my code should shed a little light on the bigger idea.

Simple Login using Spring Security

I am new to spring and I need to secure my application with Simple Login Form.
I went over lots of resources and found them little complex.
Can anybody suggest me an article / tutorail that shows simple way to get the app behind login?
Thanks in advance!
You can follow its own guide. I'd found petclinic tutorial very simple and useful.
