Non interactive samba user creation via ansible - ansible

Although the following command works when typing in in shell
echo -ne "myser\nmypass\n" | smbpasswd -a -s myuser
The following task fails in ansible
- name: add dms samba user
command: echo -ne "myuser\nmypass\n" | smbpasswd -a -s myuser
notify: restart samba
It does not produce any errors, but the user is not created.
Working with ansible on Ubuntu 16.0.4.

As stated, pipes won't work with the command module. I've used something like this in the past to create Samba users:
- name: Configure Samba users.
shell: >
(pdbedit --user={{ item.username }} 2>&1 > /dev/null)
|| (echo '{{ item.password }}'; echo '{{ item.password }}')
| smbpasswd -s -a {{ item.username }}
register: smbpasswd
changed_when: "'Added user' in smbpasswd.stdout"
with_items: "{{ samba_users }}"
label: "{{ item.username }}"
The task will only run if the user does not exist yet. So changing passwords won't work with this example.

Please try this approach with your Ansible Playbook:
- name: set Samba passwords for each user
shell: "printf '{{ item.passwd }}\n{{ item.passwd }}\n' | smbpasswd -a {{ }}"
- "{{ users }}"
tags: smbpasswd
Please note that you will need to map your variables file that includes users: with the format of:
- name: userName
passwd: myClearTextPassword
Please note that to support smbpasswd you will be passing this password as clear text. Additionally, noting this is only a single task that would need to be included in your playbook.

I improved the code from siwyd and Tormod Macleod slightly.
Thanks to both of you!
- name: shell - create samba users
shell: >
set -e -o pipefail
&& (pdbedit --user={{ item.username }} 2>&1 > /dev/null)
|| (echo '{{ item.password }}'; echo '{{ item.password }}')
| smbpasswd -s -a {{ item.username }}
executable: /bin/bash
register: samba_create_users
changed_when: "'Added user' in samba_create_users.stdout"
loop: "{{ samba_users }}"
no_log: true
- name: shell - set samba passwords correctly
shell: >
set -e -o pipefail
&& (smbclient -U {{ item.username }}%{{ item.password }} -L 2>&1 > /dev/null)
|| (echo '{{ item.password }}'; echo '{{ item.password }}')
| smbpasswd {{ item.username }}
executable: /bin/bash
register: samba_verify_users
changed_when: "'New SMB password' in samba_verify_users.stdout"
loop: "{{ samba_users }}"
no_log: true
Added pipefail to satisfy Ansible Lint (
Changed executable to /bin/bash, beacause /bin/sh doesn't know pipefail
Added no_log to prevent password logging if the task fails
Removed loop_control label, since logging is disabled
Used loop instead of with_items

The answer by siwyd above is excellent. I was struggling to figure out how to solve this problem in an idempotent way until I saw this. For my use-case, I'd like to keep the passwords in sync so I've added another play to do this. Might be useful for someone
- name: shell - create samba users
shell: >
(pdbedit --user={{ item.username }} 2>&1 > /dev/null)
|| (echo '{{ item.password }}'; echo '{{ item.password }}')
| smbpasswd -s -a {{ item.username }}
register: create_samba_users
changed_when: "'Added user' in create_samba_users.stdout"
become: true
with_items: "{{ samba_users }}"
label: "{{ item.username }}"
- name: shell - set samba passwords correctly
shell: >
(smbclient -U {{ item.username }}%{{ item.password }} -L 2>&1 > /dev/null)
|| (echo '{{ item.password }}'; echo '{{ item.password }}')
| smbpasswd {{ item.username }}
register: verify_samba_users
changed_when: "'New SMB password' in verify_samba_users.stdout"
become: true
with_items: "{{ samba_users }}"
label: "{{ item.username }}"

the command module does not support pipelining. use the shell module for stuff like this.
command module
shell module

Another variant using dictionary lists:
ad_users: [
{ username: john.doe, password: P4ssw0rd*, givenname: John, surname: Doe, mail: john.doe#domain, ou: "OU=Department,OU=Division" },
{ username: jane.doe, password: P455w0rd*, givenname: Jane, surname: Doe, mail: jane.doe#domain, ou: "OU=Department,OU=Division" },
- name: Add user to AD
command: samba-tool user create {{ item.username }} {{ item.password }} --given-name='{{ item.givenname }}' --surname='{{ item.surname }}' --mail-address={{ item.mail }} --userou='{{ item.ou }}'
loop: "{{ ad_users }}"
Just remember to vault sensitive data.


Masking credentials appeared as part of a pipeline task execution logs in an ansible playbook

I'm trying to find a way to mask the credentials being passed in a command when executing the below tasks in case there is an execution failure,
- name: Define string variables for username and password
temp_user: "{{ user }}"
temp_pass: "{{ password }}"
- name: run-script
command: "{{ abc }} {{ def }}/ghi/jkl.js {{ temp_user }} {{
temp_pass }} {{ mno }} {{ pqr }}"
no_log: true
register: output
become: yes
become_user: root
Firstly, I tried using fact "no_log" but it hides the command in logs and only refers that there is an execution failure without any additional details which is not desired, The required approach is to view the log but with masked credentials so trying the below,
- name: Define string variables for username and password
temp_user: "{{ user }}"
temp_pass: "{{ password }}"
- name: run-script
command: "{{ abc }} {{ def }}/ghi/jkl.js {{ temp_user }} {{
temp_pass }} {{ mno }} {{ pqr }}"
ignore_errors: True
no_log: true
register: output
become: yes
become_user: root
- debug:
msg: "{{ output.stderr | regex_replace(temp_user, '*****') |
regex_replace(temp_pass, '*****') }}"
when: output.stderr != ""
- debug:
msg: "{{ output.stdout | regex_replace(temp_user, '*****') |
regex_replace(temp_pass, '*****') }}"
when: output.stdout != ""
I used the facts "no_log" & "ignore_erros" followed by the "debug" module to hide the command when there is a failure and also view a level of debugging info with replacing credentials with asterisks so that it cannot be exposed but this approach doesn't output the desired level of debugging, Is there a better approach to mask the credentials in logs when there is a failure ?
I've used the below approach and it works,
- name: run-script
command: "{{ abc }} {{ def }}/ghi/jkl.js {{ user }} {{ pass }} {{ mno }} {{
pqr }}"
no_log: true
register: output
become: yes
become_user: root
- name: debug error
msg: "{{ output | replace(rhsso_user, '*****') | replace(rhsso_password,
'*****') }}"
when: output.stderr != ""
- name: debug output
msg: "{{ output | replace(rhsso_user, '*****') | replace(rhsso_password,
'*****') }}"
when: output.stdout != ""

How can I delete a absent user in my ansible smb role

I have created the following ansible role for samba, which works without problems.
The user will be created and the password will be set:
- name: "Include OS-specific variables"
include_vars: "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"
- name: "Ensure Samba-related packages are installed"
- samba
- samba-common
state: present
when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
- name: "Configure smb.conf"
src: etc/samba/smb.conf
dest: /etc/samba/smb.conf
notify: restart_smbd
- name: "Create system user and home directory"
name: "{{ }}"
home: "{{ item.home }}"
system: yes
skeleton: no
shell: /sbin/nologin
group: nogroup
state: present
with_items: "{{ smb.user_details }}"
- name: "Create samba users"
shell: >
set -e -o pipefail
&& (pdbedit --user={{ }} 2>&1 > /dev/null)
|| (echo '{{ item.smbpassword }}'; echo '{{ item.smbpassword }}')
| smbpasswd -s -a {{ }}
executable: /bin/bash
register: samba_create_users
changed_when: "'Added user' in samba_create_users.stdout"
loop: "{{ smb.user_details }}"
- name: "Set samba passwords correctly"
shell: >
set -e -o pipefail
&& (smbclient -U {{ }}%{{ item.smbpassword }} -L 2>&1 > /dev/null)
|| (echo '{{ item.smbpassword }}'; echo '{{ item.smbpassword }}')
| smbpasswd {{ }}
executable: /bin/bash
register: samba_verify_users
changed_when: "'New SMB password' in samba_verify_users.stdout"
loop: "{{ smb.user_details }}"
- name: "Ensure Samba is running and enabled"
name: "{{ samba_daemon }}"
state: started
enabled: true
host vars:
- name: test
home: /backup/test
smbpassword: testtest
When i know want to improve the role, that an absent user is getting deleted, it will not work:
- name: "Configure smb.conf"
src: etc/samba/smb.conf
dest: /etc/samba/smb.conf
notify: restart_smbd
- name: "Create system user and home directory"
become: yes
name: "{{ item.key }}"
state: "{{ item.value.state | default('present') }}"
append: yes
system: yes
skeleton: no
group: nogroup
home: "{{ item.value.home }}"
shell: "{{ | default('/sbin/nologin') }}"
loop: "{{ samba_users | dict2items }}"
when: "'state' not in item.value or item.value.state == 'present'"
- name: "Create samba users"
shell: >
set -e -o pipefail
&& (pdbedit --user={{ item.key }} 2>&1 > /dev/null)
|| (echo '{{ }}'; echo '{{ item.smbpassword }}')
| smbpasswd -s -a {{ item.key }}
executable: /bin/bash
register: samba_create_users
changed_when: "'Added user' in samba_create_users.stdout"
loop: "{{ samba_users }}"
- name: "Set samba passwords correctly"
shell: >
set -e -o pipefail
&& (smbclient -U {{ item.key }}%{{ item.smbpassword }} -L 2>&1 > /dev/null)
|| (echo '{{ item.smbpassword }}'; echo '{{ item.smbpassword }}')
| smbpasswd {{ item.key }}
executable: /bin/bash
register: samba_verify_users
changed_when: "'New SMB password' in samba_verify_users.stdout"
loop: "{{ samba_users }}"
- name: "Remove unwanted users."
become: yes
name: "{{ item.key }}"
state: "{{ item.value.state | default('absent') }}"
remove: true
loop: "{{ samba_users | dict2items }}"
when: "'state' in item.value and item.value.state == 'absent'"
- name: "Ensure Samba is running and enabled"
name: "{{ samba_daemon }}"
state: started
enabled: true
host vars:
state: absent
The following error happens:
msg": "Invalid data passed to 'loop', it requires a list, got this instead: {'test': {'state': 'absent'}}. Hint: If you passed a list/dict of just one element, try adding wantlist=True to your lookup invocation or use q/query instead of lookup."
Is it even possible to do this easily?
The problem is that if the user is absent, the "Create samba users" task should not actually be run through.
I would have to write a second task that deletes the Samba user.
But how can I control that when the user is absent he only uses the new task, e.g. "delete samba users"?

Error with splitting Arguments due to bad quotes Ansible

I am writing a script, which should alter the Users of all Tenants of the Database. When i print the Command and execute it from hand on the Server, it works fine. With the Command Module i get this weird Error:
ERROR! failed at splitting arguments, either an unbalanced jinja2 block or quotes: {{ _hdbclient }} -U BASIS_{{ SID }}_{{ item.item }} -x -a "{{ item.stdout | replace('"', '')}}"
The error appears to be in '/tmp/awx_313202_z7e4l568/project/ansible_labor/scripts/update_users.yml': line 37, column 5, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- name: Execute Querys on Tenants
^ here
I think it has something to do with the Quotes in the Command Module.
This is the Script:
- name: Update all Users in DB
hosts: '*'
become: true
_User: "{{ lookup('env', 'USER') | upper }}_M"
_pattern: ^\"[a-zA-Z0-9]*\"
_tenants: []
_query: select 'alter user ' || user_name || ' IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY AS ''' || user_name ||'#INTERN'';' as todo from users where EXTERNAL_IDENTITY LIKE '%COMPANY.DE';
_hdbclient: "/hana/shared/{{ SID }}/hdbclient/hdbsql -i {{ Instanz }} -n {{ inventory_hostname }}"
- name: "Tenants der DB auslesen"
command: "{{ _hdbclient }} -U BASIS_{{ SID }}_SYSTEMDB -x -a 'SELECT * FROM M_DATABASES'"
register: tenants
- debug:
msg: "{{ tenants }}"
- set_fact:
_tenants: "{{ _tenants + [ item | regex_search(_pattern) | replace('\"', '') ] }}"
with_items: "{{ tenants.stdout_lines }}"
- name: Print extracted Tenants
msg: "{{ _tenants }}"
- name: Create Query on Tenant
command: '{{ _hdbclient }} -U BASIS_{{ SID }}_{{ item }} -x -a "{{ _query }}"'
register: query_tenants
with_items: "{{ _tenants }}"
- name: Print All Queries
msg: "{{ query_tenants.results[1] }}"
- name: Execute Querys on Tenants
command: "{{ _hdbclient }} -U BASIS_{{ SID }}_{{ item.item }} -x -a \"{{ item.stdout | replace('\"', '')}}\" "
with_items: "{{ query_tenants.results }}"
This is an escape issue inside your replace filter. You need to replace double quotes which translates as a string to \". Since that string is itself inside a double quoted string you have to escape the escape => \\\n
So keeping your initial quoting this gives:
command: "{{ _hdbclient }} -U BASIS_{{ SID }}_{{ item.item }} -x -a \"{{ item.stdout | replace('\\\"', '') }}\""
Meanwhile there are a few (non exhaustive list) alternatives you might want to consider:
command: '{{ _hdbclient }} -U BASIS_{{ SID }}_{{ item.item }} -x -a "{{ item.stdout | replace("\"", "") }}"'
command: >-
{{ _hdbclient }} -U BASIS_{{ SID }}_{{ item.item }} -x -a "{{ item.stdout | replace("\"", "") }}"

User password creation in ansible playbook

I want to create a user and set a password for him.
First password line and second one in user module doesnt work. Tried to pass it via hash variable, but no luck :)
If I run
and place value into the password line - it works just fine, still i'd like to use my password variable. Can you kindly show the way how i can send its value into this command?
"password | password_hash('sha512', 'mysecretsalt') }}"
- name: create ssh keys and distribute ssh public key for user
hosts: clients
become: yes
uname : Jim
create_user : False
password : imuser
- name: creating password
hash : "{{ 'password' | password_hash('sha512', 'mysecretsalt') }}"
- debug:
msg : "hashed password is {{ hash }}"
- name: create user if necessary
name: "{{ uname }}"
state: present
password : "password | password_hash('sha512', 'mysecretsalt') }}"
# password : "{{ hash }}"
# password: $6$mysecretsalt$ZfUPIwkf1o9u8P04aJuQCgMfSZoIAeCoZpkbNKKn7LtiI.nQl8UWRIhO.rStaZzM8u0Bja3/9bzgOjagM5whY.
shell : /bin/bash
when: create_user == "True"
- name: get etc/passwd
shell: cat /etc/passwd
register: passwd
- block:
- debug:
var: passwd.stdout
- debug:
var: uname
when: inventory_hostname == "ansible_client1"
- name: create ssh key for user
name: "{{ uname }}"
generate_ssh_key : yes
ssh_key_file : '{{ uname }}_id_rsa'
when: '"uname" in passwd.stdout'
register: create_key
- debug:
var: create_key
And the second question is:
Somehow task "create ssh key for user" is being skipped on ansible_client1 each run after i have deleted the user with userdel and his homedir with rm -rf since it looked weird at first runs of playbook. It works perfectly on 2nd host.
If i check /etc/passwd - user exist for both servers:
[admin#ansible_client1 ~]$ cat /etc/passwd | grep Jim
[admin#ansible_client2 Jim]$ cat /etc/passwd | grep Jim
User is being created each time on ansible_client1 and homedir is there, still task is being skipped and it looks like uname cannot be found in passwd.stdout somehow.
So... what's might be going on here i wonder
in the second task you have "password | password_hash('sha512', 'mysecretsalt') }}" it must be "{{ password | password_hash('sha512', 'mysecretsalt') }}" to use use te var password or "{{ 'password' | password_hash('sha512', 'mysecretsalt') }}" to use the word password as password.

ansible iterate over loop

What is wrong when iterating over a collection in ansible?
When executing ansible-playbook -i "localhost," -c local main.yml the error is
- name: echo kerberos
shell: echo "addprinc -pw {{ item.password }} {{ item.username }}"
^ here
We could be wrong, but this one looks like it might be an issue with
missing quotes. Always quote template expression brackets when they
start a value. For instance:
- {{ foo }}
Should be written as:
- "{{ foo }}"
But for me it looks like I am already correctly following these rules.
Here my minimal example:
- hosts: all
- name: echo kerberos
shell: echo "addprinc -pw {{ item.password }} {{ item.username }}"
with_items: "{{ users }}"
- username: test_user
password: test_user
sn: User
uid: 50001
gid: 100
- username: test_user1
password: test_user
cn: Test User1
sn: User1
uid: 50002
gid: 100
- cn: access1
gid: 100001
- test_user1
You should be careful with padding in YAML:
- hosts: all
- name: echo kerberos
shell: echo "addprinc -pw {{ item.password }} {{ item.username }}"
with_items: "{{ users }}"
shell and with_items are aligned with name.
