Ansible loop over range of letters in template - ansible

I'm trying to generate an Ansible template that increments on letters alphabetically rather than numbers. Is there a function similar to range(x) that could help me?
pseudo code example
{% for letter in range(a, d) %}
{{ letter }}
{% endfor %}
expected output
Alternatively is there a way to convert a number into it's alphabetical equivalent in Ansible?
{% for i in range(6) %}
{{ convert(i) }}
{% endfor %}
For those who are curious, here's how I ended up applying #zigam's solution. The goal was to create xml tags with every host from a hostgroup.
In my role defaults:
In my template:
{% for host in groups['some_group'] %}
<host-id="{{ ids[loop.index] }}" hostName="{{ host }}" port="8888" />
{% endfor %}

You can iterate over a string:
{% for letter in 'abcd' %}
{{ letter }}
{% endfor %}
If you want to iterate over a range of the alphabet:
{% set letters='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' %}
{% for letter in letters[:6] %} {# first 6 chars #}
{{ letter }}
{% endfor %}

you can use a custom filter plugin to do what you want
in filter_plugins/
def scratch_filter(n):
return chr(n)
class FilterModule(object):
''' Number to Character filter '''
def filters(self):
return {
'scratch_filter': scratch_filter
in scratch-template.j2:
{% for x in range(101, 113) %}
{{ x|scratch_filter }}
{% endfor %}
in scratch_playbook.yml
- hosts: localhost
- name: test loop
src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/scratch-template.j2"
dest: "{{ playbook_dir }}/scratch-template-output.txt"


How to exclude an host in Ansible Jinja2 template for-loop?

I have a template named foo.yml.j2 used in an Ansible task to generate a foo.yml file:
{% for host in ansible_play_hosts_all %}
{{ host }},
{% endfor %}
Everything works fine except I need something like the following statement: For every host in ansible_play_hosts_all except for host==bar do this or that.
Is this achievable or the only way to do this is to categorize my hosts in different groups and use ansible_play_hosts_group?
You can use the reject filter to take your host out of the list so that it is not part of your loop:
{% for host in ansible_play_hosts_all | reject('==', 'bar') %}
{{ host }},
{% endfor %}
There are more options. The trivial one is using the condition in Jinja
{% for host in ansible_play_hosts_all %}
{% if host != 'bar' %}
{{ host }},
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Fit the format to your needs.
Example of a complete playbook for testing
- hosts: host_1,host_2,host_3
gather_facts: false
- debug:
msg: |
{% for host in ansible_play_hosts_all %}
{% if host != 'host_2' %}
{{ host }},
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
run_once: true
gives (abridged)
msg: |-
The next option is to remove blacklisted hosts from the loop, e.g.
blacklist: [host_2]
The template below gives the same result
{% for host in ansible_play_hosts_all|difference(blacklist) %}
{{ host }},
{% endfor %}

ansible jinja2: nested dictionary

I'm trying to generate the following list:
From this dictionary:
Using the following jinja2 Ansible template:
{% for hosts_key, hosts_value in ip_allowed.iteritems() %}
{% set hosts_dict = hosts_value %}
{% for item in hosts_dict %}
{{ hosts_key }} {{ item }}
{%- if loop.first %},{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
But I'm getting the following result:
list1, list1 list2, list2
I'm not entirely sure I got the exact format you want out of the template but you'll adapt if needed once you get the idea. Just join each ip in the value.
{% for allowed_item in (ip_allowed | dict2items) %}
{{ allowed_item.key }} {{ allowed_item.value | join(',') }}
{% endfor %}

Ansible template mix up order of elements

I have a problem with may came up with a new Ansible version, as it worked before:
I'm passing this block to the ansible template
- monitoring-test-blackbox_exporter:
source: "{{ consul_template_template_dir }}/blackbox_exporter.ctmpl"
destination: "/etc/prometheus/file_sd/blackbox_exporter.json"
create_dest_dirs: true
command_timeout: "60s"
error_on_missing_key: false
grafana_link: "xtkCtBkiz"
This is the template:
# Template configuration
{% for ctmpl in consul_template_templates_config_node %}
# {{ ctmpl | first }}
template {
{% for option, value in ctmpl.items() %}
{% if value is sameas true %}
{{ option }} = true
{% elif value is sameas false %}
{{ option }} = false
{% elif value is string %}
{{ option }} = "{{ value|string }}"
{% elif value is number %}
{{ option }} = {{ value|int }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
ctmpl | first always worked before to filter out first element monitoring-test-blackbox_exporter this is important as we use it later in the template configuration.
I tried several things with sort and select attributes neither of them worked. Does anyone have an idea to get it working again?

How to trim last character when using ansible jinja loop

My template like as blow
{% if hostvars[inventory_hostname].local_zk_server_id is defined %}
zookeeperServers={% for host in {{ groups[{{ target_hosts }}] %}}
"{{ hostvars[host].inventory_hostname }}:2181,"
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
output ishost1:2181,host2:2181,host3:2181,
How to trim last comma
There are several possible gotchas in your above template regarding variables access. Moreover, rather than trimming the last character in your string, the best solution is probably not to write it. Here is a better solution IMO in my below example fixing all the problems I'm referring to:
{% set zookeeperServers=[] %}
{% if hostvars[inventory_hostname].local_zk_server_id is defined %}
{% for host in groups[target_hosts] %}
{% zookeeperServers.append(hostvars[host].inventory_hostname + ":2181") %}
{% endfor %}
zookeeperServers="{{ zookeeperServers | join(',') }}"
{% endif %}

Ansible: get list of hosts in comma separated value

I have the following loop in a template:
{% for host in groups['dbnodes'] %}
{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_eth0']['ipv4']['address'] }}
{% endfor %}
the issue is that it gives the output in list of ip's and I need it in comma separated value. Any idea how to achieve that?
the answer I get look like this:
but I need it like this:,,
A quick fix to your Jinja2 template:
{% for host in groups['dbnodes'] -%}
{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_eth0']['ipv4']['address'] }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
{%- endfor %}
