Convention for including executable in gem, both Unix and Windows - ruby

I am writing a gem intended to be used on both Unix-type platforms and Windows and that includes an executable. How should the executable be named? Under Unix-type platforms it would normally have the form someprog and contain a shebang "#!/usr/bin/env ruby"; under Windows it would normally have the form someprog.rb, and rely on a file association of the ".rb" extension with Ruby. But for a gem that is meant for both platforms, what is the proper way of handling it?

It turns out that I don't have a problem after all - I can simply use the Unix convention of naming the executable someprog with a shebang* and without an extension and it will work on both Unix-type and Windows platforms. Apparently, the gem installation process results in a "facilitator" script being installed that calls the actual script under both types of OS's.
*Presumably, I don't even need the shebang under Unix, but I like to have it anyway.


Single executable binary of Ruby gem

What options are available to create a single binary that contains my Ruby gem along with a Ruby runtime?
My goal is to be able to share the executable with another developer and they could simply run the executable from their command line passing it required arguments similar to Vagrant.
P.S. The program is intended to be run in a *nix operating systems with Ruby versions >= 2.5.
There's ruby-packer but the repo has been dead for a while. There are forks with Ruby 2.5. It can produce binaries for Linux, Mac, Windows and probably some others.
For linux based systems you could use AppImage (there are some scripts found on google that put a ruby in the image) or maybe Snapcraft.
When you have ruby-packer and the dependencies installed, it's just a matter of rubyc -o binary-name gem-executable-name in the app's directory. Takes about 15 minutes to compile.

Is it possible to run sdl2-config on Windows?

It seems there are several times when running the sdl2-config script bundled with SDL2 would be useful (such as checking which libraries need to be linked to). But it doesn't seem possible to run this script natively on Windows.
I'm using I've been using mingw for all my C compiling needs so far, if that helps. Is there any way I can run this script on Windows?
Yes, sure!
However, that script is just a Bash script, so you need to install Cygwin which has Bash built in. It is not recommended to use the native (Win10) port of the Bash shell, since it is not behaving as expected.
If you don't already have it installed, then the tricky part is how to install SDL2 using Cygwin. IMHO, that should probably be avoided, as it tend to cause a lot of weird problems (for other packages).
However, there is already a Cygwin package if you want to try it.
apt-cyg install mingw64-x86_64-SDL2 libSDL2-devel libSDL2_2.0_0 # etc

UNIX script to run on WINDOWS

I got a couple of questions,
Is there any way to make a UNIX script run under a windows OS without any add-on like CYGWIN?
Is there any way to transform a UNIX script to a windows batch script, so that i can run it in windows cmd ?
I searched for that but i get referred to the UNIX command win2unix or unix2win , the ones that transform a file from/to windows/UNIX format.
Thanks for the help.
I know you don't want an "add on", but if this may help : you can download MobaXterm (or a portable version of it), which will come with many things, including many unix utilities (shell, etc) and lots you can download from their website.
The portable version is the most convenient (and you can carry it on your usb key, for example)
It's quite slower than cygwin/etc (most commands are emulated via some master binary, and many shell "builtins" becomes instead invocations of that binary, for example), but very portable and neat.
Other solutions (converting, etc) probably will also entail a binary of some sort, so I recommand the above, as it's very portable and gives you a kind of "mini unix inside windows"
Another answer for this old question is to install and run light Unix-like emulators. Here are some options:
MinGW -- native Windows port of the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)
MSYS -- command line terminal called mintty, bash, version control systems like git and subversion, tools like tar and awk and even build systems like autotools
GitBash -- BASH emulation used to run Git from the command line. *NIX users should feel right at home
The above list installs micro environments much lighter than a typical Cygwin install. Also, in my experience most Bash scripts run on par with native Linux environments in these environments.
Yet another option is installing a Linux Subsytem like WSL2.
Yet another option is converting Bash to DOS by hand or with partial assistance of something like Bash-to-BAT converter, which isn't very full featured, and the Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide.

Scripting language on Windows and Unix

I need to write a script that handle files. Its aim is to open and copy some sections from the file, in a binary context.
The problem is I need to run it on both Windows and Unix.
Is there a scripting language that can handle both operating systems?
Python runs on both. The Windows version doesn't even need cygwin. If you have cygwin, then you can also use bash script.
You can install a scripting language such as Python or Perl and use it on both systems.
Alternatively, install Cygwin on Windows, which will allow you to run a Bash shell under Windows.
Ruby also runs on both systems just fine and has support for manipulating paths for both worlds. There's a nice installer for Windows and most Linux distros also ship it in their default installation.
I've successfully used Tcl across Unix and Windows; you can find more information here and here.
The command shell "bash", native on Unices, is also available on Windows.

Portable unix-like environment for Windows

I am trying to put together a portable set of files/scripts that will enable me to mimic a unix like environment on Windows.
I do not want to install anything. The setup needs to be able to live on a thumbdrive for example. Currently I am using UnxUtils to provide grep, and more. Im adding these to the Windows PATH environment variable in the current console session by
cd <pathToUnxUtils>
path = %PATH%;%CD%
For Vim (my preferred editor) I am using the "Win32 console executable" ( vim.exe. If I have that in a drive such as \vim\vim73\vim.exe then $VIMRUNTIME is \vim\vim73, which is where my vimrc lives.
I am trying to get some syntax highlighting and indenting going next, which I believe I need to add the appropriate .vim scripts to $VIMRUNTIME\syntax and $VIMRUNTIME\indent
but it does not seem to work.
I am using the console executible instead of something like gVim (which probably does more of what I want "out-of-the-box") because I want to be able to send commands to the same shell using the ! command. gVim does not allow that (correct me if I am wrong)
Lastly, has anyone experienced trouble with "tail" from UnxUtils working on Vista?
I know this probably seems like a stupid way to go about things, but I am really trying to make this work. Id be happy with getting these bits of Unix goodness going on Windows.
Thanks for any help
Check out cygwin portable:
Or this guide on how to make regular cygwin run on portable devices:
The advantage of cygwin over a thin emulation layer like UnxUtils is that it includes a fully working X11 server so you can even run GUI unix apps if you need to (gitk for example, if you're using git)
I've had some troubles with UnxUtils before re currency - they don't seem to be as up to date as the GnuWin32 stuff (for example, TextUtils at 2.1 instead of 5.3).
I've simply downloaded the executables and required libraries for what I've needed (no install needed if you avoid the setup packages, just copy and go).
If you click on the package names on the left of that second link above (not the "Setup" on the right), it allows you to download both the executable plus all dependencies on a single page.
My particular needs for a recent project were met with sed and about four DLL files, no installation, no impinging on the environment or registry. In short, ideal for running from a memory stick or standalone CD.
I must, at some point, put together a CD with the entire suite on it. I used to carry around CygWin but the necessity to install was a pain.
I'm using MobaXterm from Mobatek.
It's not a complete envoirement, but is quite suficcient.
Just download and run!
It have an (ba)sh, with X, sed, grep, awk, rsync, wget, sftp, scp; and some extra plugins (standalone files to put in the same dir) to VIM, EMACS, perl python, Gcc, gdb, mplayer, svn, git, lua graphviz...
It still provides many protocols (RDP, VNC, SSH, telnet, rsh, FTP, SFTP and XDMCP).
Either MSYS or CH will do that, there is a specifically portable VIM at portable apps
Cygwin and MSYS provides all you need. I have used both and I think MSYS runs faster than Cygwin on a Windows machine. Cygwin emulates the UNIX environment whereas MSYS is port of the GNU utils to Windows.
Another option to get portable GNU utils is to install Portable MsysGit. is very popular.
update: oh, never mind - I don't think it can be xcopy deployed.
I've had good luck with running Cygwin on a thumbdrive. I haven't run it on machines where older versions are installed. But I don't expect to have that problem often.
Here is what I did:
