Connect JMS client to Apache Kafka - jms

I have a 3rd party system pumping data into HornetQ using JMS. I need to replace HornetQ by Kafka but I cannot change the 3rd party system. What is the correct way to get the data into kafka.
I googled around and found JMS-Client and kafka connect. After reading both documentation I'm confused and not sure which one is the right one.
Has anyone any experience with this and can give me some hints on how to do this?

The right way is to use the JMS-Client because it's an implementation of the JMS API specification but with the Kafka wire-protocol. It means that you can use this client in your 3rd party system and using Kafka instead of HornetQ on the other side. It means that at least you need to add this dependency to the 3rd party system in order to use this JMS implementation for Kafka instead of the HornetQ one.

Use the Kafka JMS Client when you want to replace a JMS Broker with Apache Kafka
Use the Kafka JMS Connector when you want to integrate Kafka with a legacy JMS broker and send messages between the two different systems.


Is it possible sending websocket messages to a kafka topic?

I am trying to find a way to consume messages that being sent by a websocket to a kafka topic (the messages are sent by the websocket to the address 'ws://address:port/topic_name' and I want to add all of those messages to a kafka topic).
I read about kafka connect and tried to find a way to do it with it but it doesnt seem to work...
thanks in advance :)
There is no Kafka Connector to a socket in Confluent Platform.
I work in a team that use Kafka in production and our source is a socket, so your options are to use platforms that support this socket->Kafka producing, or write one by yourself.
About possible platforms, I think most of them will be overkill though you can utilize them for this problem, some options are:
1. NiFi or MiniFi for smaller loads, use PublishKafka Processor
2. StreamSets with Kafka Producer Destination
3. Apache Flume- not very recommended, this project is stops to evolve.
If you wish to write your own producer, you basically have to create a listener on this port, and produce the incoming messages to Kafka; if this is a web socket, just get the payload of the requests and produce them to Kafka.
Example Kafka Producer Code can be copied from tutorialspoint simple producer example*
Here are some open-source projects examples:
The idea of Kafka connect is that you have some sort of external integration that serves as storage. This can be SAP, Salesforce, RDBMS, MQ or anything else that has state. You websocket endpoint does not have data, you can not poll it it is someone else that is invoking it and there fore the data is transfered. Now if you know who is actualy holding the data than you can potentialy build a conector using this guide.
For your particular case, the best you can do is either to use Kafka Producer API
and from your websocket enpoint use this producer to post a message to the topic, or even better if you are using spring you can use a higher level abstraction, that will be KafkaTemplate
Full disclosure: I work for MigratoryData.
You can check out MigratoryData's solution for Kafka. MigratoryData is a scalable WebSocket server. The MigratoryData Source/Sink Connector for Kafka makes use of Kafka Connect API and can be used to stream data in real-time from Kafka to WebSocket clients and vice versa. The main advantage of the solution is it extends Kafka messaging to WebSocket clients while preserving Kafka's key features like guaranteed delivery, message ordering, etc.

Spring Integration - ActiveMQ to Kafka

I am currently trying to write an adapter which will consume messages from ActiveMQ and publish it to Kafka.
I am thinking of using spring integration to integrate these two messaging systems.
My problem is that my application will not maintain registry of the Models using which many applications will publish the records to activeMQ. I want to receive these javax jms message and want to perform some transformation like adding jmscorrelationId into kafka message.
ALso, another requirement is to send acknowledgement to active mq only when kafka send/publish is successfull.
Can ack be send back to activemq using spring integration?
Will spring integration be a good option?
Kindly note my tech architect is not in favor of using Camel/Mule. Also, he does not want to use Kafka Connect as i was planning to use Kafka connect source.
Please suggest.
The Spring Integration Kafka extension project has a sync mode for publishing, which will block the thread until Kafka confirms delivery (or throw an exception on a failure).
The JMS inbound gateway can be used to return a reply to a JMS queue.
You can add transformers (or whatever) in the flow to modify the message.

Connection between Apache Kafka and JMS

I was wondering could Apache Kafka communicate and send messages to JMS? Can I establish connection between them? For example, I'm using JMS in my system and it should send messages to the other system that uses Kafka
answering bit late, but if I understood correctly the requirement.
If the requirement is synchronous messaging from
client->JMS->Kafka --- > consumer
then following is not the solution, but if its ( and most likely) the async requirement like:
client->JMS | ----> Kafka ---> consumer
then, this would be related to KafkaConnect framework which is solving the problem of how to integrate different sources and sinks with Kafka.
so what you need is a JMSSourceConnector.
Not directly. And the two are incomparable concepts. JMS is a vendor-neutral API specification of a messaging service.
While Kafka may be classified as a messaging service, it is not compatible with the JMS API, and to the best of my knowledge there is no trivial way of adapting JMS to fit Kafka's use cases without making significant compromises.
However, if your needs are simply to move messages between Kafka and a JMS-compliant broker, then this can easily be achieved by either writing a simple relay app that consumes from one and publishes onto another, or use something like Kafka Connect, which has pre-canned sinks for most data sources, including JMS brokers, databases, etc.
If the requirement is the reverse of the previous answer:
Kafka Producer -> Kafka Broker -> JMS Broker -> JMS Consumer
then you would need a KafkaConnect Sink like the following one from Data Mountaineer

Will ActiveMQ be supported in Spring XD as transport in future?

We are using ActiveMQ as our standard messaging platform. XD already supports ActiveMQ as JMS source. Messaging platform as transport helps handle the sink failures by putting the payload in the ERROR queue named after the transport. If it were Redis, the payload goes into a LIST. Queue is better way to process the failed messages using a batch job. Wondering if ActiveMQ will be supported as a transport in future.
I created and put it on the roadmap for a 1.1 M1 release which will be later in the year. Rabbit as the broker supports the same error handling semantics you mention.
has more info on error handling for both Redis and Rabbit.
Rabbit is the preferred message bus to use ATM, we also support redis since it is a way to validate the messagebus abstraction and it is already 'there' since we use it to store analytics.
Thanks for the feedback.

Bridge between ActiveMQ and MSMQ

Let's say there is an ActiveMQ as JMS broker which is fed by a master system based on java.
One of the consumers can work with MSMQ only (and we can do nothing with it)
Question Is there an easy way to forward jms text in jms messages in ActiveMQ topic to some message at MSMQ destination?
Underlying jms message contains the text of an xml file.
Depends a bit on your preferences, but a simple Camel route in ActiveMQ dispatching messages to MSMQ can do this easily - GIVEN you run your AMQ on Windows.
Camel does not really support MSMQ, but you can use some simple java lib to dispatch messages inside a java processor.
