Remove header fields generated by http input plugin - elasticsearch

When I use http input plugin, Logstash adds the following fields to Elasticsearch:
How can I remove all these fields starting with headers.?

Since these are all pathed, that means they all are hierarchical under [headers] as far as the logstash configs go. This will probably do wonders for you:
filter {
mutate {
remove_field => [ "headers" ]
Which should drop the [headers][http_accept], [headers][content_type] and so on fields.


Logstash normalise URL from JSON logs

I have logs in new line separated JSON like following
"httpRequest": {
"requestMethod": "GET",
"requestUrl": "/foo/submit?proj=56"
Now I need the url without the dynamic parts in the i.e. 1st resource (someTenant) and the query parameters to be added as a field in elasticsearch ie. the expected normalised url is
"requestUrl": "/{{someTenant}}/submit?{{someParams}}"
I already have the following filter in logstash config but not sure how to do sequence of regex operation on a specific field and add it as a new one.
source => "message"
This way I could aggregate the unique endpoints although the urls are different in logs due to variable path params and query params.
Since this question tagged with grok, i will go ahead and assume you can use grok filters.
use grok filter and create a new field from requestUrl field, you can then use URIPATHPARAM grok pattern to separate various components from requestUrl as follows,
grok {
match => {"requestUrl" => "%{URIPATHPARAM:request_data}"}
this will produce following output,
"request_data": [
Can be tested on Grok Online Debugger

Not able to remove all fields with a prefix in Logstash

I have following fields after I have parsed my JSON in Logstash.
I want to remove all these fields using a filter. I can do it with :
remove_field => "[parsedcontent][userinfo][appId]"
But I have to write field names with same prefix many times and I have many such kind of fields. Is there any filter to remove fields with a prefix easily? Please guide.
You can use wildcards or regex.
filter {
mutate {
remove_field => "[parsedcontent*]"

Modify the content of a field using logstash

I am using logstash to get data from a sql database. There is a field called "code" in which the content has
this structure:
And what I would like to do is to remove the 6 zeros after the letters to get the following result:
I will put the result in another field called "code_short" and use it for my query in elasticsearch. I have configured the input
and the output in logstash but I am not sure how to do it using grok or maybe mutate filter
I have read some examples but I am quite new on this and I am a bit stuck.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
You could use a mutate/gsub filter for this but that will replace the value of the code field:
filter {
mutate {
gsub => [
"code", "000000", "",
Another option is to use a grok filter like this:
filter {
grok {
match => { "code" => "(?<prefix>[a-zA-Z]+)000000%{INT:suffix}" }
add_field => { "code_short" => "%{prefix}%{suffix}"}

ELK Stack - Customize autogenerated field mappings

I've got a very basic ELK stack setup and passing logs to it via syslog. I have used inbuilt grok patterns to split the logs in to fields. But the field mappings are auto-generated by logstash elasticsearch plugin and I am unable to customize them.
For instance, I create a new field by name "dst-geoip" using logstash config file (see below):
geoip {
database => "/usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoLiteCity.dat" ### Change me to location of GeoLiteCity.dat file
source => "dst_ip"
target => "dst_geoip"
fields => [ "ip", "country_code2", "country_name", "latitude", "longitude","location" ]
add_field => [ "coordinates", "%{[dst_geoip][latitude]},%{[geoip][longitude]}" ]
add_field => [ "dst_country", "%{[dst_geoip][country_code2]}"]
add_field => [ "flow_dir", "outbound" ]
I want to assign it the type "geo_point" which I cannot edit from Kibana. Online documents mentions manually updating the mapping on respective index using ElasticSearch APIs. But Logstash generates many indices (one per day). If I update one index, will the mapping stay the same in future indices?
What you're looking for is a "template".

Remove an event field and reference it in Logstash

Using Logstash, I want to index documents into Elasticsearch and specify the type, id etc of the document that needs to be indexed. How can I specify those in my config without keeping useless fields in my documents?
Example: I want to specify the id used for insertion:
input {
stdin {
codec => json {}
output {
elasticsearch { document_id => "%{[id]}" }
This will insert the document in Elasticsearch with the id id but the document will keep a redundant field "id" in the mapping. How can I avoid that?
I thought of adding
filter{ mutate { remove_field => "%{[id]}"} }
in the config, but the field is removed and cannot consequently be used as document_id...
Right now this isn't possible. Logstash 1.5 introduces a #metadata field whose contents aren't included in what's eventually sent to the outputs, so you'd be able to create a [#metadata][id] field and refer to that in your output,
output {
elasticsearch { document_id => "%{[#metadata][id]}" }
without that field polluting the message payload indexed to Elasticsearch. See the #metadata documentation.
