issue while adding the android project as reference to portable project - xamarin

while adding the android project as reference to portable project it is saying reference could not be added, it causes circular dependency, I have one view in android project and needs to be call from portable project, please help me in this regard.

It is not possible to add Android project in Portable project. If you want to get any logics from android project please refer the below steps
Create interface like this in PCL
public interface PortableInterface
object GetLogicFromAndroidProject();
Add Extend this interface in your android project like below
using System;
using Xamarin.Forms;
[assembly: Dependency(typeof(PortableInterfaceRenderer))]
namespace YourProjectName.iOS
public class PortableInterfaceRenderer : PortableInterface
public object GetLogicFromAndroidProject()
throw new NotImplementedException(); // here write your logic
Now you have to call this method in PCL project
var obj = DependencyService.Get<PortableInterface>().GetLogicFromAndroidProject();
Hope this will help


Mapbox Navigation Xamarin Bindings - AAR errors "does not implement interface IComparator.Compare"

I have created all my .gradle files (.jar and .aar) through Android Studio.
The .jar files compile to .dll files through the android bindings in Xamarin without any issues - and I can expand them in object explorer Visual Studio when including them as references.
My problem is with the .aar files.
I have the mapbox-android-core-1.4.0.aar file from the gradle in my Jars folder in Visual Studio.
The build action is set to "LibraryProjectZip" and under references I have included Xamarin.Android.Support.v7.AppCompat which then included all other android support dependencies.
The Android Compile version is Android 9.0
Android class parser: class-parse
Android codegen target: XAJavaInterop1
When I build i get the following error:
Error CS0535 'FileUtils.LastModifiedComparator' does not implement interface member 'IComparator.Compare(Object, Object)'
The official Xamarin troublehsooting says I must add the managed return to metadata which I did as follows:
<attr path="/api/package[#name='']/class[#name='FileUtils']/method[#name='FileUtils.LastModifiedComparator']" name="managedReturn">java.lang.Object</attr>
With this added it still has exactly the same error, so I am not sure where I am going wrong.
Do I need to add a partial class to Additions or is the attr> above sufficient - just using the wrong information inside it, or am I missing what the error is in the first place?
Error CS0535 'FileUtils.LastModifiedComparator' does not implement interface member 'IComparator.Compare(Object, Object)'
To fix this issue, try to add a partial class declaration for 'LastModifiedComparator' class and explicitly implement IComparator.Compare(Object, Object):
public partial class DeviceService
public void Compare(object a, object b)
In your case, the method name in <attr ...> tag should be Compare instead of the 'LastModifiedComparator' method.
Check the tutorial:
Similar issue:
error CS0535 Class does not implement interface member

Null exception namespace App in Xamarin for UWP

I am developing UWP app in xamarin. The application works on IOS, Mac , Android, Windows. I have created UWP project in it according to the tutorial given in But it giving error saying Accessibility.App namespace not found.
Here is my code:
namespace Accessibility.UWP
public sealed partial class MainPage
public MainPage()
this.LoadApplication(new Accessibility.App());
According to your description, the app can't see Accessibility.App. As you claim that Android and iOS projects work there are two things that can cause the problem:
you don't have the reference to your Shared/PCL project in your UWP project (most likely).
you have possibly changed the namespace / class name in the Shared/PCL project to something else than Accessibility.App
This is usually caused by missing reference to the shared project or class library where Xamarin.Forms App class resides. From the description this project should be called Accessibility.
Right-click the UWP project select Add, Reference... then in Solution tab select the Accessibility project.
Also it might happen that the UWP project didn't pick up on the reference, so restarting Visual Studio might help as well.
If all fails, you can try to use class name binding with using. On top of the source code file add:
using FormsApp = Accessibility.App;
And then in code use:
this.LoadApplication(new FormsApp());

How to use System.Security.Cryptography in Xamarin.Forms PCL

By reference to this link
May I know how do I include this in my Xamarim.Forms PCL project? When I include in, Visual Studio is giving error as the picture below
May I know if anybody has any idea how to solve this? Thanks.
The namespace is available both in Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android. You could make platform specific implementations for both platforms and then resolve them with the DependencyService
You would have your interface for whatever you need in your PCL
public interface ICryptoService // or whatever
string Cipher(string stringToCipher);
string Decipher(string stringToDecipher);
and then implement these in your platform specific projects
using System.Security.Cryptography;
namespace MyApp.Droid
public class CryptoService : ICryptoService
// implement interface
To make the implementation visible to DependencyService you have to use the DependencyAttribute
[assembly: Xamarin.Forms.Dependency(typeof(MyApp.Droid.CryptoService)]
You can now obtain an instance in your PCL with
var cryptoService = DependencyService.Get<ICryptoService>();
and then use it. The steps for iOS are basically the same. For UWP you have to register the implementation manually, see here.
Since it's likely that the implementation will be the same for all platforms, you could introduce a shared project and put the implementation there. All you have to do now is referencing the shared project from your iOS and Android projects.
Edit 2:
Adding a shared project to an existing Xamarin.Forms solution is quite easy. Just right-click your solution in VS, choose Add -> New Project... (I only have a german localized VS at hand at the moment, but it should be something in the lines of that). Now select Shared Project, give it a name and click OK, there will be a new shared project in your solution.
Now right-click your platform specific project and choose Add -> Reference.... The window to add a reference should open and on the left you can choose the source of the reference (Assemblys, Projects, Shared Projects, COM and Browse). Select Shared Project and then the project you just created. Any code file in your shared project will now be compiled with your platform specific project as if the code file was in the platform specific project (watch for namespaces!). Repeat for the other platform specific projects.

xamarin android uitest theme style conflicts

Recently I asked a question over trying to get my theme recognized within the android test project: Unit testing a Xamarin Forms Android specific code project
I'm not running into a conflict that shows up within xunit / nunit as the testing strategy. I feel like it's because the FormsAppCompatActivity with an older activity type, but I'm new to Xamarin and am unsure on how to approach this.
I get a lot of these type of errors:
Attribute "layout_anchorGravity" already defined with incompatible format.
The full list of the similar Attribute errors is:
finally I have the addition error:
Found tag styles where item is expected
//Within the Android Forms project, I have this inheritance:
public class MainActivity : global::Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.FormsAppCompatActivity {
// typical code
//within the Android UITest project
public class MainActivity : Xunit.Runners.UI.RunnerActivity {
// tests can be inside the main assembly
// or in any reference assemblies
// or in any assembly that you load (since JIT is available)
#if false
// you can use the default or set your own custom writer (e.g. save to web site and tweet it ;-)
Writer = new TcpTextWriter ("", 16384);
// start running the test suites as soon as the application is loaded
AutoStart = true;
// crash the application (to ensure it's ended) and return to springboard
TerminateAfterExecution = true;
// you cannot add more assemblies once calling base

How to compile Xamarin Forms from source and use the assemblies?

I downloaded a copy of the current Xamarin Forms master branch, compiled it, and then I added these compiled assemblies as references to a test project:
The test project was created using the Visual Studio Xamarin Forms project template, the only thing I modified is the references in the Core.csproj and Android.csproj to point to the compiled assemblies.
I used the first 3 from the bin\debug\ folder of the Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android project, and the last one from the Xamarin.Forms.Xaml bin\debug folder.
I run the test project, and it runs fine, I can see the label from the default generated code "Welcome to Xamarin Forms!"
Next, I just modified the MainPage like this:
public partial class App : Application
public App()
MainPage = new NavigationPage(new ContentPage());
When I run the app, it gives me an error
System.ArgumentException: element is not of type Xamarin.Forms.View
Parameter name: element
thrown on this line:
void IVisualElementRenderer.SetElement(VisualElement element)
if (!(element is TElement))
throw new ArgumentException("element is not of type " + typeof(TElement), nameof(element));
which is strange.
The type of the element is Xamarin.Forms.NavigationPage and the stack trace is
Can someone help me running the test project with the compiled assemblies?
The 2nd entry in the call stack shows that it's not able to get the registered renderer(NavigationPageRenderer) for the NavigationPage element and instead it's creating a default renderer(DefaultRenderer), which can't handle the type of element(NavigationPage) so it's throwing the exception I see.
So it appears that for NavigationPage, it doesn't find its renderer(NavigationPageRenderer) in the Registrar.
public static IVisualElementRenderer CreateRenderer(VisualElement element)
IVisualElementRenderer renderer = Registrar.Registered.GetHandler<IVisualElementRenderer>(element.GetType()) ?? new DefaultRenderer();
return renderer;
My feeling is there's a build step I'm not aware about when building Xamarin Forms.
Its crashing as you are calling InitializeComponent on something which doesn't derive from a Forms.Page (i.e. ContentPage etc).
The application itself is not a Page, if you had a page, lets call it 'MyCustomPage' which has some Xaml behind the class would look something like this:
public partial class MyCustomPage : ContentPage
public MyCustomPage()
InitializeComponent ();
// Some other setup...
Then in your App constructor you would call
MainPage = new MyCustomPage();
Since you are creating a blank content page from the root of your app, you do not need to call InitializeComponent.
Hope this helps.
You also need to reference
Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android (Forwarders)
from your Android project.
