Joomla translation file does not translate all words - joomla

I am trying to translate an component (Jomsocial). The file that i try to translate in en-GB.com_community.ini.
My problem is that some words are not translated.
Jomsocial 3.2 with Joomla 3.7
Any idea?

Download text editor with a “Find & Replace” function. We recommend Notepad++ or Atom which are both free.
Search for \"QQ" and replace it with \" (Do this first. It will fix most issues.)
Search for QQ and replace all occurrences with QQQ
Search for \" and replace all occurrences with \"
Save the file and test it.


How to delete quotation mark in text file printed

I'm honestly a novice on scilab.
I'm using print function to create .txt file with my character matrix in it.
But , when I open txt file, double quote appeared. I just want words without "".
This is how I'm using print
Compterendu(1,1)= "Medecin demandeur: "
fileresname= fullfile(RES_PATH, "compterendu.txt")
And, compterendu.txt was printed out like this.
Would be so grateful for any help!!
Why do you use "print" ? After looking into the doc, yes, it is used to produce the same text as when you type the expression or the variable name on the command line. Hence it does print double quotes for strings. If you need something more basic use lower level i/o commands, like mputl.

XPath expression from a website to extract price information

I am trying to extract the price of this type of website using XPath but I don't have any experience and using an addon I got this Xpath expression //div[#class='teaser--product-prices public-product']/div[#class='ui-table' and 1]/div[#class='ui-table-cell' and 1]/div[#class='teaser--product-final-price large sell-price' and 1] which is not working.
The website also uses dot (.) as a thousand separator and doesn't use a dot (.) for decimals so I would really appreciate if there was a way to remove the first dot and add one for decimals through the Xpath expression.
The expression is to be used for Content Egg Wordpress plugin to feed price information to a website.
The website is
You could use the following XPath expression :
concat(translate(//div[#class="product-main-container product-page"]/#data-price,".",""),".",translate(//div[#class="product-main-container product-page"]/#data-decimals,"€",""))
We use function concat to join the result of 2 XPath expressions. The first in which we remove the dot with funtion translate. The second in which we remove the euro symbol with translate too. We also add the decimal separator during the concat step.
Output :
Side note : It could not work since I don't know if your plugin supports these XPath functions.

OSX Services - character substitution + for _

I've created a service to use primarily in a browser for searching IMDB, so instead of copying and pasting the film's name I just select the text and run the service I created which will automatically search IMDB for the selected text. This works perfect.
I was hoping to do the same for Wikipedia and so i've been trying to modify the same service but have come across a problem. The search query places a "+" between each word.
This doesn't work for Wikipedia. They place underscores between their words.
I wondered how I can substitute the + for _?
This is what I currently have
open "$(ruby -rcgi -e 'print CGI.escape $<.read.chomp')"
Kinds regards and Merry Christmas :)
You can substitute every space for underscore with the gsub() command before the escape command.
open "$(ruby -rcgi -e 'print CGI.escape $<.read.chomp.gsub(" ", "_")')"

Notepad++ - Binary text error

I have a huge txt file made using python. When I'm trying to sort it using Notepad++/TextFX it returns error: This tool is not compatible with binary text. Please select text without [NUL] characters.. Does it means that I have non-printable chars in this txt file? Is it possible to convert this file to compatible format so I could sort it using TextFX?
EDIT: I used mode 'a' in Python to write this file.
Thank you for your advices.
using TextFX in Notepad++ you could try the following:
Mark the suspicious part or the whole text
Select TextFX, TextFX Characters, Zap all nonprintable characters to #. (The last entry in that submenu.)
All the problematic characters should have been replaced with "#", you can then search for "#".
Another idea is the function: Search, "Find characters in range". Check "My range:" and enter "0" and "0" as range, to find [Nul] characters.

Visual Studio 2008: Find and Replace with new line character?

Sometimes i would like to search for text containing a new line character and there are other times i would like to replace text with a new line character.
How can i do this with visual studio 2008?
Use a RegEx search:
In the Find Dialog - Expand "Find Options"
Check the box for Use: Regular Expressions
Next to the search box there is now an arrow that is active, it will show you available RegEx options/values.
The value you want will be \n. So "SearchValue\n" should do it.
Be aware that that its not a standard RegEx that you use, it's VS specific.
Replace can also use the RegEx values.
Adding on to Brian Schmitt's answer...
Regular expression searches using \n work as expected. However you have to be a little careful when using \n in regex replaces with Visual Studio 2008. For example, if you search for \n and replace with \n (yes, the exact same thing) all of the line breaks in your file(s) will be converted to Unix-style newlines (LF). This may be a bug in Visual Studio. I find it hard to believe this is the intended functionality.
To get around this, you can use tagged expressions, using curly braces: e.g. search for SearchValue{\n} and replace with ReplaceValue\1. This ensures that the same line-break character(s) that were found when searching will also be used when replacing.
You can try my Multiline Search and Replace Macro.
