Multiple Caffeine LoadingCaches added to Spring CaffeineCacheManager - spring

I'm looking to add several distinct LoadingCache's to a Spring CacheManager, however I don't see how this is possible using CaffeineCacheManager. It appears that only a single loader is possible for refreshing content, however I need separate loaders for each cache. Is it possible to add multiple loading caches to a Spring cache manager? If so, then how?
CaffeineCacheManager cacheManage = new CaffeineCacheManager();
LoadingCache<String, Optional<Edition>> loadingCache1 =
.refreshAfterWrite(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
.build(test -> this.testRepo.find(test));
LoadingCache<String, Optional<Edition>> loadingCache2 =
.refreshAfterWrite(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
.build(test2 -> this.testRepo.find2(test2));
// How do I add to cache manager, and specify a name?

Yes it is possible. Since you need to fine tune every cache, you are probably better at defining them yourself. Back to your example, the next step would be:
SimpleCacheManager cacheManager = new SimpleCacheManager();
new CaffeineCache("first", loadingCache1),
new CaffeineCache("second", loadingCache2)));
And then you can use that as usual, e.g.
public Foo load(String id) { ... }
If you are using Spring Boot, you can just expose the individual cache as beans (so org.springframework.cache.Cache implementations) and we'll detect them and create a SimpleCacheManager automatically for you.
Note that this strategy allows you to use the cache abstraction with different implementations. first could be a caffeine cache and second a cache from another provider.

Having this class will allow you to use #Cacheable("cacheA") where you want as normal:
public class CacheConfiguration {
public CacheManager cacheManager() {
CaffeineCacheManager manager = new CaffeineCacheManager();
manager.registerCustomCache("cacheA", defaultCache());
manager.registerCustomCache("cacheB", bigCache());
manager.registerCustomCache("cacheC", longCache());
// to avoid dynamic caches and be sure each name is assigned to a specific config (dynamic = false)
// throws error when tries to use a new cache
return manager;
private static Cache<Object, Object> defaultCache() {
return Caffeine.newBuilder()
.expireAfterWrite(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
private static Cache<Object, Object> bigCache() {
return Caffeine.newBuilder()
.expireAfterWrite(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
private static Cache<Object, Object> longCache() {
return Caffeine.newBuilder()
.expireAfterWrite(1, TimeUnit.HOURS)

Thanks for #rado, this is improved version of his answer. This way we can configure the cache from application properties directly
expire-after: WRITE
timeout: 2h
max-size: 1000
expire-after: ACCESS
timeout: 30d
max-size: 100
We need a cache properties for this
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "cache")
public class CacheProperties {
private static final int DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE = 100;
private Map<String, CacheSpec> specs = new HashMap<>();
public static class CacheSpec {
private Duration timeout;
private Integer maxSize = DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE;
private ExpireAfter expireAfter = ExpireAfter.WRITE;
enum ExpireAfter { WRITE, ACCESS }
And then we can configure directly from external config file
public class CacheConfiguration {
private final CacheProperties cacheProperties;
public CacheManager cacheManager() {
CaffeineCacheManager manager = new CaffeineCacheManager();
Map<String, CacheProperties.CacheSpec> specs = cacheProperties.getSpecs();
specs.keySet().forEach(cacheName -> {
CacheProperties.CacheSpec spec = specs.get(cacheName);
manager.registerCustomCache(cacheName, buildCache(spec));
// to avoid dynamic caches and be sure each name is assigned
// throws error when tries to use a new cache
return manager;
private Cache<Object, Object> buildCache(CacheProperties.CacheSpec cacheSpec) {
if (cacheSpec.getExpireAfter() == CacheProperties.ExpireAfter.ACCESS) {
return Caffeine.newBuilder()
return Caffeine.newBuilder()
Now you can use the cache with using cache name
#Cacheable(cacheNames = "big-cache", key = "{#key}", unless="#result == null")
public Object findByKeyFromBigCache(String key) {
// create the required object and return
#Cacheable(cacheNames = "long-cache", key = "{#key}", unless="#result == null")
public Object findByKeyFromLongCache(String key) {
// create the required object and return


more than one 'primary' service instance suppliers found during load balancing (spring boot/cloud)

I'm currently updating from Spring boot 2.2.x to 2.6.x + legacy code, it's a big jump so there were multiple changes. I'm now running into a problem with load balancing through an api-gateway. I'll apologize in advance for the wall of code to come. I will put the point of failure at the bottom.
When I send in an API request, I get the following error:
more than one 'primary' bean found among candidates: [zookeeperDiscoveryClientServiceInstanceListSupplier, serviceInstanceListSupplier, retryAwareDiscoveryClientServiceInstanceListSupplier]
it seems that the zookeeperDiscovery and retryAware suppliers are loaded through the default serviceInsatnceListSupplier, which has #Primary over it. I thought would take precedence over the other ones. I assume I must be doing something wrong due changes in the newer version, here are the relevant code in question:
#LoadBalancerClients(defaultConfiguration = ClientConfiguration.class)
public class WebClientConfiguration {
#ConditionalOnMissingBean(name = "microserviceWebClient")
public WebClient microserviceWebClient(#Qualifier("microserviceWebClientBuilder") WebClient.Builder builder) {
#ConditionalOnMissingBean(name = "microserviceWebClientBuilder")
public WebClient.Builder microserviceWebClientBuilder() {
return WebClient.builder();
public ReactorLoadBalancerExchangeFilterFunction reactorLoadBalancerExchangeFilterFunction(
ReactiveLoadBalancer.Factory<ServiceInstance> loadBalancerFactory) {
//the transformer is currently null, there wasn't a transformer before the upgrade
return new CustomExchangeFilterFunction(loadBalancerFactory, transformer);
There are also some Feign Client related configs here which I will omit, since it's not (or shouldn't be) playing a role in this problem:
public class ClientConfiguration {
* The property key within the feign clients configuration context for the feign client name.
public static final String FEIGN_CLIENT_NAME_PROPERTY = "";
public ClientConfiguration() {
//Creates a new BiPredicate for shouldClose. This will be used to determine if HTTP Connections should be automatically closed or not.
public BiPredicate<Response, Type> shouldClose() {
return (Response response, Type type) -> {
if(type instanceof Class) {
Class<?> currentClass = (Class<?>) type;
return (null == AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(currentClass, EnableResponseStream.class));
return true;
//Creates a Custom Decoder
public Decoder createCustomDecoder(
ObjectFactory<HttpMessageConverters> converters, BiPredicate<Response, Type> shouldClose
) {
return new CustomDecoder(converters, shouldClose);
public String loadBalancerName(PropertyResolver propertyResolver) {
String name = propertyResolver.getProperty(FEIGN_CLIENT_NAME_PROPERTY);
if(StringUtils.hasText(name)) {
// we are in a feign context
return name;
// we are in a LoadBalancerClientFactory context
name = propertyResolver.getProperty(LoadBalancerClientFactory.PROPERTY_NAME);
Assert.notNull(name, "Could not find a load balancer name within the configuration context!");
return name;
public ReactorServiceInstanceLoadBalancer reactorServiceInstanceLoadBalancer(
BeanFactory beanFactory, #Qualifier("loadBalancerName") String loadBalancerName
) {
return new CustomRoundRobinLoadBalancer(
public ServiceInstanceListSupplier serviceInstanceListSupplier(
) Predicate<ServiceInstance> filter, DiscoveryClient discoveryClient, Environment environment, #Qualifier(
) String loadBalancerName
) {
// add service name to environment if necessary
if(environment.getProperty(LoadBalancerClientFactory.PROPERTY_NAME) == null) {
StandardEnvironment wrapped = new StandardEnvironment();
if(environment instanceof ConfigurableEnvironment) {
((ConfigurableEnvironment) environment).getPropertySources()
.forEach(s -> wrapped.getPropertySources().addLast(s));
Map<String, Object> additionalProperties = new HashMap<>();
additionalProperties.put(LoadBalancerClientFactory.PROPERTY_NAME, loadBalancerName);
wrapped.getPropertySources().addLast(new MapPropertySource(loadBalancerName, additionalProperties));
environment = wrapped;
return new FilteringInstanceListSupplier(filter, discoveryClient, environment);
There was a change in the ExchangeFilter constructor, but as far as I can tell, it accepts that empty transformer,I don't know if it's supposed to:
public class CustomExchangeFilterFunction extends ReactorLoadBalancerExchangeFilterFunction {
private static final ThreadLocal<ClientRequest> REQUEST_HOLDER = new ThreadLocal<>();
//I think it's wrong but I don't know what to do here
private static List<LoadBalancerClientRequestTransformer> transformersList;
private final Factory<ServiceInstance> loadBalancerFactory;
public CustomExchangeFilterFunction (Factory<ServiceInstance> loadBalancerFactory) {
///according to docs, but I don't know where and if I need to use this
public LoadBalancerClientRequestTransformer transformer() {
return new LoadBalancerClientRequestTransformer() {
public ClientRequest transformRequest(ClientRequest request, ServiceInstance instance) {
return ClientRequest.from(request)
public CustomExchangeFilterFunction (Factory<ServiceInstance> loadBalancerFactory, List<LoadBalancerClientRequestTransformer> transformersList) {
super(loadBalancerFactory, transformersList); //the changed constructor
this.loadBalancerFactory = loadBalancerFactory;;
public Mono<ClientResponse> filter(ClientRequest request, ExchangeFunction next) {
// put the current request into the thread context - ugly, but couldn't find a better way to access the request within
// the choose method without reimplementing nearly everything
try {
return super.filter(request, next);
} finally {
//used to be an override, but the function has changed
//code execution doesn't even get this far yet
protected Mono<Response<ServiceInstance>> choose(String serviceId) {
ReactiveLoadBalancer<ServiceInstance> loadBalancer = loadBalancerFactory.getInstance(serviceId);
if(loadBalancer == null) {
return Mono.just(new EmptyResponse());
ClientRequest request = REQUEST_HOLDER.get();
// this might be null, if the underlying implementation changed and this method is no longer executed in the same
// thread
// as the filter method
Assert.notNull(request, "request must not be null, underlying implementation seems to have changed");
return choose(loadBalancer, filter);
protected Mono<Response<ServiceInstance>> choose(
ReactiveLoadBalancer<ServiceInstance> loadBalancer,
Predicate<ServiceInstance> filter
) {
return Mono.from(loadBalancer.choose(new DefaultRequest<>(filter)));
There were pretty big changes in the CustomExchangeFilterFunction, but the current execution doesn't even get there. It fails here, in .getIfAvailable(...):
public class CustomRoundRobinLoadBalancer implements ReactorServiceInstanceLoadBalancer {
private static final int DEFAULT_SEED_POSITION = 1000;
private final ObjectProvider<ServiceInstanceListSupplier> serviceInstanceListSupplierProvider;
private final String serviceId;
private final int seedPosition;
private final AtomicInteger position;
private final Map<String, AtomicInteger> positionsForVersions = new HashMap<>();
public CustomRoundRobinLoadBalancer (
ObjectProvider<ServiceInstanceListSupplier> serviceInstanceListSupplierProvider,
String serviceId
) {
this(serviceInstanceListSupplierProvider, serviceId, new Random().nextInt(DEFAULT_SEED_POSITION));
public CustomRoundRobinLoadBalancer (
ObjectProvider<ServiceInstanceListSupplier> serviceInstanceListSupplierProvider,
String serviceId,
int seedPosition
) {
Assert.notNull(serviceInstanceListSupplierProvider, "serviceInstanceListSupplierProvider must not be null");
Assert.notNull(serviceId, "serviceId must not be null");
this.serviceInstanceListSupplierProvider = serviceInstanceListSupplierProvider;
this.serviceId = serviceId;
this.seedPosition = seedPosition;
this.position = new AtomicInteger(seedPosition);
// we have no choice but to use the raw type Request here, because this method overrides another one with this signature
public Mono<Response<ServiceInstance>> choose(#SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Request request) {
//fails here!
ServiceInstanceListSupplier supplier = serviceInstanceListSupplierProvider
return supplier.get().next().map((List<ServiceInstance> instances) -> getInstanceResponse(instances, request));
Edit: after some deeper stacktracing, it seems that it does go into the CustomFilterFunction and invokes the constructor with super(loadBalancerFactory, transformer)
I found the problem or a workaround. I was using #LoadBalancerClients because I thought it would just set the same config for all clients that way (even if I technically only have one atm). I changed it to ##LoadBalancerClient and it suddenly worked. I don't quite understand why this made a difference but it did!

SPRING JPA Lazy loading data to use in other class

I'm using Spring Boot for a project, I'm stuck with lazy loading.
What I want to do is load data in my controller, then send to presentable object, that will extract needed information and the JSON serializer do the bad work to create my custom HTTP response.
the problem occurs when the UserPresentation class calls the folder getter, the error is the well known: could not initialize proxy - no Session.
Of course the default fetch is LAZY for the folder and I want this, but I don't know how to prepare the object to be usable in the Presentation.
I copy-pasted only Folder set to be clear and short, but I've more collection inside User class, all of them give me the same problem.
I know that I could call getter in controller just to initialize Collections, but I find this like an hardcoding, in fact if I want add something to presentable I need to do in controller too.
I've tried too with #Transactional but not works.
Here are my class:
public class User {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
#Column(name = "USER_ID")
private Integer id;
#Column(unique = true)
private String email;
private String password;
private Authority userAuthority;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "owner", cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private Set<Folder> ownFolders = new HashSet<>();
... getter setter
public class UserController {
#GetMapping(value = "/api/user", produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public CustomResponseEntity userInfo() {
User currentUser = loginService.getCurrentUser();
UserPresentation userPresentation = new UserPresentation(currentUser);
return ResponseManager.respondData(userPresentation);
public class UserPresentation implements Presentable {
private User user;
public UserPresentation(User user) {
this.user = user;
public Integer getId() {
return user.getId();
public String getEmail() {
return user.getUsername();
public String getAuthority() {
return user.getUserAuthority().name();
public boolean isEnabled() {
return user.isEnabled();
public Integer getOwnFolders() {
Set<Folder> folderList = user.getOwnFolders();
if (folderList == null)
return 0;
return folderList.size();
Last two just to be clear
public class ResponseManager {
public static ResponseEntity respondData(Presentable presentable, String token) {
CustomResponse response = new DataResponse<>(presentable);
return new ResponseEntity<>(response, HttpStatus.OK);
public class DataResponse<T extends Presentable> extends CustomResponse {
private T data;
public T getData() {
return data;
private void setData(T data) { = data;
public DataResponse(T data) {
public String getType() {
return DATA;
I suppose you load the current user form the database with:
User currentUser = loginService.getCurrentUser();
and the getCurrentUser() method is transactional. You can either:
Use JPQL like this:
"select u from User u join fetch u.ownFolders where ... " to load the user's info (this way ownFolders relation is eagerly fetched)
Simply call user.getOwnFolders() inside getCurrentUser() to trigger
the fetch.
I found a way, even is a little bit dirty it allows me to do what I want without big change at the code.
Practically the problem occurs during the JSON serialization, that run outside of my control (somewhere inside Spring classes just before send HTTP response), so I manually serialized every Presentable object inside a #Transactional block just after its creation.
These are the changed classes:
public class UserPresentation implements Presentable {
private User user;
public UserPresentation(User user) {
this.user = user;
this.initialize() //ADDED (called here and in every other class that implements Presentable)
...getter and setter (which I want as JSON fields)
public class UserController {
#Transactional //ADDED
#GetMapping(value = "/api/user", produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public CustomResponseEntity userInfo() {
User currentUser = loginService.getCurrentUser();
UserPresentation userPresentation = new UserPresentation(currentUser);
return ResponseManager.respondData(userPresentation);
Before this fix, the interface was used only to use Polymorfism inside ResponseManager, so was empty
public interface Presentable {
default void initialize() {
try {
new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(this);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
throw new RuntimeJsonMappingException(e.getMessage());
I would suggest you use
The module supports datatypes of Hibernate versions 3.x , 4.x and 5.x; as well as some of the associated behavior such as lazy-loading and detection of transiency (#Transient annotation).
It knows how to handle Lazy loading after the session is closed , it will skip the json conversion for objects marked as Lazy fetch when outside session
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
// for Hibernate 4.x:
mapper.registerModule(new Hibernate4Module());
// or, for Hibernate 5.x
mapper.registerModule(new Hibernate5Module());
// or, for Hibernate 3.6
mapper.registerModule(new Hibernate3Module());
public class WebMvcConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {
* Here we register the Hibernate4Module into an ObjectMapper, then set this * custom-configured ObjectMapper to the MessageConverter and return it to be * added to the HttpMessageConverters of our application
public MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter jacksonMessageConverter() {
MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter messageConverter = new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter();
ObjectMapper hibernateAwareObjectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
// Registering Hibernate5Module to support lazy objects
hibernateAwareObjectMapper.registerModule(new Hibernate5Module());
return messageConverter;
XML config
<!-- Use the HibernateAware mapper instead of the default -->
<bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter">
<property name="objectMapper">
<bean class="" />

Spring Boot MeterRegistryCustomizer with NewRelicRegistry not working as I expect.

I have a bean, set up in a configuration class. My goal is to transform, deny, apply common tags and modify the metrics that are sent to New Relic.
Here is my configuration class
public class MetricsConfig {
private static final Duration HISTOGRAM_EXPIRY = Duration.ofMinutes(10);
private static final Duration STEP = Duration.ofSeconds(5);
private final transient String profile;
public MetricsConfig(#Value("${}") final String profile) {
this.profile = profile;
public MeterRegistryCustomizer<NewRelicMeterRegistry> metricsCommonTags() {"Configuring Registry");
return registry -> registry.config()
.commonTags(Arrays.asList(Tag.of("appId", "1111111"), Tag.of("environment", profile),
Tag.of("app", "aws-app-name")))
.meterFilter(new MeterFilter() {
public Meter.Id map(Meter.Id id) {
return id.withName("app-name." + profile + "." + id.getName());
return id;
public DistributionStatisticConfig configure(Meter.Id id, DistributionStatisticConfig config) {
return config.merge(DistributionStatisticConfig.builder()
.percentiles(0.5, 0.75, 0.95)
.bufferLength((int) (HISTOGRAM_EXPIRY.toMillis() / STEP.toMillis()))
}).meterFilter(MeterFilter.deny(id -> {
String uri = id.getTag("uri");"id: [{}]", id);
return (uri != null && uri.startsWith("/swagger") && uri.startsWith("/manage")) || !id.getName().toLowerCase().startsWith("app-name");
Then, I also inject MeterRegistry into some of my classes to capture custom events (Timer, Counter).
Everything works in regards to capturing the events, except that the data in New Relic is missing the commonTags, transformations, and anything else that I apply in MetricsConfig class.
Am I missing something on making sure my app is wiring up the MeterRegistryCustomizer correctly?
Arg.. I had implemented a HandlerInterceptorAdapter to attempt to implement a Counter for all requests with additional tags. Which, it did not like.

Caffeine cache refresh / reload cache manually or on demand

I have implemented caffeine cache in my application. I am caching data from few static tables. But i want to know if i can refresh / clear / reload cache manually or on demand using a REST API or any other way.
Can any one please suggest a way to implement such a requirement.
I want something like :-
an endpoint url like :- http://localhost:8080/refreshCache
this will trigger some method internally and clear the cache or reload new values in cache manually.
Below is the cache configuration:
public class CacheConfig{
private com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Cache<Object, Object> cache;
Caffeine<Object,Object> cacheBuilder(){
return Caffeine.newBuilder()
.expireAfterAccess(1, TimeUnit.DAYS)
.removalListener(new CacheRemovalListener())
class CacheRemovalListener implements RemovalListener<Object, Object> {
public void onRemoval(Object key, Object value, RemovalCause cause) {
System.out.format("Removal listener called with key [%s], cause[%s], evicted [%s] %n",
key , cause.toString(), cause.wasEvicted());
You can use Spring's CacheManager to create CaffeineCache instances and then you can perform CRUD operations on any cache using CacheManager.
See Below code.
Bean Configuration:
public class CacheBeansConfig {
public CacheManager cacheManager() {
// create multiple instances of cache
CaffeineCacheManager cacheManager = new CaffeineCacheManager("UserCache","InventoryCache");
return cacheManager;
private Caffeine<Object, Object> caffeineCacheBuilder() {
return Caffeine.newBuilder()
.initialCapacity(<initial capacity>)
.maximumSize(<max size>)
.expireAfterAccess(<expire after hrs>, TimeUnit.HOURS)
This will initialize your CacheManager with two Caffeeine Cache instances.
Use below Rest Controller Class to access these class.
#RequestMapping(path = "/v1/admin/cache")
public class ACSCacheAdminController {
private CacheManager cacheManager;
* call this to invalidate all cache instances
path = "/",
produces = {"application/json"})
public void invalidateAll() {
Collection<String> cacheNames = cacheManager.getCacheNames();
* call this to invalidate a given cache name
path = "/{cacheName}",
produces = {"application/json"})
public void invalidateCache(#PathVariable("cacheName") final String cacheName) {
* Use this to refresh a cache instance
path = "/{cacheName}",
produces = {"application/json"})
public void invalidateCache(#PathVariable("cacheName") final String cacheName) {
Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache(cacheName);
// your logic to put in above cache instance
// use cache.put(key,value)
* call this to invalidate cache entry by given cache name and cache key
path = "/{cacheName}/{key}/",
produces = {"application/json"})
public void invalidateCacheKey(
#PathVariable("cacheName") final String cacheName, #PathVariable("key") Object key) {
final Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache(cacheName);
if (cache == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid cache name for key invalidation: " + cacheName);
path = "/{cacheName}/{key}",
produces = {"application/json"})
public ResponseEntity<Object> getByCacheNameAndKey(
#PathVariable("cacheName") final String cacheName, #PathVariable("key") final int key) {
final Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache(cacheName);
if (cache == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid cache name: " + cacheName);
return ResponseEntity.ok().body(cache.get(key));
private void getCacheAndClear(final String cacheName) {
final Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache(cacheName);
if (cache == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid cache name: " + cacheName);
Just change the code as per your need :)

Spring Data Redis SET command supports EX and NX

Do Spring Data Redis support SET command with Options
My use case:> set RUNNING NX EX 20
Then check if Redis return value OK or (nil)
Use RedisTemplate#execute(RedisCallback<T> method, demo:
private RedisTemplate redisTemplate;
public void test() {
String redisKey = "";
String value = "RUNNING";
long expire = 20L;
Boolean result = (Boolean) redisTemplate.execute((RedisCallback<Boolean>) connection -> {
byte[] redisKeyBytes = redisTemplate.getKeySerializer().serialize(redisKey);
byte[] valueBytes = redisTemplate.getValueSerializer().serialize(value);
Expiration expiration = Expiration.from(expire, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
return connection.set(redisKeyBytes, valueBytes, expiration, RedisStringCommands.SetOption.SET_IF_ABSENT);
System.out.println("result = " + result);
RedisTemplate config:
public class RedisConfig {
public RedisSerializer<String> keySerializer() {
return new StringRedisSerializer();
public RedisSerializer<Object> valueSerializer() {
return new GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer();
public RedisTemplate redisTemplate(RedisTemplate redisTemplate, RedisSerializer keySerializer, RedisSerializer valueSerializer) {
//set key serializer
//set value serializer
return redisTemplate;
Cannot see any Spring template value operations solutions, so I did a 'native' execute on the connection, java.lang.String...)
Then it is up to me to take care of processing of arguments and the result.
