Why is there no std equivalent of boost::enable_if? - c++11

In C++11, std::enable_if was added to the Standard Library. It is equivalent to boost::enable_if_c whose condition is a bool. This is suitable for rather simple conditions, but as soon as you use predicates that hold their result in a value constant, you have to use the more verbose construct my_predicate<MyArgs>::value to turn it into bool.
This is exactly what boost::enable_if (without _c suffix) was made for.
Why is there no equivalent in Standard Library?

The standard library goes a different route here. C++17 added variable templates shortcuts for all the type traits that return a ::value. The pattern is always
template <typename... Args>
some_trait_v = some_trait<Args...>::value;
For instance you can write
Further the argument for enable_if could be the result of constexpr expressions, for instance
This way is more generic and does not depend on passing something that must have a value member.


memcpy from one type to another type. How do we access the destination afterwards?

uint32_t u32 = 0;
uint16_t u16[2];
static_assert(sizeof(u32) == sizeof(u16), "");
memcpy(u16, &u32, sizeof(u32)); // defined?
// if defined, how to we access the data from here on?
Is this defined behaviour? And, if so, what type of pointer may we use to access the target data after the memcpy?
Must we use uint16_t*, because that suitable for the declared type of u16?
Or must we use uint32_t*, because the type of the source data (the source data copied from by memcpy) is uint_32?
(Personally interested in C++11/C++14. But a discussion of related languages like C would be interesting also.)
Is this defined behavio[u]r?
Yes. memcpying into a pod is well-defined and you ensured that the sizing is the correct.
Must we use uint16_t*, because that suitable for the declared type of u16?
Yes, of course. u16 is an array of two uint16_ts so it must be accessed as such. Accessing it via a uint32_t* would be undefined behavior by the strict-aliasing rule.
It doesn't matter what the source type was. What matters is that you have an object of type uint16_t[2].
On the other hand, this:
uint32_t p;
new (&p) uint16_t(42);
std::cout << p;
is undefined behavior, because now there is an object of a different type whose lifetime has begin at &p and we're accessing it through the wrong type.
The C++ standard delegates to C standard:
The contents and meaning of the header <cstring> are the same as the C standard library header <string.h>.
The C standard specifies:
7.24.1/3 For all functions in this subclause, each character shall be interpreted as if it had the type unsigned char (and therefore every possible object representation is valid and has a different value).
So, to answer your question: Yes, the behaviour is defined.
Yes, uint16_t* is appropriate because uint16_t is the type of the object.
No, the type of the source doesn't matter.
C++ standard doesn't specify such thing as object without declared type or how it would behave. I interpret that to mean that the effective type is implementation defined for objects with no declared type.
Even in C, the source doesn't matter in this case. A more complete version of quote from C standard (draft, N1570) that you are concerned about, emphasis mine:
6.5/6 [...] If a value is copied into an object having no declared type using memcpy or memmove, or is copied as an array of character type, then the effective type of the modified object for that access and for subsequent accesses that do not modify the value is the effective type of the object from which the value is copied, if it has one. [...]
This rule doesn't apply, because objects in u16 do have a declared type

How to simplify composite type in variable

I'm looping through some input and output strings for a unit test, and my first attempt was:
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> pairs {{"input1", "output1"}, {"input2", "output2"}};
As you can see it's quite verbose. I've tried to use auto, but g++ complains about the nested init lists.
How can this be simplified?
I realize this might not be the recommended data structure for the job (you could use a std::map for instance) I'm asking this out of pure curiosity.
Use make_xxx functions: their purpose is creating containers/wrappers by deducing their item type from the passed arguments.
You will have to create your make_vector function. Here's a possible implementation (C++14).
auto pairs = make_vector(
std::make_pair("input1", "output1"),
std::make_pair("input2", "output2")
Alternatively, you can simply use using to make the code more readable:
using str_pair = std::pair<std::string, std::string>;
using vec_of_str_pair = std::vector<str_pair>;
vec_of_str_pair pairs {{"input1", "output1"}, {"input2", "output2"}};
This problem is likely to be solved with this proposal (N4471), which allows template deduction in constructors.
It will allow you to say something similar to std::vector<auto> v = ... or std::pair<auto> p = ..., which will deduce the template parameter from the container's constructor.

When should I use static data members vs. const global variables?

Declaring const global variables has proven useful to determine some functioning parameters of an API. For example, on my API, the minimum order of numerical accuracy operators have is 2; thus, I declare:
const int kDefaultOrderAccuracy{2};
as a global variable. Would it be better to make this a static const public data member of the classes describing these operators? When, in general, is better to choose one over the other?
const int kDefaultOrderAccuracy{2};
is the declaration of a static variable: kDefaultOrderAccuracy has internal linkage. Putting names with internal linkage in a header is obviously an extremely bad idea, making it extremely easy to violate the One Definition Rule (ODR) in other code with external linkage in the same or other header, notably when the name is used in the body of an inline or template function:
Inside f.hpp:
template <typename T>
const T& max(const T &x, const T &y) {
return x>y ? x : y;
inline int f(int x) {
return max(kDefaultOrderAccuracy, x); // which kDefaultOrderAccuracy?
As soon as you include f.hpp in two TU (Translation Units), you violate the ODR, as the definition is not unique, as it uses a namespace static variable: which kDefaultOrderAccuracy object the definition designates depends on the TU in which it is compiled.
A static member of a class has external linkage:
struct constants {
static const int kDefaultOrderAccuracy{2};
inline int f(int x) {
return max(constants::kDefaultOrderAccuracy, x); // OK
There is only one constants::kDefaultOrderAccuracy in the program.
You can also use namespace level global constant objects:
extern const int kDefaultOrderAccuracy;
Context is always important.
To answer questions like this.
Also for naming itself.
If you as a reader (co-coder) need to guess what an identifier means, you start looking for more context, this may be supported through an API doc, often included in decent IDEs. But if you didn't provide a really great API doc (I read this from your question), the only context you get is by looking where your declaration is placed.
Here you may be interested in the name(s) of the containing library, subdirectory, file, namespace, or class, and last not least in the type being used.
If I read kDefaultOrderAccuracy, I see a lot of context encoded (Default, Order, Accuracy), where Order could be related for sales or sorting, and the k encoding doesn't say anything to me. Just to make you looking on your actual problem from a different perspective. C/C++ Identifiers have a poor grammar: they are restricted to rules for compound words.
This limitation of global identifiers is the most important reason why I mostly avoid global variables, even constants, sometimes even types. If its the meaning is limited to a given context, define a thing right within this context. Sometimes you first have to create this context.
Your explanation contains some unused context:
numerical operators
minimum precision (BTW: minimum doesn't mean default)
The problem of placing a definition into the right class is not very different from the problem to find the right place for a global: you have to find/create the right header file (and/or namespace).
As a side note, you may be interested to learn that also enum can be used to get cheap compile-time constants, and enums can also be placed into classes (or namespaces). Also a scoped enumeration is an option you should consider before introducing global constants. As with enclosing class definitions, the :: is a means of punctuation which separates more than _ or an in-word caseChange.
If you are interested in providing a useful default behaviour of your operations that can be overridden by your users, default arguments could be an option. If your API provides operators, you should study how the input/output manipulators for the standard I/O streams work.
my guess is that:
const takes up inline memory based on size of data value such as “mov ah, const value” for each use, which can be a really short command, in size overall, overall, based on input value.
whereas static values takes up a whole full data type, usually int, whatever that maybe on the current system for each static, maybe more, plus it may need a full memory access value to access the data, such as mov ah, [memory pointer], which is usually size of int on the system, for each use (with a full class it could even more complex). yet the static is still declared const so it may behave the same as the normal const type.

Can I use const & as parameter of a constexpr function?

I'm writing a constrexpr function taking either a CArray T(&)(N), either a std::array.
I think I have to write 2 functions (if you know better I would be happy to know),
But I'm concerned about what I wrote with the std::array
constexpr float LinInterp01(const std::array<float, N>& inArray, float inX);
Is it correct when writing a constrexpr function to pass by const & or not?
I think it should be because at compile time the compiler would instanciate a copy and there is no notion of L Value, at compile time.
Could someone explain me this?
C++ standard section § 7.1.5 [dcl.constexpr]
The definition of a constexpr function shall satisfy the following constraints:
— it shall not be virtual (10.3);
— its return type shall be a literal type;
— each of its parameter types shall be a literal type;
And section § 3.9 [basic.types]
A type is a literal type if it is:
— void; or
— a scalar type; or
— a reference type; or
— an array of literal type; or
— a class type (Clause 9) that has all of the following properties:
— it has a trivial destructor,
— it is an aggregate type (8.5.1) or has at least one constexpr constructor or constructor template
that is not a copy or move constructor, and
— all of its non-static data members and base classes are of non-volatile literal types.
So yes, you can pass parameters by reference to constexpr functions.
Now whether or not your function calls will actually be evaluated at compile time depends on the body and calls of LinInterp01.

Why can't declaration-only friend functions have default arguments?

I've learned that the C++11 standard doesn't allow friend functions to have default arguments unless the friend declaration is a definition. So this isn't allowed:
class bar
friend int foo(int seed = 0);
inline int foo(int seed) { return seed; }
but this is:
class bar
friend int foo(int seed = 0)
return seed;
(Example courtesy http://clang-developers.42468.n3.nabble.com/Clang-compile-error-td4033809.html)
What is the rational behind this decision? Friend functions with default arguments are useful, e.g. if the function is too complex to declare in place, why are they now disallowed?
In looking at DR 136, it looks like there are issues when a friend declaration combines with namespace-level declarations with default arguments that makes the semantics hard to reason about (and perhaps difficult to issue quality diagnostics against), especially in the context of templates. The proposed DR resolution given on that page is to only allow default arguments in them when the declaration is the only one in the program. Since a function definition is also a declaration, that would mean the only useful way to specify default arguments in a friend declaration is to make it a definition. I would guess the C++11 standard simply chose to make this practical usage requirement explicit.
(Technically, if by "program" they mean "translation unit", one could construct a complete program where the function were defined in a completely different translation unit, but since this function's definition would not have the class definition visible, the benefits of the friendship grant would be largely useless.)
The workaround for this hiccup seems pretty straightforward. Declare the friend without using default arguments, and then declare it again at namespace scope with whatever default arguments are desired.
