Lazy loading with JPA on #ManyToOne - spring-boot

I have a project with Spring Boot, and I cannot make lazy loading work. I have 2 entities: Question and Answer. A question can have many answers.
What I want is, when I try to get an answer, to get only the answer without the question. And also, if I want both, to have this possibility.
What I did, is I added in application.yml: true.
The Answer entity is like:
#Table(name = "mst_ans_answer", schema = "lquest_sc")
public class Answer implements Serializable {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "lquest_sc.mst_ans_answer_ans_lqs_id_seq")
#SequenceGenerator( name = "lquest_sc.mst_ans_answer_ans_lqs_id_seq", sequenceName = "lquest_sc.mst_ans_answer_ans_lqs_id_seq")
#Column(name = "ans_lqs_id")
private int id;
#Column(name = "qst_lqs_id")
private int questionId;
#Column(name = "ans_text")
private String text;
#ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.LAZY, optional = false)
#JoinColumn(name = "qst_lqs_id", insertable=false, updatable=false)
private Question question;
//getters and setters
The Question entity is:
#Table(name = "mst_qst_question", schema = "lquest_sc")
public class Question implements Serializable {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "lquest_sc.mst_qst_question_qst_lqs_id_seq")
#SequenceGenerator(name = "lquest_sc.mst_qst_question_qst_lqs_id_seq", sequenceName = "lquest_sc.mst_qst_question_qst_lqs_id_seq")
#Column(name = "qst_lqs_id")
private int id;
#Column(name = "qst_title")
private String title;
#OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "question")
#OrderBy("order asc")
private Set<Answer> answers = new HashSet<Answer>();
//getters and setters here
The call in the controller is:
#RequestMapping(value = "/questionId/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public List<Answer> listAll( #PathVariable("id") int id ){
List<Answer> answers = answerRepository.findByEnabledAndQuestionIdOrderByOrderAsc(1,id);
return answers;
and the repository is
public interface AnswerRepository extends JpaRepository<Answer, Long> {
List<Answer> findByEnabledAndQuestionIdOrderByOrderAsc(int enabled,int questionId);
The problem is that in the controller, when I try to evaluate
answers.get(0).getQuestion(), I receive the entity of Question, with the properties filled with null values and the error Method threw 'org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException' exception. Cannot evaluate Question_$$_jvst5b6_1.toString(). What am I doing wrong?

I don't know why = true is not working in your case. Maybe the OpenEntityManagerInViewInterceptordoes not get triggered or the thread has been left, when you are evaluating the Question. Or you have an older version which just does not support it.
Lazy loading works only inside of a transaction. A solution could be -
as #Pradeep already gave you the hint - to use #Tranactional inside a business logic class.
Even if you put the #Transactional inside your repository it will not work, because you have to put the annotation on top of the method where you are trying to evaluate answers.get(0).getQuestion().
Furthermore I advise you not to call your repository from the controller directly, but to use a service layer, where you put your business logic.
Example implementation
This is only a example implementation to show you how to structure your application and what the important keywords are. Also note, that you can either use #Inject or #Autowired. When you have implemented your logic, just inject the service into your controller and use it there.
public interface AnswerService {
List<Answer> findByEnabledAndQuestionIdOrderByOrderAsc(int enabled, Long id);
public class AnswerServiceImpl implements AnswerService {
private AnswerRepository answerRepository;
public AnswerServiceImpl(AnswerRepository answerRepository) {
this.answerRepository = answerRepository;
public List<Answer> findByEnabledAndQuestionIdOrderByOrderAsc(int enabled, Long id) {
List<Answer> answerList = findByEnabledAndQuestionIdOrderByOrderAsc(int enabled,int questionId);
// do your lazy loading here
// because you are still in the same transactional context
// return the list
return answerList;


Automatic JPA refresh ManyToOne objects with #Version feature

I'm getting an exception:
object references an unsaved transient instance
- save the transient instance before flushing : ->
while saving the member entity:
public MemberDto save(MemberDto memberDto){
Member entity = memberMapper.toEntity(memberDto);
return memberMapper.toDto(;
How to fix this case in a proper way?
Possible solution:
I can get and set a club object before saving a member but is it only one and the best approach in such scenario?
Member entity = memberMapper.toEntity(memberDto);
return memberMapper.toDto(;
Should I put this getReferencedById code explicity? I mean what if we have several child objects (unidirectional ManyToOne), for each we need to get data from DB.
Is there any way to handle this by JPA (Spring Data/JPA) "automatically"?
Maybe it is possible to hit DB only one time with f.e join fetch somehow for all childs (with using custom #Query or querydsl or criteria/specification)?
Next, hoow to handle collections (unidirectional manyToMany)? In my case set of events in member object. Also need to loop thru and get all objects one by one before saving member?
Where should I put such logic in a service or maybe better in a mapstuct mapper?
If so, how to use repositories in such mapper?
#Mapper(componentModel = "spring")
public interface MemberMapper extends EntityMapper<MemberDto, Member> {
default void afterMemberMapping(#MappingTarget Member m, MemberDto dto) {
var club = clubRepo.findById(m.getClub().getId())
Source code:
public class Club extends AbstractEntity {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
#Column(name = "id", nullable = false)
private Long id;
public class ClubDto extends AbstractDto {
private Long id;
public class Member {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
#Column(name = "id", unique = true, nullable = false)
private Long id;
// commented out as don't want to save child object as it should already exist
// #ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
Club club;
#JoinTable(name = "member_events",
joinColumns = #JoinColumn(name = "member_id"),
inverseJoinColumns = #JoinColumn(name = "event_id")
List<Event> events = new ArrayList<>();
public class MemberDto {
private Long id;
private ClubDto club;
public abstract class AbstractEntity {
private Integer version;
public abstract class AbstractDto {
private Integer version;
//MemberMapper above

Spring Boot, Hibernate, bidirectional One-To-Many. Strange behaviour. Why is there two selects insdead of an error?

Spring Boot, Hibernate, bidirectional One-To-Many. Strange behavior. Why is there two selects instead of an error?
I have a basic Spring boot application.
It simulates throwing dices.
I have two entity classes Dice and DiceBatch.
DiceBatch has List<Dice> dices;
Dice has DiceBatch diceBatch; as two sides of bidirectional ManyToOne, or OneToMany.
I use JpaRepository<DiceBatch, UUID> to get one instance of DiceBatch by callig a method of JpaRepository findById(UUID id)
I call this method inside DiceBatchService's method findDiceBatchById(UUID diceBatchId).
Method is marked as #Transactional.
When i do that Hibernate logs one SQL select:
/* select
DiceBatch d
where = ?1 */ select
dicebatch0_.dice_batch_id as dice_bat1_1_,
dicebatch0_.batch_creation_time as batch_cr2_1_,
dicebatch0_.batch_name as batch_na3_1_
dice_batch dicebatch0_
At this point everything is ok.
Method returns DiceBatch entity with lazily initialized List<Dice> dices.
This is important. Method is #Transactional when method returns I should leave transactionla context.
Lazy fields should stay lazy and should cause LazyInitializationException if I try to access them.
Now control goes back to the controller method of DiceBatchController findDiceBatchById(UUID diceBatchId)
And here something strange happens.
Hibernate logs another select
dices0_.dice_batch_id as dice_bat5_0_0_,
dices0_.dice_id as dice_id1_0_0_,
dices0_.dice_id as dice_id1_0_1_,
dices0_.dice_batch_id as dice_bat5_0_1_,
dices0_.sequential_number as sequenti2_0_1_,
dices0_.throw_result as throw_re3_0_1_,
dices0_.throw_time as throw_ti4_0_1_
dice dices0_
...and response JSON contains DiceBatch with all Dice entities related to it.
So I have several question.
Why didn't I get LazyInitializationException?
How come the List<Dice> inside DiceBatch got initialized outside of Transactional context?
How Spring managed to build a complete entity of DiceBatch, including the content of the List<Dice> without any exceptions?
How to modify my code to avoid this strange implicit bahavior?
Here is all the relevant code.
package org.dice.model;
public class Dice {
#GenericGenerator(name = "UUID",
strategy = "")
#GeneratedValue(strategy = javax.persistence.GenerationType.AUTO,
generator = "UUID")
#Column(name = "dice_id",
nullable = false)
private UUID id;
#Column(name = "throw_result",
nullable = false)
private Integer throwResult;
#Column(name = "throw_time",
nullable = false)
private LocalDateTime throwTime;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "dice_batch_id",
nullable = false,
foreignKey = #ForeignKey(name = "fk_dice_dice_batch_id_dice_batch_dice_batch_id")
private DiceBatch diceBatch;
private SequentialNumber sequentialNumber;
package org.dice.model;
public class DiceBatch {
#GenericGenerator(name = "UUID",
strategy = "")
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO,
generator = "UUID")
#Column(name = "dice_batch_id",
nullable = false)
private UUID id;
#Column(name = "batch_name",
nullable = false)
private String batchName;
#Column(name = "batch_creation_time",
nullable = false)
private LocalDateTime batchCreationTime;
mappedBy = "diceBatch",
cascade = CascadeType.ALL,
orphanRemoval = true,
fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private List<Dice> dices = new ArrayList<>();
public void addDice(Dice dice) {
public void removeDice(Dice dice) {
package org.dice.repo;
public interface DiceBatchRepo extends JpaRepository<DiceBatch, UUID> {}
package org.dice.service;
public class DiceBatchService {
public DiceBatch findDiceBatchById(UUID diceBatchId) {
DiceBatch diceBatch = diceBatchRepo
return diceBatch;
package org.dice.controller;
public class DiceBatchController {
#GetMapping(path = "/get/{diceBatchId}")
public ResponseEntity<DiceBatch> findDiceBatchById(
#PathVariable(name = "diceBatchId") UUID diceBatchId) {"<C>[/batch/get] endpoint reached.\n" +
"Dice Batch Id: {}\n",
return ResponseEntity.ok(diceBatchService.findDiceBatchById(diceBatchId));

Saving entity with composite key get ConversionNotSupportedException

I use spring boot 2 and some of my entities have composite key
When I try to save an entity, I get this error
Failed to convert request element:
org.springframework.beans.ConversionNotSupportedException: Failed to
convert property value of type 'java.lang.Integer' to required type
'com.lcm.model.SamplingsPK' for property 'sampling'; nested exception
is java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot convert value of type
'java.lang.Integer' to required type 'com.lcm.model.SamplingsPK' for
property 'sampling': no matching editors or conversion strategy found
I get my entity with that method
public Samples findById(Integer id, int year, String sampleLetter) {
Optional<Samples> optSamples = samplesRepository.findById(new SamplesPK(new SamplingsPK(year, id), sampleLetter));
if (optSamples.isPresent()) {
return optSamples.get();
return null;
Samples samples = samplesService.findById(idSeq, year, samplesLetter);
Compressions compressionTest = null;
if (samples.getTestSamples().getAbsorptionTest() != null) {
compressionTest = samples.getTestSamples().getCompressionTest();
} else {
compressionTest = new Compressions();
My entity
public class Samples extends BaseEntity{
private String sampleLetter;
private TestSamples testSamples;
#JoinColumn(name = "sampling_id", referencedColumnName = "id"),
#JoinColumn(name = "sampling_year", referencedColumnName = "year")})
private Samplings sampling;
#Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
public class Samplings {
private Integer year;
private Integer id;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "sampling", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
private List<Samples> samples = new ArrayList<>();
public class SamplingsPK implements Serializable {
private int year;
private Integer id;
public SamplingsPK(int year, Integer id) { = id;
this.year = year;
public class SamplesPK implements Serializable {
private SamplingsPK sampling;
private String sampleLetter;
public SamplesPK(SamplingsPK sampling, String sampleLetter) {
this.sampling = sampling;
this.sampleLetter = sampleLetter;
no problem to save sample, when I pass from sampling
The problem is that since the IDs are set manually and there's no #Version property on these entities then Spring Data has no good way of knowing if the entity is a brand new one or an existing one. In this case it decides it is an existing entity and attempts a merge instead of a persist. This is obviously a wrong conclusion.
You can read more about how Spring Data decides if an entity is new or not here.
The best solution I've found is to always let entity classes with manually set IDs implement Persistable interface. This solves the problem. I make this a rule for myself for any such case. Most of the time I do not have to implement Persistable because my entity either has an auto-generated key or my entity uses a "#Version" annotation. But this is special case.
So, as per the recommendation in the Spring official documentation, for example the Samplings class would become:
#Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
public class Samplings implements Persistable<SamplingsPK> {
private boolean isNew = true;
private Integer year;
private Integer id;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "sampling", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
private List<Samples> samples = new ArrayList<>();
public boolean isNew() {
return isNew;
void markNotNew() {
this.isNew = false;
public SamplingsPK getId() {
return new SamplingsPK(year, id);
This issue is tracked at and has to do with the use of #Id #ManyToOne inside of Samples. As a workaround, you can try creating a constructor for Samplings that takes in its two primary keys, or maybe one that takes a java.lang.Integer? That's what worked for a single level of composite primary keys, but it might not work if you have multiple levels.
You also have year in SamplingsPK typed as an int rather than an Integer. This may cause problems with PK recognition, since special consideration is needed to handle autobox-able primitive classes and I doubt it was considered.
I noticed this too. It does not happen on my IDE on Windows but it happens on the Azure build server
I was on
I upgraded the BOM to <spring-data-bom.version>2020.0.15</spring-data-bom.version> so I have
Once I did that it started working correctly.

Lazy loading doesn't work for OneToMany relationship on Spring Boot

I've been working with spring boot data jpa + spring + mysql + thymeleaf and have encountered a problem.
Is a #OneToMany (fetch = FetchType.LAZY) relationship for a list, the list loads hibernate like #OneToMany (fetch = FetchType.EAGER) outside. But if I use the annotation #ManyToOne this does work perfectly.
Any idea why it happens this behavior?
By the way, I want to keep the = true property. I debug an application Author - Book (One to Many) developed in IntelliJ IDEA.
Here's the Book class.
public class Book implements Serializable {
private Integer id;
private String name;
#JoinColumn(name = "author_id")
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Author author;
/* getters and setters */
Here the class Author
public class Author implements Serializable {
private Integer id;
private String name;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "author", fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private List<Book> bookList;
/* getters and setteres */
The controller for debug.
public class HomeController {
private AuthorRepository authorRepository;
private BookRepository bookRepository;
private ModelAndView index() {
List<Author> authorList = authorRepository.findAll();
return new ModelAndView("home"); // first breakpoint
private ModelAndView viewBooks() {
List<Book> bookList = bookRepository.findAll();
return new ModelAndView("books"); // second breakpoint
Here's the result.
First breakpoint result
Second breakpoint result
Everything seems to be defined correctly, and after a research, I have done Spring data does use lazy loading plus you defined it on your associations.
I believe that when you use the debugging views in order to tell what inside, then you actually do the fetching.

spring data jpa: No aliases found in result tuple! Make sure your query defines aliases

When I try to get the users using repository interface I received following exception "org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: No aliases found in result tuple! Make sure your query defines aliases!; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: No aliases found in result tuple! Make sure your query defines aliases!"
public interface UserRelationshipRepository
extends JpaRepository<UserRelationship, Long>, QueryDslPredicateExecutor<UserRelationship> {
#Query(value = "SELECT FROM UserRelationship ur WHERE ur.fromUser = :fromUser AND ur.relationshipTypeId = 1")
Set<User> findUserFriends(#Param("fromUser") User fromUser);
#NamedEntityGraph(name = "graph.User", attributeNodes = {})
#Table(name = "users")
public class User extends BaseEntity implements UserDetails {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8884184875433252086L;
#SequenceGenerator(name = "users_id_seq", sequenceName = "users_id_seq", allocationSize = 1)
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO, generator = "users_id_seq")
private Long id;
#Column(name = "first_name")
private String firstName;
#OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "fromUser", cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private Set<UserRelationship> relationships = new HashSet<UserRelationship>();
// getters setters
#NamedEntityGraph(name = "graph.UserRelationship", attributeNodes = {})
#Table(name = "users_relationships")
public class UserRelationship extends BaseEntity implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6367981399229734837L;
private final UserRelationshipId id = new UserRelationshipId();
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "from_user_id", nullable = false)
#MapsId("fromUserId") // maps fromUserId attribute of the embedded id
private User fromUser;
#Column(name = "relationship_type_id")
private Long relationshipTypeId;
I am using '1.11.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT' version of spring data jpa.
This is already known issue, and it is marked as resolved, but I am still get it.
Please, help me to solve this.
If I change repository method's return type to Set<Object> then all works fine.
You're running into DATAJPA-885, which is already fixed and will be part of the Spring Data Hopper SR2 release.
