eclipse is waiting forever to start liberty server - websphere-liberty

I'm using windows 7, eclipse neon.3, liberty server, WebSphere® Application Server Liberty Tools 2016.0.0.v20170505_1729
I have a probem when starting the liberty server from eclipse. The server is actually starting fine, but eclipse is just showing the 'Starting'- status and never get confirmation that the server is actually started. After the predefined timeout, eclipse is giving up and stops the server.
If I start the server from command line, everythings works fine and eclipse confirmed that the server is running. Have tried both ibm sdk 8 and oracle.
What is actually the WDT (or eclipse) using for determing the server is started or not ?

WDT is looking for this message from the server: CWWKF0011I: The server is ready to run a smarter planet.
Please check the following link to make sure you have not changed something in the server configuration that is causing the tools to miss the message:


Websphere admin console restart

Recently I ecountered situation where my WebSphere's admin console stop responding (tired to open it and got timeout). It happened after I've made some changes and saved them.
All the WebSphere application server and nodeAgent was working (checked in -all). I could still access my Web Application.
Is there a way to restart just admin console with a script or do I have to restart everything?
In my case the WebSphere works on linux.
I found a solution if someone will be interested. My dmgr process couldn't stop so I have to kill it manualy. Then I had to run script in IBM websphere dmgr location. It's done without restart the whole server.

Configure IBM Websphere Liberty Profile Server Start & Stop timeout values outside of Eclipse

I am developing applications running on the Liberty Profile
(WebSphere Application Server on Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.7.0_71-b14 (en_GB)
I have had to increase the Server Startup Timeout value within eclipse to 300s.
Once I have completed my developmemt and want to deploy to a "stand alone" Liberty Server, e.g. Outside of Eclipse. How do I configure this Server Startup timeout?
We do have a new configuration option for how long the server will wait for the applications to start. If your application takes a few minutes to start the server will no go up until all your applications are ready.
You can read about this here:
This configuration option can be used with:
That last one will close any connection that comes while the server is starting.
You could use both this configuration options to hold up the server start based on your application start up time. For shutdown there is nothing I can recommend.
Other than that, as #Alasdair has answered we do not have any start or shutdown timeout in the Liberty Server.
Another thing you can do for delaying the startup is creating a shell script or similar to sleep for x amount of time before starting the application server.

starting Websphere portal

I have installed WebSphere portal in my local machine , it was running fine till now.Today i installed IBM HTTP server and suddenly my web sphere portal is not starting .
I have a WAS profile, web sphere portal server and ibm http server in my local machine which is running windows xp. All these are configured to run as windows service , now when i attempt to start the portal server i get below message:
WASService running at the same time for 'IBMWAS70Service -WebSphere_Portal_V$AIN' Service not started
Any input on this will be appreciated.
I restarted my machine and things worked fine :). Mostly likely there was some services created in windows services with same name or something of that sought which was rectified once i restarted my machine.

VMware vFabric Server timeout

So, I have downloaded a Spring Tool Suite and when i want to start VMware vFabric tc Server i get this message :
Server VMware vFabric tc Server Developer Edition v2.6 was unable to start within 120 seconds. If the server requires more time, try increasing the timeout in the server editor.
Could anyone tell me where can i change this parameter which will allow me to start the server?
In the Servers view in Eclipse, double click on the Server name, that will open up an editor, there's a Timeouts section, increase the value for Start.

Unable to run junit tests in Eclipse

I and my colleagues have an intermittent problem running junit tests or tomcat from within Eclipse.
Sometimes the tests will run.
Sometimes they will not.
There appears to be no pattern and we are not in sync. IE mine might run and others will fail.
Stopping/starting Eclipse can resolve the issue (sometimes).
Pulling out the network cable ALWAYS resolves the problem (while it is out).
When it fails the following happens.
On trying to run the class the Console screen appears with the red box.
The console screen stays blank for about 30 seconds and then the following appears:
Could not connect to: : 2083 Connection
refused: connect at
Method) at
The port number varies.
I found a forum post that told me follow this
But this did not work.
We are all on Microsoft XP based machines connecting to the internet via an
ISA server/proxy.
I am running Eclipse 3.3.3 and MyEclipse 6.0.1
Any ideas please ?
I have concentrated on junit instead of tomcat as it is much quicker & easier to reproduce.
Yep I had seen the McQueeney link with no luck.
We have done some more digging and interestingly when you run junit from Eclipse, Eclipse decides to go & check for updates, Yes that's right - everytime you run a junit (& I guess tomcat and others).
We removed a colleague's access restrictions to the WWW through the ISA server and low & behold the problem disappeared.
We are still monitoring this to see if it is the solution.
Watch this space.
I have tried looking through the Eclipse set up to see if I can stop it trundling off everytime to the WWW but have not seen a suitable option yet.
Some suggestions...:
Did you look at tomcat logs ?
Do you see in them some ClientAbortException: Broken pipe. ?
It looks like the server thinks the client is closing the connection at times.
And like the client is getting the connection reset by the server (connection reset), and the server is not listening sometimes (connection refused).
If you are testing from behind a firewall/proxy server, you may need to provide TomCat with the firewall/proxy server hostname and port number.
Restarting eclipse should be enough:
Apparently the JUnit runner thread in Eclipse attaches to an Eclipse server thread to run the tests. It would seem the client thread was trying to connect to the wrong port (3393) or that the server thread that had been listening on port 3393 for runtime requests failed.
The solution McQueeney found is here (thank you!)
One suggestion I find interesting is:
I had to change the jre that my Eclipse project uses to make sure that JUnit and my project were using the same jre. After a restart of Eclipse the error was gone.
I hope you will find a definitive cause for this.
I had the same problem, when my network driver was broken.
JUnit und Eclipse communicate via ICP (InterProcess Communication), better said: via TCP.
To run it successfully, you have repair your network drivers.
Try to reinstall TCP/IP protocols or turn it back to a system restore point.
Good luck!
So your JUnit only works, if there's a connection to the internet?
Or was it a one time action and now, it works without an internet connection?
Strange world... Are there any hints in a log file?
