Obtaining a docker image's parent images - image

Is there a way to obtain the docker parent image tree for a given image? I know
docker history IMG_NAME will provide an image id for the current image you're working with but everything else is missing. I've read this was taken out in v1.10 for security concerns but it seems to be a larger concern not being able to verify the tree of images that a final image was created from.
The other other thing I've found is docker save IMG_NAME -o TAR_OUTPUT.tar which will let you view all of the files in each layer but that seems pretty tedious.
How can I be assured that the only things modified in a given image for a piece of software is the installation and configuration of the software itself. It seems that being able to see the changes in the Dockerfiles used to generated each successive image would be an easy way to verify this.

Apart from has been said by chintan thakar, you will have to iterate maybe several times.
An example should clarify this
Suppose you want to dig into an image, and the Dockerfile to create this image starts with
FROM wordpress
so you go to
have a look at the Dockerfile, and you notice that
starts with
FROM php:5.6-apache
so you go to the PHP 5.6 reference at
and you find the Dockerfile starts with
FROM debian:jessie
so you go to the Dockerfile of Debian jessie at
and notice that this image is built like this
FROM scratch
ADD rootfs.tar.xz /
CMD ["bash"]
So you will need to do this if you want to see from where all the files come.
If there is a security issue notified, you will also need to do this, in order to know if you are concerned or not.


Update the base image of a committed docker container

I have just committed and saved a MySQL container to an image. This MySQL container was created using Portainer, a long time ago, with the main upstream MySQL image through the Portainer web interface making some mouse clicks.
The point with the image was to take it to another server with all the history, metadata and such. I saved also the volume with MySQL data.
I managed to replicate perfectly the same environment on the new server.
But now I'm a bit concerned as I can not find a way to update the "base" MySQl image.
To be clear, I did not build any image with any Dockerfile. The process was exactly as I stated before, through Portainer using MySQL mainstream image from Docker Hub.
So, is there any way to update the MySQL part of my container? I believe there should be, because of all that layers Docker philosophy.
Thanks for your time and help
You can't update the base image underneath an existing image, no matter how you created it. You need to start over from the updated base image and re-run whatever commands you originally ran to create the image. The standard docker build system will do this all for you, given a straightforward text description of what image you start FROM and what commands you need to RUN.
In the particular case of the Docker Hub database images, there's actually fairly little you can do with a derived image. These images are generally set up so that it's impossible to create a derived image with preloaded data; data is always in a volume, possibly an anonymous volume that gets automatically created, and that can't be committed. You can add files to /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d that will be executed the first time the database starts up, but once you have data in a volume, these won't be considered.
You might try running the volume you have against an unmodified current mysql image:
docker run -d -p 3306:3306 -v mysql_data:/var/lib/mysql mysql:8
If you do need to rebuild the custom image, I'd strongly encourage you to do it by writing a Dockerfile to regenerate the image, and check that into source control. Then when you do need to update the base image (security issues happen!) you can just re-run docker build. Avoid docker commit, since it will lead to an unreproducible image and exactly the sort f question you're asking.

Dockerfile vs create image from container

Is there some difference between creating image using Dockerfile vs Creating image from container? (e.g. run a container from the same base as Dockerfile, transfer isntaller to the container, run them from command line and then create image from container).
At least I found out that installing VC Runtime from Windows Base docker container does not work :(
If you create an image using a Dockerfile, it's all but trivial to update the image by checking it out from source control, updating the tag on a base image or docker pulling a newer version of it, and re-running docker build.
If you create an image by running docker commit, and you discover in a year that there's a critical security vulnerability in the base Linux distribution and you need to stop using it immediately, you need to remember what it was you did a year ago to build the image and exactly what steps you did to repeat them, and you'd better hope you do them exactly the same way again. Oh, if only you had written down in a text file what base image you started FROM, what files you had to COPY in, and then what commands you need to RUN to set up the application in the image...
In short, writing a Dockerfile, committing it to source control, and running docker build is almost always vastly better practice than running docker commit. You can set up a continuous-integration system to rebuild the image whenever your source code changes; when there is that security vulnerability it's trivial to bump the FROM line to a newer base image and rebuild.

Can I transport just the image changes/layers i'm concerned with?

Say I use a Dockerfile to build an image from ubuntu:14.04, then install some things, add some code, then push to a repo where the image will be deployed for testing and eventually production.
My image works out to be > 2gbs. Most of that is the underlying and unchanging ubuntu:14.04 image layer.
Instead of shipping around my bloated image containing the ubuntu:14.04 base layer - theoretically i should be able to ensure my target systems already have this image - and i'd ship around just my higher level changes which would be applied on top.
(of course if the underlying image changed, i'd have to ensure the latest version was available on the target systems also)
Can we do this?
There is a tool called 'bub' which can split images into chunks and recognize only the differences. Check it out

Docker out of space when running bundle install

I'm trying to build an image for my app, FROM ruby:2.2.1, my app folder sums up about 200 mb compressed.
I'm receiving a "Your disk is full" when running bundle install. It's also takes too much time to create the compressed context. However runing a df on /var/ shows more than 1TB available, this however is not what bother me.
My question is, can I ignore everything using an * in .dockerignore and then add my root project folder as a volume using docker-compose? does this sounds like a good idea?
I've also think in:
Move the Dockerfile to a subfolder (but I think i'm not able to add a parent folder as volume using docker compose
Do a git clone in the Dockerfile, but as I already have the files on my computer this sounds like a dumb step.
Should I just figure out how to add more disk space to the docker container? But I still dont like the time that it takes to create the context.
Note, your question doesn't match your title or first half of your post, I'll answer what you've asked.
My question is, can I ignore everything using an * in .dockerignore and then add my root project folder as a volume using docker-compose? does this sounds like a good idea?
You can add your project with a volume in docker-compose, but you lose much of the portability (your image will be incomplete if anyone else tries to use it without your volume data). You also lose the ability to do any compilation steps and may increase your container startup time as it pulls in dependencies. Lastly, if you run out of space on build, there's a good chance you'll run out of space on a run unless your volume data is a significant portion of your container size.
If I ignore a file on .dockerignore can I use COPY on that file from Dockerfile?
No, you can't use COPY or ADD on any file that's excluded in the push to the docker daemon via .dockerignore.

Does dockstore-tool-samtools-index have GATK/BAM/Chromwell already configured?

Just wanted to know if the docker image with name dockstore-tool-samtools-index which is available here "https://quay.io/repository/cancercollaboratory/dockstore-tool-samtools-index"
and given as an input to the Google Genomics API (pipelines.create) contains the genome tools such as GATK/BWA or Cromwell.
Any help regarding this will be appreciated.
It does not appear to contain those additional tools: https://github.com/CancerCollaboratory/dockstore-tool-samtools-index/blob/master/Dockerfile
Here's how to check:
Find the docker container on https://dockstore.org/search-containers.
Click on the "GitHub" link in the row with the container of interest.
Read the contents of the Dockerfile to see what the image will contain.
One aspect of Docker images is that they usually try to have only one specific tool installed on them. This way the images are kept as small as possible with the idea that they can be used like modules.
There are images listed in the Dockstore search link provided by Nicole above which have BWA installed. Cromwell usually launches Docker containers rather than being installed on a Docker image, since it is more of workflow management system. You are always welcome to create your own custom image with the preferred installed software packages to fit what you need.
Hope it helps,
