ruby missing psych/versions - ruby

I upgrade fedora from 25 to 26, and then ruby(2.4.1) have an error with psych.
usr/share/ruby/yaml.rb:5:in `<main>': It seems your ruby installation
is missing psych (for YAML output). To eliminate this warning, please
install libyaml and reinstall your ruby. rake aborted! LoadError:
cannot load such file -- psych/versions
But I can import psych/versions in irb.
irb(main):002:0> require 'psych/versions'
=> true
I have tried to reinstall ruby but the problem is as well.
I run the same code in yaml.rb near line 5 with irb. Nothing is wrong.
The question is on gitlab after I update my system. So I suppose the code is right and the reason is in myself.


How to require pry during development of a ruby gem?

I'm trying to develop a ruby gem for practice and I'm wondering how do I require pry during development and test runs? Is there anyway to require the gem only during development? I'm on Ruby and not Rails and I don't think I have any environment variables setup to rely on. Is there a conventional way to do this?
Currently if I run code that hits the above line, I get this error:
NoMethodError: undefined method `pry' for #<Binding:0x007f8d3287c4d8>
from /Users/jwan/programming/interview_questions/gemini/jobcoin_client/lib/jobcoin_client/requests/connection.rb:18:in `post'
A few questions:
How do I properly require pry so this line doesn't throw an error when developing a gem?
I read Yahuda's post but I'm still unclear why adding dependencies in the gemspec vs adding dependencies in the Gemfile. What is the difference?
Currently, after I make changes to the ruby gem, I have to run these series of commands. Is there anything more efficient that I can do?
gem build jobcoin_client.gemspec
WARNING: no homepage specified
WARNING: open-ended dependency on pry (>= 0, development) is not recommended
if pry is semantically versioned, use:
add_development_dependency 'pry', '~> 0'
WARNING: See for help
Successfully built RubyGem
Name: jobcoin_client
Version: 0.1.0
File: jobcoin_client-0.1.0.gem
$ gem install jobcoin_client
Successfully installed jobcoin_client-0.1.0
Parsing documentation for jobcoin_client-0.1.0
Done installing documentation for jobcoin_client after 0 seconds
1 gem installed
05:45 PM
$ irb
irb(main):001:0> require 'jobcoin_client'
=> true
irb(main):002:0> require 'pry'
=> false
You can install it to the system and use a boolean flag to conditionally require it and set breakpoints.
gem install pry
Then in code, something like this:
require 'pry' if SET_BREAKPOINTS
binding.pry if SET_BREAKPINTS
To turn breakpoints on, you can manipulate env through code:
or when calling a script from bash:
env SET_BREAKPOINTS=true irb -r 'your_gem'

IDEA Ruby plugin code inspection cannot see gem

Code inspection in the IntelliJ IDEA editor reports a LoadError "no such file to load" on the code
require 'state_machine'
The gem is installed locally. From the command line:
~$ echo $RUBYOPT
~$ irb
irb(main):001:0> require 'state_machine'
=> true
So Ruby and Rubygems are playing nicely together. The IDEA Ruby plugin's project settings even lists the gem, so why can't the editor see it?
Ruby version 1.8.7, IntelliJ IDEA 10.5.4.
This gem must be specified in the Gemfile, refer to help.

gem-install of mongoid throws an uninitialized constant in Ruby, works in irb

I am writing a script with Ruby/MongoDB that stores Tweets. After I gem-installed mongoid, this first-steps code throws an error:
require 'rubygems'
require 'mongo'
require 'mongoid'
Mongoid.database ='localhost').db('db')
# snippet from
NB. This is no Rails app, but a Terminal script.
The error I get is:
./mongoid.rb:10: uninitialized constant Mongoid (NameError)
from /Library/Ruby/Site/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `gem_original_require'
from /Library/Ruby/Site/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require'
from mongoid.rb:3
It works in irb and I'm running ruby 1.8.7 (2009-06-12 patchlevel 174) [universal-darwin10.0].
What am I doing wrong?
Edit August 2012
Somehow I got it to work. Alas, nearly a year on, I really can’t remember how. I will try to do better next time.
I hit the same issue while trying to get Bullet gem to work. The solution for me was to simply move gem 'mongoid', github: 'mongoid/mongoid' as the first line of the Gemfile. I find it really odd but that was how I got rid of that error.
I am using Ruby 2.1.0 and Rails 4.0.0

Rake failing to start

I'm having trouble understanding the following error with Ruby's Rake.
C:\>gem install rake
Successfully installed rake-0.8.7
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for rake-0.8.7...
Installing RDoc documentation for rake-0.8.7...
C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rubygems.rb:340:in `bin_path': can't find executable r
ake for rake-0.8.7 (Gem::Exception)
from C:/Ruby192/bin/rake:19:in `<main>'
Running Ruby 1.9.2 for Windows.
Edit: Installing from source yields:
C:\Documents and Settings\XPherior\Desktop\rake-0.8.7\rake-0.8.7>ruby install.rb
<internal:lib/rubygems/custom_require>:29:in `require': no such file to load --
ftools (LoadError)
from <internal:lib/rubygems/custom_require>:29:in `require'
from install.rb:3:in `<main>'
The second error, where you have installed into C:\Documenets And Settings\ is occurring because you cannot install ruby into a folder with a space in the path. It should be installed into c:\Ruby\ c:\Ruby#.#.#\ if you want the version # in the path, or something along those lines.
for the first error: there is a bug in the version of ruby 1.9.2, which is causing this by running "gem install rake".
you can read about the error you're getting, here:
there are a couple of ways to fix this error:
re-install ruby v1.9.2 and don't run "gem install rake". rake v0.8.7 is built into the ruby v1.9.2 installation, so you don't need to re-install it.
if you do want to manually install it, you can delete the ruby.gempspec file from your ruby installation. this file is located at (rubyinstalldir)\lib\ruby\gems\1.9.1\specifications
either of these options will fix the problem for you.
i'm not sure which is "better" off-hand... it may be necessary to delete the gemspec file and reinstall rake, to support updates and new versions in the future. i'm not sure, though. we'll find out once rake is updated and we need to install a new version. or, perhaps, the issue will be fixed in the ruby installation by then, and we'll just need to update our ruby install.
I've run into your both errors.
For the first one. Try the solution post at here
And for the second error, it's causes by a library update by the ruby 1.9. From the Programming Ruby 1.9, "ftools have been removed (and replaced by fileutils)." I'm not pretty sure but at least that's an explanation.

I see gem in "gem list" but have "no such file to load"

I am on Ubuntu10
sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.1-full
then download sources of rubygem 1.3.7 and install it
sudo ruby setup.rb
then, for example, install sinatra
sudo gem install sinatra
Finally open irb and type
require "rubygems"
require "sinatra"
and get error
LoadError: no such file to load -- sinatra
from (irb):2:in `require'
from (irb):2
from /usr/bin/irb:12:in `<main>'
I had exactly this problem. The problem is that gem and ruby disagree about where the gems live. Compare these:
ruby -e "puts Gem.path"
gem env
gem which sinatra
If you're like my setup, you'll notice that there's an entry in gem env's paths that isn't in Gem.path, and that's exactly where sinatra will claim to be. In my case, I had to add
export GEM_HOME=/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1
to my .profile. Then everyone was happy.
sudo gem install sinatra --verbose
and note the path where the gem is getting installed.
Then try this in irb
and make sure that gem is installed in one of the directories in $LOAD_PATH
And ideally just start using
I usually hit this error when I forget:
require 'rubygems'
It'd be helpful if you provided the actual code sample, though, what gem you want to require, and what Ruby version you're using if this doesn't solve the problem.
This was before here on SO quite a few times. Problem is that you probably have two versions of ruby. The one is installing the gem and the other one is trying to use it. Do this in terminal:
$ which -a ruby
Or this:
$ which -a gem
to see if you have more than one version of ruby/gem installed. If so - remove one version (via $ rm or package manager of your system).
I use ruby gems 1.8.7 for a project. I was getting the same error. Use the line require 'rubygems'. It must always be the first require statement, otherwise you can get an error. In my code, I had
require 'watir'
require 'rubygems'
# more code
I got the error - in `require': no such file to load -- watir (LoadError).
When I put rubygems first, the error went away and everything worked. I don't know
why this happens.
Btw, I tried user24359 answer and it did not help me.
C:\code>ruby -e "puts Gem.path"
-e:1: uninitialized constant Gem (NameError)
