Microservices. What is difference between Service registry and service discovery - microservices

I am new to Microservices. I came across terms Service registry and service discovery.
What I understood is when a new service (or service instance) comes up, then it will register itself with the "service registry". It is also mentioned that the client can contact a service registry and get the list of IP-ports where that service is available.
In that case, what is the role of "service discovery".
Accepted answer. Also, more theoretical details were found https://www.nginx.com/blog/service-discovery-in-a-microservices-architecture/

End to end process of registering services to a central place and reaching out to target service using service registry is service discovery.
This is pretty much like using DNS for finding IP address of a site and then reaching that site using the IP address.
I am a user of Kubernetes and it also talks on similar lines:
In short, service discovery is not a module with the specific role but the steps involved in connecting from serviceA to serviceB end-to-end.

t;dr: Service Discovery is used when the client doesn't know what service they want at first, so they start by asking for a list of services that are available.
Disclaimer: I suspect that the term is used in different ways by different systems. So take the textbook answer I give here with a grain of salt.
In general, service registry systems follow a Broker Pattern (or something similar), and fall into two categories:
White-pages brokering: clients know exactly what service they're looking for and ask for it by name
Yellow-pages brokering: clients know what kind of service they need performed, but they don't know the exact service that they want
Both systems connect clients to services, and both involve services that use a Register Pattern to enter themselves into the registry.
But yellow-pages systems require a preliminary Service Discovery step. In the Service Discovery pattern,
The client first asks for a list of services from the broker.
The client selects a service from the list.
The client requests a connection to a service from the list.
Image source: Hasan Gomaa, Software Modeling & Design (Cambriduge University Press, 2011), p. 283.


Consul difference between agent and catalog

I don’t understand the difference between consul’s agent api and catalog api
Although the consul document has always emphasized that agent and catalog should not be confused,But there are indeed many methods that look similar, such as:
When should I use catalog or agent(Just like the above http url)?
Which one is suitable for high frequency calls?
Consul is designed for services to be registered against a Consul client agent which is running on the same host where a service is deployed. The /v1/agent/service/ endpoints provide a way for you to interact with services which are registered with the specific Consul agent to which you are communicating, and register new services against that agent.
Each Consul agent in the data center submits its registered service information to the Consul servers. The servers aggregate this information to form the service catalog (https://www.consul.io/docs/architecture/anti-entropy#catalog). The /v1/catalog/ endpoints return that aggregated information.
I want to call out this sentence from the anti-entropy doc.
Consul treats the state of the agent as authoritative; if there are any differences between the agent and catalog view, the agent-local view will always be used.
The catalog APIs can be used to register or remove services/nodes from the catalog, but normally these operations should be performed against the client agents (using the /v1/agent/ APIs) since they are authoritative for data in Consul.
The /v1/agent/ APIs should be used for high frequency calls, and should be issued against the local Consul client agent running on the same node as the app, as opposed to communicating directly with the servers.

can we use consul to give site specific endpoint URL?

Basic and Naive question, I saw a demo on youtube how consul server and agent can work together to deliver a web service hosted at port 80 based on its availbilty. i.e. from which server is up , it will make that service availble. However for scenario I am asking if we can specifically redirect user to an endpoint of similar web service based on the location where the user is requesting from ?
if its is possible what confuguration for consul would it take to do ?
Consul uses a network tomography system to compute network coordinates for nodes in the cluster. Inside a data center this can be used in combination with Prepared Queries (in addition to other methods) to discover service instances near a given agent in the data center.
For traffic from external users, you'll want to a use a DNS global traffic manager like NS1 or F5's BIG-IP DNS to direct end-users to the closest data center. Once inside the data center, you can utilize Consul to route the connection to the nearest service instance.
See this blog post from NS1 about their integration with Consul, and ability route traffic based on service location. https://ns1.com/blog/hashicorp-and-ns1-automating-application-networking-for-microservices

Deploying an Internal API

I basically have an API that is going to be used with a web app and a mobile app. I don't want the API to publically available, where should I deploy it then? is there a way without using AWS? Thanks, Nav :)
There are multiple ways of doing this. This is a sensitive topic, as this is an opinion-based field.
However, I will try to answer below - and challange your way of approaching this.
It really depends on your 'operational' skills, funds, need for security, deadline(s) etc.
Basically you need to make an endpoint available on the www, without everybody being able to connect.
You could either:
Deploy a virtual machine or web app. in Azure/AWS/GCP/... and whitelist the IP's you need to connect from.
Rent a VPS from any provider, and deploy your application here - Again, whitelisting. (Edit: Not phones, since this IP changes constantly. A proxy can be implemented here (potential bottleneck), or any authentication mechanism like OAuth, JWT, Certificates etc. can be implemented either on the ingress controller (e.g. NGINX) or the application itself.)
Deploy the application on your Home-PC, order a static IP to your home and make a forwarded port and set up security on your premise (not recommended, and raises and bunch of other headaches)
Get in touch with a company that hosts web applications (Can be quite expensive)
Based on the limited information provided in your question, there is a ton of options, nice-2-haves and factors that comes in to play when choosing the setup that suits your needs.
You should also consider; VPN usage, Backup/disaster recovery, data leaks, redundancy, the need for future deploys, how you would access your environment in six months....
I hope this answered your question, but also raised a few for you to answer yourself.
Finally, I'd recommend you looking for inspiration here.
Whitelisting mobile IP's.
VPS selected.
This becomes quite a task when mobile phones tend to change IP's frequently.
Since you are looking further into the VPS setup, you are more in control of the setup and can choose to look into OAuth and JWT.
OAuth - https://oauth.net/getting-started/ https://developer.okta.com/blog/2019/01/22/oauth-api-keys-arent-safe-in-mobile-apps
NGINX JWT - https://docs.nginx.com/nginx/admin-guide/security-controls/configuring-jwt-authentication/
So - At the end of the day, you can make your app use a proxy (potential bottleneck) and whitelist this IP, or make the endpoint open (any -> 443) and implement an authentication mechanism like the ones mentioned above.
Consider implementing a DMZ zone for incoming traffic from the web.
and put your application behind this zone, making sure that the only the DMZ zone is facing the internet, and the server hosting your application is talking to the server in the DMZ.
Again, this is quite a big topic and is hard to simplify to a stackoverflow post.
If you are hosting the app on AWS you have a couple of options.
API Gateway now supports private endpoints. These endpoints can not be called via the public internet. That means if your app is hosted on AWS only the internal services of the app can call the end point. i.e. front end to database etc. I've used this method for internal micro services such as placing in house app data onto kinesis streams.
Alternatively, if you don't want to use API Gateway you have lots of options. Most of which would involve you creating rest APIs from where ever you plan on hosting your code. This could be on the server it's self or some sort of container.
API Gateway Private Endpoint Reference:

Play Microservices - api gateway and service discovery

We're planning to develop some microservices based on the play framework. They will provide rest apis and lots of them will be using akka cluster/cluster-sharding under the hood.
We would like to have an api gateway that exposes the apis of our internal services, but we're facing one big issue:
- Multiple instances of each service will be running under some ip and port.
- How will the api gateway know where the services instances are running?
- Is there maybe something load-balancer-like for play that keeps track of all running services?
Which solution(s) could possibly fill the spot for the "API Gateway"/"Load Balancer"?
The question you're asking is not really related to play framework. And there is no single answer that would solve what you need.
You could start by reading akka Service Discovery and then make your choice based what fits you more.
We're building services with akka-http and use akka-cluster but use unrelated technologies to expose and run the services.
Check out
Kong for API Gateway
Consul for DNS based service discovery
docker swarm for running containers with mesh network for load balancing
You are looking for following components,
Service Registry : The whole point of this component is to keep track of "what service are running on what addresses". This can be as simple as a simple database which keeps entries for all the running services and their instances. Generally the orchestration service is responsible to register new service instances with Service Registry. Other choice can be to have instances themselves notify the service registry about their existence.
Service Health Checker : This component is mostly responsible for doing periodic runtime checks on the registered service instances and tell service registry if any of them is not working. The service registry implementation can then either mark these instances as "inactive" till they are found to be working by Service Health Checker in future (if ever).
Service Resolution : This is the conceptual component responsible for enabling a client to somehow get to the running service instances.
The whole of above components is called Service Discovery.
In your case, you have load-balancers which can act as a form of ServiceDiscovery.
I don't think load-balancers are going to change much over time unless you require a very advanced architecture, so your API gateway can simply "know" the url's to load-balancers for all your services. So, you don't really need service registry layer.
Now, your load-balancers inherently provide a health-check and quarantine mechanism for instances. So, you don't need an extra health check layer.
So, the only piece missing is to register your instances with the load balancer. This part you will have to figure out based on what your load-balancers are and what ecosystem they live in.
If you live in AWS ecosystem and your load balancers are ELB, then you should have things sorted out in that respect.
Based on Ivan's and Sarvesh's answers we did some research and discovered the netflix OSS projects.
Eureka can be used as service locator that integrates well with the Zuul api gateway. Sadly there's not much documentation on the configuration, so we looked further...
We've now finally choosen Kubernetes as Orchestator.
Kubernetes knows about all running containers, so there's no need for an external service locator like Eureka.
Traefik is an api gateway that utilizes the kuberentes api to discover all running microservices instances and does load balancing
Akka management finds all nodes via the kubernetes api and does the bootstrapping of the cluster for us.

Any patterns for high availability of a Windows Service?

I have a windows service which I would like to make highly available.
I have two unclustered servers (Windows server 2003 standard edition).
The question is:
What options do I have to make my service highly available in an automated way?
I can think of the asymmetric master-slave option which consists of keeping the service running on both machines with a communication heartbeat between them so one acts as the master and the slave takes over automatically whenever the master does not respond.
Do you know any other ways to implement this?
note: Please don't point me to this answer, I do NOT/won't/can't have clusters.
If you're windows service is hosting a web/wcf service, you can configure your client to have a primary service url and a secondary service url. Then you can modify the client connection logic to use the secondary service when connection to the primary service fails.
You can do this transparently by adding a router service which will do the logic above. Basically proxying the operations for whichever service it is connected to. But this adds another point of failure, the router service.
The simplest i cant think of is to make sure to set the service recovery options on your windows service/s. Something like this http://code.google.com/p/daemoniq/wiki/WindowsServiceRecoveryOptions
I suggest checking MS Patterns and Practices web site, there you could find advice on this topic (for example http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms998414.aspx)
