How to set background image is gif image in xamarin forms - xamarin

I am try to set animated Gif image to the background image of the page but not luck. Can we set Gif image to the Xaml page background image? If yes please suggest any idea.
I have directly set gif image to the background, but it shows only first image of the gif.


Image is blurry or pixlated in unity UI

I have an image which 211x211 here its settings:
It looks blurry/pixlate in my unity UI. my unity image width height is set 40x40. What i am doing wrong? Even i have tried image 2048x2048 but still getting same blurry effects. The image is not clear.
Here is my game view:
Use Set as "Native Size in Image" Component...This will set the size of your Image exactly as it was designed...

magento upload animated gif for products and page images not working

I found this code on internet and everything works fine but I dont want to resize gif images because when I resize animated gif files, destroying animation. Or if it is easy to make resize animated gif images without losing animation ,,,

How to make animated GIF Screenshot for presentation?

Before answering FYI , I know how to make animated gif's but the smoothness image below is linked , how to get that !
Here is the animated image

How to use gif image inside html5 canvas?

I've been searching all day to use gif image inside html5 canvas can't find a useful article in it,is there any way I could use gif image inside canvas. I'm in position to use a gif image inside a canvas but it doesn't changes it loads loads the first frame only and how to play the gif image completely or is there any way I could use gif formatted image inside a
Quote from jsgif: A GIF player in JavaScript
Unfortunately, the DOM doesn't expose individual frames of a GIF, so
this is done by downloading the GIF (with XMLHttpRequest), parsing it,
and drawing it on a .
Maybe you would take a look in the jsgif source code to find some ideas

Resizing a png image without losing tranparency

I am trying to save a png file in database using C#.
Bitmap thumbnail = new Bitmap(file.InputStream);
thumbnail = ImageUtilities.ResizeImage(thumbnail, Convert.ToInt32(width),Convert.ToInt32(height)); ImageUtilities.SaveJpeg(path,thumbnail,Convert.ToInt32(Resources.AppConstants.ExtractThumbnailQuality);
The image gets saved in database, but with a black background around the image. In short, it loses its transparency.
If I skip the resizing of image, instead of black background, a white background appears around the image.
Can anyone suggest, how to preserve the tranparency of the image
You are saving the resized image as JPEG. JPEG does not support transparency. Save it as PNG instead
