CF Spring boot app failed to start accepting connections - spring

I have developed a Spring boot application connecting to Postgresql instance running on my local.
Now i deployed the application to Cloud foundry local bosh lite installation. I created one user provided service for postgresql and bound it to my application.
The app is working fine till now. Then i wanted to make this application as a service broker. So i again used spring boot cloud foundry service broker.
And implemented my code same as the sample mongodb spring boot service broker.
But now when i am trying to start the application. It is failing with following error.
2017-06-20T17:16:19.82+0530 [DEA/0] OUT Starting app instance (index 0) with guid 65b656e1-fbe4-4a7f-bc34-6c410dbb3a4e
2017-06-20T17:16:23.07+0530 [DEA/0] ERR Instance (index 0) failed to start accepting connections
2017-06-20T17:16:23.09+0530 [API/0] OUT App instance exited with guid 65b656e1-fbe4-4a7f-bc34-6c410dbb3a4e payload: {"cc_partition"=>"default", "droplet"=>"65b656e1-fbe4-4a7f-bc34-6c410dbb3a4e", "version"=>"432ef489-14e3-44d7-bab8-bdd64bc8d9d3", "instance"=>"9bf4bd1c3a8741508a6b33da9ba76400", "index"=>0, "reason"=>"CRASHED", "exit_status"=>127, "exit_description"=>"failed to accept connections within health check timeout", "crash_timestamp"=>1497959183}
2017-06-20T17:16:23.09+0530 [API/0] OUT App instance exited with guid 65b656e1-fbe4-4a7f-bc34-6c410dbb3a4e payload: {"cc_partition"=>"default", "droplet"=>"65b656e1-fbe4-4a7f-bc34-6c410dbb3a4e", "version"=>"432ef489-14e3-44d7-bab8-bdd64bc8d9d3", "instance"=>"9bf4bd1c3a8741508a6b33da9ba76400", "index"=>0, "reason"=>"CRASHED", "exit_status"=>127, "exit_description"=>"failed to accept connections within health check timeout", "crash_timestamp"=>1497959183}
I searched over the net, it seems the error is related to ports and when the port is inaccessible.
but i have not defined any port for my application and i hope CF automatically assigns a port for my application
Best Regards,

I have deleted the application and then deployed again.
It started working.
I know this does not tell the root cause . But may be a spring boot /cloud foundry framework developer can tell the root cause.
There was one point i would like to highlight.
The application is developed as a spring boot cloud foundry service broker Initally when i had deployed the application, it asked an username/password for me . I did not know about this earlier. Might have given wrong usernames and password and then pressed cancel.
After that the application was throwing the above error.
But it has to be noted that a spring boot cloud foundry service broker application already has spring boot authentication built in where password is already generated with username being "user".
Check more details here
I don't know if this was the reason. But a delete and redeploy worked with me.
Best Regards,


Pivotal Cloud Foundry - Deployed Spring Boot App failed to run because of java netsocket(port) permission denied

so, i tried to deploy spring boot app to a PCF Server. When i deployed it, the logs showed that my application was shut down because it failed to open a tomcat server because there is a java.netsocketexception where it says that permission denied. The tomcat server was fine for a moment (it successfully use the port) but the next moment, it was shut down because there is the permission denied netsocketexception.
the port i tried to use is port 443. i tried to look up to several kinds of problems. one of it said that i need to have root access to be able to use port lower than 1000. the problem is, my other apps, which is eureka server run perfectly even when i use port 443.
the configuration, build-pack, and everything is the same. and it is even deployed on a same pcf platform. so, why can this app failed but the other (eureka server) can use the 443 port.
can anyone tell me for the things i need to check to make sure of the problem?
Remove server.port configuration from Spring Boot yml / properties configuration. It will by default expose the service to 443 on PCF

How to check the java application (non spring boot) if it is up or down

I have this requirement that I need to check if the java application (not web app) is running or down via bash script.
It is non springboot application as well. It is just a normal spring application that connects and listen to kafka, get the the object from the topic and call an API.
We thought of to use spring actuator to check the health however it is not a web application.
What is the recommended way to check a non-web and non-springboot application if it is up or down?
Please advise.

Configuration or link required to connect cluster of Pivotal Coud Cache in Spring boot microservices

I am setting up the Spring-boot microservices with the cluster bi-direction Pivotal cloud cache.
I have set up the bi-directional cluster in Pivotal Cloud, I have a list of locators with ports.
I have already some online docs.
But couldn't understand the on which configuration the spring boot app will know to connect.
I am looking for some tutorial or some reference where I can have spring boot app linked up with the PCC(gemfire)
The way you configure a app running in PCF (Pivotal Cloud Foundry) to talk to a PCC (Pivotal Cloud Cache) service instance is by binding the app to that service instance. You can bind it either by running the cf bind command or by adding the service name in the app`s manifest.yml, something like the below
path: build/libs/cloudcache-pizza-store-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
- dev-service-instance
I hope you are using Spring Boot for Apache Geode & Pivotal GemFire (SBDG) in your app, if not I recommend you to use it as it makes connecting to PCC service instance extremely easy. SBDG has the logic to extract credentials, hostname:ports needed to connect to a service instance.
You as a app developer just need to
Create the service instance.
Bind your app to the service instance.
The boilerplate code for configuring credentials, hostnames, ips are handled by SBDG.
When you deploy an application in Cloud Foundry, (or Pivotal Cloud), you need to bind it to one or more services. Service details are then automatically exposed to the app via the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable. In the case of PCC this will include the name and port of the locator. By adding the spring-geode-starter (or spring-gemfire-starter) jar to the application it will automatically process the VCAP_SERVICES value and extract the necessary endpoint information in order to connect to the cluster.
Furthermore, if security is enabled on your PCC instance, you will also need to have created a service key. As with the locator details, the necessary credentials will be exposed via VCAP_SERVICES and the starter jar will automatically process and configure them.

Spring Cloud Config Server + RabbitMQ

I created spring cloud config server and client and they work as expected. I have added #RefreshScope to my client and I am able to see the new properties getting fetched after hitting /refresh endpoint. But I was told that when I deploy it in cloud foundry environment , I must integrate it with RabbitMQ in order for all the instances to receive the refresh message. Is it possible to point me to a link which explains this problem and solution in detail?
Spring Cloud Bus
This is what you need in order to propagate configuration changes to all of your servers via a message broker such as RabbitMQ.
GitHub Project
Follow the instructions in the links above you're good to go.
So I assume your application runs as single instance configuration. In that case, you don't need spring cloud bus based refresh and just hitting the {app}/actuator/refresh would be enough. Only if you scale out your app, we would need such setup with a queue like RabbitMQ or kakfa.

Application on Cloud Foundry

I am using Cloud Foundry and I deployed my Spring boot application on Cloud. I have bound the Mongodb Service with my application. When my application is trying to read the data from mongodb I am seeing below error.
Query failed with error code 13 and error message 'not authorized for query on cfe5cb4d-2ca8-40f3-9f83-0cc8321e8c19.ACCOUNT_DETAILS' on server IP:Port
At the same time when I am connecting to this db with application deployed on my local systems its working fine.
Please help me if I need to modify anything here in Configuration to make the application on Cloud work ?
I think you should check your VCAP_SERVICES, probably locally you are using the connection parameters directly but on Bluemix you have to use VCAP_SERVICES parsing.
Please if possible, copy and paste the code section used to connect to MongoDB.
